Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 133: The green lotus withers away, and the great times will emerge

Chapter 133: The green lotus withers, and the great times emerge (three in one chapter, Jie Jie)

This battle, which was enough to shock the ages, ended simply and unexpectedly.

During the whole process, Emperor Xuan Tian and Emperor Qing made one move. Even Emperor Xuan Tian couldn't count it as one move, just waved his palm casually.

Everyone is extremely sure of this.

Because compared to not long ago, when Emperor Xuan Tian used his magical power to create the Heavenly Heart Seal, the supreme divine object in the universe, and immediately fell into chaos with his palm, creating the world with his domineering gesture, the previous palm was nothing more than childish.

This battle ended like this.

But no one knows whether Qing Emperor is alive or dead.

Just because the power of Qing Emperor and Xuan Tian Emperor's blow was too terrifying, shattering everyone's perception.

Even standing on the top of the Immortal Mountain, the God-Emperor under the enlightenment tea tree could still only vaguely feel that at the last moment, the desolate tower turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the sky.

At this moment, Emperor Xuan Tian stood quietly, and the last scene from before appeared in his mind.

Originally, under his palm, Qingdi was almost dead, even if he didn't try his best.

But at the last moment, a strange force emitted from the desolate tower, which shattered the blockade of the Three Thousand Avenues in Shi Xuan's left palm, and the Qing Emperor with the great disability disappeared.

"is it him"

He also knew something about the origin of Qing Emperor.

The main body is an elixir, Chaos Green Lotus, which had a trace of karma with the Emperor of Desolate Heaven eons ago. Only in this way can he become the only elixir that can cut off the past and transform into a demon clan in the era of covering the sky in later generations. Wan Qing, who became emperor in the ancient times after realizing the truth.

He even took control of the Huangta, an immortal weapon that was closely related to Emperor Huangtian.

Therefore, Shi Xuan guessed that the strange power probably came from the Emperor Huang Tian.

But the next moment Shi Xuan forgot about Qing Emperor.

He didn't care about Qing Emperor's life or death. He would kill him if he could. If he couldn't kill him, he wouldn't force him, so he let him go.

The remaining leaves of the green lotus withered, fell, and lost their luster.

The world has been boiling for nearly a hundred years. It is rumored that the Qing Emperor, who had already passed away, reappeared in the world thousands of years later, and even climbed to the Mountain of the Immortal, intending to use his own body to question the only immortal of heaven in the world - who sits on the Mountain of the Immortal. Emperor Xuantian.

This really shocked the entire universe and left endless legends.

The maple leaves turn red year after year, late autumn comes and goes, and the years keep passing by.
Another hundred years passed.

Since hundreds of years ago, when Emperor Xuan Tian of the world attained the immortal realm, he fell into chaos and created the world, the area of ​​the entire universe has increased dozens of times.

The essence of heaven and earth revived, and a golden age completely emerged.

One after another extremely powerful quasi-emperors appeared, overwhelming the entire universe.

This life is extremely glorious, but still no one has become enlightened!
Just because on the great road of heaven and earth, there are four independent ancient emperors who hold the destiny of a lifetime.

This is a desperate avenue of oppression.

Many people are sighing in their hearts, unless there is another powerful person like the Xuantian Emperor of the current world, who can break through all suppressions and attain enlightenment with invincible power, otherwise everything will be lies.

But everyone understands that a supreme existence like the current Xuan Tian Emperor will probably never appear again in the past, present, and future.

Therefore, even though this is the only golden age in eternity, the hearts of every genius are covered by a thick haze.

Today, although the "Seven Warring Heroes" who once oppressed the entire universe are still strong, they have been defeated by Huo Linzi, Huo Lin'er, Huang Xudao, Long Xiner, and Shencan Taoist (born because of the God Emperor). People keep a distance.

Even if he uses the ultimate skill - Seven Swords Combined, he can barely fight against anyone.

As for Xiang Yufei, the first disciple of the Heavenly Emperor who once stood shoulder to shoulder with the "Seven Heroes of War", he has never made any progress since his cultivation reached the peak of the Great Sage 900 years ago.

In fact, in the past 900 years, no one has thought of challenging Xiang Yufei, just because his aura as the first disciple of Emperor Xuantian is too dazzling.

It's a pity that almost no one can find any trace of him. It's like a whole person disappeared into the universe.


The mountains stand tall and majestic.

Huo Linzi stands alone on the top of the bluestone cliff, swallowing the essence of heaven and earth.

His whole body was steaming with blood, and Dao marks intertwined and filled the void. A silver waterfall traversed the sky and earth, rumbling, and filled the sky with water vapor.

The divine power in Huo Linzi's body was running smoothly, and the Tao was surging. Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and a brilliant light suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, and a vast fighting spirit emerged, as if it was about to destroy the void.


A soft sigh sounded, and Huo Linzi's eyes shot into the void a million miles away, looking at the beautiful figure who had grown up with him.

After careful planning, one thousand and five hundred years have passed since he was born, and now he is already the most powerful man standing in the eighth level of the Quasi-Emperor.

But my sister is still at the pinnacle of the Great Sage, training hard to break through to the realm of quasi-emperor.

In other words, it is an effort to unify the five secret realms of the human body with the first four realms of the new law, open the nine-level divine bridge of heaven and earth, and step into the fifth realm of the new law and step into the heaven realm.

The difficulty of this road is no less difficult than that of enlightenment, so 900 years ago when he stood at the pinnacle of the Great Sage and practiced hard for a hundred years but still couldn't find the method, he gave up.

Instead, he transformed the first four realms of the new method into the five secret realms of the human body, breaking through the quasi-emperor.

In fact, not only him, but also Long Xiner, Huangxudao, Shencan Taoist, etc., also gave up the new method, specialized in the secret realm method, successfully broke through the quasi-emperor realm, and are now standing in the seventh or eighth level of the quasi-emperor. Enlightenment is not far away.

Except for Xiang Yufei, who carries the aura of being the first disciple of Emperor Xuantian, and his happy-go-lucky sister, they have not given up even after 900 years.

Xiang Yufei carries the aura of being the chief disciple of the Emperor of Heaven, and he can understand it.

I don’t know what my sister is joining in the fun with.

If he hadn't known that although his sister usually seemed easy to talk to, once she made a decision, even the nine-headed dragon couldn't pull her back, he really wanted to use absolute power to persuade his sister to switch to the secret realm method.

North of Gouchen Ancient Star.

This is a vast plain.

The scattered hillsides are rolling and convex, with green grass, brilliant and full of vitality.

Located deep in the plains, shrouded in fairy mist and steaming with auspicious energy, it looks like a real fairyland.

This is the Holy Land of Gouchen left by Emperor Gouchen, the ruler of the ancient planet Gouchen.

It is famous in the entire universe, and its reputation surpasses that of other holy places of the extreme realm, and can be compared with the Tianjimen of Ancient Star Ziwei.

You must know that the Tianji Sect of Ziwei Ancient Star is the only force in the entire universe that is officially under the reign of Emperor Xuan Tian.

From this we can see how famous Gouchen Holy Land is in the universe.

The reason why Gouchen Holy Land is so famous is actually related to the current Emperor Xuan Tian.

Once upon a time, when Emperor Shixuan Tian had not yet attained enlightenment, he passed by Gouchen Ancient Star and blasted away the imperial soldiers in Gouchen's land with one finger before leaving.

In the past thousands of years, there have been rumors circulating in the universe that the ancient stars contain the supreme creation left by Emperor Xuan Tian.

Therefore, in the past thousands of years, there have always been people who claimed to have extraordinary destiny and came to Gouchen Ancient Star, hoping to find the rumored supreme creation left by Emperor Xuan Tian.

Among them, the plain where Gouchen Holy Land is located has received the most attention.

If Gouchen Holy Land had not possessed the Supreme Dao Imperial Armament, it would have been wiped out by the treasure hunters who came upon hearing the news in the past thousand years.

After all, even if there is only one chance in a billion related to the Supreme Xuan Tian Emperor, it is enough to make countless monks in the entire universe go crazy.

However, at this moment, deep in the vast plain, in the entrance of a small hill.


A pile of divine fire was burning fiercely there.

On it sat a stripped bird of prey, burnt to a golden brown.

The rich essence permeates the air, making people feel as if they are in a state of ecstasy and about to ascend after taking a whiff.

Colorful oil drops kept dripping and crackling.

The aroma of meat fills the air and the smoke rises.

A heroic young figure sat next to the divine fire, his shirt stained with thick dust.

"Ha, no wonder you are targeted by Master, the barbecue is really amazing."

If anyone is here, they will find a huge dragon-blooded unicorn corpse next to the young figure. Even though it is dead, it still exudes a faint imperial pressure.

Yes, the rumors are true. The vast plain where Gouchen Holy Land is located does have the creation left by Emperor Xuantian——

The corpse of a quasi-emperor second-level dragon-blooded unicorn.

And the figure with his shirt stained with dirt and grilling meat is Xiang Yufei, the chief disciple of the Emperor of Heaven who disappeared from the universe 900 years ago.

900 years ago, when he stood at the top of the Secret Realm of Dharma Saint and the fourth step of the New Dharma Life Palace, he fell completely silent——

Prepare to find an opportunity to unify the five secret realms of the human body with the first four realms of the new law and open the nine-level bridge between heaven and earth.

Unexpectedly, after sitting there for a hundred years, I had no clue.

Even if Xuan planned to go out for a walk and take a look, when he unexpectedly set foot on Gouchen Ancient Star, the Emperor Talisman, which had been silent since he walked out of the Immortal Mountain, actually moved.

So with the help of Emperor Fu, he successfully found the creation of Emperor Xuantian that had been spread throughout the universe for thousands of years.

A dragon-blooded unicorn corpse from the second level of the quasi-emperor.

Over the years, he also learned about the origin of this dragon-blooded unicorn.

This powerful ancient beast with the power of two fairy bloodlines, the true dragon and the unicorn, was once a follower of Emperor Gouchen, and was rumored to have died long ago.

Unexpectedly, he died in the hands of his master. No wonder even the imperial soldiers of Gouchen Holy Land were dispatched at that time.

"Is this the last meal in 900 years?"

At this moment, Xiang Yufei looked at the dragon-blooded unicorn with only a skeleton left behind him, feeling somewhat reluctant to part with it.

To be honest, even though a quasi-emperor and two-level dragon-blooded unicorn has been dead for many years, the feeling of making it into barbecue is really amazing.

Even after eating it for so many years, Xiang Yufei is still not tired of it and still wants to eat it.

"It just so happens that after 900 years, it's time for a breakthrough."

After swallowing the last piece of barbecue in his hand, Xiang Yufei put away the complete dragon-blood unicorn skeleton and stepped out of the vast plain into the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe.

"It took 900 years, but I finally lived up to Master's expectations."

"Today, my new method to Xiang Yufei has been completed!"

Standing proudly at the top of the world, Xiang Yufei has transformed from the slovenly young man he was before into a young man as rich as jade.

"Ray comes!"

Xiang Yufei shouted sharply.

The next moment, I saw scenes emerging in the void.

The vast sea of ​​​​stars, thousands of thunders roaring in the sky, and lightning shining.

The dark clouds of calamity were so oppressive that people shuddered.

The thunder calamity is overwhelming and extremely terrifying.

At this moment, in the vast universe, every monk above the saint level sensed the extremely terrifying thunder disaster.

"It's him."

"Did he succeed at last?"

Among the bluestone cliffs, Huo Linzi's eyes passed through the endless void and looked at the figure under the universe carrying the nine-fold divine ring.

At the same time, deep in the sea of ​​​​stars, Taoist Huangxu, Taoist Shencan, and Long Xiner were also watching that figure.

They all understood that if Xiang Yufei, who had been silent for 900 years, suddenly made such a noise, there was only one possibility——

Xiang Yufei finally unified the five secret realms of the human body and the first four realms of the new method, successfully opened the nine-level bridge between heaven and earth, and was about to reach the first realm of transcending the sky.

Somewhere in the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou, Huo Lin'er, who was walking in the mountains and forests, immediately raised his eyes to look at the sea of ​​stars in the universe.

"Is it too late after all?"

Although he has always behaved as a happy-go-lucky person, Huo Lin'er is also a stubborn and proud person.

Therefore, she is also the only talented person besides Xiang Yufei who insists on the new method.

A hundred years ago, she had an enlightenment. Now that a hundred years have passed, in a few days she would have been absolutely sure to open the nine-level bridge between heaven and earth and stand in the first realm of stepping on the sky.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Xiang Yufei would take the lead again.

In the sea of ​​stars in the universe——



In the void scene, Xiang Yufei went up against the sky with nine divine rings on his back, and entered the thunder tribulation with an invincible attitude.

He allowed the world-shattering terrifying thunder calamity to hit him, and he fought furiously there, seemingly unwilling to show weakness in front of this side of the world.

The Yin Yang Five Elements Tribulation Thunder, which was enough to chop the Great Sage's peak into flying ash and make the first-level quasi-emperor change his color, actually only exploded miserable bloody flowers on his body.


The great halberd made of dragon-patterned black gold was so thick that it caused the void to collapse and stirred up the stars outside the territory.

The battle suit made of Daojie gold covered his body, and billions of rays of divine light hung down, protecting that majestic and peerless figure, making it invulnerable to all means.The next moment, the sharp halberd, like a blue dragon emerging from the abyss, struck up with a chilling light.


The golden battle clothes of Dao Tribulation are filled with divine glory, and an immortal Dao spirit evolves in the thunder calamity.

"Black gold halberd with dragon pattern, golden clothing of Dao tribulation"

Staring at the two warriors made of immortal gold that blossomed with endless immortality in the thunder tribulation, even Huo Lin'er was extremely enthusiastic, not to mention Huo Linzi, Huang Xudao and others, who wanted to snatch them directly.

Before the case of Emperor Xuan Tian's peerless halberd, there were many people in the universe who wanted to gather the nine immortal golds and forge a supreme immortal weapon of their own.

But in these thousands of years, it is rare to hear of anyone who has obtained one of the Nine Immortal Golds.

Unexpectedly, the chief disciple of Emperor Xuantian had already found two of the nine immortal golds and forged them into his own warriors without saying a word.


God seemed to be really angered, and the monstrous thunder catastrophe shocked the world.

One after another, the unparalleled calamity light blasted towards Xiang Yufei, who was rebellious and rushed directly to the top of the thunder calamity.


The figure wearing the golden battle suit of Daojie was full of blazing divine light, like a living emperor. His black hair was turned into gold. He was extremely powerful and waved the halberd in his hand to kill.

"The halberd rules the world!"

The cold halberd light cut through the eternity, and struck together with the shocking purple divine thunder above.

The stars outside the territory exploded into pieces, and the black calamity light collided with the blazing divine power, making it boundless.

This scene is simply shocking and unbelievable.

Exaggerated large cracks spread out one after another, and the fluctuations were shocking.


The monstrous thunder disasters continued one after another and became more and more intense.

The vast sea of ​​thunder submerged the entire sea of ​​stars, the void collapsed, and the vast oceans were evaporated. It was extremely shocking.

Standing on the first level of the bridge between heaven and earth, Xiang Yufei was confronting Lei Jie head-on every moment, without the slightest intention of evading.

Blood and bones are flying.

"Such a thunderstorm."

Huo Linzi, Huang Xudao and others witnessed this scene and were shocked in their hearts.

Xiang Yufei has only opened the first level of the bridge between heaven and earth now, which is equivalent to the first level of quasi-emperor, but judging from the horror of this thunder tribulation, it is not inferior to when they were promoted to the third level of quasi-emperor.

This shocking thunder disaster shocked the world.

Xiang Yufei, the first disciple of Emperor Xuantian who had been dormant for 900 years, shattered the vast thunder calamity with an invincible appearance as soon as he was born, and became the first disciple of Emperor Xuantian since he pioneered the new method——

The first monk to rely on himself to smelt the five secret realms of the human body into the first four realms of the new method, open the bridge between heaven and earth, and ascend to the first realm of the sky.

Immediately, Xiang Yufei found a secret monk from the third level of Quasi-Emperor and fought to a draw.

I thought this would be the end of it.

Who would have expected that on the third day after Xiang Yufei, the first disciple of Emperor Xuantian, became famous in the universe, a peerless figure would appear in the sky.

With a powerful and invincible attitude, he broke through all obstacles and reached the first realm of Treading Heaven.

This time, Huo Lin'er also found a secret realm monk from the third level of the quasi-emperor, and the battle was also a draw.

Faintly, he seemed to be competing with Xiang Yufei, the chief disciple of Emperor Xuantian.

At this time, all the great geniuses in the universe had the idea of ​​​​I can do what I want, and they all set their sights on the practice of the new method.

You must know that throughout the ages, if you want to fight against immortals in the quasi-emperor realm, it is almost impossible to fight across realms.

And Xiang Yufei and Huo Lin'er worked in tandem, using their cultivation in the first realm of stepping on the sky, that is, the first level of the quasi-emperor, to defeat the monks in the secret realm of the third level of the quasi-emperor.

This is a fact that is enough to scare people to death.

At the same time, it also proves to the world that the difficulty of practicing the new method is worth it.

As for saying that it is impossible for a peerless genius to succeed, no one cares.

There is no shortage of "young geniuses" who have enough confidence in themselves in this world.

Time is like running water, and several years have passed by in a flash.

On this day, in the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou, a sound in the Immortal Mountain that shocked the past and present resounded throughout the universe.

"The way of our four emperors has been imprisoned in the body by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven with the supreme taboo method."

The figures of the four supreme ancient emperors walked out of the Immortal Mountain, walking like dragons and tigers, like gods coming to earth, crossing time, space and years.

In the universe, one after another strong men with the qualifications to realize the Tao raised their heads excitedly, looking at the four extremely blazing majestic figures.

After so many years, the current Ancient Emperor of Four Spirits has long been labeled as Emperor Xuantian.

It can be said that in the absence of Emperor Xuantian, the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor can vaguely represent the stance of the Immortal Mountain.

"Even if we are still alive, we will no longer affect the enlightenment of future generations."

"Whether you can prove the Tao and become an emperor depends on whether you are amazing enough."

The calm and majestic voice spread throughout the Zhetian universe, shaking the world.

All the supreme beings in the restricted area were awakened by the shock. They couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard the words, and were a little shocked.


At this moment, everyone realized what the Ancient Emperor Siling had said earlier.

Then those strong men and quasi-emperors who aspired to be emperors closed their eyes and concentrated on sensing the great avenues of heaven and earth.

“There’s really nothing wrong with that”

"The despairing suppression of the Great Dao has disappeared. In this world, some people are allowed to become Dao, and it can even accommodate more than one great emperor!"

Their lips moved slightly, and many were so shocked that they could barely speak.

As early as a hundred years ago, Emperor Xuantian fell into chaos and reopened the world, causing the area of ​​the universe to increase dozens of times. Many people secretly speculated in their hearts that the pattern of one emperor and one generation would probably be broken in the future.

But at that time, there were four ancient emperors standing on the avenue of heaven and earth. It was difficult to determine whether it was true or false.

Now that the suppression of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor's Avenue has faded away, everyone above the quasi-emperor level has sensed the vastness of the universe, which is vast enough to break the pattern of one emperor in one life.

"Emperor Xuantian is immortal!"

The world shook, the universe was deserted, and countless creatures knelt down and worshiped respectfully.

I thought it was over, but the next moment I heard——

"My blood phoenix is ​​here to bid farewell to Your Majesty, and I hope to see you next time in the immortal realm!"

"I, Xuanwu, bid farewell to Your Majesty, and hope to see you again in the future!"

"I, Zilong, bid farewell to Your Majesty here, and hope to see you in the immortal world someday!"

"I, Qilin, bid farewell to Your Majesty, and hope to see you again in the immortal realm in the future!"

In the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou, the four supreme ancient emperors bowed respectfully at ninety degrees in the direction of the Immortal Mountain, and then immediately turned into four rays of light and disappeared into the chaos outside the world.

At this moment, deep in the Immortal Mountain, in the magnificent ancient palace, the then Emperor Xuan Tian's deep eyes fell on the four disappearing figures, and he felt inexplicably.


The unparalleled pressure caused countless sentient beings in the vast universe to kneel down involuntarily, feeling extremely horrified.


Endless auspicious colors soared into the sky and turned into blazing avenues. Everything was trembling, as if to congratulate Emperor Xuantian, the only immortal immortal in the world for his return to the world.

The avenues are singing together, the light is overflowing, and the divine splendor is billions of feet long.

Emperor Xuan Tian didn't really show up at that time, but just one look affected the entire universe.

The chaos outside the world is vast and boundless, and no one knows how big it is.

Just a hundred years ago, Shi Xuan palmed Chaos, created the world, and expanded the universe dozens of times, but it was still not worth mentioning to the Chaos outside the world.

Therefore, even Shi Xuan didn't know whether the Ancient Emperor Si Ling could come back after leaving.

But this is the world. If you want to become strong, you need to fight for it yourself. Shi Xuan has done everything he can to help them, and the rest can only be looked at by themselves.

Again, Shi Xuan is not a full-time nanny.

And although he has now cultivated the unprecedented Heavenly Mind State and Chaos Holy Spirit True Dragon Body, his combat power is enough to rival those of Quasi-Immortal King or above.

But it was still not enough. He knew that he was still very weak, so weak that he would not even be able to control his own life in the dark catastrophe of the future.

Withdrawing his gaze, Shi Xuan looked at the beautiful figure standing quietly in the corner of the ancient palace.

That ancient memory came to mind.

Speaking of which, this ancient princess who was famous in the original work was considered to have great luck.

When Emperor Ye Tian was teaching and becoming an immortal, he took a ride and entered the Immortal Realm, ahead of those who had been waiting for eternity for the Forbidden City Supremes.


"Ah lah."

Unexpectedly, Emperor Xuan Tian of the current world actually called out his name. Huo Lin'er's brain was short-circuited and he didn't react for a while.

"The foundation of the new law is sound and the work is done well."

"From now on, you will be my disciple."

To be honest, Shi Xuan was not in any mood to accept a disciple, but the Ancient Emperor Qilin specifically begged for his daughter in front of Shi Xuan before leaving.

Seeing that the Ancient Qilin Emperor had done her best in the few times she had been incarnated as a mount, and that she was also somewhat talented in new techniques, and that Shi Xuan had no interest in his disciples, he decided to just accept him as a closed disciple.

Xiang Yufei's new method, assisted by the Emperor Talisman that he personally refined, is barely on par with hers, so Huo Lin'er can be regarded as the No. 1 new method besides Shi Xuan.

"Lin'er pays homage to Master."

At this moment, Huo Lin'er, who finally reacted, knelt down with a bang, knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times, and performed the apprenticeship ceremony, as if he was afraid that if he was a little slow, Shi Xuan would regret it.

"Since you have embarked on the path of the new law and are determined to follow this path, I will give you this imperial talisman."

Under Huo Lin'er's respectful gaze, Shi Xuan placed his index finger in front of his eyebrows.

In an instant, Huo Lin'er felt that her five new realms were becoming more fluent, and waves of ancient and supreme Taoist sounds sounded in her mind.

Ancient runes are manifesting one after another, imprinting the principles of heaven and earth.

In the end, the runes were intertwined, leaving only an imperial rune with the word Xuantian engraved on it taking root in the palace between her eyebrows.

"Xuan Tian Jing"!
It is completely different from the ancient scriptures she obtained after climbing to the tenth floor of Xuandi Tower.

The "Xuantian Sutra" passed to her by this emperor's talisman was too profound, and even though she was currently in the first realm of Treading Heaven, she could not understand its true meaning.

"Lin'er thanks Master."

His eyes flashed with crystal light, and Huo Lin'er kowtowed.

With this imperial talisman, she is sure to open the two-level bridge between heaven and earth within three years and reach the second realm of stepping over the sky.

At this moment, runes were shining all over the sky, and the purest creation between heaven and earth surged——

I saw a gleaming piece of immortal gold and the Holy Spirit rising and falling in the grand hall.

The violent power of law and order turned into a boiling ocean, causing the entire ancient palace to tremble.


Immortal runes were flying, completely submerging the piece of immortal fetus.

Huo Lin'er looked at it intently, but was immediately shocked.

If she saw it correctly, it was a piece of fairy tears green gold.

A Holy Spirit conceived from the Green Gold of Immortal Tears, one of the Nine Immortal Golds?
I am afraid that as soon as such a being is born, it will stand at the pinnacle of ancient and modern emperors and emperors.

Although it may not be as good as the current Xuantian Emperor, I'm afraid it is definitely not weaker than the undying Emperor and the peerless God Emperor.

And it seems that it is not far from the time when the only Immortal Gold Holy Spirit in ancient and modern times will be born.

If word spread, I'm afraid it would scare people to death.

The Immortal Gold Holy Spirit, this is an enemy that can make people despair!
Shi Xuan held up a whole piece of Immortal Gold Holy Spirit Embryo with his right hand and was in a pretty good mood.

Over the years, he has become a little concerned about this golden holy spirit.

Even after ascending to the heavenly state of mind and attaining the fruity taste of heavenly beings, he cut his hands and bled them to feed this piece of immortal gold and holy spirit fetus.

Therefore, it is only a hundred years old now, and it has almost passed through tens of millions of years, and it is almost 10 years before its birth.

(End of this chapter)

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