Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 138 The Immortal King is dead?Duan Dehua flying saucer

Chapter 138 The Immortal King is dead?Duan Dehua flying saucer

Along with the fierce screams, a blazing and dazzling soul flew out.

Before he could escape, he was directly suppressed by the dragon-riding Emperor Xuantian's dharma body. The boundless original laws of the three thousand avenues burst out, completely imprisoning the opponent's soul.


The ancestral aperture between Shi Xuan's eyebrows glowed, and the terrifying power of the Three Thousand Great Laws was suppressed continuously, preventing it from escaping.

"Damn it! Lowly creatures from the lower world"

A creepy aura filled the air, and the black air figure roared angrily, with mad hatred, full of unwillingness, and kept struggling.

He is a direct bloodline from the supreme Immortal King family in the Immortal Realm. He was defeated by that man back then. Under the arrangement of the Supreme Ancient Ancestor, he was lucky enough to return against the will of heaven and achieve the realm of the Supreme Immortal King.

Unexpectedly, in this eternal future, he would be suppressed by a lowly nine-day being from the lower realm who had just set foot in the realm of immortality.

"You lowly creature from the lower world, I advise you to let me go. Otherwise, not only you and your relatives, but also your Taoism, and even all the creatures in the Nine Heavens, will be in great trouble in the future."

He tried his best to calm down, and with a stern look on his face, he threatened darkly:

"I am a descendant of the Immortal King Ao Sheng of the Immortal Domain. Back then, the Supreme Ancestor personally arranged this Great Red Sky Yin-Yang Infinite Evil Formation and buried me in it!"

He is extremely conceited.

Because they come from the Immortal King family, the noble lord of the Immortal Realm, they have the blood of the Immortal King and their status is respected.

Shi Xuan, who was born in a broken lower realm like Jiutian, was not taken seriously at all.

And if it weren't for the terrible power raging in his body, causing him to lose all his fighting power, he felt that he could suppress the lowly Nine Heavenly beings in the lower realm with one hand.

The Immortal King, high above, rules the vast territory, overlooking one era after another. He is immortal for all catastrophes, the heaven and earth are destroyed but the body is immortal. He is so powerful that it is impossible to fathom.

You must know that even with his supreme talent, he spent eternity and only half stepped into the realm of the Immortal King. He was the Immortal King with no time.

"Ao Sheng?"

"A lowly creature from the lower world?"

After Shi Xuan finished speaking, the face of the black figure changed drastically, and before he could continue talking nonsense——

Looking down at the self-righteous black figure with disdain, he said coldly:

"Just Ao Sheng, he has been dead for who knows how many thousands of years!"

"But don't worry, when the Japanese emperor reaches great cultivation, he will definitely go back to the past and kill Ao Sheng once for you to see!"

"What! The supreme ancient ancestor will never die!"

"Dare to curse the supreme ancient ancestor and the lowly nine-day being in the lower realm, you will pay the price for your actions, that is, the entire lower realm will be destroyed because of your words!"

"You talk too much nonsense, die!"

The endless power and order of the three thousand avenues of law erupted, directly wiping out the soul of the black energy figure and completely refining it.


Runes were flying, and the sky was filled with dazzling light and rain.

Shi Xuan directly used great magic power to gather the blood, bones and corpses scattered by the ghostly figure.


The terrifying order and law are intertwined, turning into a huge furnace of heaven and earth, constantly consuming and tempering the bones left behind by the black energy figure.

After half a stick of incense, the blazing furnace of heaven and earth suddenly dissipated, leaving a mass of blood-colored light and shadow the size of a human head, dazzling and extremely blazing.

Faintly, there was a terrifying black figure standing there, holding a killing sword and roaring to the sky, struggling, and its aura was frightening.

This is the blood of the fairy king.

It is the essence of a supreme immortal king.

Even some immortal king giants will be moved.

Even that black figure was just a disabled Immortal King.

Immortal, invisible to the whole world.

That is to say, there have been traces of immortals in the eternal rumors.

Not to mention a supreme being like the Immortal King.

But today Emperor Xuantian actually directly slaughtered a Immortal King with one foot who had stepped into the realm of Immortal King, refined the opponent's Immortal King body, and tempered a ball of Immortal King essence and blood.

It's just unbelievable.

If it spreads, time and space will be shaken for eternity, and all existences in the past and present will be frightened.

Even those restricted area supreme beings would be frightened silly.

Similarly, at this moment, even Shi Xuan couldn't help but feel a little warm as he stared at the group of light and shadow.

The essence and blood of the Immortal King!
Even if there is a shortage.

Although it is said that even with the essence and blood of the Immortal King, it is impossible for him to soar into the sky and enter the realm of the Immortal King, or even become a perfect Immortal King like a black figure.

But it was enough to allow him to reach the tenth realm of the Heavenly Realm in a short period of time, and even see the sixth secret realm of the new method. His combat power was completely transformed, and he could truly compete with the realm of the Supreme Immortal King.

With the heavenly state of mind and the true dragon body of the Chaos Holy Spirit, after he reaches the perfection of the heavenly state of mind, he has the confidence to directly compete with the invincible existence among the immortal kings like the real dragons of the ten ancient evils.

As for the Immortal King Realm, it is not that easy to achieve.

You must know that even in the Immortal Ancients eons ago, in that era that was most suitable for practice, there were only a handful of existences that could break through to the Immortal King Realm.

What's more, this is the end of the Dharma era where the great path is lacking and even true immortals are not allowed to appear.

It's not something that can be taken simply.

Although Shi Xuan was fully confident in taking that extraordinary step, he needed time.

His accumulation is far from enough.

Being able to break through the heavenly state of mind and achieve the status of immortality is a matter of luck.

Without the profound enlightenment of Sanshengchi and the endless creation of the Immortal True Dragon, he would never have been able to break through the Heavenly Mind State in such a short period of time.

Of course, if there could be a true phoenix in the Immortal King realm that could sacrifice itself and dedicate its entire creation to Shi Xuan, allowing Shi Xuan to transform and sublime again, then he would be sure that he would be able to transform and sublimate him within 1 or even thousands of years. Break through to the realm of the Immortal King.

It's a pity that such a good thing can only be thought about in dreams.


A fairy source the size of a human head emerged, blazing and dazzling, like a dazzling sun, illuminating the world with vigorous vitality and rich essence of heaven and earth.

Under Shi Xuan's refining, the piece of immortal source turned into liquid at a speed visible to the naked eye, directly sealing the essence and blood of the Immortal King inside.

Then he opened his mouth and took a breath.

The energy that filled the sky turned into a burst of energy, rolling in and submerging into Shi Xuan's body.

I saw that the injuries on his body were rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After putting away the immortal source that contained the essence and blood of the Immortal King, Shi Xuan waved his hand, and Duan De, who was still in a daze in a different space, appeared on the vast and solemn Holy Spirit Avenue.

"Wu Liang, that goddamn god, who is to be damned."

Duan De was just about to curse when he saw a familiar figure come into view and swallowed the words that had already flooded his throat.

"That is."

Suddenly, Duan De noticed that there seemed to be something on Shi Xuan's right hand.

A whole piece of Immortal Tears Green Gold Holy Spirit Fetus?

Seeing such a heaven-defying creation for the first time, he seemed to have forgotten the existence of Shi Xuan beside him.

This is the Holy Spirit bred from Immortal Tears Green Gold, one of the Nine Immortal Golds!
Duan De's eyes ached when he looked up at the thorn, which was like a dazzling immortal golden spirit fetus like the blazing sun, and his eyes were extremely hot.


The sudden sound of Taoism rang in Duan De's ears, giving him a supreme chill in his heart, and he suddenly felt a shadow of death shrouding his heart.

Immediately, a slender index finger touched Duan De's eyebrows, and the terrifying order and Tao were intertwined.

"Great Emperor, please forgive me."

Duan De was so scared that his whole body was trembling, but he didn't dare to make any move. He could only force his trembling body to stand in place.

After the slender fingers finally left his eyebrows, he hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look at the immortal gold holy spirit fetus floating in the palm of Shi Xuan's right hand.

"Okay, I will teach you a new law, and the cause and effect between you and me is over!" "Now, please leave."

Shi Xuanqing's faint words rang in Duan De's ears, but he was a little at a loss.

In such a dangerous place, with his small arms and legs, he probably wouldn't know how he died as soon as he left Shi Xuan.

Could it be that this person had a grudge against Master Dao and wanted to murder Master Dao?
Of course, as one of the representatives of Houheixue, Duan De's acting skills are also first-rate. At this moment, he acted directly in front of Shi Xuan:
"Great Emperor, Xiaodao is willing to serve you for a while, all I ask is you."

Looking at Duan De's expression of a loyal servant, Shi Xuan had a deeper understanding of the sentence "You can't be too Duan De".


The next moment, Shi Xuan grasped Duan De's thigh and shook it hard in the direction he came from.

Immediately before Duan De could react, he turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the world.

Duan De, who was currently running through the endless space, cursed angrily.

It's too much to bully Master Dao.

Did Master Tao dig up your ancestral graves or something?
At this moment, his desire to dig someone's grave was extremely strong, turning into a raging fire, burning in his heart.

A few breaths later, Beidou East Wasteland, in the ancient mine of Taichu.

Some of the sleeping Forbidden City Supremes were very confused, because just now they felt a human-shaped meteorite sweep past their heads.


Something that can fly out from the depths of Taichu's ancient mine is absolutely extraordinary.

It's a pity that the speed was too fast, and even with their level, they couldn't react.

The supreme beings in the restricted area who missed the important treasure could only continue to sleep helplessly.

After all, compared to treasures, waiting for eternity to become an immortal is more important.

At the same moment, among the ancient mountains of the sacred mountain, Shi Xuan slowly walked towards the ancient mausoleum on the top of the central sacred mountain, holding a piece of immortal gold in his hand.

As for Duan De who was thrown out by him, he had already forgotten about it.

During the time he was accompanying him, he had already gained a rough insight into the reincarnation seal in his body. If he wanted to continue his in-depth study, he would need to kill someone to seize the seal.

But for Shi Xuan, this was a loss-making business.

The seal of reincarnation is of little use to him.

That fat Taoist priest has great karma. If you force him too much, it will be a big trouble and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, he sent it away in advance.

Now, his main job is to bury the Immortal Tears Green Gold Holy Spirit in the treasured land here.

I saw that the mausoleum on the central sacred mountain was shrouded in mist, full of auspiciousness and holy glory. Even with Shi Xuan's current state, he could only see it not very clearly.

It is a pity to say that this treasure land is the most suitable holy land in the world for nurturing this immortal gold and holy spirit fetus, and it is difficult to find it in the world.

Shi Xuan held the Immortal Gold Holy Spirit Fetus in his hand and walked forward slowly.

The mountain peaks are beautiful and majestic, and the ancient trees are towering and lush.


Birds and beasts are everywhere, warblers are singing and beasts are singing, and the vast sacred mountains and ancient mountains are filled with purple steam and mist.

There are stars in the sky.


A piece of dead wood stained with blood, carrying a horrifying cry.

This is downright chilling.

Without any warning, it suddenly flew out and directly shattered the void millions of miles away.

A ball of blood and mud with a sinister aura flew out, as fast as thunder, and instantly penetrated the majestic mountains, corroding hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers.

The next moment, he turned into a bloody clay figurine the size of a fist, kicked up his legs, and violently moved into the distance.

Crying dead trees, running clay figures, bloody and crawling mountain peaks
All kinds of strange sights make people stunned and frightened.

It was also accompanied by various dangers, and was even attacked by an ancient corpse that had been dead for who knows how many years, but all of them were powerfully wiped out by the power of the Three Thousand Great Laws around Shi Xuan.

None of this could stop Shi Xuan, not even for a moment.

In the center of this world, an ancient and majestic fairy mountain stands——

On the top of the Immortal Mountain, a vast ancient mausoleum hangs in the sky, so majestic that it is beyond imagination and description.

The chaotic air is lingering, the auspicious color is billions of times, and the celestial splendor is dazzling.

One after another, huge stars rotate around this magnificent ancient mausoleum.

Extremely exaggerated and shocking.

"This is."

Shi Xuan shrank in pain.

The tomb was far more vast than he had previously sensed.

It is said to be a mausoleum, but in fact it is more like a fairy world, vast and boundless.

In his blazing eyes, immortal runes shone, scanning the front for danger.


After confirming that there was no murderous intent, he stepped inside.

Inside the mausoleum, it is like another world.

The beautiful peaks are rugged, the giant island is in the sky, and the divine waterfall is like a galaxy hanging down, full of brilliance and fairy air.

It was so rich that it couldn't be dissolved, and even condensed into pieces of immortal sources between heaven and earth.

The aura of immortality is sealed here without interference from the outside world, which is shocking and inexplicable.

If this world were exposed to the outside world, it would definitely drive everyone in Zhetian Universe crazy.


Opening his mouth and inhaling, a massive amount of Immortal Immortal Qi hit him and entered his body. For a time, the remaining wounds in his body that had not yet healed were slowly repaired after being nourished by the rich Immortal Immortal Qi in this world.

"Fairy King"

Shi Xuan was a little emotional.

The realm of the Immortal King is so extraordinary that it can actually create such a supreme fairyland.

Even if eternity has passed, it can have a considerable effect on Shi Xuan today.


The sky rumbles.

A figure appeared.

He seemed to be standing on the upper reaches of the long river of time, overlooking Shi Xuan across an eternity of time and space.

Hazy, with every gesture, he reveals supreme majesty, which is inviolable.

This is a powerful Immortal King who has reigned for eternity. He is considered the most powerful one even among the Immortal Kings.

Across the eternal river of time, overlooking the changes of the world and the changes of the times, with the majestic pressure, people can't help but feel awe and worship it devoutly.

"Ao Sheng."

A name that seemed to be taboo came out of Shi Xuan's mouth, and the world was turbulent for a while, and the long river of time was shaken.

Those majestic eyes reflected the terrible scene of the destruction and rebirth of the universe, and the sinking of heaven and earth.

The runes of the Supreme Immortal King's Avenue are shining.

At this moment, the supreme figure seemed to have discovered Shi Xuan's existence.

But at this moment, a sword light rose from nowhere, when, and where, and then fell, destroying everything.


(End of this chapter)

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