Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 243 Join hands and enter the cave!It was secret back then!Treasure in hand!

Chapter 243 Join hands and enter the cave!It was secret back then!Treasure in hand! (Please subscribe)

"It seems that the Mulan people must have been preparing to deal with the unexpected people from the south in recent years. I didn't see a few high-level Mulan magicians along the way..."

Lu Tiandu thought to himself as he used his wind escape technique to turn into a breeze and passed through the Yu Kingdom all the way south into the wilderness of thousands of miles.

The war between the Mulan people and the Yan people of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance basically happens every hundred years, mainly to snatch various resources.The most recent one was shortly before he returned to Tiannan from the Chaos Star Sea. It is estimated that there are still five to sixty years before the next war.

Combined with the original plot, it was during this period that the Mulan people were beaten to a pulp by the unexpected people, which turned what was originally a conventional war with the Nine-Nation Alliance into a life-and-death battle.

Lu Tiandu had long wanted to take advantage of the war between the Mulan people and the Tutu people to make a huge fortune from the war by selling low- and middle-level puppets. This road was already very close to the mainland of the Mulan people, and he didn't even see a few golden elixirs. The young magician became more and more certain of his suspicions.

"In that case, I will just go to Mulan Grassland after the incident in Fallen Demon Valley. Although basic materials such as spiritual stones are poor in this grassland, there are many rare materials. The value of Tiannan is amazing, and there is a lot of profit. !”

Because the monks of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance faced invasion and plunder by the Mulan people every hundred years, commercial exchanges between the two sides were basically zero.

If you want to come here on the mainland, there should be a lot of specialties in the vast grassland. If the Mulan people had business acumen, their lives would not be so tight.

In addition to sending some spies to infiltrate some big forces in Tiannan to secretly obtain certain resources, the Mulan people rarely sell the rare resources on their own territory to Tiannan monks. Instead, they only know how to rob and scrape the land through war, which is really quite embarrassing. Unwise.

After all, the Mulan and the Tu people are feuding people, and both sides have been fighting for survival on this prairie all year round.The friction between the Mulan people and the Yan people is not irreconcilable.

If the Mulan people know how to establish fair commercial exchanges with Tiannan, and have Tiannan's various material support, the Mulan people's strength will definitely improve a lot. In the battle with the Tuchu people, they will not win but stabilize their original territory. It is also very possible.

The Tiannan monks have many rare materials, elixirs and other resources from the grassland, and their overall strength will also increase a lot, which is a win-win situation for both parties.

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu became more and more interested in the deal with the Mulan people.

All the way south, when they approached the edge of the grassland, Lu Tiandu turned to the west. More than a hundred miles later, a breeze suddenly stopped in front of a small bare rock mountain, revealing Lu Tiandu's figure.

This mountain is only a few hundred feet high, and is covered with huge gray-white rocks. There is no grass growing on it, and it looks as ordinary as the many hills that Lu Tiandu passes by.

But Lu Tiandu naturally knew that this was the secret cave of Master Cang Kun.

Lu Tiandu's consciousness was fully activated, and he randomly scanned the location within a radius of three hundred miles. After finding nothing out of the ordinary, he released Nangong Ping and Leng Qingqiu.

"Is this the secret cave of Master Cang Kun?"

Nangong Ping, who was dressed in white palace clothes and without a veil, casually looked at the hill in front of him and asked with a smile.

"Right under this hill."

Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded to the two women. He stretched out his hand and found two small flags in his hand.

These two small flags are both several inches in size. One is green light, extremely crystal clear, and the other is yellow light, with hidden runes fluttering. They are not ordinary things at first glance.

They were the two Kaishan flags refined by Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu casually handed one of the flags to Nangong Ping, and the two of them hung the founding flag in front of their eyes. Their lips moved slightly, and low-pitched spells continued to come out of their mouths.

At the same time, the two small flags began to vibrate on their own and began to flash green and yellow lights respectively.

"go with!"

Almost at the same moment, Lu Tiandu and Nangong Ping soared into the air, and two mountain flags shot out instantly. The light flashed into a certain rock on the surface of the stone mountain and disappeared.

A moment later, under Leng Qingqiu's surprised gaze, and as the ground beneath his feet trembled violently, a thin crack opened vertically from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, and a soft white light shot out from it. It really looks like it's going to be split in half from the middle.

The spells of Lu Tiandu and Nangong Ping still did not stop. After a while, the stone mountain finally split into two, and a huge crack about ten feet wide opened.

And in the crack, a bluestone step leading directly to the ground appeared in front of everyone.

Lu Tiandu and the others withdrew their spells, and the Kaishan flag turned into two streams of light and flew out, which were put away by Lu Tiandu at will.

"Go, go down and have a look."

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly and took the lead in walking in.

The stairs are very long, with white moonstones inlaid on both sides, but the further you go down, the colder it becomes.

Soon after, the three of them went deep into the stone mountain about a hundred feet deep. The moonlight stone no longer gave off a faint white light, but for some reason turned into a dark green color, making the passage look a bit dark and unclear, full of eerie atmosphere. .

"Be careful!"

Lu Tiandu reminded him.

After all, it was his first time to enter this cave, and Nanlong Hou had not even broken the restrictions on the outside before, so naturally he could not give Lu Tiandu any reference.

The three of them continued to move forward while being on guard.

After walking for a full meal, the three of Lu Tiandu walked into a mysterious hall.

This hall is about tens of feet wide. The four walls are shining with blue light, and the whole hall is crystal clear, as if it is hollowed out and refined from a huge jadeite. It looks very bright and dazzling.

"Hey! There's something wrong with this stone wall. Could it be that the Taimiao Shen Forbidden is planted here?"

Nangong Ping swept his consciousness towards a wall, but upon contact, his consciousness was bounced back, unable to penetrate at all.

Leng Qingqiu was also curiously looking around the hall at this moment, exploring every corner, but his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate it.

"That should be it." Lu Tiandu nodded.

At this moment, the entire hall suddenly shook violently, and then a series of loud noises came from behind.

The three of them looked back, only to find that the passage at the entrance had disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by the same wall with flashing blue light.

The whole hall suddenly became a place of death.

"It doesn't matter, this is probably because the outer ban has activated itself, closing the stone mountain again. Just wait until we open this Tai Miao Shen Forbidden and retrieve the treasure, and then we can open it again."

There were no surprises or dangers along the way, and Lu Tian felt relieved.Moreover, since the stone mountain was sealed, it happened that Master Mulan from outside was not afraid of seeing anything strange here.

"This Taimiaoshen Forbidden Looks Very Powerful. If it is to be broken directly, it may take some time!"

At this moment, Nangong Ping pressed one hand on the crystal wall and felt it silently for a moment.

"I'll take a look."

Lu Tiandu was also very interested in the Taimiao Divine Forbidden City, one of the ten most sacred ones. He pressed one hand on the crystal wall and observed it carefully with blue light flashing in his eyes.

After a while, Lu Tiandu laughed and said:

"I thought it was the real Taimiao Shenjin. It turns out that Master Cangkun only learned a little bit about it, and it is not the complete Taimiao Shenjin at all. It is not difficult to break the prohibition here."

It turned out that he thought that the restrictions here were the same as the Dutian Divine Forbidden City in the cave left by Feng Xian. They were both complete versions and could not be broken easily even by the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods. However, after careful observation, he found that the power of this restriction was not as strong as he thought. So strong.

According to his guess, regardless of his three-flavor divine wind and body-refining strength, with the help of Nangong Ping, a great monk, and Leng Qingqiu, a swordsman, he could break through this restriction in half a day at most.

In the original plot, Han Li, who had average formation skills, was able to break through the Taimiao Divine Forbidden City with four sets of formation flags and secretly send Silver Moon in. This also shows from the side that although this forbidden area has the name of the top ten divine forbidden areas in ancient times, The head actually has no corresponding power.

As for the "a period of time" that Nangong Ping mentioned before, it was probably only a few days.

"Without further ado, let's use the formation to break the formation quickly!"

Lu Tiandu briefly told the two girls about his preparations. With a flick of his sleeves, four sets of flag formations appeared in the air.

The three of them each picked up a dozen array flags of different colors and walked towards the surrounding crystal walls.

Lu Tiandu opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of purple-gold essence at the formation flag in his hand. With a flash of light, all the formation flags flew up from Lu Tiandu's hands. Under the urging of his spiritual thoughts, these formation flags flickered and waved. A strange array appeared, the tip of the flag was pointed at the surface of the crystal wall, and it plunged into it.

Looking at the two women casting spells, Lu Tian continued walking towards the last crystal wall without stopping.

Within a quarter of an hour, the formation flags on the four crystal walls were completed.Lu Tiandu clicked on the formation disk in his hand, and then without hesitation he fired several complex spells into the formation disk. The glow on the formation disk and the various formation flags in the four crystal walls shrank and began to flicker at the same time. .

Lu Tian didn't even look at the glow around him, and uttered the word "break" in a low voice.As the sound came out, the glow suddenly rose and made a harsh buzzing sound. The sound became louder and louder, like thousands of birds singing in unison.

There was a loud "boom", and the dazzling glow suddenly burst and spread, and the whole hall suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Only then did Nangong Ping and the two girls realize that the surrounding crystal walls had disappeared without a trace at some point, and were replaced by ordinary bluestone walls. On one of the stone walls, there was also an inlaid door about seven or eight feet high and wide. There is a stone gate three to four feet tall.

"It's really good to break the formation with the formation!"

Nangong Ping sighed.In fact, she was deeply impressed by Xin Ruyin, a wizard of formations.

The formation books that Lu Tiandu collected in the Scripture Collection Pavilion of Yaochi Pagoda also contained parts contributed by their Moon-covering Sect. She planned to ask Xin Ruyin to rearrange a new set for the Covering-Moon Sect after his attainments in formations had greatly improved in the future. The ancient formation.

This way they can feel relieved when they go to the spirit world in the future.

The three of them stepped forward. Lu Tiandu flicked his long sleeves on the stone door, and the door easily opened inward.

Behind the door is another hall that is several times larger than the front, but there is an extra small and exquisite attic in the middle of the hall.

The entire attic is carved with sparkling white jade. It is more than ten feet tall and has only two floors. It is extremely delicate.On the door several feet high in the attic, there are three large silver characters "Yuji Pavilion" written on it.What is strange is that there is an old black and yellow offering table placed in front of the "Yuji Pavilion".

“It looks a little weird having a loft in the hall!”

Nangong Ping muttered.Leng Qingqiu also looked at Lu Tiandu in confusion.

"It's quite weird."

Lu Tiandu also agreed, "But there are only two restrictions in this cave. There should be no other restrictions here. Let's take a look and talk."

Lu Tiandu stepped forward and looked at the old altar table in front of "Yuji Pavilion".

There is a silver-white scroll about several feet long enshrined on this altar table. The silver light is shining, and it seems to be something other than ordinary things.

As for the rest of the place, it was empty, with nothing at all. I guess the treasures were also in the attic.

Lu Tiandu casually made the scroll on the altar fly into the air, then rolled and opened with a "swish" sound, revealing the back of a Confucian scholar with a long sword on his back, looking up to the sky.

"Is this Master Cangkun? The number one cultivator from 5000 years ago?"

Nangong Ping glanced at the embroidered portrait and said.

"It should be this person."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "It doesn't look like there's anything special about this scroll. Let's go into the attic and have a look!"

Lu Tiandu nodded again, rolled up the scroll, and put it into the stone bead space at will.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth inadvertently.

He had cultivated countless soul-nurturing trees, and naturally he discovered that the scroll contained soul-nurturing wood chips, and under the observation of his Ming and Qing spiritual eyes, there was indeed an extremely weak soul hidden in it.

It seems that it is a fragment of the ancient demon that was sealed in the Fallen Demon Valley.

Everyone thought that Master Cang Kun provoked the good and the evil and was finally killed by a joint effort. In fact, this person was not killed at that time. Instead, he was forced to self-destruct the two puppets he was practicing, and used the method of concealing the truth. The machine escaped.

The monks who besieged him at that time did not know about this and always thought that those they killed were Master Cang Kun and one of his incarnations.

However, after this battle, Master Cang Kun was also seriously injured.So after this person rested in peace for several years, he disappeared from the original cave and has not been heard from since.

Lu Tiandu learned from the memory of Nanlong Hou that after this man disappeared that year, he actually came up with the idea of ​​​​Falling Demon Valley, hoping to find an opportunity in Falling Demon Valley to restore his supernatural powers and even go further.

In the end, this person broke into the Devil's Falling Valley because he had developed some magical power that could sense space cracks, and became the number one person to survive the Falling Devil's Valley.

However, this person passed away on his own shortly after leaving the Fallen Demon Valley.

I don't know whether it was a recurrence of old injuries or whether he was finally plotted by the ancient demon.

Lu Tiandu knew that the statue of the ancient demon with three heads and six arms was enshrined in the shrine on the second floor of the attic. He thought that Cang Kun knew the split soul of the ancient demon clearly, so maybe Cang Kun brought it out on his own initiative.

Perhaps Master Cangkun later took the initiative to practice the magic method because of this split soul.

As for why Master Cangkun took his incarnation elsewhere, he was probably afraid of the split soul of this ancient demon.

It is naturally easy to understand why this ancient demon's divided soul did not seize the body or devour Master Cang Kun.

After all, the soul of a deity-incarnating ancient demon can only be as high as Yuan Ying. Master Cang Kun is called Tiannan No. 1. It seems that his spiritual consciousness is much stronger than that of ordinary Yuan Hou monks. Be careful. This demon soul may never have a chance.

Thousands of years have passed. Not only has this demon soul not dissipated, but it has survived through the soul-nurturing wood fragments in Master Cang Kun's self-portrait. This is probably something Master Cang Kun never expected.

Or there is another possibility that the scraps of soul-nurturing wood were specially found by Cang Kun to foster the spirit of this demon soul.

Now that this demon soul has been taken into the stone bead space by Lu Tiandu, he is very curious about the various information in the memory of this demon soul.

And after his blood spirit clone is refined, he can devour this soul and strengthen the clone.

In this way, naturally, the scroll was never obtained by Old Man Yun like in the original plot. In the end, this demon soul acted as the remnant soul of Cang Kun and used Lingmiao Garden as bait to trick everyone in the Ghost Spirit Sect into opening the seal of the ancient demon's true form.

The three of them walked around the altar table and came to the small building with the closed door.Lu Tiandu pushed the door of the pavilion open, and it opened with a "squeak".

As soon as the door opened, a dazzling spiritual light came towards them, shaking the three of them for a while before they could react.

On the first floor of the attic, there were three slender ebony shelves, all of which were filled with things, exuding a dazzling brilliance.

The wooden shelves are divided into three rows and placed in the middle of the attic floor so that they can be clearly seen at a glance.

The first row is full of ancient treasures and magic weapons of different brilliance, there are as many as sixteen.Lu Tiandu took a closer look and saw six ancient treasures and ten magic weapons.Although there are many treasures, there is no top-level ancient treasure.

Shaking his head, Lu Tiandu looked at the other two rows.

The second row is filled with rare materials of different shapes and colors, ranging from fist-sized iron blocks to blood-red crystal-like gem-like stones.

The third row contained the fewest items, only a few small bottles a few inches in size, and it looked like they contained some elixirs.

Apart from the shelves, there was nothing else but a futon and a pot of shady grass placed by the attic window.

"It seems that the treasures here are average. Let's go to the second floor to take a look."

Lu Tiandu didn't care about the magic weapons, various materials, and elixirs here, and turned to the second floor.

As soon as he entered the second floor, there was a smell of sandalwood in his face. As soon as he raised his head, he saw directly that in the corner facing the staircase, there was a shrine placed there. In the shrine was a three-headed and six-armed statue. The golden statue of the one-horned demon god has a ferocious face and lifelike appearance.

In front of the altar, there is a small fiery red cauldron, and a white mist rises from the cauldron, and the sandalwood scent comes from this white mist.

"what is this?"

Master Cang Kun actually worshiped the demon god, which immediately surprised the two Nangong Ping girls.

"Hey, it looks like some kind of ancient demon!"

Lu Tiandu naturally had some understanding of the ancient demon with three heads and six arms through the Brahma Saint's True Demon Art.

Lu Tiandu turned his eyes from the shrine opposite and hurriedly looked at other corners on the second floor.

A few feet away from the left side of the shrine, I saw a seemingly ordinary desk and a wooden chair, on which there were a pile of things such as inkstones, brushes, and bamboo slips.

The corresponding place on the other side of the shrine is a jade bed covered with blue mist. Even though it is so far apart, you can still feel the coldness it exudes, as if it is carved from some kind of cold jade.At one end of the jade bed, there are six jade boxes of different sizes placed side by side, which is very eye-catching.

This second floor is obviously the dormitory of Master Cang Kun!
"No one else will win the treasure this time!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the six jade boxes and smiled.

 Thanks to book friend 160724132451044 for the 3719 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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