Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 142 The Beast Milk Baby Appears in the Bronze Coffin

Chapter 142 The Beast Milk Baby Appears in the Bronze Coffin
The vast sea of ​​chaos is filled with endless wreckage left after the destruction of the universe. The Tao is no longer there, but the road is high and far away.

This is a true place of nothingness, a barren land.

Even for beings above the supreme realm, this is a truly wild place.

Only invincible creatures who have set foot in the Immortal Realm can run rampant there.

At this moment, in this sea of ​​chaos.

The boundless energy of chaos is raging, and the aftermath of the shocking Immortal War is slowly dissipating.

The supreme Emperor Xuantian's dharma body has dispersed. At this moment, Shi Xuan, on the independent Holy Spirit Avenue, is filled with chaotic dragon energy, surrounded by endless Holy Spirit fairy energy. His aura is completely restrained, just like a mortal.

Opposite him was Emperor Zun.

At this moment, Emperor Zun had already transformed back into that majestic figure.

In the previous battle, when both of them limited their combat power and had just entered the realm of immortality, Emperor Zun was obviously at a disadvantage.

Even at this moment, Emperor Zun looked a little unnatural when he thought of the extremely violent scene before.

It is hard to imagine that someone would call for three thousand helpers as soon as they started fighting, and then swing three thousand universes and smash them at them with great violence. It was simply too violent.

After a long while, the emperor spoke. His voice seemed quite difficult at this time, and it seemed a little difficult:

"Fellow Taoist Emperor Xuantian is indeed extraordinary. After all, I have lived a million years in vain."

To be honest, Emperor Zun has endured hardship for several epochs and is at least 200 million years old. Although Shi Xuan is hundreds of thousands of years old, in front of Emperor Zun, he can still be called a young and promising person.

Of course, as Emperor Zun is the first-class existence in ancient and modern times, he will not let this small setback cause his Taoist heart to become dusty.

Such setbacks will only make Emperor Zun's Taoist heart become stronger through repeated tempering.

Once he was able to resolutely cut off a body of Tianzun Dao Fruit and rebuild it, and then he was able to fake his own death to deceive everyone, and then he struggled for millions of years to build the Cauldron of the World.

Emperor Zun's Taoist heart can be said to be extremely powerful.

In comparison, the ruthless person's unwillingness to become an immortal and only wants to wait for your return in the mortal world seems insignificant.

A mere tens of millions of years, what’s the point?
First go and endure millions of years of suffering like Emperor Zun, and then be compassionate to others, okay!

In the boundless starry sky, a bright Holy Spirit Avenue cuts through the dark universe and extends into the distance.

At this moment, in front of the bright Holy Spirit Avenue, there is a strange bronze coffin, floating aimlessly in the starry sky of the universe.

It stands across the starry sky in the universe. At first glance, it is very ordinary, as ordinary as the coffin in which mortals bury their bodies in the mundane world.

However, anyone will be attracted to it the first time they see it, not for the coffin, but for the nine huge dragon corpses tied by iron chains.

Kowloon pulls the coffin!

There is not even one of the oldest artifacts in this universe.

There are countless supreme beings involved.

Speaking of which, the last time I saw this coffin was thousands of years ago. At that time, Shi Xuan had just transformed into the Chaos Holy Spirit and was still very weak.

It happened that he was still looking for a retreat, and unexpectedly this coffin was delivered to his door.

If he remembered correctly, there was a vast world inside this coffin, which was used to repair the Immortal Realm.

Although I don’t know why it was not taken out in the end, but after countless years of gestation——

Now in this post-century era, there are really few places of retreat that can compare with that big world.

Therefore, Shi Xuan made up his mind to use the big world inside the Nine Dragon Coffin as a retreat for him to refine the essence and blood of the Immortal King.

In the depths of the universe where coldness and darkness coexist, nine huge dragon corpses are motionless, as if they have been lying there for eternity, making people feel endless desolation and eternity.

The nine dragon corpses are hundreds of meters long, with black chains as thick as bowls tied at the ends, leading to the dark space behind the nine dragon corpses, where a 20-meter-long bronze stone hangs quietly. Ancient coffin.

The iron chain has been hammered and tempered, thick, long and strong, and the little black light makes it look extremely cold.

The bronze coffin is simple and unpretentious, with some vague ancient patterns engraved on it, full of the vicissitudes of time.

At this moment, pieces of mysterious and ancient runes broke through the void, flew over, and were submerged into the giant bronze coffin. "Buzz."

The ancient coffin was hazy and obscured by mist. After the mysterious runes were submerged into the bronze coffin, countless strange runes appeared on the bronze coffin, and the distance began to sway.

The ancient characters are dancing like dragons and phoenixes, as if they have come to life. Faintly, there are ancient and mysterious sacrificial sounds coming out, all the beasts are singing in unison, and countless ancient ancestors are praying.
"Bang dang."

The nine-headed huge dragon corpse began to move, and the thick dragon made a clattering sound. It dragged the heavy and ancient bronze coffin and moved towards the direction of Beidou East Wasteland.
And above the ancient coffin, there was a cyan emperor's figure sitting cross-legged. His eyes were slightly closed, and his aura was restrained, as if he was merging with the giant bronze coffin.

The entire universe was shaken by a shocking news.

Some extremely powerful quasi-emperors saw nine huge dragon corpses crossing the void and directly entering the Immortal Mountain in the High Forbidden Area of ​​the Eastern Wasteland. There was also a figure in green sitting cross-legged on top of it——

It was none other than the supreme Emperor Xuantian in the world.

On this day, a soft sound shook the entire universe.

I saw a sky-reaching beam of light lighting up from the Immortal Mountain. It lasted for a long time and illuminated the entire universe.

At the same time, bursts of ancient and vast heavenly sounds spread throughout the universe.

All races in the universe and powerful people from all walks of life were alarmed, and they all went to Beidou East Wasteland, hoping to meet the most powerful person, Emperor Xuantian.

And find out what happened.

It's a pity that they all came back in vain.

The Immortal Mountain was silent, and there was no movement at all with the arrival of everyone.

Without Emperor Xuan Tian's promise, even the Forbidden City Supreme would not dare to enter the Immortal Mountain. Everyone would have no choice but to wander around thousands of miles outside the Immortal Mountain without even daring to get even close.

Many people will not forget the other identity of Emperor Xuan Tian at that time, the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, one of the largest sources of darkness in ancient and modern times.

It was the result of countless dark catastrophes launched over hundreds of thousands of years.

Even if the ten directions were destroyed and hundreds of millions of sentient beings were bleeding and drifting, it would be difficult to touch such a being.

Therefore, no one dares to touch the bad luck of such existence.

At this moment, in the Immortal Mountain, under the enlightenment tea tree.

The peerless God Emperor stood up, stared at the huge bronze coffin hanging in the chaos, densely covered with runes, and flickering, and sighed softly:

"The next time we meet, I'm afraid it will be a different world."

"It seems that I have to hurry up, otherwise I will be left too far behind!"

Seeing Shi Xuan making great progress in the realm of immortality, the God Emperor would naturally feel it.

Now as Shi Xuan steps into the giant bronze coffin, the God Emperor knows that the next time he meets Emperor Xuan Tian, ​​he will have to climb a few more steps.

And how could he, the God Emperor, be thrown away by someone, even if that person was the current Xuan Tian Emperor?

Therefore, for the first time in so many years, the God Emperor walked down the Immortal Mountain, left the Enlightenment Tea Tree, and went to the chaos outside the world. He did not know where he went.

Inside the bronze coffin, endless chaos and mist filled the air, with no distinction between pure and turbid, presenting a scene of the prehistoric times before the creation of the world.

Stepping on the Holy Spirit Avenue, Shi Xuan stepped out in one step, crossing the endless chaos and arriving at an astonishing world.

In the dark, Shi Xuan seemed to feel a mysterious power, and even vaguely heard the sound of swords——

Immediately, a hazy figure appeared in Shi Xuan's eyes.


The emperor's sword clanked, and the majestic aftermath seemed to span eternity and space, resounding in Shi Xuan's ears.

Afterwards, the originally hazy figure hung an ancient law pond that seemed to be the main body of the avenue, and with a three-foot imperial sword in his hand, he stepped out of the sky of time, from the upper reaches of the long river of time, to this era.

The figure did not move at all, but there was the sound of gold and iron clashing, and the endless killing energy came out, making Shi Xuan tremble.

"There is no past or present, no beginning and no end. Before there was a heaven and earth, heaven and earth came into being. They are profound, subtle and vast."

(End of this chapter)

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