Chapter 45 I want to live an ordinary life

Shi Xuan carried one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit Rings on his back, hung the Sky Monument on his head, ascended to the sky and jumped into the endless sea of ​​thunder——

Then he opened his mouth and inhaled, directly attracting thousands of lightnings into his body and refining them all.


As he was promoted to the first level of quasi-emperor through his slaying, the Cangtian Monument naturally became a quasi-emperor soldier, plundering into the endless thunder sea and swimming in it.

Thousands of marks were drawn by the Cangtian Monument, and the figure in green was imprinted on the surface of the Cangtian Monument.

With the imprinting of thousands of marks, the face of the figure gradually blurred, and only the supreme and majestic aura filled the air from the Cangtian Monument.

At the same time, a mysterious force seems to be awakening.

This is a heavy Tao-carrying weapon made by Shi Xuan using the Supreme Tao body left over from his own transformation, plus the remnant body of a Supreme, and smelting it with the supreme method.

In the dark, it can exert terrifying power.

Even though they are only quasi-Emperor soldiers now, they are more powerful than some ordinary Imperial soldiers.

He had a hunch that by the time he attained enlightenment, this ancient monument would probably evolve into a peerless immortal weapon.


Then, the Cangtian Monument swept out from the thunder sea again and hung beside Shi Xuan.

The Cangtian Monument is all gray and white, filled with the aura of the supreme and majestic. Countless imprints are imprinted on the surface of the monument, turning into an ancient imperial robe and draped over the figure in blue.

Above the figure in green, his face was blurred, and the laws of the Chaos Holy Spirit shone brightly, as if they were trying to cut off the eternal river of time and space.

Staring at this ancient stele, it is like another stone mystery, becoming the incarnation of the myriad ways of heaven and earth, with the inexplicable charm of the myriad ways flowing on it.

Immediately, Shi Xuan continued to ascend to the sky and came to the deepest part of the Ten Thousand Heavenly Tribulation.

What catches the eye is a magnificent group of ancient buildings, which were also transformed by lightning disasters.

This is an unimaginably huge complex of buildings, with balustrades and jade columns, and multiple buildings. There are various flowers, birds, insects, fish, wind, rain, thunder and lightning carved on the pavilions and pavilions, as well as the figures of ancient ancestors.

The main palace towers into the sky, with smoke and mist across the sky. There are many huge towers. It is majestic and majestic. It can be said to be a miraculous workmanship.

Because these are transformed by lightning and are very stable, this is an ancient scenic spot.

Above the ancient building complex, lightning and thunder roared, and the surrounding thunder sea was boundless, churning violently, stirring the sky for nine days.

This is also a kind of miracle. Boundless thunder and blazing lightning strike in the distance, falling like waterfalls, but this building complex remains the same, neither increasing nor decreasing.

Shi Xuan took a step forward and came to this place in person, but he no longer saw a human-shaped lightning bolt. It was as if he had come to a pure land, and the thunder seemed to have disappeared.


Suddenly, a palace exploded, engulfing him below.The pores on Shi Xuan's body were filled with lightning, and he walked out very calmly.

He continued to move forward, but every time he took a step forward, there would be a shocking thunder explosion. All the ancient buildings seemed not to allow him to step in and collided with him.

In the sky, streaks of auspicious colors fell down, endless sweet springs gushed out from the ancient buildings, and there was the vision of thousands of clouds flying into the sky. Countless crystal flowers fell from the sky, which were transformed by thunder and lightning.

Every time he entered the heavenly palace, lightning would roar, the ancient palace would self-destruct, and the blazing light would become more and more intense.

Shi Xuan walked all the way, and finally ascended to the sky, leaving this place that seemed to be the ancient heaven. He did not enter the deepest palace, but came to the top of the thunder sea.

There are more and more wonderful sights seen, and the myriad of strange phenomena are becoming more and more unpredictable, but in general it is difficult to hurt him. After all, compared to the shadow of the ancient emperor, these are just scratching an itch.

Finally, he came to the end, where he saw great terror. Chaos surged ahead, and every lightning bolt was entangled with chaos and could destroy everything.

In the gray-white Celestial Eye, mysterious Dao patterns kept flashing, and Shi Xuan quietly stared at Lei Hai for a long time.

Then, he sacrificed the Sky Monument again and put it back into the Chaos Thunder Sea for forging.

In the process, he used his heart as a sword and engraved all his insights into the ancient monument of the sky, over and over again, hammering and forging thousands of times.

In the end, everything was in vain, the thousands of thunder tribulations dried up, the thunder dissipated, and the blazing sea of ​​thunder extinguished, as if it had never appeared.

As if in a dream, all the lightning and brilliance disappeared from Shi Xuan's independent sky.

All kinds of wonders, both real and illusory, give people an unreal feeling.

In the vast sky, everything has recovered, there is no sound, there is only a figure in green clothing standing alone in the endless void.Above the endless void, Shi Xuan let out a soft whistle, and opened his mouth to reach the sky. His breath was like the sky. With a slight shock, he moved hundreds of millions of miles. Suddenly, there was a powerful feeling that could rub the heaven and earth in his heart.


Ten thousand holy lights flashed, his expression was peaceful and peaceful, he stretched his body, faced the vast starry sky, his eyes were bright, and with a strong breath, everything moved in all directions.

Thousands of stars flowed along the star field, fell from the sky, gathered towards his body, turned into a silver ocean, and buried him in it.

Shi Xuan carries one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit rings around his body, and a sky monument hangs on his head, standing tall in the sky——

The whole person seems to be an emperor of heaven. This is the secret of the Chaos Holy Spirit that has been unraveled again.

The pores on the body surface are open, undergoing the baptism of starlight, replenishing the essence consumed in the disaster.

His flesh, flesh and fetal bones seemed to have turned into endless ancient stars, flickering in and out of existence, connected together by galaxies, and his own aura was even more obscure and unpredictable.

The stars and galaxies are endless, and I don’t know how long it took before the place calmed down and turned into darkness and coldness.

Quasi-Emperor, this is a supreme taboo realm, the last realm before enlightenment, extremely mysterious.

In the eternal main star, the mountains are surrounded by immortal energy, the lakes are like gems, the plains are like emeralds, and the spiritual energy is dense.

Many huge divine islands are suspended in the sky, with magnificent mountains and rivers, gurgling spiritual springs, floating palaces, and exotic beasts such as the Golden Crow, Kirin, and Dapeng.

This is a planet that is both modern and ancient mythology, giving people a very different feeling.

Shi Xuan stepped among them, and no one around him seemed to notice Shi Xuan.

This is a different kind of planet. Even in this age of the end of the Dharma when no great power can emerge, there is no shortage of Three Immortal Kings on this planet, and there are even a few Four Immortal Saints.

Of course, even the most advanced monks are almost impossible to see.

The majestic mountains are towering. Standing here is like standing on the top of the eternal fairyland.

A quiet lake is located on the top of the mountain, surrounded by green pines and cypresses, making the place look like a fairyland.

This is a famous place of immortality.

It is said that the Qing Emperor, the only enlightened man in ancient times, once retreated here, giving this place a special status.

You must know that not every ancient star in the universe is like Beidou. The traces left by the Great Emperor can be seen everywhere.

I don’t know how many living ancient stars there are in the universe, but there are so few ancient stars that have given birth to a great emperor, and it is impossible to survive.

Shi Xuan stood with his hands behind his back, facing the mirror-transparent Tengxian Land, with pines and waves and green cypresses behind him.

The green lotuses swayed in the lake, each one shining with green light, and the petals were dark green, carved like jade, and full of fragrance.

In Shi Xuan's eyes, there is a small world hidden in the void.

It is said to be a small world, but in fact it is more like an alien space. There is a stone table inside, except for a scroll of notes and a jade purification bottle.

The handbook was written by Emperor Qing himself. It contained some insights from his practice before he attained enlightenment, as well as one or two of the Nine Slashes of the Demon Emperor that he had created.

In the Jade Pure Bottle is an evolutionary liquid, which is a super evolutionary liquid that countless people on the Eternal Star cannot hope to achieve. It is of great benefit to the supreme sage and the monks who have just entered the quasi-emperor.

Apart from the fact that the handbook is useful to him, this so-called super evolutionary fluid is like water to him.

He grabbed the jade bottle containing the super evolutionary fluid and threw it in the direction of the Ziwei star field.

In an instant, deep in the Ziwei Star Territory Tianji Gate, a stream of light flew from the sky and hit Gong Yangchen on the head, waking him up from his deep sleep.

The Chaos Holy Body's physique is too heaven-defying. Shi Xuan can achieve it at any time if he wants to break through in cultivation. In addition, he is a supreme cultivator. If he lets go of the suppression, he can even be directly promoted to the quasi-emperor ninth level and become a great Taoist. Tribulation, once again prove the truth.

But resurrecting his life and having such an ordinary enlightenment was not what he wanted.

The reason why he took this long journey to the ancient starry sky was just to see new scenery and experience a new life.

You must know that his predecessor, the Stone Emperor, as an ancient emperor enlightened by the Holy Spirit, stood at the pinnacle of this universe as soon as he was born, and there was no need to bravely brave the ancient roads of the starry sky like ordinary geniuses.

So, this time, he wanted to see the scenery he had ignored.

Experience the life of ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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