Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 54: Divine Chapter Battlefield, 9 Dragons Pull the Coffin

Chapter 54 Mythical Battlefield, Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin

In the blink of an eye, several years have passed.

However, the entire universe is still unable to calm down. Many people are still immersed in the peerless battle between the Nine Nether Emperor and the two incarnations of the Supreme Divine Mind after he passed through the catastrophe of chaos and yin and yang a year ago.

That battle really lasted forever.

Emperor Jiuyou relied on his own strength to resist two incarnations of the supreme divine thought, and managed to kill one incarnation of the supreme divine thought with all his strength.

But it is a pity that since that battle, Emperor Jiuyou has never appeared in the eyes of the world again.

In the universe, some people began to spread the news that Emperor Jiuyou was injured by the supreme law of the extreme and fell to the eighth level of the quasi-emperor. Now he is repairing his injuries.

Some people even said that after the war, another Supreme Being was born, killed the Nine Nether Emperor, devoured the Nine Nether Emperor, and fell asleep in the restricted area again.

In short, everything is said, and it is getting worse and worse. There is a faint phenomenon of the originally dead universe returning to its former glory.

"What the hell, the Great Emperor Jiuyou has the right to bow his head in front of his master!"

"That is, the master's divine power is invincible. He is destined to become an emperor in the future. His divine power is unparalleled and he is invincible within the universe."

Next to the Qingluan divine bird, there is a golden bear, a panda with wings, a huge divine tiger ten feet tall, a golden roc...

A total of eight strange beasts of various kinds.

All of them have entered the realm of Saint King.

They were all ancient powerful men from various tribes in the starry sky. After meeting Shi Xuan, they surrendered to Emperor Xuan's supreme morality and were willing to follow him.

These sacred beasts at the level of saint kings all have one thing in common, that is, their meat is particularly delicious.

"Stop talking, let's talk about what to eat today?"

Qingluan Divine Bird took out a stone tablet, which she made using the Daluo Silver Essence given by Shi Xuan and imitating Shi Xuan's Cangtian Tablet.

When the refining was successful, she kept it as a family heirloom, but now it has become a barbecue stone for everyone. At the same time, she has also developed a good barbecue technique.

The roasted meat is not only delicious in color and flavor, but also very chewy and chewy.

"Bear paws are good."

"I recommend tiger whip."

"Braised Dapeng, the best."

A group of beasts are arguing.

In the end, it was agreed that the seven divine beasts would rotate once a week.

As for Qingluan, as the chef in charge, plus being the first divine beast Shi Xuan surrendered to, and also working part-time as Xuan Emperor's starry sky driver, she doesn't need to do as much as the other seven divine beasts. contribute.

The universe is dry and dark. If a monk is not strong enough in Taoism, he will be driven crazy in this situation.

In the past few years, in the eyes of Shi Xuan and others, there were only a few big stars. Those were ancient stars that could not survive and would have no trace of life.

They roam the universe without direction.

No matter where you go.

"Master, ahead is the mythical battlefield."

At this moment, Bai Hu's voice appeared in front of everyone——

It was the corpse of a huge ancient beast. Its body was vaster than the stars. It was like an ancient mountain. It was extremely huge and millions of miles long. Qingluan and the others were like ants in front of this ancient beast.

The surroundings were full of stars and meteorites, and what faced everyone was just the head of the ancient beast, but this head was comparable to ordinary stars.

"The star-devouring beast feeds on stars. It was one of the top ten royal families in the universe back then!"

There was a hint of horror in Qingluan's eyes. This ancient beast was comparable to stars when it was born. It fed on stars, devouring the sky and the earth. Its physical body was so powerful that even the holy soldiers could hardly injure this layer of existence. It could be compared with The Golden Crow clan is juxtaposed.

"This star-swallowing beast has probably broken into the Great Saint Realm."

Qingluan opened his mouth. This size penetrated the entire galaxy, completely shattered and floated in the universe. It was extremely shocking.A great saint-level star-devouring beast, whose body was difficult for even quasi-emperor soldiers to break, but now its whole body was shattered, its bones were crushed, and everyone felt chills all over.

Of course, because of the existence of the master Shi Xuan, the eight divine beasts were not afraid, but were filled with a sense of novelty in adventure.

"Master, only half of this star-devouring beast's brain is left!"

Something had eaten Galactus's brain.

For a moment, several people looked at each other and saw the incredible look in each other's eyes.

The Star Swallowing Beast is a powerful royal family that stands at the top of all races. A Star Swallowing Beast with half a foot stepping into the quasi-emperor's realm is enough to compete with ordinary quasi-emperors in the first level.

Now, half of his brain was eaten alive by something.

"That's the Fallen Clan!"

Among the eight sacred beasts, Xiong Lie, the winged panda saint king, screamed and looked in other directions. He saw a creature with sixteen black wings on its back, a humanoid shape, and a height of six feet. Below, floating slowly.

Unlike the star-swallowing beast, this Fallen Clan's body is very complete, but its skin is shriveled.

"All the blood in his body was sucked dry."

Qingluan's voice came out, and his tone was very heavy.

Shi Xuan sat cross-legged on Qingluan, followed by the seven divine beasts, walking through the starry sky, and there were more and more weird corpses.

Some have wings on their backs, but have the heads of lions, and some have small bodies, but they all release a powerful aura for an unknown period of time after they die, including all races and some humans.

This is a dead land, with no stars, only tens of thousands of corpses.

The closer you are to the mythical battlefield, the greater the energy released by those corpses.

Not long after, they saw a gold-eating beast, whose body was golden. It was unknown how many years had passed, but it was still emitting wisps of divine power.

This is a quasi-emperor.

At this moment, if their master Emperor Xuan hadn't been there, they would have run as far as they could.

The quasi-emperor, even in the golden age and the age of geniuses, can still be said to be a strong person.

Not to mention their Saint King, even a strong man in the realm of the Great Sage is not enough to beat with one finger.

Suddenly, the eyes of the eight divine beasts looking ahead were dull. They looked at each other, and then swallowed.

I couldn't believe it, but then I confirmed it again. After seeing the huge figure in front of me, I was shocked all over.

"Master, I. I. seem to have seen a real dragon!"

Qingluan's voice was trembling, and her body was a little unstable in flight for a while. The Golden Dragon King among the eight divine beasts was even more difficult to speak.

Even Shi Xuan's eyes flashed with curiosity for the first time.

This thing is the biggest thing in this world, involving more than one Immortal Emperor or above.

If he hadn't been strong enough now, he would have been prepared to forcefully open the coffin to satisfy his curiosity.

In the universe where coldness and darkness coexist, the nine dragon corpses are motionless. They are all five-clawed black dragons. The dragon's horns are crystal clear, the dragon's body is black, and the black light shines, and the scales shine with mysterious brilliance in the darkness.

At their ends are tied black iron ropes as thick as a bowl, leading to the dark space behind the nine dragon corpses, where a 20-meter-long bronze coffin hangs quietly.

They seem to be traveling alone in the universe for endless years, not knowing the beginning or the end.

By the way, I don’t know if this thing is now preparing to pick up the so-called Ye Fan Ye Tiandi, or if there is a Hedao flower in the coffin that was placed by a ruthless person.

It has to be said that the luck of the ruthless person is really bad. He picked up a fairy palace for free and still found a divine object like the Hedao flower.

Even in his memory, it seems that no one has ever found the Hedao flower except for ruthless people. He seriously doubts whether the only Hedao flower in the universe has been found by ruthless people.

(End of this chapter)

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