Chapter 153: Strange things appear in the Imperial Pass

"Haha, with the blessing of the supreme ancient ancestor, I finally got rid of this damn formation. It seems that our clan will eventually wipe out this world."

The first person to rush out was a humanoid creature that was no weaker than a true immortal, with eight symbiotic wings on its back. There were blazing magic flames beating on its head, and the magic light was shining brightly.

Also covered in blood.

He was full of excitement and laughing wildly.


But before he could see Shi Xuan clearly, he let out a desperate scream and was cut off by a bright halberd light.

The soul, the physical body, everything was destroyed by this halberd.

It's unstoppably creepy.

"Damn it, you humble alien creatures from the lower world, you reptiles can't stop our race!"

The creature with six bloody wings on the right roared and wanted to rush out.

The momentum was extremely terrifying, making the sky rumble.

He is holding a blazing and dazzling bloody long sword, which is extremely weird and terrifying, as if it can pollute all the ways and laws in the world, making people feel inexplicable.

"Heaven Finger!"

Stepping on the Imperial Pass, Shi Xuan casually shot out without thinking.


The immeasurable tribulation light of heaven erupted, with unimaginable power of destruction, shaking the past, present and future.

Shi Xuan was so powerful and domineering that the Avenue of the Holy Spirit roared under his feet and he rushed directly into the torn crack in the formation.

The bloody creature headed by it, with its terrifying aura, was definitely a being at the level of an Immortal King.

Shi Xuan was a little curious at the moment about what was in this imperial gate that had been sealed off by the beast-milk boy using his unparalleled means.

A feeling in the dark told him that maybe the opportunity for him to break through to the Immortal King lies in this imperial pass.

Moreover, he was also very interested in the Tao and Dharma of these strange creatures and wanted to observe them.

This will help him create his own sixth realm of new law as soon as possible and embark on his road to becoming a king.

Shi Xuan moved immediately.

Holding a peerless war halberd, with an ancient monument hanging above his head, and stepping on the Avenue of the Holy Spirit, he followed the crack in the formation and entered the imperial gate that had been sealed in dust for who knows how many thousands of years.


Blood rained from the sky, ghosts cried and gods howled.

The eight-winged creature that died under Shi Xuan's halberd earlier was obviously an extraordinary being.

His fall triggered a vision, a blood-red mist, and faint gods and demons wailing, which made people's hair stand on end.

Shi Xuan stepped out and barged in forcefully.

Incomparably vast and desolate!
This was Shi Xuan's first feeling about Diguan.

The magnificent city is filled with the breath of time.

Incomparably desolate and long-lasting, magnificent and majestic, the walls are covered with astonishing traces of battles such as knives, halberds, spears, and arrows.

I don’t know how many thousands of years have passed, but there is still a faint coercion overflowing, silently telling the glory of the past.

Stars one after another rotate around it.

But it was covered with traces of battle, most of it was broken, and the strong smell of blood could still be smelled.

Obviously, what Shi Xuan saw before was only a small part of this majestic city.

Diguan is not just a majestic huge city.

Its size is not even much smaller than the entire Zhetian Universe, which is shocking.

"Damn it, you humble alien reptile from the lower world, you have angered me!"

The statue only had six bloody wings left, and the blood-covered creatures roared angrily. The overwhelming pressure shook the endless stars and suddenly exploded.

With a fierce murderous intention, he stared at Shi Xuan who barged in forcefully.

He was angry.

As powerful as he is, the peerless king who rules a world, countless creatures and worlds have been destroyed in his life, but he was actually forced back with a single finger.Moreover, the other party clearly did not have the aura of the immortal king.

Waiting for Ruo to be slapped in the face naked.

It almost drove him crazy.

The look in his eyes was so sinister that it made people shudder.


The torn corner of the formation is slowly repairing itself, gradually decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The huge Cangtian Monument burst out with immeasurable light and radiance, blocking the crack.

The three thousand Dao Principles that made people's scalp numb were furiously cutting into the blazing formations, preventing them from completely healing.

The difficulty of tearing apart this formation is completely different from the inside out and the outside in. It can even be said that one is in the sky and the other is in the ground.

Therefore, in order to avoid expending too much energy when going out later, the Cangtian Monument was used to block the healing of the formation.

"That big halberd is actually a warrior made of no less than ten kinds of supreme immortal gold and immortal treasures."

"In this world, the destiny is indeed contrary to nature!"

"We have searched all over the world, but we may not be able to find a supreme immortal material to forge our own warriors."

Most of this creature's body was covered with bones, and only half of its wings were covered in blood on its back. Its tone was cold and filled with murderous intent.

He was very arrogant and conceited, and did not take Shi Xuan into his eyes at all. He seemed to regard Shi Xuan's halberd as his own trophy.

He is indeed extremely powerful. If Shi Xuan had not become a destiny immortal and was at the top of the true immortals, he would have really broken through the cracks in the formation.

There is no doubt that when this creature is intact, there are probably twelve bloody wings on its back, which are too powerful to fathom.

Suddenly, another wolf-headed creature with a human body, extremely large in size, and with an aura no less than that of a creature in the realm of the Immortal King of Time came through the air.


The terrifying Immortal King Dao Ze’s aura is overwhelming.

A slender creature with strange red hair and dull eyes looked at Shi Xuan with a cold expression.

A red light shone on his body, and a broken bell flew out. The terrifying energy made people's hearts palpitate and their scalps couldn't help but tingle.

"Even though our clan's most powerful warriors could not be brought over because of that sword light, these are trophies taken from this world. The gods have already surrendered to our clan."

A figure clad in blood-colored clothing, with a pale complexion and an extremely cold aura, was eerie and authentic.

A dazzling ancient mirror flew out and flew to the sky.

There are two sides, one black and one white, with the two innate yin and yang qi flowing, no weaker than the previous broken bell.

"You talk too much"

Shi Xuan didn't mean to talk nonsense. Anyway, after killing these people, he could also get what he wanted by searching for their souls.

He stood with a halberd in his hand, and the Heavenly Emperor's Dharmakaya in the Ancestral Aperture Palace between his eyebrows suddenly moved.

The ten thousand-foot-long Dharma body stood upright against the sky and the earth, with incomparable majesty and majesty. The dark war halberd shook the sky for nine days, causing the void to collapse and collapse.

One after another, the blazing chaos halberd light blasted out.

"He is just an immortal who has not yet entered the realm of kings. He wants to block the progress of our clan. He is simply ignorant of the heaven and earth."

The man with red hair and white eyes snorted coldly.

They were all peerless kings who once dominated countless great realms. They had been practicing for a long time. How could they be stopped by a lowly creature from the lower realm who had not yet entered the realm of kings?

He decisively urged the broken ancient bell to ring.

Infinite clock waves rippled out layer by layer, and the terrifying power of the law of time came out, immobilizing everything in the world.

"One thought is destiny -

What if our Lord’s destiny is the general trend, and it’s time? "

Three thousand avenues merge into a vast river, which has no past or present, no end, and no beginning.

At this moment, an unstoppable destiny converged on Shi Xuan. Everything in the world was retreating, and no time or space existed.

Shi Xuan attacked with force and invincibility, and the thick peerless war halberd was like a ferocious real dragon, chopping down with the momentum of a dragon!
(End of this chapter)

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