Chapter 140 The God King of the Jiang Family; Emperor Zun

The years are long, and hundreds of years have passed by in a hurry.

The situation in Zhetian Universe has undergone great changes.

Famous geniuses are fighting for the eternal realm of the extreme. Even Huo Linzi, Huang Xudao, Shencan Taoist, Long Xiner and other four people have been promoted to the quasi-emperor ninth level, far away from the emperor and the emperor. The realm is only one step away.

The battle on the road to enlightenment seems to have come to a conclusion. The first great emperor in this world must appear among the above four people.

Even the second emperor seems to have been reserved by a few people.

"Xiang Yufei, the first disciple of Emperor Xuantian, is really going to defy heaven!"

"It took a hundred years to rise to the fourth realm, and now he is ranked in the fifth level of the quasi-emperor. Even the ordinary monks in the seventh and eighth levels of the quasi-emperor can't help him."

"Huo Lin'er, the daughter of the ancient Emperor Qilin and the last disciple of Emperor Xuantian, is no less powerful than Xiang Yufei. She opened the bridge between the five heavens and the earth in a hundred years and also climbed to the fifth heaven of the Quasi-Emperor. Her combat power is so powerful The realm of the eighth heaven!”

"The former overlords of the starry sky, the Seven Warring Heroes were so brutal. The combination of the Seven Swords simply shocked the world and exceeded imagination."

"That's right, a few years ago, the arrogant and domineering Overlord Ancestor Star was beaten up by seven people."

"Even when Dacheng Hegemon was born in the end, he was defeated by seven people and was killed until he was left with only one breath."

The world is shaking, and powerful quasi-emperors are emerging in the entire universe. You just finish singing and I will appear.

At the same time, in the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou, a god-king body was born in the Jiang family left behind by Emperor Hengyu.

If it were the era of difficult Dao, a god king's body would be enough to cause a huge sensation in the Beidou Eastern Barren, enough to overwhelm the entire Eastern Barren.

But in today's golden age, which has never been seen before, a divine king's body is simply not enough.

Unexpectedly, the god-king body actually went against the sky, broke through the limitations of the god-king body, and reached the pinnacle of the great sage in a very short period of time, only a thin line away from the forbidden realm of the quasi-emperor.

Because he is dressed in white, he is even referred to by the universe as——

Who in the world deserves white clothes?Only God King Jiang Taixu!
It's a pity that the Jiang family's divine king body was born too late, at the end of this great age.

If it could have been hundreds of years earlier, many people were predicting that he would definitely have a place among the most powerful people in the Nine Heavens who are at the top of the universe under the starry sky.

Many people sighed in their hearts, calling the Jiang family's divine king body Gai Jiuyou's second.

The same talent, the same untimely birth.

However, this Jiang family god-king body is luckier than Gai Jiuyou thousands of years ago.

He was born in a golden age that had never been seen before, where geniuses were everywhere, and the body of a king was nothing.

He doesn't have to face the despairing oppression of the great road, nor is he going up against the odds alone. He has opponents and friends with whom we can make progress together.


"Time waits for no one!"

"Yes, the years are so cruel. The Jiang family's divine king body was born too late. I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch up!"

Some strong men of the older generation couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh.

You must know that in this era, several of the ancient emperor's children from the ancient era have already reached the ninth level of the quasi-emperor. Although they may be limited by the traces of the ancient emperor's path in their bodies, it will be difficult to cross the final chasm and become emperors for a while. The supreme fruition.

But you must know that since Emperor Xuantian reopened the world, the avenue of the entire universe has become too active, and the threshold for enlightenment has been lowered.

Therefore, in 200 years at most, the children of the ancient emperors will reach the quasi-emperor's consummation, and then go up against the sky to start the great catastrophe of enlightenment, preparing to set foot in the realm of emperors and emperors.

Similarly, most of the powerful quasi-emperors in the universe are seizing time, working hard to practice, and want to reach the top of the universe.

Although in today's vast universe, the pattern of one generation and one emperor has been broken.

But that position is limited after all, and in this golden world, there are more than two palms of peerless geniuses with the appearance of enlightenment.

There will always be people stepping on the corpses of countless prodigies to reach the top of the realm of the Great and Ancient Emperors. This number may be one, or two.
Definitely not too much.

The Emperor and Emperor, who are at the top of the human realm, are too extraordinary. Even though the universe has expanded dozens of times, it is still too small to accommodate too many such extraordinary beings.

However, the Jiang family's Divine King Body lags far behind and has lost hope of attaining enlightenment.

On this day, there was no warning.


An unparalleled energy suddenly vibrated ten thousand ways and swept into all the wastelands of the universe.

The mark of Tianxin vibrated, and the three thousand avenues rumbled without any warning.

It directly disturbed the tranquility of the sky-covering universe and broke the solid and oppressive atmosphere.

In the vast universe, all over the world, the strong men scattered all over the universe, their expressions changed drastically at this moment, and they all turned pale with horror.

He looked towards the direction from which this terrifying energy came.

"This energy."

"Is the supreme being in the restricted area resurrected?"

"What's going on? The direction of the ancient Taichu mine!"

"Does the Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone really want to risk the disapproval of the world and come out in this era to initiate turmoil?"

A well-known strong man, no matter where he was, looked in the direction of the Taichu Ancient Mine, some were shocked, and their expressions changed drastically.

I can’t believe that in this era, there is a Forbidden Zone Supreme who would choose to be born?

At the same moment, in the Beidou East Wasteland, in various forbidden areas, the supreme beings of the forbidden areas who were sleeping were waking up, and they were all shocked.

"He's become stronger again!"

"Having been in the depths of the Taichu ancient mine for a hundred years, could it be possible that you really gained something big?"

One after another, the supreme divine light lit up from the restricted area and shot towards the depths of Taichu Ancient Mine, but was immediately shattered by a supreme emperor's shadow——

Immediately afterwards, a majestic figure stepped on the Holy Spirit Avenue and crossed out from the depths of the Taichu Ancient Mine, not paying any attention to the Supreme Being in the restricted areas.

Chaos dragon energy is lingering, purple dragon, blood phoenix, Xuanwu, Qilin and other immortal spirits are prostrate. Three thousand avenues surrender to them, and heaven and earth cheer for them.

Even if the energy and blood are restrained, the supreme beings in the various restricted areas can feel the unfathomable depth of Shi Xuan, and the vast energy and blood in his body that is like a furnace of heaven and earth, roaring continuously.

The next moment, even greater supreme pressure swept across the universe, and countless sentient beings knelt down.

"No, this is not the Forbidden Zone Supreme, but..."

"It's the current Emperor Xuan Tian!"

The entire Zhetian Universe is trembling, but in a hundred years, this immortal who is the only one in the world has become much stronger.

No one knows how far the current Emperor Xuan Tian has gone in the realm of immortality, but one thing is certain -

Even in the next few million years, no one will be able to catch up with the footsteps of Emperor Xuantian.

On the top of the Immortal Mountain, under the tea tree of Enlightenment.

The God Emperor is sitting here cross-legged.

"Sure enough, we have made a big step forward in just a few hundred years."

The young God-Emperor in gray robes is full of majesty and extraordinary, making people awe-inspiring.

Around him, a divine silkworm battle suit shining with ten-color immortal flowers floated up and down, and the supreme immortal aura filled the air, which was extremely terrifying.

Shi Xuan stood on the top of the vast starry sky. He opened his mysterious and profound chaotic eyes and looked at the universe. In his eyes, he saw the sun and moon collapsing, the stars being destroyed, and the chaos opening up.

The universe in his eyes is different from that of ordinary monks. At this moment, in his eyes, the entire universe is densely covered with Dao patterns, and there are endless runes intertwined on the vast ancient stars everywhere.

It seems that there is a great formation that spans the past and present, covering the entire universe, overlapping and densely covering it. Not only the Covering Sky Universe, but also the strange world sandwiched between the Covering Sky Universe and the Immortal Realm is also covered by this great formation.

This is an extremely terrifying formation, enough to make ordinary immortal monks despair. Even with Shi Xuan's current level, it would take some time to set up such a formation.

Of course, it refers to the layout. If you want to destroy this formation, it is still very easy.

"Emperor." Of course, Shi Xuan knew the thoughts of this ancient and modern emperor and the most powerful emperor whose behavior was very different before and after the original work.

Refining the sky-covering universe and strange worlds to create a supreme world cauldron.

However, Shi Xuan is not prepared to stop it, because this is what the protagonist should do, and he is one of the biggest sources of darkness in ancient and modern times.

It is not his responsibility to protect the world and save all people.

Of course, Regal's idea is crazy.

In other words, none of the strong people in this world is normal. Everyone is more or less mentally unhealthy.

Of course, this also includes Shi Xuan.

Today's Shi Xuan is no longer the Shi Xuan who studied quietly and worked diligently before time travel.

Strictly speaking, he is the fusion of the Forbidden Dark Supreme and the previous life Shi Xuan, and is the current Emperor Xuan Tian.

He used to be afraid of killing a chicken for a long time.

But now, he can sit back and watch hundreds of millions of creatures bleed without doing anything.

He couldn't tell what kind of state this was, cold-blooded?ruthless?
But bloodshed and sacrifice are the main themes of this world!
At the same moment, in a lonely, cold and broken universe.

In an extremely majestic and majestic ancient palace that spans the center of the universe forever, guarded by the sun, moon and stars, and enveloped by the vast chaotic waterfall.
An extremely majestic, majestic, and boundless figure stood between the sky and the earth, and the stars in the sky revolved around him, which was extremely shocking.

A single strand of his hair is larger than the sun, moon and stars, which makes people awe inexplicably.

Very abrupt.

This terrifying being opened its eyes.

It was unimaginable that this majestic young man, who looked to be no more than 30 or [-] years old, was actually a powerful man who had lived for several eras and overwhelmed countless emperors and emperors in the universe.


Incomparably terrifying lights and radiances pierced the silent universe.

It is enough to make even the most powerful person tremble with fear. Even the physical body cannot withstand the pressure and will explode.

"There is a pair of invisible hands that disturbs the progress of ancient history in promoting the human world and accelerates the end of this era."

He frowned, and his voice shook the heavens and the earth, making the endless stars in the universe disappear silently.

A looming long river of time has emerged, which is a bit scary.

The figure stepped out in one step and stood under the vast starry sky with an incomparable awe-inspiring momentum.

If it spreads out, it will definitely shake the heavens, and even the supreme beings in the restricted area will change their colors.

There are actually people who silently promoted the course of the ancient history of the universe.

"Is this the current Emperor Xuan Tian?"

The loud sound made the sky shake, and endless stars were annihilated.


At this moment, deep in the Immortal Mountain, in the majestic ancient palace where chaos was surging, pieces of void were shattered and exploded——

The next moment, a towering figure walked out of it.


The radiant and dazzling Sanshengchi rises and falls in the ocean of faith.

In a trance, there was a forbidden figure that was about to cross the long river of time and space and come from the future.

With every step he takes, the long river of time seems to be trembling, and in his eyes there is a world of chaos evolving——

There are ten different principles surrounding him, including real dragons, real phoenixes, unicorns, golden ants, and even a grass, a stone, etc.
However, just for a moment, with a soft sound, the world returned to calm, and the previous mysterious scene could still be seen there.

"The future?"

The horror of that figure exceeded his imagination, and was not even weaker than the sword light that rose from nowhere, when, and where in the world of Immortal Mansion, but cut off all cause and effect of Immortal King Ao Sheng.

In other words, that figure at least has stepped into the forbidden realm that is at the top of the heavens.

"The present is the foundation of all future!"

“Because the causes planted now can bear the fruits in the future!”

Shi Xuan's eyes were as bright as lightning and his voice was calm and authentic.

He doesn't care about how powerful he will be in the future. He only firmly believes that now, no matter what the future holds, he will take his own invincible path step by step.

But the next moment, Shi Xuan disappeared silently into the void at some point.

Covering the sky and beyond the universe.

In the vast chaos.

Two powerful rays of light flashed and disappeared in an instant.

The gray figure was traveling on the Nine Secrets, chasing the cyan emperor's figure in front of him who was filled with chaotic dragon energy and surrounded by the endless holy spirit.

In the blink of an eye, the cyan emperor's shadow had broken through the vast sea of ​​chaos, crossed the endless void, and arrived at an unknown land.

A few breaths later, the gray figure broke through the sea of ​​chaos and arrived here.

"But it has taken thousands of years to reach the current state. Fellow Taoist Emperor Xuantian is indeed extraordinary."

The gray figure showed no hostility and chuckled.

A pair of eyes were like a dark abyss, shining with strange runes.

"With the three supreme bloodlines of Chaos Body, Holy Spirit, and True Dragon, Brother Xuantian Emperor has now faintly surpassed the rank of True Immortal and is about to enter another realm."

"I might as well!"

His tone was very firm, and he did not hide his surprise. He directly said that he was no match for the current Xuan Tian Emperor.

"Emperor. In the ninth world of mortals, he defied heaven and became an immortal?"

Shi Xuan looked calm and stared at the other party.

Seize the creation of the underworld, collect the bodies of kings in the world, and launch several dark turmoils
He had never thought of hiding his past actions, let alone concealed them.

Walking on this road, whose feet are not filled with bones?

Today's Emperor Xuantian is powerful, not because he has the heart to save the world.

"It is said that Emperor Zun, you want to refine the two realms and create a world cauldron?"

"Yes, that's right."

After the faint words fell, it was a good thing that besides Shi Xuan and Emperor Zun, there was no other third person here, otherwise it might have caused a shocking shock to the world.

Shi Xuan said it casually and pointed it out directly.

Emperor Zun also admitted it very directly.

With Shi Xuan's current state, Emperor Zun didn't think his plan could be hidden from him.

And to this day, the current Xuan Tian Emperor has not seen anything done. Therefore, the Emperor is sure that the current Xuantian Emperor is the same kind of person as him. This feeling is even better than that of Ming Zun in the mythical era.

At this moment, in the endless sea of ​​chaos——

Two incomprehensible figures stood opposite each other, each silent.

"Fellow Taoist Emperor Xuantian, how about you and I having a discussion?"

Finally, Emperor Zun spoke first.

(End of this chapter)

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