Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 85: Death is the ultimate life, life is the ultimate death

Chapter 85: Death is the ultimate life, life is the ultimate death

In the Immortal Mountain, there are five colors of brilliance and surging divine power.

There are four divine beasts, Phoenix, Dragon, Xuanwu and Qilin, soaring. The aura of the beginning is permeated, the chaos is misty, and the qi machine that created the world spreads.

A series of mysterious Tao pictures floated up and down in it, the light shone brightly, the sky was filled with red clouds, and the heavenly voice of the Tao was roaring, like the sound of sacrifices that spanned eternity.

As the five-color brilliance became more and more dazzling, the decaying immortal platform of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor seemed to have been baptized by the essence of life. It seemed to have awakened from a deep sleep, cleansing out a huge wave of life, and it disappeared in an instant.

In the center, Shi Xuan was peaceful. During this practice, he felt a special potential——

In the universe of the human body, the heavenly veins, the sacred bones, and every acupuncture point are blooming with dazzling light, and the nine-level bridge of heaven and earth is manifested, spanning the heaven and earth, leading to the other shore, and flowing with thousands of rays of light.

The ancestral aperture between his eyebrows overflowed with strands of Taoist charm. There was a supreme Taoist charm in the world. It seemed to be pulled by the aura emanating from his body and merged into his own body. The two auras of life and death were hazy, interpreting reincarnation.

In the destiny palace between Shi Xuan's eyebrows, there is a sea of ​​gods surging, thunder blaring, the essence of life gushing out, and vitality rippling——

In the nine orifices of the human body, the death aura was as dark as ink and a vast sea of ​​ink was silent, slowly eroding his body and seeming to submerge the palace between his eyebrows.

The opposition of life and death, the formation of yin and yang.

Shi Xuan is stimulating his own energy and blood, releasing the majestic life essence.

Looking from a distance, it seems like a golden sun is rising slowly in the peaceful Palace of Life, with strong blood like a real dragon, shooting out of the Heavenly Spirit Cap, like a peerless heavenly sword unsheathed.

He sat cross-legged under the Enlightenment tea tree, his energy and blood soaring into the sky, the golden light was dazzling, and every inch of his crystal body was bursting with rays of light. There was a divine beast and ancient emperor guarding him on each side of his body, just like a heavenly emperor, sacred and transcendent.

At this moment, Shi Xuan was as still as a rock, and he seemed to be petrified.

The life essence hidden in his body is like thousands of rivers returning to the sea, all flowing to the eyebrow palace. He is ready to start this transformation.

Of course, this also means that a death calamity is about to come.

Shi Xuan is silent, only the two poles of life and death around him are flickering, and the two kinds of light shine brightly in turn.

Sometimes, the milky white divine light is so dazzling that it is difficult to open eyes, and the black brilliance is dim;

Sometimes, the black light dazzles, the milky white divine light goes out, and the two bloom in turn.

As the day and night passed, Shi Xuan's body was like a gaunt wood, and the vitality in his body gradually became restrained.

The divine energy in his body sometimes riots, sometimes disappears, and fluctuates violently, but from the outside, there is no difference at all. He is still lingering with that kind of brilliance, like a god.

The Life Palace between the eyebrows is like a huge funnel, wildly swallowing all the life essence.

First, the immortal runes in the Palace of Life disintegrated and dissipated, the brilliance dimmed, and the Taoist voice became hoarse. Then, the nine orifices, heavenly veins, and condensation patterns of the human body collapsed, the divine light dimmed, and the human universe collapsed.

After a while, the Ming Palace dimmed, the bridge between heaven and earth collapsed, and the heavenly veins withered. At this moment, Shi Xuan seemed to be completely declining;

All the divine brilliance in the body has dried up and decayed, and all the divine brilliance has passed away.

The calamity of death comes, all hope of life disappears, and Shi Xuan enters the most dangerous moment of life and death transformation.

If it succeeds, the potential will be greatly improved, and the last leap before enlightenment will be achieved.

But if it fails, I am afraid that the Ajna Life Palace will collapse, the body will die, and the Great Luo Jinxian will not be able to save it.

The truth is so cruel. In his current state, he has already been unable to advance.

God is fair. If you want to transform from life to death, you must have the courage to live towards death.

Time passed little by little, the sun gradually set in the west, and the dusk light fell. Shi Xuan's life fluctuations became weaker and weaker. A large amount of life essence was swallowed up, and he fell into death silence.

This is the transformation of life and death, the rebirth of Nirvana, and the acceptance of the test of the gods. The vast energy and spirit are swallowed, entered the depths of the source, and condensed.

At this moment, if someone can enter Shi Xuan's body, they will find that deep in the universe of his human body, there is a small "Tao seed", which is like a divine fetus, but not a divine fetus. It is the essence of Tao and the essence of life. blend.

His majestic body began to wither, his skin was dry and cracked, his hair fell off, and his body curled up in one place, like a hedgehog, with gray and white bones clearly visible.

There are really no shortcuts in this world.

To receive, one must give.

Without experiencing this kind of Nirvana-style transformation of life and death, it is impossible to imagine the difficult journey.

The world only sees the powerful men who have made their names in history after successfully transforming into life and death, but they don't see the countless corpses lying on this road, including the peerless geniuses like Shi Xuan.

Immortal Mountain is one of the seven forbidden areas in the Eastern Wilderness of Beidou. It is quiet all year round, with no birds and animals entering. It is filled with auspicious light, steaming clouds and rosy clouds. It is sacred and bright, but also weird and unspeakable.

In the center, there is a sacred peak. On the sacred peak grows the enlightenment tea tree, one of the elixirs. It is a rare holy place for enlightenment in the world.At the foot of the mountain, Gong Yangchen was guarding here. The heaven and earth were filled with bursts of Taoist rhymes. He felt that the threshold of the quasi-emperor's second heaven was slowly loosening. He was overjoyed and immediately began to sit cross-legged to comprehend and practice.


There was silence on the top of the Immortal Mountain. Shi Xuan's flesh and blood had dried up to the extreme. The whole thing looked like a pile of horrifying dead bones, not like a living person at all.

The flesh and blood were shriveled, with only a layer of old skin covering the bones, and the appearance was wrinkled. It was impossible to see the majestic face he once had. It was hard to imagine what kind of torture he had suffered.

The palace between his brows was almost completely dimmed, the endless darkness, only occasionally flickering with a faint ray of light, and the weak vitality disappeared in a flash.

At the four poles of the sky, the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor also seemed to be affected. His brilliance was dim and dilapidated, and all the brilliance had long since been drained away.

At this moment, they established a mysterious connection with Shi Xuan, sharing weal and woe, ups and downs.

A hundred years passed by in a flash.

On this day, as night fell, Shi Xuan's exhausted body trembled slightly, and a crisp sound came from the Life Palace between the eyebrows.

Ding Dong!

The sound of water droplets bursting into the seemingly dry desert, clear and pleasant, with the breath of life, makes people feel refreshed.

In the outside world, it is another spring. The dead green grass and fairy flowers have sprouted new buds, which are shiny and tender, and full of vitality. The old medicine is resurrected, and the fragrance is flowing for hundreds of miles. The sacred tree is growing wildly, green and green, the green light is spreading, and the earth is glowing. With vitality, everything will return to the way it started.

In a reincarnation, there is life and there is death, the extreme of death is life, and the extreme of life is death!
In the deepest death, a ray of life is born, which is the essence, the daohua, and the spark that can start a prairie fire.

Shi Xuan's originally dead heart began to show signs of life fluctuations. In the withered palace of life, a bright ray of light broke through the endless darkness, rising slowly and blooming with vitality.

In the universe of the human body, the nine orifices that were originally dark shine out with bright brilliance, overflowing with color and color, washing away all dust and antiquity.

In the sky veins, rays of fairy clouds are gushing out, and the rays of light are dazzling. His vitality is growing rapidly.

The first drop of gray-white Chaos Holy Spirit True Blood appeared, and immediately after, it was like streams of spring water emerging, and the Divine Glory was bright.

The billions of divine treasure portals of the body gate are opened, shining like a great sun on the heaven and earth, and the gray-white true blood flows gurglingly, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is like the undead grass roots that have survived the severe winter, breaking through the soil layer again, and the flower of life blooms in full bloom, dazzling and dazzling.

In an instant, the nine-layered dazzling Heaven and Earth Divine Bridge was erected. It was more magnificent, stronger and crystal clear than before, like a purple golden beam bridging the sea, leading to the unknown eternity.

At the end of the Divine Bridge of Heaven and Earth, there is the other shore. It is foggy and cannot be seen clearly. It seems that there is chaos flowing, and the breath of eternal detachment is permeated.

Looking further up, there is a pure land with misty clouds and mist, located high in the sky. You can vaguely see that it is a huge destiny palace.

It is colorful, full of divinity, and dao rhyme is misty. It seems that there are gods living in it.When he bent his ears to listen, he found that the voice was too vague to hear clearly.

That is the top of the bridge between Xuantian Dharmakaya and the independent nine-layer heaven and earth that merges with the true spirit. It spans the eternal river of time and space and chants sutras simultaneously in the past, present and future.

The two poles of yin and yang rotate, and the origin of life and death is looming, as if it will be transformed and reborn.

The human body vibrates and the universe vibrates, the Hunyuan aura spurts out, the universe rolls around with boundless force, the earth, water, wind and fire surge——

Between heaven and earth, there are four great divine beasts: Purple Dragon, Xuanwu, Blood Phoenix, and Qilin, with their bodies roaring, innate patterns and markings, and endless light.

Shi Xuan's withered body glowed with life, and his skin was covered with a halo of halo. The sound of blood flowing in his dry body became louder and louder, like thunder, quickly rushing into the meridians and flesh, releasing the life essence. His body quickly inflated like a balloon and quickly returned to its original appearance.



Countless skinned ghosts fell off, revealing a figure in green. His black hair was disheveled, he looked majestic, and he carried a supreme truth that stood above the independent world.

His slender body was crystal clear, glowing with endless golden light, dazzling and dazzling, with a cold pressure rippling around him. He was like a great emperor reborn.


He suddenly opened his eyes, the blazing eyes were as sharp as a fairy sword, clanging, tearing the void, and shooting out into the endless distance.

This is Nirvana and rebirth. He has overcome this life and death disaster unstoppably!
The energy and spirit are unprecedentedly abundant, like smoke billowing, qi and blood surging, like a sword drawn from its sheath, piercing the sky.

His physical body has undergone transformation and has been completely sublimated. Even if he is faced by immortal soldiers, he is not afraid.

The palace between the eyebrows is as blazing as the sun, shining like a supreme heavenly palace, eternal.

This is the double sublimation of spirit and body.

(End of this chapter)

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