Chapter 24 Chaos Creature
The underworld of later generations finally created this most powerful creature.

His terrifying combat power even surpassed that of the Supreme Being in his heyday. It was extremely terrifying, but in the end, it was always a half-finished product.

To be honest, if the underworld hadn't done most of the work for him, he wouldn't have such unrealistic fantasies.

Chaos Holy Spirit.

This terrifying physique, rare in ancient times, was about to come from his hands.

This major event that created ancient and modern history has caused some waves even with Shi Xuan's current mentality.

"It's not perfect yet. It's short of a rare king's body..." The Lord of the Underworld said with some regret:

"The ancient holy body, the heavenly hegemonic body, the body of the sun, the innate Tao embryo, the Yuanling body..."

These royal bodies he mentioned are extremely rare in the world.

Such very special and powerful physiques, such as the ancient holy body and the heavenly hegemonic body, once they reach perfection, they can still compete with the supreme beings of the world even if they do not have the mark of the heart of heaven.

However, I don’t know if such a powerful physique is too heaven-defying, restricted by God, and inherently difficult to achieve enlightenment.

From the age of mythology, the ancient times, the ancient times...

Over millions of years, there has been no such example of a supremely powerful emperor who has mastered destiny.

Special physiques similar to the Yuanling Body can only be seen in a few columns in ancient books.

"It's almost there!"

Shi Xuan's tone was meaningful.

Without warning, suddenly——

His big hand suddenly reached out.

The immortal power of order bloomed, and in an instant it was about to seize the creature that was sealed in the divine source and shrouded in chaos and mist.

"You dare!"

The expression of the Supreme Lord of the Underworld changed drastically in an instant.

He couldn't help but became furious, and his roar shook the world forever, making countless creatures fear and tremble.

I never expected that Shi Xuan, who just said he wanted to enter the underworld, would immediately turn against him and actually risk a fight with him, the Supreme, in an attempt to directly snatch the incomplete semi-finished product.

You know, even if he is short of vitality and blood, the opponent is still just a self-destruction supreme with declining vitality.

If there was a brutal supreme battle, he might not survive, but he was still sure of consuming half of the opponent's life.

And this approach is obviously very unwise at this critical juncture where the Immortal Road is about to open.

It was because he saw through this that he put the things that the underworld had planned for countless years directly in front of the other party without any defense.

Unexpectedly, the other party would really dare to risk the disapproval of the world and forge a huge feud with a Supreme at this critical juncture where the path to immortality is about to begin.


A human-sized fairy source suddenly exploded.


The terrifying momentum that suppressed the eternal sky soared into the sky. The entire ancient palace and the endless territory were completely turned into powder, collapsed, and destroyed. The endless divine chains of order were intertwined and trembled.

At this moment, the incomparable blazing divine flower soared into the sky.

The supreme battle suit made of golden calamity illuminated the nine heavens and ten earths, and its terrifying energy shook the entire universe.

Without any nonsense, he broke out directly, holding a war spear and a black gold shield, tall and mighty.

The golden light of the Supreme Armor shimmered, covering his whole body tightly. His head was covered by the golden helmet. Only his eyes and mouth were exposed, and not even his hair was visible. It was difficult to bet on his true appearance.

The Lord of the Underworld, the Prison Suppressing Emperor actually has three imperial weapons!
Golden armor, spear and shield.

Although it can be felt that among these imperial weapons, only the battle spear is the imperial weapon forged by him personally, but it is also extremely shocking.

The war is about to start.

The Prison Suppressing Emperor took action, and countless divine chains of order intertwined and rushed towards the chaotic creature sealed in the divine source. If he wanted to stop the other party, he could not just stand by and let it be taken away easily.

Supreme can not be humiliated!
He was really angered and wanted to fight!


Supreme Battle!
The nine heavens and ten earths shook, and the eight wastelands and the earth trembled.

The angry shouts of the Prison Suppressing Emperor shook the entire world. Countless creatures were suppressed by the terrifying pressure that suppressed the past, present and future. They couldn't help but kneel on the ground, trembling uneasily.

After a hundred years, the Supreme War has started again!
Throughout the ages, the supreme beings have never met each other.

Not to mention the battle between the Supremes, which is hard to find in the ages.

Unexpectedly, only a hundred years later, there was another supreme-level battle, which was unbelievable.

"what happened?"

"It's the Stone Emperor guy. He entered the underworld..."

"Hey, with such fluctuations, there must be a fierce dispute with that old guy in the underworld."

"Supreme Battle, after this battle, can he still survive?"

"I'm not afraid that the Hades Emperor from the Mythical Age will emerge from some corner of the universe and destroy him directly."

Without any warning, even the supreme beings in the Beidou Eastern Wilderness Restricted Area were shocked, filled with coldness and ridicule.

You must know that the former creator of the underworld, the Emperor Pluto, is the most mysterious supreme being. No one knows whether he is alive or dead.

The vast supreme power swept out unbridled.

If it hadn't been for the protection of more than one supreme formation throughout the ages, the entire underworld would have been destroyed directly by the monstrous fluctuations.

Even if this is the case, there will still be endless destruction of territory.

Palaces collapsed and were annihilated in an instant, and a large number of Yin soldiers and self-proclaimed strong men in the underworld were reduced to nothingness under the powerful blows of the Prison Suppressing Emperor and Shi Xuanna.

However, it was too late after all.

Not only did Shi Xuan take the lead in taking away the chaotic creatures sealed in the divine source, but he also fought hard against the Prison Emperor.


Stepping on Xing Zi Mi, one of the Nine Mysteries of Myth, was incredibly fast.

It can’t even be said to be simply fast, it involves the realm of time, as if the years are going back.

Shi Xuan's majestic figure swept across the outer starry sky in an instant.

Standing with a big halberd in hand, surrounded by endless divine rings, he exudes the aura of dominion over the world, like a true godless figure.

He looked directly at the fiery figure standing in the direction of the underworld, his face full of rage, his body covered in dark iron armor glowing, and his monstrous aura shaking all the wastelands.

"Stone Emperor, what do you want to do?"

The prison-suppressing emperor's eyes were cold, and his angry shouts spread throughout the eight ancient worlds.

He never imagined that Stone Emperor would dare to plot against him and attempt to directly seize the incomplete chaotic creature.

As the breath surged, the surrounding stars exploded.

Turned into brilliant fireworks, extremely gorgeous and beautiful.

"You are old and can't wait until that time. Why not let me take over your work in the underworld and create a complete chaotic body!"

Shi Xuan sneered and spoke.

Chaos creatures that combine the origins of more than 900 rare king bodies can undoubtedly save him a lot of time and energy, even if he has to fight against the old supreme king of the Prison Suppressor.

He didn't want to waste too long waiting.

You must know that even until the later century, the underworld has never collected all those rare king bodies, unable to make this chaotic creature perfect, but only cultivated a terrifying monster.


"Junior, you are bullying me too much!"

The furious Prison Suppressing Emperor has a terrifying aura.

(End of this chapter)

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