Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 166 Entering the core area!Cause trouble!Collect Suanni!

Chapter 166 Entering the core area!Cause trouble!Collect Suanni! (Please subscribe)
"Okay, let's take a look at other places after I take away the Spiritual Eye Fountain and Dragon Scale Fruit Tree here!"

After the two of them had eaten seven or eight spiritual fruits, Lu Tiandu spoke.

He had inspected this stone chamber before and found that there were no powerful restrictions in place or that the restrictions had been worn away over the years.

Feng Xian has left a lot of secrets on transplanting spirit fruit trees, so he doesn't have to worry about damage to the dragon scale fruit trees.

As for the spring of spiritual eyes, as long as you have the golden elixir level cultivation and know some secrets of collecting, there is no difficulty.

"Okay, everything depends on Lu Lang!"

Wang Yun blinked her big eyes, smiled and nodded.

Lu Tiandu took a few steps back from the Dragon Scale Fruit Tree, waved his hand casually, and eight colorful flags surrounded the Dragon Scale Fruit Tree and submerged into the ground in the blink of an eye. He flipped his fingers and fired a series of spells.

Following a burst of five-color brilliance and a clear chant, the flowerbed surrounding the dragon-scale fruit tree and the dragon-scale fruit trees within it suddenly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the five-color light ball that was only the size of a human head, Wang Yun was also amazed.

After putting away the Dragon Scale Fruit Tree, Lu Tiandu walked towards the Spring of Spiritual Eyes. This Spring of Spiritual Eyes was already considered a top-grade spring, something rare to see in the outside world.

Standing high in the sky, Lu and Tian all pointed their fingers, and a huge multicolored hand suddenly appeared in the sky above the Spring of Spiritual Eyes.

Looking at the multicolored giant hand in the void, Lu Tiandu opened his mouth and sprayed a stream of golden and purple true energy into the giant hand.At the same time, Lu Tiandu flipped his hands, forming strange hand seals, and at the same time spit out spells.

Suddenly, the thick white mist over the spiritual eye spring, which was more than ten feet in size, rolled up. In the center of the spring, as if being stirred by an invisible giant hand, a bottomless whirlpool suddenly appeared.

At this moment, a dragon-shaped water column flashing with colorful light spots in the middle of the vortex suddenly rushed upward, as if it was about to escape into the sky.

This is actually the essence of this spiritual eye spring. How could the land and sky allow it to get lost?

Following Lu Tiandu's incantation, the colorful giant hand above the Spring of Spiritual Eyes suddenly turned brightly. He pressed it steadily, and the dragon-shaped water column was instantly dispersed. With a "crash", it merged into the spring water again. middle.


Looking at the colorful hands that did not stop at all, Lu Tiandu changed the spell in his mouth, and suddenly grabbed the colorful hands. With a loud "bang", circles of rich yellow light exploded around the spiritual eye spring.

The yellow light became smaller and smaller as the colorful giant hands invaded.After a moment, the five-color brilliance converged, and a huge pit of more than twenty feet appeared in front of Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun.

A colorful pearl the size of a human head appeared in the sky above the giant pit. Lu Tiandu made a move, and the pearl transformed from the spiritual eye spring floated in front of his eyes.

"I don't have any use for this fountain of spiritual eyes, so I'll give it to you!"

He casually sent the colorful beads to Wang Yun's eyes, and Lu Tiandu smiled as they landed.

"This... this is too valuable, Lu Lang, please keep it for yourself!"

Wang Yun shook her head.

Needless to say, the benefits of such a large mouthful of spiritual eye spring for practice are great. How could Wang Yun not know its value?
Even the old monster Nascent Soul would fight for it to death, and Lu Tian even opened his mouth to give it to her, which made her feel sweet and at the same time, she refused again and again.

"You are my woman, you can just keep the gift for me!" Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "You will know later that this thing is not very precious to me..."

"Okay, I will listen to Lu Lang!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu's firm tone, Wang Yun smiled sweetly and put away the colorful beads and the jade slip that Lu Tiandu handed over to house the secret technique of housing the spiritual eye spring. At the same time, she became curious about Lu Tiandu's net worth.

Along the way, she had long been impressed by Lu Tiandu's generosity. I am afraid that ordinary Taoist couples would not have such consideration for each other. While she was moved, she secretly decided to repay Lu Lang well.

After leaving this stone house, Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun began to sweep other secret rooms.

Although there weren't many things collected in the end, everything still made Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun very excited.

Most of them are made of various precious materials, including eight level [-] demon pills, not many ancient treasures, and not a single elixir.

Among the more precious materials, there are lapis lazuli, Gengjing, golden flame stone, Gangyinsha, Five Elements Jade, Blue Crystal, etc. They are all very rare precious materials in the world of immortality today. The smallest ones are as big as a human head. They are absolutely Amazing value.

The only two ancient treasures were a pair of ten-foot-long snake-shaped spears called "Black Dragon Spears", which made Lu Tiandu's eyes light up.

After trying it out, the power of this pair of ancient treasures is definitely far more powerful than the pair of Gantian Ge and Yin Yang Rings in Hong Fu's hands, as well as the Purple Lightning Black Fire Sword he got before or the Zhenling Bell in Nangong Wan's hands. They should be a pair. Top level ancient treasure.

Most of the other magic weapons are various flying swords and flying knives refined with blue crystals. They should be some kind of refining method that was popular tens of thousands of years ago, and their power is not bad.

These things are basically subject to special protection restrictions, so they can be well protected for such a long time. It is really a blessing.

After the two of them scanned the place, they continued on their way.

Half a month later, two escaping lights stayed in the void, looking at the endless dry land below, Lu Tiandu said:
"Finally out of this desert, we should be able to reach the fantasy land in just a few days!"

"Yes, we are finally out of the Earth Spirit Realm!" Wang Yun also sighed.

Along the way, perhaps because the two of them had spent a lot of time practicing dual cultivation before, they rushed to the central area much later. Although there were not many human monks encountered on the way, there were quite a few wild beasts and monsters.

If it weren't for the great master Lu Tiandu, she would have died long ago even if she had a level seven black rock turtle to help her.

"Our speed is a bit slow, I will take you directly next, let's speed up!"

"Okay, listen to Lu Lang!"

Lu Tiandu said no more, hugged Wang Yun's plump and soft body tightly, and with a flash of lightning, he used the thunder escape technique and disappeared into the sky instantly.

During this trip to the ruins, the two of them had gained a lot from the previous Lei Peng Cave Mansion, as well as the many previous harvests of elixirs, etc. They were very satisfied.

Therefore, since I left Lei Peng Cave and rushed on, unlike before when I released the little golden monkey and the treasure-hunting rat to slowly hunt for treasure, I just rushed as much as possible.

After all, although Wang Yun got the news that there was Tianyi Zhenshui in the core area, where was this spiritual creature?how many?They are all unknown, so we can only enter the core area early to find them.

A few days later, the lightning suddenly died out, and at a distance from the water curtain connecting the sky, the land and sky stopped escaping.

"Is this an illusion? It is indeed an incredible ancient formation!"

After detecting the water curtain several times with his spiritual consciousness, Lu Tiandu frowned slightly.

With his spiritual consciousness now comparable to that of the early Nascent Soul, he could only detect a distance of more than ten feet, and could no longer get closer. It was really mysterious and unpredictable.

"According to rumors, this illusion has the help of some kind of natural wonder. Therefore, even though this space has been destroyed long ago, this illusion still exists forever... But with my Eye of Yuan Lei, we can pass through this space It shouldn’t be a problem!”

Wang Yun smiled slightly.

"Let's join the battle!"

Lu Tiandu nodded and casually hung a blue jade pendant around his neck. This jade pendant has the effect of calming the mind and reassuring the soul. He didn't know who he got it from the storage bag of someone he killed before.

A dozen storage bags had been sorted and sorted by the girls in the Yaochi Tower. They were useful at this moment, so Lu Tiandu took them out and wore them on his body.

This light curtain that exuded a faint white light had no offensive power, and the two of them entered it hand in hand.

Suddenly, before Lu Tiandu's eyes, there appeared a valley filled with birds singing and flowers fragrant. All kinds of strange fairy fruits were hanging on the branches, and the rich fruity fragrance penetrated his nostrils.

The cranes chirp lightly, the apes offer peaches, what a beautiful scene in the fairy home!
Several beautiful figures swayed in the distance. At this moment, Lu Tiandu suddenly heard someone calling him. His mind shook and the scene in front of him suddenly shattered.

"Hey, I was fascinated by the illusion as soon as I came in!"

Looking at Wang Yun beside him, Lu Tiandu smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry, Lu Lang. The most important thing about this illusion is that it makes people addicted to it at first. Over time, with Lu Lang's ability, he will definitely find the loopholes in it. It is not difficult to break out..."

Wang Yun said with a smile.

"In that case, let's move on..."

Lu Tiandu nodded.

In fact, with Wang Yun leading the way, as long as he concentrates and meditates, he will naturally not be confused by this illusion.

But after all, he felt that his spiritual consciousness was powerful, and he didn't turn on the Qingxin Pendant he wore as soon as he came in, nor did he run the Dayan Jue, so he was suddenly confused.

At this moment, with experience, the Dayan Jue in the body is slowly moving, and Qing Xinpei is inspired, but he is not afraid of being indulged in the illusion again.

Next to Lu Tiandu, Wang Yun's originally pitch-black eyes were glowing with a faint purple light. She was looking forward quietly and steadily moving forward step by step.

An hour later, a light breeze suddenly blew across Lu Tiandu's cheek. The two looked at each other and knew that they had passed through this miraculous world.

"Actually, strong spiritual consciousness is useful in dealing with this kind of illusion!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the environment and space behind him and said secretly.

This was his first time experiencing this kind of environment, and he took the initiative to experience it twice more. It was indeed mysterious and unusual.

"After passing the Illusion Realm, and then across the Jade Belt River, you will find the City of Ten Thousand Demons, the Holy Land of the Wild Demon Court. I heard that the Demon Palace is built in the center of the City of Ten Thousand Demons. We just want to take a look this time!"

Wang Yun let go of her consciousness and looked at the situation ahead and smiled.

"Hey, why is there no Yudai River? Or does this river disappear?" Wang Yun's tone became surprised again.

"It should have dried up!" Lu Tiandu affirmed. His spiritual consciousness was naturally much stronger than Wang Yun's. Everything within ninety miles was clear. There were barren mountains and ridges everywhere, and occasionally there were some abandoned buildings. , where is the river.

"This place should have been scratched many times by the monks of the Star Palace. However, it has only been a few thousand years since the people of the Star Palace discovered this place. And for some reason, the time you can enter this place is random every time. I think it should still be There are many undiscovered treasures, we can look for them by the way!"

"It's natural!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and released the little golden monkey and the treasure-hunting mouse.

As soon as the two spirit beasts were released, they looked at the place curiously. After a moment, the two little beasts screamed "squeak, squeak, squeak" at the same time.

"Discovering something good so quickly? It seems we have a good chance!"

Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun looked at each other and immediately shot off in a certain direction.

A few days later, the two people came out of an abandoned cave in a good mood.In the past few days, with the help of two spiritual beasts, they really found some good things.

Just as the two were about to leave, a roaring sound came over.

With a quick glance, the two discovered the details of the battle.

"It turns out that there was a conflict between the human monks who came in and the demon clan!"

Looking at the seven or eight sea monsters in the battle group and the four besieged human monks, Lu Tiandu smiled lightly.

"Fellow Taoist, be careful! There are many monsters here, please join us to destroy them quickly..."

At this moment, a loud shout came from the battle group.

"Lu Lang, they seem to be here!" Wang Yun smiled slightly, as if he recognized one of them, "It seems that these people want to lure these monsters to us!"

"Hmph, let's leave here. If they dare to follow us again, I wouldn't mind giving them a ride!"

Lu Tiandu snorted coldly. Two of the four people were demons and two were casual cultivators. He was not in the mood to save these people.

After all, if these people had not encountered this group of monsters, they would have taken action against him long ago.

Along the way, no matter whether they were demons, righteous people or casual cultivators, as long as they felt they had some strength, they did not hide their malice towards him, and there were quite a few cultivators who took action against him.

Moreover, in his sense of consciousness, there seemed to be a faint aura hidden in the void here. Although it was relatively faint, he was still discovered by him.There should be a seventh-level peak monster hidden aside.

This kind of superb invisibility technique is probably not something that ordinary seventh-level monsters can possess.

Therefore, these four people may not be able to hold on for long.

"Let's go!" The two of them said nothing and disappeared into the distance.

"Brother Zhang, what should I do? Lu Tiandu has run away with Master Wang of the Miaoyin Sect!"

An ordinary-looking monk among the four people who were escaping while responding to the attacks from the surrounding monsters said with an ugly expression.

"These two bastards, if we had them join us, we would be able to kill several monster beasts, and escaping with our lives shouldn't be a problem, but it's a pity that these two people refused to save them!"

Another man started to curse.

"Let's go! How can we let them stay away from the flames of war? My fellow Taoists, use your best skills. We will catch up with them. We won't be able to help them take action when the time comes. Hmph! We have to hold these two together even if we die..."

The old man named Zhang, who was in the late Jindan stage, had a cold light in his eyes and quickly transmitted the message.

After saying that, without waiting for the other three to make any move, the old man in green punched his chest, spat out a mouthful of blood with a "pop" sound, kneaded the magic formula with his hands, and uttered incantations in his mouth, and suddenly recalled the green flying sword used to deal with the monster. Rolling himself up, he turned into a stream of light and shot in the direction of Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, two fellow Daoists, wait..."

As soon as they saw the old man's movements, the expressions of another late-stage Jindan monk and a middle-stage Jindan cultivator changed drastically. They looked at each other suddenly and instantly used their respective secret techniques to speed up and catch up with the old man.

Unfortunately, the last casual cultivator in the middle stage of the Golden Core hurriedly had his body torn apart by two level seven eagle and kite beasts before he could use any secret technique...


There was a fluctuation in the void, and a burst of pale golden light flashed. Some unknown monster shrouded in the golden light roared, and a sound like a lion's roar came out. The eight seventh-level monsters seemed to have received the order, and each controlled the monster wind to pursue them. Three people escaped.

In terms of speed among these eight monsters, the two winged eagle kites and a black-winged eagle are the fastest. The other thousand-eyed monsters, blue-spotted pythons, etc. can only fly on the monster wind.

When a monster reaches the seventh level, it already has basic intelligence, which is about the same as the IQ of a seven or eight-year-old human child. It knows how to take the initiative to practice, which is called monster cultivation.

Although there is still a gap in individual strength compared to the human race's late-stage golden elixir monks, when several of them are gathered together, they really cannot be underestimated.

Just as these eight monster beasts were roaring and chasing the enemy, the body of the previously dead middle-stage Jindan monk floating in the air was suddenly swept by a whirlpool, and was instantly submerged into the bloody mouth of a foot-long mouth...

There seemed to be a belch in the sky, and the void fluctuated, and the place suddenly returned to calm.

"It seems these people are determined to drag us into trouble!"

After a moment, Wang Yun's expression changed as she felt the three rays of light roaring from behind.

"Hmph, you want to drag us into trouble, why not play with them?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, picked up Wang Yun and disappeared without a trace in a flash of lightning.He has already developed murderous intentions for these three people, but there are eight or nine level seven monsters behind him, so let them have some fun first!

"What? Thunder Escape Technique?"

Seeing Lu Tiandu's figure disappear in an instant, the old man surnamed Zhang said with an ugly face.

When they met Lu Tiandu before, he and another Jindan late-stage monk secretly communicated and made up their mind to let Lu Tiandu's four Jindan early-stage and middle-stage monks resist, while the two of them took the opportunity to use Secret escape.

In the end, Lu Tiandu and the others were not fooled, and their plan went bankrupt. They originally wanted to catch up and die together, so that no one would have it easy. In the end, Lu Tiandu used his rare thunder escape technique to separate them from each other. distance.

The two of them looked at each other, feeling extremely depressed and couldn't help but curse Lu Tiandu for being treacherous.

"How to do?"

Looking at the sky where the two figures of Lu Tiandu disappeared in the blink of an eye, another ordinary-looking middle-aged man in the late Jindan stage said with a bitter smile, "These two people must have hidden treasures. It is impossible to fly in such a short time." Out of the range of our spiritual consciousness..."

"It's a pity that this couple of bitches escaped!" The old man also said with a look of hatred, "Kill them, they will have to support one or two people before they die!"

"Okay, we still have three people, how can we be afraid of these monsters and kill them!"

This ordinary-looking middle-aged man looked at the monster beasts following behind him, raised his hand, released two magic weapons, and shouted coldly.


While these three people were fighting with the eight monster beasts, Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun slowly returned to the area under the cover of the wooden dragon monument.

"Lu Lang, you said there was a monster hidden around before?" Wang Yun asked via voice transmission.

"Well, he's already here. But this guy's invisibility spell is really mysterious. If my consciousness wasn't different from ordinary people's, it would be really difficult to detect him!"

Lu Tiandu let go of his spiritual sense for a moment and said.

"After catching this seventh-level monster, Hong Fu can use the Soul Searching Technique to see what kind of secret technique this monster casts!" Lu Tiandu secretly thought, what kind of secrets does he have about the monster clan? Shu became curious.

After a moment, under the siege of eight level seven monsters, the chaos in the void calmed down. The three people before them were already dead, but they also fought hard to kill two level seven monsters.

At this moment, a lion's roar suddenly came from somewhere in the void, and the six originally extremely ferocious monsters instantly became docile, as if they were welcoming their king.

"Suanni? A royal family in the vast sea?"

Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun were surprised when they saw the Suan Ni, which was more than ten feet in size.

Shaped like a giant lion, with huge blue eyes, it seems to have some intelligence.

There is a thick golden hair on the neck, covered with dark scales, and strong limbs. It looks majestic and extraordinary.

"What a mount!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, transmitted a few words to Wang Yun, and his figure flashed out of the protective shield of the wooden dragon monument.

"The seventh-level monster is a good thing, but it can't turn you into ashes..."

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, stretched out his right hand, and grasped it with his five fingers. Suddenly, the sky was filled with strong winds, thunder, and a black hole of two colors, nearly a hundred feet in size, appeared out of thin air.

As soon as the black hole appeared, the inexplicable aura on it immediately made Suanni and the remaining six seventh-level monsters roar.

Before the seven seventh-level monsters could make any move, this huge black hole suddenly appeared above the heads of the monsters like a ghost. There were wind and thunder, golden and purple colors flowing, and a huge suction force instantly Covered all the monsters.


Lu Tiandu looked at the seven demons using various magical powers to resist the suction of the black hole. He smiled faintly, suddenly changed the magic formula in his hand, opened his mouth and sprayed out, and instantly shot a golden-purple true essence arrow towards the black hole. At the same time, he shouted:


In the blink of an eye, with the injection of this golden-purple mana, the green and purple black holes above the heads of the demons suddenly expanded and shrank, and with a "snoring" sound, the seven demons were wrapped in it at the same time...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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