Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 131 What is chaos in ancient times?Fellow travelers; the Qing Emperor is coming!

Chapter 131 What is chaos in ancient times?Fellow travelers; the Qing Emperor is coming!


Three thousand avenues surged, and countless essences of heaven and earth, stars, and chaos surged.

At this moment, Three Thousand Dao is surrendering.

Shi Xuan used his magical power to create the Heavenly Heart Seal, the highest divine object in the universe, and smashed down the chaos.

Shi Xuan, who is standing in the tenth realm of stepping on the sky - the heavenly state of mind, is more than hundreds or thousands of times stronger?
In the state of heaven's mind, replace heaven's mind with your own mind, and my will is heaven's will.

He didn't know if he was an immortal, but time had stopped for him.

According to ordinary people, his body functions have completely stopped. He will be this old after 1 years, and he will still be this old after 2 years, or even millions or tens of millions of years later.

At the same time, he controlled chaos, reopened the world, and the universe expanded dozens of times——

In the future, the two supreme beings will fight to the edge of the universe, and they may not be able to destroy all the great avenues.

With a "boom", huge fragments of chaos fell into the universe, turning into endless essence, into the newborn stars, sun and moon, and into the world's most precious mineral veins and fairy mountains.

Many stars have returned to their positions, trying to maintain their original pattern.

But there are still huge changes in the entire universe. After all, the entire universe has expanded dozens of times, and some new territories have been born.

A supreme figure holds the Sansheng Pond in his right hand, surrounded by the Cangtian Monument and the Xuandi Halberd. The origins of the three thousand avenues are gathering in his left palm, and there seems to be a faint imprint of Tianxin being nurtured.

Xuantian Emperor!
It can be expected that from now on, these three words, Xuantian Emperor, will reach a height that all enlightened people in the past, present and future cannot reach.

At this moment, the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor also jumped out of the Immortal Mountain and stood guard on all sides of Emperor Xuantian.

"Emperor Xuantian, fellow Taoist, you are really amazing! Unprecedented in all generations, congratulations to Emperor Xuantian, fellow Taoist, for achieving the status of immortal immortal."

The God Emperor also came. Having witnessed the previous scene with his own eyes, he could only sigh lightly and sincerely admire the Emperor Xuan Tian at this moment.

Compared with him, the so-called legendary geniuses and mythical monsters in the world are like grains of rice and the bright moon.

But compared to this Emperor Xuantian, he became the light of a grain of rice. This Emperor Xuantian was like the bright moon, high above.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven for attaining the status of Immortal Immortal."

The Four Spirits Ancient Emperor bowed and saluted, and shouted in unison.

The supreme beings in the restricted area no longer remained silent. They all appeared incarnate with their spiritual thoughts, offering their possessions and treasures to see the only living immortal in the past, present and future.

Of course, it would be even better if he could get the chance to become an immortal in the hands of Emperor Xuantian.

"No, my lifespan is still limited now. My lifespan is still 12 years, but"

Shi Xuan's words made everyone stay on the spot. Who knew the next second, they would hear again——

"Today is 12 years. In ten thousand years it will still be 12 years. In 10 years it will still be 12 years. Maybe it will become more in the future, but the lifespan is already over. Concentration, the years have stopped on me."

Shi Xuan spoke.

The Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, God Emperor and many restricted area supremes were stunned for a moment, and then nodded lightly. They understood what Emperor Xuan Tian meant.

"Is this immortality? It turns out that immortals do not live forever, but that time no longer comes. For immortals, it makes no difference whether there is one year left or 1 years left."

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, another hundred years passed. The entire universe became prosperous, and geniuses emerged, with the number ten times or even a hundred times the original number.

And many people have discovered that there are more and more immortal substances in the world, and the lifespan is gradually increasing.

Originally, the great sage could live for seven thousand years, but now he can live to eight or even nine thousand years without all kinds of rare life-extending treasures.

As long as you don't get killed midway.

"Praise to the supreme Emperor Xuan Tian!"

"Emperor Xuantian will be immortal for tens of thousands of years, shining with the universe, and will never be destroyed."


Countless living beings in this world are amazed. Almost every living being in the vast universe is worshiping Emperor Xuan Tian. The power of faith is like the sea, flowing endlessly.

In the secular world, temples are built in every country, and ordinary people come to offer incense, pray for more children, more blessings, and more wealth.

Even when Emperor Zun established the Heavenly Palace and ruled the universe, there were many shortcomings.

As a transfer station for the power of faith, each of the Xuandi Towers is washed away by the endless power of faith, and is full of brilliance, with an eternal meaning born on it.

Countless powers of worldly faith were gathered from the Xuandi Towers all over the universe, and fell into the magnificent ancient palace deep in the Immortal Mountain. They evolved into a vast sea of ​​faith and were carried by the Sansheng Pond.

Over the years, under the baptism of boundless faith, unfortunately, I don’t know whether it has reached a bottleneck. After carrying the power of faith of almost countless sentient beings in the universe——

Shi Xuan found that the effect of holding the Sansheng Pond in his hand to enlighten him was still the same as before, without any change.

However, a hundred years have passed, and the power of Sanshengchi has risen to a higher level again, faintly surpassing the Cangtian Monument and Xuandi Halberd that he worked so hard for.

In the ups and downs, the supreme fairy light lingers faintly, and in the rotation, the sound of the great heaven and earth echoes through the past, present and future.

It has obviously transformed successfully and entered the ranks of supreme immortal weapons. In terms of power alone, it is no worse than the Cangtian Monument and the Xuan Emperor Halberd.

At this point, the three important weapons of the current Xuan Tian Emperor have also shown their due style.

The instrument of enlightenment - Sanshengchi.

The instrument that carries the Tao - the Cangtian Monument.

The weapon that protects the Dao - Emperor Xuan's Halberd.

On the top of the Immortal Mountain, under the tea tree of Enlightenment.

As waves of supreme and mysterious sounds fell, the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor and God Emperor were reluctant to wake up.

You must know that this is the sermon of a living immortal, and it is the dream of many supreme beings.

Yes, there were true immortals in ancient times, and today's Emperor Xuantian is a well-deserved immortal.

At the same time, their hearts were also shocked by the tyranny of Shi Xuan's method of becoming an immortal——

My own heart replaces Heaven’s heart, and my will is Heaven’s will.

Rule the three thousand avenues and become the eternal free immortal.

No wonder Shi Xuan was able to use a magical power to create the divine object of the universe, the Tianxin Seal, and achieve the famous scene in the palm of the Tianxin Seal.

"Fellow Taoist Emperor Xuantian has realized the path of heaven and immortality. Are you going to follow in the footsteps of Emperor Xuantian?"

The God Emperor sighed.

If in this world, apart from becoming an immortal, there is anything worth pursuing for people like them——

There is only the chaotic ancient era that was buried in the long river of time and the Huang Tian Emperor who has been praised for eternity.

No one knows the origin and strength of Emperor Huangtian. Just like in that chaotic ancient era, he only left a name to future generations and nothing else.

"It seems that fellow Taoist Emperor Emperor knows a lot of secrets."

Shi Xuan was not surprised either. The God-Emperor was at the forefront of many emperors and emperors in cultivation, and it was normal for him to know some unknown secrets.

"I just accidentally found some of the past in the chaotic ancient times. The only thing that is certain is that those turbulent years led to the collapse of the world, the loss of civilization, and changes in the fairyland."

The God Emperor sighed:
"I have seen a corner, and it is already very dark and cruel. You can imagine how powerless you must have been during those years. Even a strong man like Emperor Huang Tian could only be buried. "

"Is it really that dark and cruel?"

The Ancient Emperor Qilin was shocked and uncertain. No matter from the mouths of the God Emperor or Emperor Xuantian, they could only come to one conclusion——

The Ancient Era was a desperate era, and even the supreme immortal could only be buried.

Fortunately, there are only six people here, including the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, the God Emperor, and the Xuantian Emperor. Otherwise, if the news spread, I don’t know how much trouble it would cause. "Yes, even with such darkness and cruelty, the Supreme and True Immortals are like ants, and the Immortal King can only drift with the tide, unable to control his own life."

Shi Xuan spoke slowly and pointedly.

As soon as Shi Xuan's words came out, it was like thunder exploding in the hearts of the God Emperor and the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor.

The Supreme True Immortal is like an ant, and the Immortal King can only follow the crowd?

Although they don't know what the Immortal King is?

But just from the name, you can guess that the King of Immortals is definitely the supreme being!
"Luangu, what is chaos in the ancient times? Because of the eternal turmoil, that era was hit by the collapse of the sky, and everything was buried in the years."

"The human world in the chaotic ancient times was much vaster than it is now, but it was all covered up by the chaos outside the world. There may be records of the chaotic ancient times, including extraordinary opportunities for immortality."

"The human world in the chaotic ancient times was vaster than it is now?"

The Four Spirit Ancient Emperors were all shocked, but this did not make sense. If this was true, it would mean that the world today was incomplete.

Then the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in this world should be incomplete, but the Tianxin Seal cannot be faked. It is indeed complete and not incomplete at all.

The God Emperor nodded in agreement with Shi Xuan's words and said:

"I once excavated a ruins from the chaotic ancient era in the chaos. There were creatures from the chaotic ancient era inside, but they died long ago. Those chaos are not chaos, but the former human world was destroyed and flooded there. ”

"Although there may be opportunities to become immortals or methods of immortality hidden in the chaos, there are also many dangers in it. There are many dangers in the depths of the chaos that can kill the Supreme Being. Therefore, I only explored part of it back then."

The slightly regretful voice of the God Emperor sounded from the silent top of the Immortal Mountain.

The Four Spirit Ancient Emperors were all touched. When they followed Emperor Xuan Tian that day, they left some bold words——

We must follow Emperor Xuantian's left and right, and follow in the footsteps of Emperor Xuantian.

Now that Emperor Xuantian has obtained the Supreme Immortal Dao Fruit, they are still standing still.

"There must be a great opportunity in the chaos. You can investigate in depth."

Shi Xuan stood up and left, leaving only a faint voice in the ears of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor.

"We obey the order of the Emperor!"

Immediately, four rays of fairy light flew out from the depths of the Immortal Mountain and fell into the eyebrows of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor. In an instant——

One after another, the mysterious and supreme Taoist sounds sounded in the mind of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor.

"Thank you to the Emperor for spreading the Dharma!"

The Ancient Emperor Si Ling was greatly shocked, and he hurriedly bowed in the direction where Shi Xuan disappeared.

Immediately, he hurriedly sat cross-legged under the Enlightenment tea tree, closed his eyes and studied the various mysteries left by Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan still cared a little about the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor.

Shi Xuan has now ascended to the tenth realm of Heavenly Mind, and has attained the immortality of Heavenly Dao.

Nothing in this world is secret in his eyes.

What Shi Xuan passed on to the third of the four ancient emperors, including Xuehuang, Xuanwu, and Qilin, was not only a few true surprises about the state of mind in the tenth realm of Heaven--

In fact, it is more about the transformation methods of the three immortal spirits such as True Phoenix, Xuanwu, and Qilin that he hypothesized based on the True Dragon Tao Yun contained in his current Chaos Holy True Dragon body.

Although he has never seen it, with his vision now that he is in the realm of immortals, and with some of the true meaning of real dragons, if he can transform successfully, he will definitely not be much weaker than the three immortals in the same realm.

As for the Wanlong Emperor, it was easier. He directly threw some of the transformation methods of immortal dragons in his memory into his mind.

For the four of them, Shi Xuan could only do so much.

Where and how far they can go in the future can only be seen by themselves.

After all, Shi Xuan was not a professional nanny and had no habit of helping others walk.

By the way, there was also a little help, which was to tell Ancient Emperor Si Ling the location of the starry sky altar he had left behind after his previous transformation.

Although most of the arrangements have been consumed by him long ago, he also took away five immortal medicines and one demigod medicine.

But the remaining Taoism of that starry sky altar was also of great benefit to the Ancient Emperor Four Spirits.

By reaching this point, Shi Xuan has done his best to be benevolent and righteous.

As for the Ancient Emperor Si Ling, he had already regarded himself as a vassal of Emperor Xuan Tian in these years.

Therefore, at this moment, except for practicing harder in the hope of not being left too far behind and being able to help Emperor Xuantian in the great changes in later generations, he did not think about anything else.

In response, the God Emperor just smiled and had no feeling in his heart. Not to mention that Emperor Xuantian had already been very kind to him.

Moreover, he already had a clear direction in his mind for his future path. Change No. 11 had also reached a critical moment, and Emperor Xuantian's method also served as a reference.

As the old saying goes, those who learn from me will live, and those who resemble me will die!

Therefore, he has great ambitions in his heart and wants to find his way to immortality on his own, rather than relying on others.

But there is one thing to say: Emperor Xuan Tian's state of mind is really overbearing.

Breaking through the boundaries between heaven and man, replacing the heart of heaven with my own heart, my will is the will of heaven.

Once you take this path, you will definitely be extremely powerful.

Especially not long ago, Emperor Xuantian transformed the universe's supreme divine object Tianxin Seal with one magical power, and immediately fell into chaos, creating a domineering gesture that created the world——

It has already been explained how terrifying it is to be in a state of mind that reaches the heavens.

It is a pity that the method created by Emperor Xuan Tian is as difficult as ever. If you are not a peerless monster, don't expect to succeed.

The qualifications of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor in front of him were slightly inferior to those of the God Emperor.

If there is no great opportunity, there is a high probability that it will be difficult to follow this path.

There have been so many emperors and emperors throughout the ages, but apart from the Emperor and my God Emperor, there are few who can penetrate this so-called heavenly state of mind like Emperor Xuantian.

Therefore, at this moment, the God Emperor could not help but feel a trace of regret in his heart.

It is very likely that since Emperor Xuan Tian, ​​this extremely domineering Tianxin state will most likely become his last song.

But this is normal. Unparalleled geniuses like him, the God Emperor and Emperor Xuantian, should be lonely.

If others can easily walk the same path and stand shoulder to shoulder with them, then why should they bear the name of eternal genius?
At this point, he, the God Emperor, and Emperor Xuantian were on the same page.

Whether it's his No. 11 transformation or Emperor Xuan Tian's state of mind, except for people like them, others can only stay away!
It was precisely because he could feel that Emperor Xuantian, who was sitting in the Immortal Mountain, was on the same journey as him——

Therefore, even though Emperor Xuantian forcibly broke open the nine-layered coffin of the god, invited him out, and forcibly asked for his method of transformation, he also gave:
Thousands of years ago, he did not hesitate to take out the pool of ten-color fairy liquid to help him heal his injuries.
Because it is very difficult for people like them to find a fellow traveler.

Each one of these, if it were anyone else, he wouldn't mind letting them know why he was called the God Emperor, but no one dared to refute it.

Emperor Xuantian, who was sitting in the Immortal Mountain, also understood this truth, so even though the Emperor was always unclear about whether we were the enemy or not, he still handed over the horn that contained the true meaning of another immortality to the Emperor;
And after successfully entering the Tongtian state of mind, he did not hide his secrets and directly put some of the true meaning of the heavenly state of mind in front of the God Emperor.

People like them can only follow their own path and practice their own Dharma, and everything else can only be used as a reference.

But on this day, a figure in green jumped out from somewhere underground in the Eastern Wasteland and climbed onto the Immortal Mountain.

At the same moment, in the magnificent ancient palace deep in the Immortal Mountain, Shi Xuan, who was holding the Sansheng Pond, and the God Emperor, who was sitting cross-legged under the enlightenment tea tree, immediately opened their slightly closed eyes——

He looked at the figure that appeared in the Immortal Mountain.

Based on the unique Taoist aura exuding from the other person's body, the God Emperor recognized the person even if it was the first time he saw him.

As for Shi Xuan, including the murderous thought he saw at the Immortal Transformation Pond in the Qinling Mountains of Zhongzhou, this should be the second time the two met.

Qing Emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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