Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 216 Get the treasure!Total destruction!The treasures here are all ours!

Chapter 216 Get the treasure!Total destruction!The treasures here are all ours! (Please subscribe)

"Congratulations, Senior Sister!"

Lu Tiandu also had a look of surprise on his face after hearing what Hong Fu had learned from Xuan Jing Dao.

Unexpectedly, Hong Fu not only obtained the related skills practiced by the Ice Soul Fairy in a cave in Xuanjing Road, but also obtained a blue three-legged two-eared small cauldron and several ice-attribute ancient treasures.

"Qian Lan Ding!"

Looking at the name engraved on this small tripod, Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with surprise.

Unexpectedly, the Ice Soul Fairy not only left a pair of dry blue cauldrons in Xiaoji Palace of Dajin as inheritance tokens and treasures to assist in the cultivation of dry blue ice flames, but also left a dry blue cauldron in the second level of Xutian Palace. Blue Cauldron and related inherited techniques.

However, Lu Tiandu soon put away his surprise. After all, even the Xutian Cauldron, a spiritual treasure, was preserved in the Xutian Palace. It seemed that it would not be a big deal to have an extra dry blue cauldron refined after the Xutian Cauldron.

"I was thinking about how senior sister would practice dry blue ice flame after we got the Void Sky Cauldron inside. I didn't expect that senior sister not only got the ice soul fairy's cold flame condensation method this time, but also the auxiliary thing dry blue Ding also got one, so it is much easier to practice the magical power of dry blue ice flame."

Lu Tiandu returned the dry blue cauldron to Hong Fu and smiled slightly.

In the original plot, Han Li did not know how to condense the cold flames after he obtained the Xutian Cauldron and the Qianlan Beads, so he could only use his magic power to refine them bit by bit with the help of the cold air of the six-winged frost centipede.

Not only is this slow, but it can only evolve and grow by swallowing other flames. Compared to monks like Master Hanli who know how to condense cold flames, the level of the dry blue ice flame they practice is still relatively low.

But now, with the cold flame condensation method left by the Ice Soul Fairy, several girls in Lu Tiandu's harem who practice ice attribute techniques can also condense the dry blue ice flame on their own in the future.

After all, this dry blue ice flame is also a good magical power among the cold flames.

"Well, thanks to the Treasure Hunter this time, otherwise we would really miss all the good things in this Xuanjing Road."

Hong Fu also looked satisfied with this harvest.In addition to this imitation spiritual treasure, the two of them also obtained two top-level ice-attribute ancient treasures and several other high-quality ancient treasures.

The two top-level ancient treasures happened to be one for each of her and Nishang, which was a great increase in strength.

The three chatted for a few more words before stepping into the bluestone passage leading to Baoguang Pavilion and Lingdan Hall.

As for the skills in Jinghai Tower, they have the inheritance left by Feng Xian and the collection from the enemy over the years. Naturally, there is no shortage of skills, so there is no need to waste time in Jinghai Tower.

Not long after the three of them entered the bluestone passage, in the hall, the sealed stone doors on the four walls automatically landed with a roar, completely sealing the four passages.

Lu Tiandu walked up the spiraling bluestone steps step by step.This bluestone staircase was endless, and he walked quickly for a full quarter of an hour before he saw a glimmer of light.

He quickened his pace, and sure enough, after turning a corner, an ordinary square exit appeared in front of him.

Outside the exit is a dark yellow sky, gray fog, no blue sky and red sun, everything is a dark and unclear color.

This is actually a huge, unfathomable, cylindrical space of nearly a thousand feet. At first glance, it seems to be very narrow, surrounded by thick fog, making it impossible to see through at all.

Lu Tiandu was standing in a place like a window opened in the fog wall. In front of it was a long white jade bridge about tens of feet long, floating high in the sky out of thin air.

This bridge is exquisite and unusual, with carved dragons and painted phoenixes. One end is connected to a square exit, and the other end leads to a floating four-corner pavilion in the middle of the space.

The pavilion is more than thirty feet high and is divided into two floors. The whole body is carved with beautiful jade, shining in the void, just like Qiongtai Immortal Palace.

And above the entrance of the pavilion, there is a large golden plaque about ten feet long, with three large ancient characters "Baoguang Pavilion" written on it.

Although the pavilion is not big, the astonishing fluctuations in the aura emanating from it are unfathomable, and there is a layer of faint white fluorescent light covering the pavilion.It seems that a very powerful prohibition formation has been laid here.

Lu Tiandu stepped onto the long bridge and walked step by step towards Baoguang Pavilion.Soon we arrived at the entrance of the pavilion.Here is a semicircular arch, about two feet high, with a layer of yellow light curtain sealing the arch.

Without hesitation, Lu Tiandu passed through the yellow light curtain and disappeared on the long bridge.

Entering the first floor of the hall, Lu Tiandu saw rows of round jade platforms that were about ten feet high. These jade platforms were of different sizes, made of white crystal jade, and were densely distributed in front of Lu Tiandu.

There was light flashing on the stone platform, and semicircular light masks of different colors were placed upside down on the table. Inside were various ancient treasures.

Lu Tiandu floated gently in the air, and after carefully looking at the various ancient treasures restricted by the mask, he shook his head.

There are basically some ordinary ancient treasures here, and he naturally doesn't like them.

Even if he collects high-quality ancient treasures now, he only uses them for his Taoist monks.

Although he can take away all the ordinary treasures here with the help of the Stone Bead World, this is not necessary.

After all, this is a trial reward given by the ancient predecessors to those who later pass the level. There is no need to eat it alone.

Soon Lu Tiandu's eyes fell on a rather special jade platform, where a teleportation array leading to the second floor was arranged.

After installing a few spiritual stones on the teleportation array, a flash of white light revealed that Lu Tiandu had reached the second floor of Baoguang Pavilion.

There is not much space here, except for a huge spherical mask not far in front of him, there is nothing around it.

And this light mask, which is about ten feet high, exudes a soft blue light. It is about ten feet high from the ground and is extremely eye-catching in the center of the second floor. There are dozens of ancient treasures of different shapes floating quietly inside. .

There were books, jade rings, long swords, flying knives, jade tablets, round bowls, black flags, cloaks and other treasures of various shapes. Lu Tiandu used his powerful spiritual consciousness to observe them and shook his head secretly.

The ancient treasures here are naturally much better than those on the first floor, but only a few of them can reach the quality level.

After all, the real high-quality and top-level ancient treasures are basically stored in various stone chambers of the inner palace stone tower and the Xutian Cauldron.

So Lu Tiandu didn't hesitate and punched the blue light shield with a fist.

With a "click", the blue light shield flashed and opened a hole about ten feet long, and Lu Tiandu ducked into it.

"Hey, I can't release my consciousness within this light barrier."

Lu Tiandu was about to take a closer look at the other treasures, but then he realized that he couldn't use his spiritual consciousness. It seemed that there were some clever forbidden gods in this stone platform.

However, Lu Tiandu didn't care. After looking at it, he chose the five ancient treasures that had been finalized before: the golden oval mirror, the black flag, the white robe, the five-element ring and the blood-colored cloak.

He has the world of stone beads in his hand, so there is no need to imitate Han Li and use gold-eating insects to devour the surrounding spiritual energy, isolate his own breath and the induction of the vitality in the light shield, and avoid being teleported out in one go.

Just as Lu Tiandu casually grabbed the golden mirror, blue light bloomed around Lu Tiandu, and countless rays of light swept towards him, and he was about to be teleported out. At this moment, Lu Tiandu suddenly Disappeared without a trace.

The blue light within the mask seemed to sense the target leaving, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

After two breaths, Lu Tiandu returned to the light barrier from the stone bead world. After four times, when Lu Tiandu grabbed the last bloody cloak for the fifth time, he spun around and his whole person appeared in an instant. In a stone house.

"Brother, have you come out?"

Seeing Lu Tiandu appear holding a strange feather cloak, Hongfu spoke softly.

"Well, I got some nice treasures this time."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, took out five treasures and Hong Fu and observed them carefully, "When Sister Nishang arrives, we will enter the third level of the wonderful illusion together."

Sure enough, these five ancient treasures are all high-quality ancient treasures. The golden mirror and black flag are offensive treasures. The white robe is the same as the Tianxuan treasure robe that Lu Tian gave to Hong Fu. They are rare defensive robes. They can be given to them later. Nangong Wanyong.

The Five Elements Ring is a treasure that traps enemies, and the bloody cloak is an accelerating magic weapon like the wind and thunder wings that all women have.

The two of them took a rough look at it and stopped caring. When the time comes, they will put it in the treasure pavilion and everyone can choose what they want.

Soon Nishang was also teleported with a smile.

The two of them took out a bottle of elixir that they each brought. There were instructions on the bottle, and they checked it out.

What Hong Fu brought out was a bottle of elixir to help Yuanying stage monks increase their magic power.

What Nishang brought out was a bottle of elixir called "Han Yuan Dan", which was one of the auxiliary elixirs used to refine the cold flames in the inheritance that Hong Fu had received.

Lu Tiandu had known about this Cold Yuan Pill recipe from Hong Fu before, but found out that there were two ice-type elixirs in it that he did not have in his medicine garden.

Except for one kind of Hongfu, which the two women found from Xuanjing Road, the other kind can only be found later in other places.

The three of them did not stop, and walked out of the square passage. Suddenly, an open-air corridor appeared in front of their eyes. This corridor was extremely gorgeous, but at a glance, it was endless, and it was unclear how far it was.

Outside the long corridor, there are white clouds fluttering, fairy sounds bursting, and Qiongtai Yuge can be seen faintly, as if it exists in a fairyland in the sky.

This is naturally the third level of the wonderful illusion in the outer hall of Xutian Palace.

This illusion is one of the levels in the outer palace. Although there are no physical rewards such as magic weapons and elixirs, this level itself is actually quite a blessing.

After all, as long as the monks in the late stage of Jindan can enter this illusion to temper themselves, it will be of great benefit to overcome the inner demon barrier when condensing the infant in the future.

Even if it fails, it will be teleported out at most, and it will not cause any damage to the monks themselves because they lose the option of entering the inner temple.

This is also the painstaking effort of the ancient monks who established this secret realm of Xutian Temple.

The three of them, Lu Tiandu, are all Nascent Soul cultivators. They have already experienced the inner demons during the Ningying period, and they have also practiced the Dayan Art. They stepped onto the long corridor without stopping.


Walking through the corridor step by step, two girls, Lu Tiandu and Hong Fu, appeared in a stone hall connected to the corridor.

There are five golden elixir monks sitting here, and near these golden elixir monks is a teleportation array leading to the inner hall.

The three of Lu Tiandu glanced at these five people, and naturally knew that these people had passed through the illusion and were unwilling to continue entering the inner hall. They only waited to be teleported out of the Xutian Palace by the teleportation array.

The three of them continued to walk toward the teleportation array without stopping. At this moment, one of the late-stage Jindan cultivators looked at the young master of Qingyang Clan, pretended to be Lu Tiandu, with a cold smile. At the same time, he had already touched the storage bag with one hand. superior.


Lu Tian didn't even look at it and shouted coldly.In the blink of an eye, the late-stage Jindan monk's face instantly turned extremely pale, and he took a few steps back with a look of horror on his face.

The three of Lu Tiandu still did not stop and continued to step onto the teleportation array...

In front of the huge building, six people were sitting cross-legged and motionless in front of the tower.

This tower is as tall as a cloud and huge, and its entire body is built with blue boulders.The whole body was shrouded in a pale white light curtain.Looking from a distance, the tower seems to be divided into five layers, which become thinner as you go up, but the distance between each layer is at least a staggering distance of more than a hundred feet.The bluestone tower gate at the bottom alone is fifty or sixty feet high.It is really majestic!

The people in front of the tower, who were like ants, were sitting in front of the light curtain with their eyes lowered and their heads lowered, concentrating.In the middle surrounded by them, there was a white teleportation array quietly built there.

Naturally, among these people were the four Nascent Soul stage monks Wan Tianming and Manhu, who were both good and evil.

The rest are two late-stage Jindan monks who have passed the third stage of the wonderful illusion and want to break into the inner temple.

The two people looked at the giant tower from time to time, with a burning look in their eyes.

The treasures in the stone chambers become more precious as you go up the fifth floor of the inner hall. Of course, the puppets and other restrictions encountered in the way are also more powerful.But as long as they get one of them, their trip will be worthwhile.

At this moment, the teleportation array in the middle flashed with white light, and Lu Tiandu and three others teleported out.

Everyone raised their eyelids and took a look, then stopped looking and closed their eyes to rest.

Lu Tiandu glanced at the two pill-forming monks and shook his head slightly. It would be difficult for these two people to survive if they were greedy.

The three of them were sitting not far behind Zhengdao and Zhengdao without leaving any trace.

After another half an hour, Wan Tianming opened his shining eyes, stared at Man Beard with murderous intent in his eyes and said slowly:
"The time for the opening of the inner hall is coming soon, and the two guys from the Xinggong haven't come yet. It seems that they won't be in this muddy water. Brother Man, what do you think?"

Before, he had always thought that people from Xing Gong had plotted against the old farmer named Yan. Although Xing Gong and the two of them said they had stopped at the second level, if they dared to come here secretly, he had already communicated with Man Huzi before. At that time, the two sides worked together to kill the people in the Star Palace first, and then went up to seize the treasure.

"Hey! Why, Master Wanmen, are you impatient? Let's wait and see. After all, the guy from Xinggong is very cunning. He might have delayed his appearance until the end on purpose. The owner of this island doesn't like anyone to be a fisherman."

The bearded man chuckled, touched the beard on his chin and spoke lazily.

Upon hearing this, Wan Tianming showed a hint of deep thought.But then he nodded and closed his eyes again, seeming to approve Man Beard's words.

After waiting for more than an hour, a violent shaking suddenly came from the ground.

The huge stone door of the inner hall slowly rose up, revealing the bluestone passage inside.

From a distance, this passage seems to be extremely tall and wide.

At the same time as the stone door of the inner hall was opened wide, the teleportation array flashing a faint white light among the people, its brilliance dimmed and became dim.

"Haha, good! Good! It seems that these two guys from Star Palace really won't come to cause trouble. In this case, Wan Tianming, you and I will have a good fight here, and the loser will not be allowed to enter the inner hall. ,what do you think?"

Manbeard Qingyi and the other two naturally heard that Zhengdao Wan Tianming came prepared for the Xutian Cauldron this time, and the spiritual beast in Jiyin's hands that they had planned to rely on had died with the death of Jiyin, and their plan to obtain the treasure had come to nothing.

They couldn't get the treasure, and naturally they didn't want Zhengdao and the two to succeed, so at this moment, Manbeard showed his white teeth without any politeness, looking aggressive.

And layman Qingyi also stared closely at Tian Wuzi.

The other five Jindan monks were naturally ignored by them.

"No, I changed my mind and don't want to fight Brother Man for the time being."

To everyone's surprise, Wan Tianming clearly refused after hearing Man Beard's words.

"Changed your mind? Are you two willing to admit defeat and not enter the inner hall to retrieve the treasure?"

Barbarian Beard was startled at first, but then he said suspiciously.

"Quit? This is naturally impossible! However, it is a bit ridiculous for us to fight for the treasures that have not been taken out yet! It is better for both of us to restrain ourselves for the time being. The two parties have agreed to take turns to get the treasures. ?”

"In this way, if both parties are unable to take out the treasure, then this fight is unnecessary. If the other party takes out the treasure, they can just use their skills to determine the ownership of the treasure. What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

Wan Tianming smiled and said without hesitation.

"Okay, as you said, there will be no fighting for the time being. We will wait until we get the treasure!"

Man Beard and Qing Yi looked at each other and quickly agreed.

The two of them don't have the spirit beasts to retrieve the treasure, so they only need to wait for the righteous people to retrieve the treasure first. If they can retrieve the Xutian Cauldron or other treasures in the cauldron, they can then fight for it.

"Okay! This is definitely a wise choice for both of you. So, let me go in together."

Wan Tianming laughed and said.


At this moment, Manbeard snorted coldly, and his eyes fell on the five golden elixir monks present, with a fierce light in his eyes:
"You clowns want to enter the inner sanctum?"

Among them, Lu Tiandu pretended to be the young master of Qingyang Clan. Although he had an extraordinary status, it seemed that Man Beard didn't take it seriously. As for Qing Yi, a casual cultivator, he was too lazy to get involved in the grudge between Man Beard and Sanyang. Expressive look.

After hearing the strong unkindness in Man Beard's words, the expressions of the other two of the five Golden elixir monks present, except for Lu Tiandu, suddenly changed, and they turned into a ray of yellow light and a ray of green light at the same time, rushing towards the stone tower. Fly away.

Seeing this, Barbarian Beard laughed ferociously:
"Where do you two want to go?"

After saying that, he rubbed his hands together, and then raised them at the same time. Two rays of golden light shot out in a flash, and hit the two escaping lights first.

As a result, two screams came out from the two escaping lights, and the two figures fell staggeringly. They were then swept up into the air by the golden light, and were cut into seven or eight pieces in an instant.

The golden light paused briefly, and two golden knives appeared flying towards Man Beard.

The bloody corpses were left scattered on the ground.

"Haha, now that we are in the inner hall, you can go and die!"

Seeing Manbeard violently killing people, Lu Tiandu instantly released Nangong Wan, laughed loudly, and shot towards the nearest Wan Tianming in a flash.

At the same time, when the four members of Zhengmo Dao were surprised that one more person suddenly appeared, the two girls Hongfu and Nishang instantly recovered their true colors, and at the same time, they and Nangong Wan released magic weapons to attack the Manbeard trio.

This scene of lightning and sparks really caught those who were on the path of evil a little unprepared.

There was a loud "boom", and before the four people could react, a ball of flesh and blood exploded, and a shrill scream came from where Wan Tianming was.

At the same time, Man Beard, Qing Yi and Tian Wuzi looked shocked as they looked at the big yellow seal, silver flying sword and silver orb that hit the three of them respectively.

"Three Nascent Soul cultivators? How is that possible? Wan Tianming!"

While the three of them released their magic weapons to intercept the fiercely attacking trio, they all felt something bad flashing through their hearts as they listened to Wan Tianming's screams, and their consciousnesses stared closely at the bursting mass of flesh and blood.

At this moment, a two-inch Nascent Soul was holding a purple ball in each hand. It glanced at Lu Tiandu, who had returned to his original appearance, with a look of resentment, and used the teleportation technique to escape towards the stone tower.

With a "Puff" sound, a golden-purple vortex suddenly appeared at the entrance of the stone tower, and the Nascent Soul's face was stunned and he was instantly submerged into it.

"Is it you? Lu Tiandu!"

Seeing that Wan Tianming and even Nascent Soul were trapped in a certain magic weapon, the faces of Manbeard and the others became increasingly grim as soon as they saw Lu Tiandu's true appearance.

At this moment, apart from Man Beard, who could still cope with Hong Fu's fierce attack, Qingyi Jushi and Tian Wuzi had already begun to retreat in the face of Nangong Wan and Ni Chang's attacks.

In fact, the treasures released and the magical powers used by the two women exceeded their expectations.

Needless to say, Nangong Wan holds the Yellow Stone Seal and the Purple Lightning Xuanhuo Sword, and Ni Chang has just obtained a top-level ancient treasure, the Ice Yuan Bead, plus the fine ancient treasure Star Blade and the Water Gang True Thunder in her hand. The weakest Tian Wuzi could no longer resist.

"Okay, it turns out that you were the one causing trouble from the beginning to the end. Man, I would like to learn a lesson from you about your strength!"

At this moment, the three Manbeards quickly figured out the cause of the sudden death of the two Nascent Soul monks from the Zhengmo Dao in the Xutian Temple. They looked at Lu Tian who showed the early cultivation of the Nascent Soul and said with murderous intent.

"Senior sister, I just need to come here."

Following Lu Tiandu's words, Hong Fu jumped out of the battle circle without saying a word, commanding the newly acquired top-level ancient treasure Cold Flame Sword and other treasures to kill the other two.

"Come on, use your magic power to hold the sky, and I will make sure you die."

Lu Tiandu looked at the angry mustache and said calmly.

"Okay, Man is also looking forward to fighting with you!"

At this moment, Manbeard put away his magic weapon and let out a long roar. His figure suddenly grew to a height of three to four feet, with golden thorns all over his body, revealing dense golden scales about the size of copper coins on his chest and face.

These scales are as bright as if they were made of pure gold, and there is a cold light flowing, which makes people feel extremely strong at a glance, as if they are indestructible.

At the same time, a pair of dark and dull iron gloves appeared on Manbeard's hands. They were covered with several inches of spikes, and the shape was hideous and terrifying.


At this moment, Lu Tiandu was shaken all over, and he activated the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill. A layer of pale golden light spread around his body, and strange black gold sticks appeared in his hands.

As two figures, one gold and one light gold, clashed against each other, a "rumbling" explosion resounded throughout the square.

A quarter of an hour later, Nangong Wan and the others had ended the battle, while Lu Tiandu and Man Huzi were still fighting fiercely.

"This magic power is really good."

Hong Fu and the others looked at the two people who were still fighting together and sighed at this technique, which was the best defense in the Chaotic Star Sea.

After all, Lu Tiandu had never encountered an opponent before in terms of body training.

It's a pity that even if Lu Tian didn't use other magical powers or magic weapons, over time, after the ferocious fists in Man Beard's hands shattered, he still didn't escape the end of having his body shattered into pieces.

Seeing the bearded Yuanying looking ferocious as he was about to self-destruct and die together, Lu Tiandu suddenly snorted coldly. The bearded Yuanying let out a shrill scream, and in the blink of an eye he was wrapped in a golden thunder net. A ball.

"Okay, the treasures here are all ours!"

Lu Tiandu slowly landed and looked at the messy square and smiled.

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 100 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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