Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 280 The Crying Soul Beast mutates!The true spirit Rahu!

Chapter 280 The Crying Soul Beast mutates!The true spirit Rahu! (Please subscribe)
"Tell me where in this land of darkness the most Yin beasts gather?"

After completing the transaction with Zhang Qi, Lu Tiandu left some things that he could use at Zhang Qi's request. Then he put away all other things, returned the storage bag to the person, and asked about it. Information about the Yin Beast.

"Yes, senior."

Zhang Qi had taken several healing elixirs at this moment, and his complexion was obviously much better, and there was still a bit of excitement in his eyes.

After all, as long as he goes out and has these two spiritual pills, as well as some preparations he made for Ning Ying before, and the Ning Ying experience of a certain Yuanying senior found here, as long as he finds a place with strong spiritual energy, he will feel Yuan Ying. The realm of infants was already beckoning to him.

He also roughly guessed that the psychic jade tablets, jade slips and other materials taken by Lu Tiandu were rare things, but the remaining ancient treasures and spirit summoning talismans were also of great use to him. Naturally, I was extremely satisfied with this exchange.

Soon Zhang Qi and Han Li started talking to Lu Tiandu about the distribution of Yin beasts in this Yin Ming land.

Just as everyone was talking, the entire hall suddenly trembled, followed by rumbling sounds one after another, coming from a distance, as if something huge was rushing towards the village.

"No, this is the attack of a large Yin beast!"

Hearing the roars, the expressions of Zhang Qi, Han Li and the other five people in the venue changed, and they stood up suddenly. While explaining to Lu Tiandu, they quickly walked outside without any delay.

"Every time the Jue Ling Qi erupts, waves of Yin beasts will come out and attack the village..."

Han Li explained to Lu Tiandu while walking outside.

At this moment, outside the hall, on the high platform in the distance, the previous village elders who were not monks were solemnly directing hundreds of young and strong men and women to swarm up the thick stone wall, holding various white spears and spears. Some crudely made bows and arrows.

Although everyone looked nervous, they were also orderly and without any trace of panic, as if they had experienced it many times.

Zhang Qi and the five of them apologized to Lu Tiandu, and quickly ran towards the stone wall, picked up weapons, and directed the young adults to defend themselves.

Although Lu Tiandu was able to use a trace of his spiritual consciousness and mana for the time being, it was obvious that his spiritual consciousness could not extend beyond the village. Moreover, because of the stone wall blocking it, although there were constant loud noises in his ears and the ground was shaking, It was amazing, but he saw nothing.

"Just in time to go take a look and test the ability of the Soul Crying Beast after its last evolution!"

This thought flashed through Lu Tiandu's mind, and he immediately took a step forward, and his figure instantly appeared more than ten feet away. Some women and children who were still carrying other things saw Lu Tiandu's astonishing performance, and suddenly started whispering in surprise.

In just a few flashes, Lu Tiandu had arrived at a deserted stone wall.

At this moment, not far away from Zhang Qi, the three old men holding Huanzi looked curious and asked Zhang Qi in a low voice:
"Fellow Daoist Zhang, who is this senior Lu among you in Luan Xinghai?"

"Hmph, I'm afraid you don't know that there was turmoil in our star sea more than twenty years ago. How many Nascent Soul monks from the Zhengmo Dao formed the Counter Star Alliance to overthrow the rule of our star palace. As a result, the two leading monks were killed by Senior Lu personally. This ends more than 20 years of chaos in Xinghai..."

Zhang Qi glanced at the three of them and said calmly.

" turns out to be the great monk!"

The three of them took a breath of air and looked shocked.The red-faced and white-bearded old man surnamed Yun even exclaimed softly.

After all, the great monk is too far away from them, and he is a figure that the dragon never sees the end of.

"What do you know? Senior Lu was only at the middle stage of Nascent Soul at that time!"

An inexplicable look flashed in Zhang Qi's eyes, "Senior Lu killed several Yuan Ying early stage monks when he was in the late Golden Core stage, and later even killed several Yuan Yuan monks. Even the sect headed by Zhengmo Dao did not dare to wanted……"

"What? Kill two great monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul?"

After hearing Zhang Qi's words, the three old men opened their eyes wide and their scalps felt a little numb.No wonder the somewhat arrogant Zhang Qi looked respectful when he saw this senior.

Fortunately we didn't show off in front of this senior!
The three of them looked at each other, feeling a little scared.

At this moment, Han Li, who was not far away, naturally heard Zhang Qi's words. A strange color flashed in his eyes, and he secretly said:

"It turns out that Master Lu has advanced to the middle stage of Yuanying at least more than 40 years ago... In this way, wouldn't it only take Master Lu three or forty years to go from the early stage of Yuanying to the middle stage of Yuanying? But if they knew that Uncle Lu was in the early stage of Yuanying I'm afraid you will be even more surprised if you have killed the great monk of the Empress Yuan Dynasty?"

Because Han Li previously claimed to be from the Five Dragons Sea as "Li Feiyu", Zhang Qi heard Han Li call Lu Tiandu Master Uncle, and roughly guessed that Lu Tiandu might be from the Five Dragons Sea, and should be a Jindan graduate. Came to Chaotic Star Sea.

After all, Lu Tiandu was already a golden elixir cultivator when he appeared in Luan Xinghai when he first became famous.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu stood on the stone wall and looked out.

A little far outside the village, I saw flying sand and rocks, wild winds, and strange black winds. I couldn't see anything at all. And wherever these black winds passed, a layer of black frost condensed on the ground, which looked strange. Looking extremely cold.

"It seems that this should be the dark wind that blows for a few days every month in the land of the underworld. On the windy days, the underworld beasts are extremely active. It is said that once enveloped by these dark winds, ordinary humans will be turned into black ice sculptures. However, the body-protecting golden light cultivated with my Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill should be fine..."

Lu Tiandu began to ponder secretly.

In the village, as long as the formation on the soul stone on the central stone platform is activated, these black winds will naturally be unable to enter the village, so that the people in the village can be safe and sound.

Sure enough, these dark winds dissipated on their own as soon as they got closer to a place more than a hundred feet away from the village, and could never cross an invisible boundary.

And in the midst of these winds, there was a series of sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground. Although they were still far apart, the astonishing momentum was faintly revealed.After a moment, a huge black shadow more than ten feet tall rushed out of the wind.

Once he saw clearly the true face of the black shadow and the huge shock it caused, Lu Tiandu had to sigh for the people who survived in the village.

This black shadow seemed to be a gray giant ape enlarged more than ten times, but this beast had four eyes on its face, a pair of fleshy wings on its ribs, and was holding a strange black tree in one hand, and it was fiercely attacking the village. Rushing forward, four strange eyes glowed blood red at the same time, filled with endless killing aura.

"It's the Cunning Beast. This time it's the Cunning Beast. Send the big shield quickly."

After seeing the face of the giant beast clearly, Zhang Qi and several elders shouted loudly while holding weapons on guard.

"Since I've encountered you, you can't just die without saving me!"

Although Lu Tian knew that Zhang Qi and others were prepared, even if such a giant beast could be killed in the end, many people would probably die.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu did not hesitate. With a flick of his sleeves, a little monkey about a foot tall appeared in front of him.

The hair on this little monkey's body is green in color, exuding a faint light, and its extremely large nose is bulging high. However, compared with before the place of ghost injustice in Xutian Temple, the hair on this little monkey's back has turned black and It seems to show some mysterious pattern.

This is naturally the mutation that occurred after Lu Tiandu led him to swallow up [-]% of the ghosts in the Land of Ghost Wrong.

Strangely enough, as soon as the Soul Crying Beast appeared, the originally lazy beast suddenly became energetic. After sniffing a few times with its big nose, it immediately became excited, jumped up and down, and looked towards the distance. Cunning beast.

"go with!"

Lu Tiandu gently touched the head of the crying monkey, and with a command, the little monkey jumped off the wall lightly and jumped into the distance.

In just a breath, this giant beast rushed to a distance of thirty feet in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, several huge tentacles made of thick purple mist suddenly appeared on the ground nearby, and they tied the giant beast's feet tightly.This giant beast couldn't stand firmly and fell hard in front of the stone wall, causing everyone on the stone wall to stagger.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu naturally discovered the four people sitting cross-legged on the stone platform in the center. These four people were casting spells with a faint purple aura all over their bodies.

"Is this the power of the underworld? It does have some use here!"

Lu Tiandu muttered.


Almost instantly, Lu Tiandu heard Han Li's voice.

Densely packed spears and arrows shot towards the fallen beast in front like rain, completely covering it.

The giant beast also seemed to know something was wrong, roared loudly, and spewed out a gust of icy cold wind from its mouth.

The arrows flying in the face were blown by the wind, not only swaying here and there, but also instantly covered with a layer of crystal black ice. They fell one after another without touching the body of the giant beast.

As for the heavier spears and the like, although they were pierced into the huge body of the giant beast, their lethality was greatly reduced by the gust of wind, and they barely caused some skin trauma, which stimulated the beast to become even more violent.

Just when the giant beast was furious and ready to fight back, there was a sound of "ouch", and a green giant ape not far away from the giant beast let out an excited scream and rushed over like a whirlwind. .

The sound of "bang bang bang" kept ringing.

The green giant ape, which was more than ten feet tall, waved its two thick arms, and its huge furry fist struck the fallen beast.Just when he heard the cry of the Soul Crying Beast, the ferocious beast's ferocious eyes revealed a look of fear and wanted to give in, as if it had encountered a natural nemesis.

As a result, before it could get up, it was beaten up by the Soul Crying Beast. At this moment, the cunning beast let out a series of screams, turned over and tried to escape, but before it could make any move, the Soul Crying Beast had had enough fun. , the huge nose snorted, and a piece of yellow cloud flew over like lightning, covering the giant beast's figure in it.

In the yellow glow, a shrill roar suddenly came out. In the blink of an eye, the roar disappeared, and a piece of yellow glow flew back towards the Soul Crying Beast.

The soul-crying beast inhaled gently with its big nose, and Huang Xia, who was carrying a trace of black air, was sucked into its nose in the blink of an eye.

The ten-foot-tall Xinghun chewed his exaggerated mouth a few times with relish, then patted his slightly bulging belly with a look of satisfaction on his face, as if he had eaten something extremely delicious.

"what is this?"

"Where did this giant beast come from?"

This change happened in just one or two breaths. Everyone on the stone wall looked surprised and exclaimed while still being alert.

Originally, they each put up a large shield to guard against the cunning beast's innate magical power "Black Light Needle", but in the blink of an eye, the giant beast turned into a corpse, which was really beyond their expectations.

Seeing everyone's still wary expressions, Lu Tiandu took a step forward, quickly approached everyone, and said loudly:

"Everyone, please be patient, this is my spiritual beast!"

"It turned out to be the spiritual beast of senior, but I didn't expect that this cunning beast was killed by senior's spiritual beast all at once!"

"I'd like to thank you, senior, for your life-saving grace!"

Everyone had a look of surprise on their faces, and they all cheered.

After all, every time they encounter such a large Yin beast, although they can defeat it in the end, some villagers will inevitably die or be injured every time. Naturally, they are very lucky to have zero casualties this time.

"Okay, it looks like there are a lot of Yin beasts behind you. You guys should be careful for now. I'll give my spirit beasts a good meal."

Lu Tiandu naturally felt the excitement of the crying soul at this moment, and did not stop him, letting the crying soul go into the dark wind to hunt for prey.

At this moment, Zhang Qi looked at the crying soul beast running into the black mist, a strange color flashed in his expression, and said secretly:

"Why is this Senior Lu's spirit beast so similar to the rumored ferocious beast called the 'Crying Soul Beast'?"

Naturally, he didn't know that the soul-crying beast that was sacrificed by Qingyang Gate was not complete yet. As a result, it had mutated slightly after Lu Tiandu devoured the ghost's soul in the place where ghosts were wronged. After a large number of Yin beast souls are produced on the ground, some mutations may occur.

After that, even the monks from Chaos Xinghai might not recognize this beast when they saw it. It was the soul-crying beast recorded in some of their classics.

A quarter of an hour later, a green light flashed from the distance, and soon a little monkey about a foot tall appeared next to Lu Tiandu.

The Soul Crying Beast returned to Lu Tiandu and soon opened his mouth to spit out. Seven or eight thumb-sized turquoise crystals and a pebble-sized crystal appeared in Lu Tiandu's hands.

"Not bad!"

Lu Tiandu laughed and put away the soul stones with a flip of his palm.

"Let's go, take me to see the submerged water where you soak your animal bone weapons!"

Seeing everyone relaxed, Lu Tiandu greeted Han Lidao.

Soon Lu Tiandu and the two came out of a stone house, and the amount of sunken water collected in this village was less than half.

This kind of submerged village can be collected slowly, and there is no fear that there are not enough people in the village, and Lu Tiandu will not take it for nothing. Later, it will naturally transport some of the food prepared earlier from the Shizhu World, which can be regarded as an exchange.

There are still sunken water collected in other villages. Lu Tian is planning to take the cry soul out to kill the Yin beast here tomorrow, and exchange a large amount of food for some sunken water.

"There are some stone tablets here that record some knowledge. Do you want to take a look at them, uncle? There is also a kind of ancient monster writing in them which is very rare."

Han Li suggested after leaving the stone house.

"no need."

Lu Tiandu shook his head. He has the inheritance of Feng Xian and has learned this ancient writing a long time ago. "I will leave a batch of food for the people in the village later as compensation for taking away these sinking water. Tomorrow I will Go out and kill the Yin Beast. I will come back in about a month and take you away from here."

"So, uncle, please be safe."

Han Li didn't say much.After all, the most valuable experience of advancing to the Nascent Soul on the stone tablet is naturally useless to a Nascent Soul cultivator like Lu Tiandu.

"Uncle Master, do you know the origin of this place?"

Seeing that there was no one around at this moment, Han Li asked.In the past few days, Han Li had finally discovered that Uncle Lu was clearly well prepared.

He is really curious about this magical place. After all, according to the rumors here, some people think that this should be a space crack where the underworld and the human world meet, so this place has such a strong aura of underworld. , but it cannot form a too powerful Yinming beast.

Another theory is that this place is not a space crack, but the belly of the legendary monster-Rahu.

Only the legendary magical beast that can swallow the sun and moon and travel through the air instantly can explain the ghost mist that appears in different sea areas and only connects this place to the outside world every few years.

After hearing Han Li's guess, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:
"Yes, this is indeed a space within the body of the true spirit Rahu. As for why this kind of true spirit appears in our human world, I don't know..."

After hearing Lu Tiandu's explanation, Han Li looked surprised:
"The true spirit of heaven and earth? And it could also be the fusion stage? It's really unbelievable!"

Lu Tiandu said before that these true spirits are the darlings of heaven and earth and can wander in various interfaces. Adulthood is the Mahayana stage of cultivation. Han Li did not ask any more questions and was still digesting these things.

The two were speechless all the way, and soon went to the warehouse in the village. Lu Tiandu shook his sleeves, and a small mountain of grain appeared in front of the warehouse. Regardless of the surprise of everyone and the elders such as Bao Huanzi who came to register, Lu Tiandu He went to the stone house arranged for him in the village to rest.

"The only thing I have no clue about now is how to encounter this Rahu by chance or attract Rahu's attention!"

Sitting cross-legged on the stone collapse, Lu Tiandu began to think deeply.

In fact, as long as this land of darkness is turned upside down, it will naturally attract Luo Hu's attention. However, Lu Tiandu, a Nascent Soul monk, is naturally unwilling to make big moves in the body of a possible fusion monk. After all, this risk Still a bit big.

"Forget it, in the next month I will kill Yin beasts to collect soul stones, and at the same time let the crying soul advance. The rest will depend on fate!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head and stopped thinking about it.However, he secretly wondered if he could attract Luo Hu's attention by killing the Yin beasts here?After all, these Yin beasts are some kind of creatures born in the world inside his body.

At this moment, a knock on the door reached Lu Tiandu's ears.

A smile flashed across Lu Tiandu's face, and he already knew who the visitor was.

"Meet the seniors!"

The red-faced old man surnamed Yun, the seventh-generation leader of Tianfu Sect, exchanged pleasantries and quickly took out a rough bone box from his arms, explaining the purpose of his visit.

"Okay. Since you are the head of the Tianfu Sect, and I have received some inheritance from the Tianfu Sect, we are destined to be together. I will take you out in a month."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

Hearing Lu Tiandu casually talk about the method of refining the spirit-transforming talisman in his arms and the use of the spirit-transforming talisman, the old man was naturally surprised, but after the surprise, he was ecstatic.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior!"


A month later, in a huge dark cave, Lu Tiandu held a dragon-patterned black gold stick in his hand. Behind the shadows of the stick, he silently and skillfully searched for soul stones in the heads of these Yin beasts. The little silver-haired beast was sniffing happily, looking extremely comfortable.

At this moment, a curious and childish voice suddenly sounded in Lu Tiandu's ears:

"Hey, do you like these little stones very much? I see you have collected a lot along the way..."

When Lu Tiandu heard this voice, his whole body stiffened, and he suddenly raised his head and looked into the void ahead...

(End of this chapter)

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