Chapter 88 Jiuyou is silent and climaxes one after another


The fight was until the sky fell apart and the earth was shattered, and the fight was until it was crazy.

First, Gai Jiuyou, who had survived various shocking catastrophes, could only retreat steadily under the power of the Qing Emperor.

Immediately, another Demon Emperor's Nine Slashes fell, and Gai Jiuyou was killed until only his head was left. The blood of the Supreme God was almost dry.

He could only survive with great difficulty with his strong will.

Every time Qingdi makes a move, it's like he has trampled all the world under his feet. He truly looks down upon countless geniuses from past, present and future, making the supreme beings in the restricted area change their color.


That unparalleled energy that seemed to destroy the world and destroy the world was so overwhelming that the whole world was rumbling and trembling.

Qingdi's invincible Tao and Dharma are slowly recovering.

At this moment, the Eternal Demon Emperor, the only demon emperor in the ancient times, seemed to be crossing the long river of time and space and descending here.

It is simply unimaginable to imagine the terrifying Qi machine with its feet on the great road of heaven and earth.

"The Demon Emperor's Nine Slashes - Transformation Dao!"

At this moment, the great sound of heaven, as grand as a king's decree, spread throughout the world, shaking the past, present and future.


The power of Tao transformation that even the taboo beings of the supreme level were unwilling to provoke gathered in the Qing Emperor's palm, and the chaotic green lotus in his hand was extremely gorgeous and dazzling——

It seemed to have become the eternity between heaven and earth, lighting up the long river of time, and bombarded Gai Jiuyou's body.

The immeasurable light and brilliance have turned the years, the past and the present into chaos.

Everything turned into nothingness, and chaos surged and raged endlessly.

At this moment, Gai Jiuyou really felt the shadow of death hanging over his heart.

The rich Tao-transforming power took root directly in his body like maggots attached to bones.


The body was withered, the flesh was cracked, and the immortal platform was decaying. Under the power of the Demon Emperor's Nine Slashes, Gai Jiuyou's aura dropped by more than one degree.

He opened his mouth and inhaled, and the endless essence of heaven and earth and thunder turned into cascading waterfalls, like the Milky Way pouring down from the sky, and all of them disappeared into his body.

All kinds of healing holy methods were put into operation with all their strength, but they could only barely stop the crisis of transformation.

At this moment, the majestic figure under the vast sky has disappeared, and what remains is only a sickly old figure.


"Junior, let your blood and flesh become the cornerstone of my immortal path!"

At this moment, in the restricted area of ​​Beidou Donghuang, the Supreme Being who was waiting and watching finally couldn't help but take action.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Gai Jiuyou has suffered heavy losses, and the rich Tao-transforming Qi makes even the Supreme Being frightened.

If you take action at this moment, you will most likely devour it and seize the creation of this powerful person who has almost reached the realm of the emperor.

A forbidden area supreme no longer had any reservations and used taboo methods.

The incomparable divine light of order broke through the limitations of space and time and blasted out.

Although he has not been fully sublimated and regained his former supreme status, the world-destroying Qi that suppresses the screams and surrenders of thousands of people is simply heart-shaking and chilling.


The stunning light and radiance are intertwined and dazzling, extremely gorgeous and beautiful, with unparalleled energy.

This is very scary.

It is hard to imagine that after Gai Jiuyou failed to break through the Qingdi Avenue to suppress the enlightenment, a supreme true form actually went out and launched a world-shattering war.

The immortal runes soaring into the sky shook the world and caused countless creatures to panic.

The Forbidden Zone Supreme took action just at the moment when Gai Jiuyou broke through the Qingdi Avenue and suffered a backlash. For a moment, Gai Jiuyou was really about to fall into doom.


He narrowly avoided the attack from the Forbidden City Supreme.

But Gai Jiuyou, whose divine power was on the verge of exhaustion and scarred, could not defy the odds.

The next moment, his whole body was overwhelmed by a shocking killing blow, and his body turned into blood mist and burst apart.

The vast and boundless thunder sea is constantly dimming and disappearing.

The Forbidden City Supreme took action without any scruples. After the shadow of the Qing Emperor disappeared, Gai Jiuyou broke through the Qing Emperor Avenue and suppressed the Proof Dao. He had failed, and the Thunder Tribulation was over.Taking action at this moment will not cause any changes.


Infinite divine light blooms.

Gai Jiuyou struggled to reorganize his physical body.But he was almost killed by that terrifying forbidden secret technique.

If it were normal, with his combat power, he would naturally not be afraid of these restricted area supremes who would kill themselves.

However, at this moment, he failed to break through the Qingdi Avenue to suppress the enlightenment. He suffered the backlash of the power of transformation, and his state was almost falling into the realm of alternative enlightenment.

Therefore, when the true form of the Forbidden Zone Supreme was dispatched and pursued relentlessly, Gai Jiuyou truly fell into the biggest crisis in history.

"Junior, you have indeed entered our realm with half a foot, but there is no way you can defy the odds today."

He dispatched his true body without hesitation, with unusual determination, naturally in order to kill Gai Jiuyou's soul and devour his blood and flesh.

A strong person who has reached the realm of alternative enlightenment is rare in ancient times, and he is a being who can be ranked at the top of the universe.

If he can devour Gai Jiuyou, this supreme being will most likely make up for most of the lost energy and blood, and use his peak state to fight for the road to immortality thousands of years later, and seize the road to immortality that has been passed down through the ages.

In his hand, a war spear made of black gold with dragon patterns shone coldly, and he smashed it decisively, not wanting to give Gai Jiuyou any chance to breathe.

"My name is Gai Jiuyou, you can't kill me today!"

The red gold of phoenix blood burst out with immeasurable divine power, playing the immortal music of overcoming the tribulation, and bursts of immortal music echoed in all the wastelands of the universe.

Gai Jiuyou and the Forbidden Zone Supreme fought and retreated until they finally disappeared into the universe.

No one knows the outcome of this war.

I saw that when the supreme being in the restricted area appeared in the eyes of the world again, the aura around him dropped by more than a drop.

He stood tall in the starry sky of the universe, his aura was turbulent, and the terrifying Ji Dao Qi suppressed him so much that the universe was wailing.

At this moment, some big forces that have been circulating for a long time and know the eternal truth are trembling, because the dark catastrophe that silences all souls is likely to happen again in the next second.

Amid the panic in the entire universe, the Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone stared at the Serenity of the Immortal Mountain for a long time before finally returning to the Forbidden Zone and continuing to hibernate.

As for Gai Jiuyou, who was said to have captured the splendor of an era, he fell silent.

No one has ever seen or heard of it again.

At the same moment, on the top of the central sacred mountain, figures stood tall.

A man with thick long blue hair shawl, purple pupils as sharp as a sword from the sky, extremely handsome, outstanding temperament, and a man who looks down upon the world - the Ancient Qilin Emperor!
On the other side, there is a purple-haired man of medium height who is not so majestic, but has a pair of eyes that are as deep as the abyss of Ru Hai and is breathtaking—Wanlong Emperor!

A man with long blood-red hair shawl, a majestic and proud figure, a look of disdain on the world, and a man who does not take anyone in the world seriously - the Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor!
He looks like a man who is no more than a hundred years old, young and upright, with disheveled black hair, like a god-king—Emperor Xuanwu!

"Since someone has started this scene for us, let's sing the climax of the play!"

On the top of the Immortal Mountain, the Four Spirit Ancient Emperors were guarding Emperor Xuantian in the center, looking at Gai Jiuyou who was at the edge of the universe, and said softly.

The next moment, there are hundreds of millions of immortal lights and thousands of auspicious colors in the Immortal Mountain.


The chaotic holy spirit is boiling, and billions of rays of auspicious energy are dazzling. The four spirits of heaven and earth, including Phoenix, Dragon, Qilin, and Xuanwu, are evolving, flying between heaven and earth, roaring and roaring.

Immediately, four Tao fruits descended from the Tianxin Seal, and the four supreme Taos climbed rapidly, reaching a peak and blooming with immortal brilliance.

Chaos energy is surging, and heaven and earth are created within the space of raising one's hand and stepping on it. The four ancient emperors have recovered their former peak Dao fruits, and the laws of the Imperial Dao are falling down the galaxy.


A loud chanting sound.

One after another, they came out from the bodies of the five people and echoed between heaven and earth.

Magnificent and vast, endlessly mysterious, the indescribable Taoist rhyme flows there.

The four spirits of heaven and earth guard a supreme emperor, and a strange world has evolved, where the great road of heaven and earth seems to have turned into reality, manifesting in this world, purifying all mundane desires, making people unable to help but fall directly into that unforgettable world. Seek to be in line with the Dao realm of the great avenue of heaven and earth.


The colorful fairy lights shine, and billions of rays of divine clouds fall down.

Between the heaven and the earth, the endless Tao, Dharma and Gods seemed to have come to life, all shining brightly, extremely blazing, extremely sacred and extraordinary.

"The way of humanity is slim, the way of immortality is boundless, and the way of ghosts is joyful!
When you are in the gate of life, the immortal way is your life, and the ghost way is your end.

The way of immortality is always auspicious, and the way of ghosts is always evil.

High and clear, spiritual beauty, sad songs and space. "

(End of this chapter)

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