Chapter 29
"Sure enough, even if the Dao Fruit is repaired, it cannot return permanently..."

Feeling his own state, Shi Xuan whispered to himself.

He has black hair shawl and a majestic appearance, exuding the aura of being arrogant and arrogant.

That gray-white hair and dried blood are no longer there, and it has returned to its most prosperous appearance!
Abandoning the supreme fruition status, the cost of surviving is very serious.

Even if he returns to his former peak, the Dao Fruit will still be imperfect and will never be flawless again.

In the restricted area of ​​Beidou Donghuang.

The rays of light soaring into the sky were suppressed, and no one chose to be born.

At the same time, there are also forbidden zone supremes who are showing goodwill and want to win Shi Xuan into their camp. At worst, they don't want to become enemies casually.

The energy and pressure that soared into the sky gradually subsided, and the universe returned to peace.

The war came to an end, and all the anxious beings finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if the Lord of the Underworld revealed the secret of heaven when he transformed into the Dao, suffered a world-destroying divine punishment, and no matter how envious of the creation of the Underworld, it is still impossible for these supreme beings to risk their lives to fight for it.

In the final analysis, Shi Xuan did not hesitate to reach the highest level.

If they choose to be born now, they can only fall into a life-and-death battle, which is really a loss.

Anyway, the Stone Emperor has reached its ultimate level, and it’s hard to say whether he can survive until the path to immortality opens ten thousand years later. They don’t need to fight with a short-lived guy.

This is very unwise.

"Well, are you targeting the Heavenly Tyrant Body again?"

There was a Supreme Being who followed Shi Xuan's gaze and looked into the depths of the starry sky and saw a vast star of life.

It was a purple star, shimmering with divine brilliance, very extraordinary and vast.

Surrounded by the sun, moon and stars.

It doesn't look like a star at all, but rather like a vast continent with a supreme aura.

The Supreme Beings all know that ancient star.

That star is very extraordinary. It has been strong since ancient times and has a prominent reputation in the nine heavens and ten earths.

Although there has never been a true supreme being, there are often powerful people who have reached the level of quasi-emperor or above, and even reached the half-step supreme state. They are just one step away from being able to control the Dacheng Hegemon Body with the mark of Tianxin, which is enough to challenge the supreme being.

Moreover, more than one or two people have appeared in the long years.

That is the ancestral star of Cang Tian Hegemony!

"There are two or three strong auras on this ancient star, and Stone Emperor is not afraid to explain them here."

The Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone was secretly watching the excitement, wishing that the Stone Emperor and those dust-covered Dacheng Hegemons would die together, so that they could come out with peace of mind and seize the fortune.

"Are you going to come out on your own, or do you want me to split this ancient star directly?"

Shi Xuan spoke coldly, with murderous intent.

"Hmph, what do you mean?"

An angry cold snort came from the ancient and mysterious mountain range of this ancient star, with a domineering and powerful look that looked down on the world, making countless people tremble.

No one thought that there would be such a self-proclaimed existence in this holy mountain that has existed since ancient times.

"When I was fighting just now, there was murderous intention coming from your ancient star..."

Shi Xuan said indifferently.

It is recorded in the book that during this time period, there should be three Dacheng Hegemons sealed on this ancient star.

If he took action at this moment, he would probably face the siege of two or more Dacheng Overlords, but he was not afraid.

From the moment he reached his ultimate ascension, there was no power in this universe that could stop him.

This is the terrifying thing about the Great Ancient Emperor.

Truly transcending the universe, looking up into the vastness, there is no enemy to fight against.

It is said that Dacheng Hegemony can rival the Supreme——

In fact, what it really means is that only the Dacheng Hegemon Body or the Holy Body can be qualified to be looked upon by the Great Emperor.

It doesn't mean that you can really fight against a real emperor.

Facing the powerful and powerful Emperor Wu Que, even those with special and powerful physiques such as the Ancient Holy Body and the Dacheng Hegemon Body are basically bound to die.

Unless you can really defy heaven and take the last half step on top of the Dacheng Hegemon Body or the Holy Body!

"Are you trying to bully me into possessing a body and no one?"

In the majestic and majestic holy mountain, the light soaring into the sky penetrated the sky, and a powerful pressure swept out, and the sound of the Tao rumbled.

Shi Xuan's behavior was too overbearing.

In the holy mountain where the divine flowers towered into the sky, another person couldn't help but said angrily:
"If we want to provoke unprovoked, we are not vegetarians."

The beings in the Holy Mountain showed no sign of weakness, and there were more than one monstrous pressure. It was obvious that there was not just one such being.

The aura was surging, as if he couldn't help it the next moment and wanted to be born directly, even if he fought with the opponent in bloody battle.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's fight!"

Shi Xuan's eyes were cold and his tone was ruthless.He is extremely strong.

The halberd struck directly.

He was originally here for the origin of the Cangtian Hegemony, so how could he care about whether he was independent or not, so what if he used his power to bully him?
A cold light shines on the world.

The monstrous murderous intention makes people's whole body shiver, and their scalp can't help but feel numb.

The trajectory was so gorgeous that people couldn't believe it, and it blasted directly towards the holy mountain.

One after another, the stars could not withstand such energy, they were trembling, and almost exploded.

If necessary, he would even destroy the entire star without hesitation without any hesitation.

"Too deceiving..."

"Then let's fight. We are really afraid of you!"

An angry shout came out, making the sky rumble as if it was about to collapse.

The next moment, a purple bell burst out suddenly, blocking the terrifying cold light.

Otherwise, the holy mountain where they are located will definitely be destroyed immediately, and nothing will be left.


The bell wave is mighty and ripples continuously.

The big bell trembled violently, causing the void around it to collapse. Shocking large cracks spread out.

It is going to swallow up every big star, and seems to be destroying this galaxy.

Two blazing purple lights rushed out, so dazzling that it stung people's eyes and made them burst into tears.


The divine source containing endless energy and incomparable brilliance exploded directly.

A terrifying figure rushed towards the outside of the territory, and the shocking coercion swept across the world, making the world tremble.


The mighty pressure is breathtaking.

The ancient big clock bloomed with eternal light, and the terrifying God of Order intertwined, disintegrating the collapse of the void.

This is an ancient bell made of purple gold with divine marks. Its divine power is immense and can suppress the sky for eternity.


The suddenly born Dacheng Hegemon had a cold expression on his face, staring at Shi Xuan with his cold eyes, carrying a strong fighting spirit and unlimited murderous intent.

The other party is bullying too much!




The blazing light makes it difficult to open one's eyes.

The dark halberd in Shi Xuan's hand streaked through the void, carrying the most powerful pressure, and the terrifying aura shook the entire world.

As Shi Xuan, who is defined as the "Supreme Forbidden City", he was born in an era when there was no current emperor in charge of the Tianxin Seal. He could do whatever he wanted without worrying about anything.


Two blazing figures.

As soon as they entered the border wilderness, the war started.

It was extremely intense and there was no room for relaxation.


The Qi and blood of Dacheng Hegemon's body surged into the sky, like a furnace of heaven and earth, full of domineering and powerful aura, and the fighting spirit collapsed.

The gray hair on his head was dyed purple by the purple blood. The light all over his body was so intense that it was impossible to look directly at it, and the endless Tao order broke out.

Dacheng Hegemon's physical body is unparalleled, and now Shi Xuan is confronting him head-on. How can beings like them be timid?

Although this Dacheng hegemonic body exudes unparalleled domineering and strength, its fighting spirit is overwhelming.

But at first glance, he looked a little bit old, and his hair was a little gray. It was obvious that he had run out of blood and could only live in the divine source, waiting to be born.


The slightly old Dacheng Overlord has a messy hair and a shawl, wearing a red battle armor, a big purple bell on his head, and a murderous aura rising into the sky.

He struck across the sky for nine days, carrying a pair of fists with blazing light, and suddenly blasted towards Shi Xuan, extremely ferocious and wild, not afraid of the opponent at all.

"The light of fireflies dares to shine!"

Chaos energy surged, and the euphorbia shone with five or six world-shattering brilliance, crushing the sky.

Shi Xuan became even more domineering and powerful. He swung his blazing halberd and attacked directly.

(End of this chapter)

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