Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 119 The real dragon is destroyed, and the world is destroyed

Chapter 119 The real dragon is destroyed, and the world is destroyed

Billions of miles deep in the cave, a huge dragon head stood there, with a pair of eyes as terrifying as a magic lamp, and the eyes revealed a peerless murderous intention.

This is not a dragon!
This is a real dragon!

Dragon horns, dragon beards, dragon scales, and dragon eyes.
The extremely rich true dragon energy made Shi Xuan certain that this was not an ordinary dragon.

There is a big river under the Huaxian Pond. Is there a real dragon hidden under the river?
The true dragon is the first of the ten evil spirits of the ancient immortals and all the spirits of the ancient immortals. The secret method of transforming into a true dragon is found in the cultivation techniques of almost any clan.

This race is extremely powerful and is the legendary fairy spirit.

Throughout the ages, true dragons must be among the most powerful beings.

But he soon frowned. If it was really a real dragon, there would be no record in the original book. A living real dragon would have a great influence.

And if the true dragon from before the Immortal Ancient lived to this day, he would probably be at least the supreme giant among the Immortal Kings. With such an existence, with one look, the entire Zhetian Universe would collapse, so——

This is a dead dragon!
"If there is a god, there must be a hidden treasure. This cave is too ordinary. If it were a living real dragon, the world here would not be like this."

His divine power turned into a rainbow, and with one step, in just a few breaths, Shi Xuan went deep into the river and arrived at the dark cave.

This cave is strange and extraordinary, with a mysterious rune engraved on the cave wall.

This kind of rune is very mysterious and has a faint innate charm.

There is a strange fairy light flowing above the runes, which seems to be hiding the existence of the runes. If Shi Xuan hadn't opened the Chaos Third Eye, he wouldn't have been able to find it.

The runes exuded an extremely ancient aura, vaguely seeming to not belong to this world.

As we advance, the cave expands rapidly.

In other words, it can no longer be called a cave, but should be a small world.

Although this world is buried deep under the river, when you step into it, you realize that it is extremely majestic, with continuous mountains, majestic and majestic.

However, the world here seems to have been soaked in ink, and everything is black. Even the ancient trees that reach the sky are black. Hundreds of sacred mountains stand side by side, creating a majestic atmosphere.

"It's such a pity that such a paradise is so beautiful."

Shi Xuan could feel the grandeur of this world. It was definitely a holy land of immortals that was difficult to find in the entire universe, but now it seemed as if it had been abandoned by the world, filled with endless death energy.

It was as if the world in this area had completely fallen into deathly silence, and even the great avenue had disappeared.

But is this possible?

Will heaven and earth die?
Even the avenue is dead?

You know, the place he walked through alone was no less than the size of the five regions of Beidou.

And this entire small world is probably the size of several star fields.

It stands to reason that such a vast cave heaven paradise is definitely a rare holy land of immortals in the world. The avenue of heaven and earth in it is definitely extremely active, and it is the most suitable treasure land for monks to practice.

But now, the entire cave seems to have been abandoned by heaven and earth. The endless darkness has polluted everything, and even the laws of ten thousand ways have perished.

What kind of powerful existence's death could cause such a situation?
Let a piece of cave heaven and paradise that is almost dozens of times the size of the five Beidou domains become a dead place!
According to his estimation, even if he was found dead on the spot and had a lifetime of resentment, he would not be able to live up to this scene at most, and it might even be less than that.

Staring into the depths of this world, he saw a huge dragon corpse.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the extremely distant past and saw scenes of the past in this world.

That day, a real dragon that was invincible in ancient and modern times suffered an accident and died tragically in this world.

Maybe this real dragon was really too powerful, or maybe the resentment lingered after his death, causing this world to be shrouded in endless resentment after the death of the real dragon, and slowly turned into a dead place.

Without staying for too long, Shi Xuan stood up again and headed deeper into the small world.

Finally, after climbing over a black mountain, he came to a land of nothingness. This area did not seem to be shrouded in death aura, but the aura was very strange.

This is a very open valley, located in the center of this black mountain. There is a lake in the middle, as smooth as a mirror——

There is an ancient tree planted on the edge of the lake, but the ancient tree has long since died, leaving only the dark trunk.

"The breath of eternal green?" Approaching the ancient tree, Shi Xuan gently stroked the dark trunk with his hand, and a familiar breath came over him.

It seems that the Qing Emperor who gave birth to Zihuaxian Pond has also been here.

Shi Xuan walked slowly to the shore of the lake. At this moment, there was a loud roar in the lake, and the sound of waves rose to the sky.

Then, a humanoid creature rushed out of the lake. Its skin was as dark as ink, as if it had been soaked in ink all over its body. Even its eyes were filled with black. It had sharp teeth and claws, just like a zombie. It stretched out a pair of sharp claws to claw at him. Come.

In an instant, three more ancient corpses were seen rushing up, all of them were powerful men above the first level of quasi-emperor.

Moreover, under the surface of the lake, the sound of the iron rope shaking continued, as if some terrible creature was locked at the bottom of the lake, which was very eerie and scary.

He just glanced at the four humanoid creatures indifferently. There was an inexplicable power between heaven and earth suppressing them, and the boiling lake suddenly calmed down.

The endless sound of iron ropes at the bottom of the lake also stopped suddenly. The terrifying holy object at the bottom of the lake seemed to be very unwilling, but in the end it was helpless and fell silent.

"Hey hey hey"

The gloomy sneer came from the mouths of the four immobilized ancient corpses, like the wails of ten-thousand-year-old ghosts, which made people's hearts tremble.

Shi Xuan waved his right hand lightly, and peerless immortal light penetrated the four ancient corpses one after another. Then he saw the miserable laughter that could not help but chill people's hearts, completely dissipated.

The bodies of the four ancient corpses seemed to be like building blocks. As a breeze blew by, the dark bones were scattered on the ground like wood.

Continuing forward, after passing through countless sacred mountains and ancient mountains, Shi Xuan seemed to have arrived at another world.

In front of me, there was still a cliff, but there was a stone dragon lying flat on the ground. The huge dragon head opened its mouth. The mouth of the dragon seemed to be a door. I didn't know where it led. It looked a bit shocking.

The stone dragon is lifelike, as if it can transform into a dragon at any time, and it is filled with overwhelming power, which is shocking.

"This entire passage is wrapped in black runes, it's like a very colorful blood vessel."

As soon as he entered the dragon's mouth, Shi Xuan's eyes glowed with divine light, and he could clearly see the hidden runes on the walls of the dragon's mouth passage.

He recognized this kind of rune, which was the same as the rune hidden in the underground cave of Dajiang. It revealed an aura that did not belong to this era, and was extremely ancient and mysterious.

Walking into the huge dragon's mouth, we came to a wide circular area. The stone wall above our head was like a spherical sky.

The venue was very empty, except for a round bluestone in the middle. Next to the bluestone, a pool of dark red blood was scattered on the ground.

"This is."

The pool of dark red blood exuded an extremely rich fragrance, and there were fragments of the avenue spreading out, but these were not important.

The important thing is that Shi Xuan recognized it,——

True dragon's blood!

Chaos surged in the cave, and the yin and yang qi circulated. The ground stained red with blood was brilliant and had an indescribable charm.

The front gradually became hazy, like a dream, giving people an unreal feeling. The sky and the earth were dry and silent, and the shadow of a huge real dragon was lying between the sky and the earth.

On it, the great road hums softly, ethereal and unpredictable, and will never die.

All kinds of inexplicable visions appear, making people both fascinated and confused.

"hold head high!"

An ancient dragon roar sounded.

This is a great temptation, and the sound of the great road is constantly echoing, as if an immortal ancient dragon has crossed the eternal time and space and descended into this world.


In that puddle of dark red dragon's blood, Shi Xuan sensed an extremely complete law of the great road. This law of the great road seemed to be much more complete than the world that covered the sky that Shi Xuan was familiar with.

There is even a hint of the power of the supreme law permeating it, faintly transcending the realm of humanity.

(End of this chapter)

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