Chapter 56 The Seven Years Covenant Has Come

On this day, the Starry Sky Ancient Road is boiling again.

Just because the rumored seriously injured Emperor Jiuyou appeared on the Mythical Battlefield, wanting to fulfill his 30-year agreement with Emperor Xuan and have a true all-out battle.

There are more and more people on the Starry Sky Ancient Road day by day. Although it is far behind the prosperity of the Golden Age, it is still many times better than the loneliness of the past.

The ancient city gate opened slowly with a roar, and it was extremely heavy. It was like opening a dusty ancient history, telling the stories that happened on the ancient road, giving people a desolate feeling.

This is a huge city standing under the starry sky, where even mortals can live.

The ancient city exudes the atmosphere of ancient times. It is built of gray boulders. Various Taoist inscriptions are inscribed on it, some are very clear and some are blurry. The ancient characters also have traces of swords, guns, swords and halberds. It is majestic and awe-inspiring.

There was silence in front of the majestic giant city, and everyone let them walk towards the city gate. The closer they got to the giant city, the heavier their hearts became.

Each of them had walked on the Starry Sky Ancient Road when they were young, and knew how prosperous this place used to be.

The geniuses rise together, and the great world competes.

There is no shortage of talented young people from ancient stars with endless life in the vast universe. Each of them once conquered an ancient star, and then gathered on this ancient road in the starry sky to compete for the last chance to achieve enlightenment.

However, now, this ancient road in the starry sky, which once gathered countless talented people in the entire universe, seems a bit desolate.

Just like this era of the end of the Dharma, everything has fallen into deathly silence.

The glory of the past will never be seen again.

This is the tragedy of this era.

"However, our era is also lucky. We have Emperor Xuan and Emperor Jiuyou. We are in the only alternative golden age in the ages!"

"Praise to the supreme Emperor Xuan!"

"Praise to the supreme Emperor Jiuyou!"

On the ancient road in the starry sky, the ancient powerful men who awakened from the dust one after another chanted the two supreme names in their hearts.

At the same moment, two supreme figures stood on a vast uninhabited planet.

This is a mythical battlefield passed down from ancient times. It is a supreme battlefield specially opened for those who have touched the forbidden realm of the Emperor to fight against the powerful.

"My lord, do you think Emperor Xuan will come?"

The white-haired old man asked Gai Jiuyou respectfully.

Although he had only met Emperor Xuan once, he could feel the pride born from the bottom of his heart.

Even the supreme lord in his heart, the Jiuyou Emperor who was about to break the Qing Emperor's suppression, become an emperor, and create eternal myths, seemed not to be worthy of being looked down upon by him.

Moreover, the Xuan Emperor is so mysterious that until now, there is no one else in the universe except that he is a powerful quasi-emperor as soon as he appears and calls himself Xuan Emperor.

His name, origin, years of practice, etc. are all unknown.

It was like the other party jumped out of a crack in the stone, and there was no trace at all.

"Emperor Xuan."

Gai Jiuyou also uttered these two words lightly, not knowing what else to think about.

In these years, apart from enlightenment and practice, the only thing he did was to inquire about the details of this mysterious emperor who suddenly appeared.

Unexpectedly, even with his level, he could only find some superficial information.

He recalled the scene he had deduced in a certain space at the edge of the universe.

If he didn't feel wrong, it was the Emperor Xuan who was killing Dao.

But who could tell him that with just one kill, he would be promoted to countless great realms in Hengkong, and to the first level of Quasi-Emperor.

Are there such people in this world?
Could something like this happen?

You know, when he saw that absolutely shocking scene, even his tempered Daoist heart was almost shocked.

Is the Chaos Holy Spirit great?

Can the Chaos Holy Spirit defeat the Quasi-Emperor with just one slash?
Is this justified? "coming!"

Suddenly, Gai Jiuyou's eyes lit up while he was deep in thought. He looked across the endless void and saw the figure in green in the distant starry sky.

"Emperor Xuan, Jiuyou has been waiting for you for a long time."


Shi Xuan also cast his eyes on Gai Jiuyou who was above the ancient star.

At this moment, the two people who represented the myth of this era faced each other again.

And this time it will be an ancient decisive battle that is even more thrilling than the battle 30 years ago.

It is very likely that the outcome of this battle will determine who the Emperor Xuan and Emperor Jiuyou, who are known to have taken away all the fortunes of an era, will be the true supreme emperor in the future who will dominate the Nine Heavens.

As the two people's eyes met, everyone in the universe felt trembling. What kind of existence was this?

That aura seemed to be the master of the avenue.

The immortal light shines brightly, and the endless space begins to collapse. Shi Xuan carries a purple-gold sun on his back, surrounded by one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirit rings, and stands on the top of the mythical battlefield.

Infinite rays of light shot straight into the ninth heaven, and an extremely huge dharma image of the Emperor of Heaven appeared directly behind Shi Xuan.

It was so huge that it almost reached nine days away. It was so vast and terrifying that it had no end.

Wisps of indescribable pressure came from Shi Xuan's body, making the entire universe feel awe.

"Is there an emperor appearing in this world?"

An old man looked tremblingly at the image of the Heavenly Emperor wearing ancient imperial robes that towered into the Milky Way, with an expression of extreme fear.

"Xuan Emperor!?"

On the ancient road of the starry sky, many resurrected ancient strong men were alarmed and looked at the Dharma with great shock.

Looking at the face that was exactly the same as 30 years ago, they felt a sense of immortality that made them want to surrender involuntarily.

Tens of thousands of laws were shrouded, and the heaven and earth were trampled underfoot. The incomparably vast and boundless Dharma shook the sky, and countless creatures were trembling and feeling terrified.

The essence of heaven and earth was rioting. At this time, Emperor Xuan's law took action. A terrifying giant hand exuding the law of the Holy Spirit of Chaos and controlling all the ways of heaven and earth descended from the sky.

The entire mythical battlefield trembled. Such a blow was so powerful that it was terrifying.

Gai Jiuyou also once again felt the blockade of the world as he did 30 years ago. This was a palm that was extremely evasive.

Of course, he didn't want to hide. He just wanted to let go of everything and fight with this Emperor Xuan again, no matter he won or lost.

The war broke out in an instant.

The white-haired old man who had fled the center of the war for hundreds of millions of miles was shocked. The impact of facing two supreme powerful men made him completely understand.

In front of those two people, he was no different from an ant. He could crush countless monks like him to death with one foot.

At this moment, in the mythical battlefield, another wave of terror appeared that seemed to bring the universe to death.

The supreme quasi-emperor's perfect way emanates, and even the white-haired old man who is hundreds of millions of miles away can still feel the terrifying power that penetrates into the bone marrow.

It was as if he represented the supreme master of heaven and earth, like a terrifying god who shocked the world.

"The ancient showdown between Emperor Xuan and Emperor Jiuyou has begun!"

Many ancient powerful men stand on the top of the ancient road in the starry sky, looking at the mythical battlefield deep in the starry sky.

A guqin made entirely of phoenix blood red gold came from across the sky and appeared in Gai Jiuyou's hand.

Gai Jiuyou's aura soared into the sky and almost penetrated the starry sky.

Terrifying fluctuations of divine power are floating in the cosmic sky, as if a supreme god is about to completely revive.

At this point, the war that represented this era completely broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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