Chapter 125 Even the real dragon was annihilated inside
"What!! How is it possible, the supreme ancient ancestor is no longer here!?"

The one-horned creature changed color. He was born in the Ancient Immortal Era. In a battle with this world countless years ago, he encountered an Immortal True Dragon and was almost wiped out within the True Dragon's body.

Unexpectedly, when I woke up, it would be an eternity later.

It stands to reason that even if this world and the Immortal Realm join forces, the other world will not be defeated.

But why did the aura of that supreme ancient ancestor completely disappear, as if he had already fallen?

Something is terribly wrong.

At this moment, the one-horned creature felt a feeling called fear for the first time.

The ancient ancestor is the supreme immortal king. Even if the heavens collapse, the ancient ancestor should also be immortal.

At the moment when the one-horned creature was in a trance, Emperor Xuan Tian of the current world launched an attack, using his palms and fingers together, with the invincible will of the gods and demons and the killing power of the sky, he moved forward and struck directly at the one-horned creature on its head.


In a hurry, the one-horned creature was careless, and the destructive killing power of Emperor Xuan Tian fell on its one-horned creature.

A shocking collision broke out, and the roar of the avenue made all creatures in the universe feel the powerful fluctuations of this battle.

Although no one can look directly at the battlefield outside the territory, any sentient being in the universe can feel the terror of that level of battle from the roar of the avenue.

Not to mention that billions of miles of galaxies were destroyed and turned into nothingness.

This is not a joke, it can really be done.

Even the aftermath of a battle of this level would be enough to make ordinary emperors and emperors splatter with blood.

Invisible ripples spread, and the vast galaxy at the battle point was affected, and one large domain after another was destroyed and shattered.

The war continued, and the battle between Emperor Xuan Tian and the one-horned creature became even more intense.

The endless divine light illuminates the universe, dazzlingly.

The battlefield is gradually shifting towards chaos outside the boundary.

This is the tacit understanding between Shi Xuan and the one-horned creature.

For the one-horned creature, if he wants to get rid of the suppression of the laws of the universe, chaos outside the world is the only option.

For Shi Xuan, such a terrifying war would most likely cause permanent destruction to the universe. Although he didn't care about the life and death of all sentient beings in the universe, he still didn't want to see the universe go to destruction.

At that time, Emperor Xuan Tian fought with the one-horned creature, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, gods cried and ghosts howled, and all kinds of horrific and strange events happened.

Even across the endless chaos outside, one can still see the strange blood flowers blooming on the edge of the universe, accompanied by streaks of black lightning.

If such a terrifying battle took place not in the outer chaos but in the universe, it would very likely destroy the universe.

"Oh my god, with one blow, can one destroy chaos after another?"

"Throughout the ages, I'm afraid only Emperor Xuantian can achieve the title of Fighting Immortal, right?"

The world was in an uproar.

The current Emperor Xuan Tian fought against an ancient immortal?
Who has seen it, who has experienced it?

All the monks were shocked by the vast momentum and felt their own insignificance.

This impact is really huge!
Across the boundless chaos, the entire universe is trembling.

Shi Xuan's cultivation was great, his body was comparable to an immortal weapon, and he could crush the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers, but in this battle, the current Emperor Xuan Tian also paid a heavy price.

Because this one-horned creature is a supreme being that can compete with an immortal dragon. Even if it is now so disabled that it cannot survive, it may not be much weaker than Shi Xuan.


There was a loud noise, and the most dazzling light and radiance burst out from the body of the one-horned creature, spreading in all directions, sweeping through boundless chaos.

A series of terrifying sounds spread through the chaos into the universe, and the galaxies were destroyed, and the endless star debris became fragments.

The surrounding chaotic energy surged extremely violently, and large cracks in the space emitted a dazzling light.

Dark red mist fills the sky, the horn of the one-horned creature shines, and mysterious runes shine, extremely blazing.

At this moment, Shi Xuan's hair suddenly stood up.


The dazzling single horn shines.

The terrifying runes shone, and the dense cracks on the one-horned creature seemed to continue to expand at this moment.

As his body shook, a trace of strange red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, causing him to stagger a little.

He was almost hit in the head by Shi Xuan's Sky Finger.

The one-horned creature was indifferent, staring at Shi Xuan with its cold eyes, with undisguised murderous intent and ruthlessness.

It was obvious that a more powerful taboo method had been used, which had exceeded the load of his broken body, and it was difficult to suppress the injuries in his body.

At the same time, a strong crisis arose in Shi Xuan's heart, and he couldn't help but stand on end.

Without thinking, he stepped on the Nine Divine Bridge of Heaven and Earth, evolved the supreme secret of time and space, and reversed the chaos of time and space.

Under his feet, fragments of time were flying, and his entire body was disillusioned, disappearing without a trace in the endless chaos, and almost impossible to lock.

"In front of this Netherworld Spear, there is no time and no space. Even the real dragon was annihilated in this powerful killing attack."

The cold words of the one-horned creature sounded, which was terrifying.

It also revealed the final inside story of the battle that took place eons ago——

The real dragon that should have soared up and ascended to the Immortal King was annihilated by its ultimate killing move.


On the horn above the head of the one-horned creature, the immortal runes shone brightly, bursting out with the most brilliant light.

At this moment, it became the only one in the world, extremely gorgeous and eye-catching.

Destroying everything, it annihilated the chaos, space, and time that were blocking it into nothingness, and the world-destroying divine light was dazzling to the extreme.

The dazzling light of the netherworld, with extremely strong murderous intent, condenses the unimaginable power of the immortal law. It will not stop until death, and there is no way to get rid of it.

at this time--

A heavenly sword flew across the sky, and a violent counterattack broke out under the pressure of chaos.

"The Immortal Sword!"

The supreme beings in the restricted area looked at the five-color heavenly sword that suddenly appeared, showing surprise.

This heavenly sword is the weapon of the Immortal Emperor, the first emperor in ancient times. It is very famous. It has been associated with myths and legends since ancient times. The heavenly sword means the way of heaven.

This is the self-confidence of the Immortal Emperor, who regards himself as the best in history and has no rival in the world.

At this moment, the Immortal Heavenly Sword takes action.

Two of the most terrifying lights in time swept across, and the endless chaos trembled.

Nothing can compete with them, and all the glory in the world will lose its color in front of them.

The light of the Immortal Heavenly Sword was so blazing that it turned into a blazing light and struck down together with the beam of netherworld light.

"Is it finally here?"

At this moment, facing the attack between the Immortal Heavenly Sword and Netherworld Light, Shi Xuan showed no signs of surprise. Instead, he seemed to have expected it.

next moment--

On the top of the Immortal Mountain, under the tea tree of Enlightenment.

"Array in the north, Xuanwu obeys orders!"

In an instant, an ancient stele spanned endless time and space and appeared directly in Shi Xuan's right hand.

"Array in the south, Blood Phoenix listens to orders!"

A great halberd emerged from the Immortal Mountain and was held in Shi Xuan's hand.

"Array in the east, Zilong listens to orders!"

The Wanlong armor floated in the air, covering Shi Xuan's body piece by piece.

"Array in the west, Qilin obeys the order!" A huge Qilin stepped out of the sky, carrying Shi Xuan and facing the Immortal Heavenly Sword and the beam of netherworld light.

This battle was so terrifying that even the peerless God Emperor was a little shocked.

The Blood Phoenix-Xuan Emperor Halberd in Shi Xuan's hand flew across the sky, directly flying the Immortal Heavenly Sword. Immediately, the Xuanwu-Cangtian Monument in his right hand evolved into a vast realm of gods and demons, which could suppress the eternal, and ushered in the light of the netherworld.

But it was only able to block it for a moment. In an instant, the beam of netherworld light broke through the obstruction, shattering everything and killing it.

The Three Thousand Avenues of Order Divine Chain could not be stopped, and it was broken after a few breaths. Shi Xuan's body of the Heavenly Emperor was directly torn apart by the beam of netherworld light, dripping with blood.

And the fierce and dazzling light of the underworld still has no intention of stopping, and wants to kill Shi Xuan again, completely wiping out Shi Xuan's vitality.

The boundless light dazzled the eyes, and Shi Xuan's physical body was reorganized.

The Supreme Emperor Xuantian's Dharma Body is blazing, and there are faintly burning immortal flames. Shi Xuan wears ten thousand dragon armor, and his whole body is extremely blazing, turning into a vast divine sun.

The power of the laws of the three thousand avenues surrendered and gathered on their own, making his combat power increase violently and vastly.

The immeasurable divine chain of Taoism is extremely eye-catching.

The monstrous divine power strikes out, destroying everything, billions of miles of chaos are shattering, and the ages seem to be shaken.

Shi Xuan casually flew away the Immortal Sword that came flying again. He used the halberd and the stele at the same time and slashed directly at the beam of netherworld light.

The seemingly indestructible light of the underworld was defeated abruptly.

The one-horned creature was frightened and frightened by how terrifying Shi Xuan was at this moment.

Even though it has absolutely no fighting power now, the taboo blow it unleashed after exhausting all its resources is not something that a little insect in the human realm can take, right?

You must know that in that battle eons ago, even the Immortal True Dragon was annihilated by its taboo method.

It admitted that this little bug was amazing and not much weaker than a real dragon, but after all, it was just an ant in the human realm.

Even if they gathered four other even humbler bugs, they shouldn't have such terrifying combat power.

Even though this amazing little bug has indeed suffered a heavy blow now, it finally received its forbidden blow!
This is extremely scary.

It can be sure that even if the true dragon from eons ago was in the realm of humanity, it would be impossible for him to receive its forbidden blow.

However, this stunning little bug took it.

At this moment, facing the gray and chaotic third eye of this little insect, it felt afraid.

An emotion called fear gradually took root in its body.

"If you don't die, get out!"

"This emperor will kill the immortal and destroy the phoenix today!"

The majestic and majestic sound of heaven reverberates through the chaos, like a sound that shakes the past, present and future.

The current Xuantian Emperor has the Xuanwu-Cangtian Monument in his right hand and the Blood Phoenix-Xuandi Halberd in his left hand. He is wearing ten thousand dragon armor and has a unicorn beast at his feet. He is like a god and a demon, with radiant light all over his body and the laws and order of the three thousand avenues.

He was like a supreme immortal king who looked down upon him for eternity, looking coldly at a corner of the universe, with gray-white blood constantly flowing from the corner of his mouth.

As for the one-horned creature in another place, it seemed that he no longer paid attention to it at this moment.

If it had been before, this one-horned creature would have been absolutely furious and wanted to tear this little bug to pieces for daring to despise it.

But now, it seemed as if it couldn't feel Shi Xuan's contempt, standing in the chaos, not knowing what it was thinking.

The next moment, from an unknown corner of the universe——

He stretched out a crystal jade hand, which was more beautiful than a woman's hand.

The slender crystal jade hand held a five-color heavenly sword, which split the universe and tore apart chaos with one blow.

There is a huge rift in the universe that will not heal for a long time.

Shi Xuan stood in the depths of chaos, his cold eyes penetrated the chaos, crossed the endless void of the universe, and saw a man standing on the other side, a man more beautiful than all the women in the world.

"You won't be able to return home until you die!"

He swung the Blood Phoenix-Xuan Emperor Halberd like a big stick, and struck the Immortal Emperor who walked out from somewhere in the universe across countless star fields!

The Immortal Emperor quickly snorted coldly. He woke up and slashed out with the Immortal Heavenly Sword in his hand!

The current Xuantian Emperor fights against the ancient Immortal Emperor!
boom! !

Shocking big collision!

The Blood Phoenix-Xuan Emperor Halberd shattered the Immortal Heavenly Sword.

The Immortal Emperor pretended to be a Taoist. He was extremely young. He snorted coldly at this moment, reached down a snow-white jade hand from the sky, and a flying fairy waterfall in his hand greeted him.

In the chaos, a peak collision broke out, sweeping through the Eight Desolations and Liuhe.

The whole world was shocked.

Even the Forbidden Zone Supreme and others are incredible.

"That image is that of the Immortal Emperor enshrined by the Taikoo Clan. He is really not dead yet. He is actually living in this era and wants to attack Xuantian Emperor."

In the starry sky of the universe, Gai Jiuyou was so shocked that it was difficult to understand.

No one expected that when Emperor Xuantian defied heaven and conquered an ancient immortal, the Immortal Emperor would actually be born. This was beyond their expectations and was a major event in the universe.

The first god of the ancient times, the man who created the ancient times.

Why does he show up?
There was no warning.

The Immortal Emperor is a figure who is not inferior to the mythical emperor, the peerless god emperor, and the beginningless emperor.

It is the supreme god worshiped by all races in the ancient times.

The reigning supreme Emperor Xuan Tian and the Ancient Emperor Immortal Emperor set off a world-shaking war.

If it were before, many people were not optimistic about the Immortal Emperor.

Because Emperor Xuantian is really too powerful, even the mythical emperors are not as powerful as him.

What's more, Emperor Xuantian, who possesses the power of the Four Spirit Ancient Emperors, has terrifying combat power that exceeds everyone's imagination.

But now Emperor Xuantian first fought with an ancient immortal and was severely injured by his taboo methods. Now he is facing the most ancient god, the Immortal Emperor, and the ancient immortal will take action again at any time.

Under such circumstances, no matter how much confidence he had in Emperor Xuantian, he seemed to have seen the moment when the supreme Emperor Xuantian was defeated.

The supreme beings in the major restricted areas are also paying their utmost attention to the progress of this battle.

It is very likely that this time the huge shadow that has been covering the hearts of himself and others will completely fade away.

It is even possible that Emperor Xuantian, the Ancient Immortal, and the Immortal Emperor would fight to the death and lose both sides, and in the end they would gain an advantage.

At the same time, many supreme beings are starting to become wary.

They all raised their spirits and wanted to take action at the most critical node to seize this unprecedented supreme creation.

Emperor Xuantian, the Immortal Emperor, and an ancient immortal, even if they just drank a little soup, it was enough to make these supreme beings ecstatic.

And if one can obtain one of the creations, it is very likely that the path to immortality will be possible.

At this moment, the ancient immortal also took action.

It seemed to have put down all its pride and besieged Emperor Xuantian together with the Immortal Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor remained silent as the Heavenly Sword intertwined with the Feixian Waterfall and turned into the most brilliant attack, heading towards Emperor Xuantian.

The Immortal Heavenly Sword was once again directly thrown away by Shi Xuan, and the Blood Phoenix-Xuan Emperor Halberd fell down.

Finally, with a click, this ever-famous heavenly sword shattered into pieces in the void.

The Feixian Waterfall in the Immortal Emperor's right hand was flying across the sky, but Shi Xuan's ancient tablet hit him and made him retreat continuously. The huge blood hole in his chest was very scary.

But after finishing this, Shi Xuan no longer continued to kill the Immortal Emperor. Instead, he wore the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, merged with the Qilin beast at his feet, and violently charged towards a direction in the chaos.


Under the violent impact of Shi Xuan, the flesh and blood on the one-horned creature exploded, and horrific wounds appeared.

This time, the black armor on its body began to fall off, revealing its fleshy body that was densely covered with cracks.

Obviously, in order to display that taboo method before, it paid a high price and even damaged its origin.

(End of this chapter)

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