Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 285 Xuantian Immortal Vine is obtained!leave!

Chapter 285 Xuantian Immortal Vine is obtained!leave! (Please subscribe)
Chapter 284 Xuantian Immortal Vine is obtained!trade!

Ten days later, on a turbid and dark yellow sea, there was silence everywhere, there was no wave on the sea, and everything seemed lifeless.

At this moment, in the calm and dark depths of the seabed, the deep and turbid water suddenly seemed to be silently separated from both sides. A huge black mist spread quickly, reaching a width of thousands of feet in the blink of an eye. .

The black mist was filled with streaks of black lightning, and bursts of thunder came from the mist.If anyone could see through the black mist at this time, they would definitely find that wrapped in the dark mist was the figure of a giant beast that was more than a thousand feet long.

This giant beast is all white and looks like it was carved from white jade. Its body has extremely smooth lines and a mysterious beauty, and its one-horned lion head has a mysterious and wild aura, giving people a natural coercion. .

It is the true body of Xiao Luohu Youluo.

At this moment, Youluo sensed the situation thousands of miles away and knew that he had reached the boundless sea in the northern part of Tiannan that Lu Tiandu said.When he opened his mouth and inhaled, the protective black mist transformed into the power of the netherworld rolled around him and disappeared into the huge mouth.

Youluo's huge figure shrank rapidly and disappeared again in a flash.

Above the sea, there was a fluctuation in the void, and the figures of Lu Tiandu and Xiao Youluo suddenly appeared.

"Okay, sister Xiaoyou, there's no need to give it away anymore!"

Lu Tiandu knew that this place should not be far from Xiguo, so he smiled slightly and said to the little girl beside him.

"Well, brother Tiandu, please call me again if you need anything. This time, with these spiritual fruits you sent me, I will go to the bottom of the sea to retreat for a while!"

Youluo chuckled. She had heard Lu Tian say before that he would not encounter any danger in the human world, so she was very relieved.

"Okay, let's go!"

Lu Tiandu nodded and watched the little girl tear open the void and disappear in an instant. Then her figure flickered and flew towards the south.

After taking away Han Li and the others, Lu Tiandu did not directly ask Xiao Luohu to send him to Tiannan, but stayed with Xiao Youluo for another ten days.

When leaving, Lu Tiandu also left hundreds of spiritual fruits for You Luo.These fruits are all 3-year-old spiritual fruits, which are considered the oldest fruits in the orchard on the second floor of Lingkong Tower.

With these high-year spiritual fruits, after Youluo refines them, his cultivation level will increase a lot.

As a result, a quarter of an hour ago, the two of them were hundreds of millions of miles away in the Wulong Sea, and a quarter of an hour later, they crossed hundreds of millions of miles to the boundless sea near Tiannan. It was really fast.

"Now that we've arrived at the Boundless Sea, why not check out the magic crystals in the formation we deployed last time?"

This was Lu Tiandu's second visit to the Boundless Sea after more than ten years. He immediately thought of the 'Seven-Star Spirit Transformation Demon Locking Formation' set up by the ancient monks here and the condensed magic crystals that he and his clones set up near the base of the formation. The big formation.

If the magic crystal has already been formed, part of it can be collected for Zi Ling to use for cultivation.

After all, when outside, the vitality of heaven and earth was filled with thin demonic energy, but after entering the world of Shizhu, there was no trace of demonic energy at all.

The Brahma Saint's True Demonic Skill is a technique for cultivating both spirits and demons. Without the demonic energy, Zi Ling's progress speed will inevitably be affected.

Thinking of this, Lu Tian released his spiritual consciousness, and he understood his position within a moment. It seemed that Xiao Luohu had sent him very close to the Xi Country, and if he wanted to go to the Demonic Abyss, he would have to go back. .

Turning around to escape, more than two hours later, Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and escaped towards the turbid seabed again.

Soon he came to the five-color light shield formed by the seven-star spirit-locking demon formation, and Lu Tiandu sank into the strong spiritual energy zone without hesitation.

This aura zone is hundreds of miles thick. At this moment, Linghu, Li Huayuan, Lu Tianxing and others should be retreating here. However, Lu Tiandu has no intention of looking for them. He passes through the milky white light film and heads straight towards the suppressed center. The demonic energy ran away.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Tiandu and the ancient demon clone came to the vicinity of the stone platform again, and entered the demon refining formation on the side. Looking at the more than ten large thumb crystals shining with light in the center of the formation, Lu Tiandu also had a few. Very excited.

"I didn't expect the intensity of the demonic energy here to be beyond my expectation!"

Knowing from the memory of the ancient demon clone that these fourteen crystals were all mid-level magic crystals, Lu Tian sighed.

He originally thought that what he could condense would be some low-level magic crystals, but he didn't expect that they would all be mid-level magic crystals.

Roughly speaking, it is not bad to be able to condense an intermediate magic crystal in one year. I don't know if it will be enough for the purple spirit to assist in training.

If it's not enough, currently you can only use the synthetic part of the world's origin to practice first.Or you need to spend a lot of materials to set up a few more demon refining formations.However, the cost of setting up this demon refining formation is not small. If it is not necessary, Lu Tiandu is naturally unwilling to waste more materials and time.

Others can only wait for him to advance to become a god, and then see if he can use the Divine Furnace of Creation to refine all the demonic energy sealed in the human world into various magic crystals.

In this way, not only can the problem of demonic energy in the human world be solved, but also countless magic crystals can be used for cultivation.

If it doesn't work at that time, it won't be too late to set up a few more large formations by then.

After putting away the magic crystal, Lu Tiandu left the ancient demon clone here to recover.At present, except for the next time the Mulan tribe sends a distress message, which requires the ancient demon's clone to come forward, there is no need for the ancient demon's clone to come forward at other times.

However, the next time the ancient demon clone comes out, Lu Tiandu needs to come in to pick it up, otherwise the formation will have to be destroyed.

After leaving the Seven Star Transformation Spirit Locking Demon Formation and flying south for more than two hours, Lu Tiandu was able to observe the coastline of Xi Country with his spiritual consciousness. Then he flicked his sleeves and released Han Li and Zhang Qi. Two people.

As for Old Man Yun, he is still a foundation-building monk and cannot fly in the air. If he is released, he will have to fly with the land and sky, so he simply won't release it for the time being.

"This is...the boundless sea?"

Han Li released his consciousness and felt a little unsure about the surrounding environment, especially the turbid sea water under his feet.

"It's the boundless sea."

Lu Tiandu nodded, looked at Zhang Qi aside and said:

"Do you think Fellow Daoist Zhang already knows that we are Tiannan monks? This jade slip contains some general information about Tiannan. Fellow Daoist, you can take a look and wait until you get to Xi Country to make a decision..."

Lu Tiandu said and flicked a jade slip towards Zhang Qi.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior."

Zhang Qi withdrew his eyes from looking at the vast sky, and took the jade slip with a happy face. He was not in a hurry to look at it, and clasped his fists in thanksgiving.

"You're welcome. Now the deal with fellow Taoist has been completed. Let's go to Xi Country first."

The three of them did not stop, but turned into three rays of light and flew towards the Xi Country hundreds of miles away.


This is a state in Xiguo that is close to the boundless sea. It is also the largest state among the seven states in Xiguo.Fengri City is not only the state capital of Minzhou, but also the largest city in Minzhou.

In an elegant inn box in Fengli City, Lu Tiandu and four others were drinking tea and chatting. After arriving in Fengli City, Lu Tiandu also released Old Man Yun.

Zhang Qi was naturally very curious when he came to other immortal worlds for the first time. He had already learned a lot about Tiannan along the way.But what he is most concerned about is naturally how to return to the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars.As for Old Man Yun, who only has a few decades left in his life, he has decided to join the Yellow Maple Valley where Lu Tiandu is located.

"I wonder if next time I go to Luan Xinghai, can I use my senior's treasure to take this junior along?"

Now that he was a little more familiar with Lu Tian, ​​Zhang Qi finally asked the question on his mind.

Zhang Qi naturally knew that it was impossible to go to Chaos Xinghai through the teleportation array controlled by Lu Tiandu.However, there are space magic weapons in the land and the sky. As long as they are willing to help, this ancient teleportation array will naturally not be exposed.That's why Zhang Qi asked this question.

"Yes. But maybe you can return to the Sea of ​​Chaos Stars in the future without my help."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

"Why is this?"

Even Han Li became curious at this moment.

The teleportation array he used to teleport to Wulonghai has been damaged by him. Even if the teleportation array on Tiannan's side is still intact, there is no possibility of going to Wulonghai again through this teleportation array.

Hearing that Lu Tiandu said there were other teleportation arrays to chaos the sea of ​​stars, he was naturally very curious.

"In about three to forty years, I will build a transcontinental teleportation array from Tiannan to the outer star sea, so that fellow Taoists can naturally return to the star sea through this teleportation array."

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly.

"If this is the case, it will cause trouble for seniors."

After hearing this, Zhang Qi felt relieved.

As for how Lu Tiandu mastered this cross-continental teleportation formation, the two of them didn't ask much.

Next, the four of them chatted while drinking tea.

Han Li also asked about the changes in Yellow Maple Valley over the past few years.

I heard that Ancestor Linghu is currently in seclusion to attack the Yuan Empress. Hongfu is already in the middle stage of the Yuanying. Lei Wanhe also condensed the Yuanying in the past few years. Even his master Li Huayuan is also in retreat to attack the Yuanying. There are still ten more in the valley. When a golden elixir cultivator arrived, Han Li could only lament the great changes in Yellow Maple Valley over the years.

Now that he is in the late stage of the Golden Elixir, he naturally wants to return to Yellow Maple Valley for retreat as soon as possible to cultivate to the perfection of the Golden Elixir and try to condense the Nascent Soul.

As for the trouble caused by the Xuantian Immortal Vine back then, as long as he released the Immortal Vine and gave it to Lu Tiandu, those who snatched the Immortal Vine together and the forces behind it would naturally have no other thoughts.

"Okay, let's rest here for one night and see you again tomorrow."

Zhang Qi had previously made a request to temporarily stay in Huang Maple Valley, and Lu Tiandu also agreed.Tomorrow, Han Li, Zhang Qi, and Old Man Yun will go south together, and he is planning to go to Luoyun Sect and help Ao Shan survive the thunder catastrophe of transformation.

A year ago in the Chaos Star Sea, Ao Shan mentioned that she had refined the Dragon Transformation Grass and her bloodline had become purer. Now that her true energy was perfect, it was time to survive the Thunder Tribulation of Transformation.

However, Lu Tiandu was still waiting for little Luohu to show up at that time, and he had other plans for Ao Shan's transformation, so he did not let her out to survive the tribulation.

Now that he is in Tiannan, Lu Tiandu naturally wants to give it a try when he thinks of the opportunity that Han Li had when he helped the Tianlan Holy Beast transform in the original plot.

Just a moment after Lu Tiandu entered the guest room, there was a knock on the door and Han Li stepped in.

"This is the Xuantian Immortal Vine that my nephew got back then. I hope my uncle will accept it!"

Han Li patted the storage bag, and a wooden box about two feet long appeared in his hand and placed it on the table between the two of them. He got straight to the point.

Although Lu Tiandu had cultivated the gourd fairy vine using the gourd seeds in the Tianyang fire gourd, this was the first time he saw the Xuantian fairy vine and he looked at it curiously.

In the wooden box is a green vine less than two feet long, about the thickness of a thumb, with some small hairy roots. At a glance, it seems to be no different from other vine rhizomes, but it can be seen from the divided incisions. The difference between this Xuantian Immortal Vine and other Immortal Vine.

Because this piece of fairy vine is covered with dense fine lines at the divided incisions. If someone knows the golden seal script, they will naturally find that these fine lines are somewhat similar to the legendary golden seal script.

As for the section that was cut off, needless to say, it was naturally left by Han Li.

Lu Tian had heard that the rhizome of this fairy vine was withered yellow before, but now it has turned green. It was obvious that Han Li had cultivated it with spiritual milk and small green liquid, but it seemed that the cultivation did not produce any results. Naturally, it still lacked the Yang water. for the sake of.

"This thing looks extraordinary! I don't know if it will produce any results in the future!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and praised, then changed the subject and said:
"This Xuantian Immortal Vine is extremely precious, and I can't afford to keep it for nothing. I also have some similar spiritual trees here, so let's exchange them with you!"

After speaking, Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand and touched it. Two jade boxes about a foot long appeared on the table.

Seeing what Han Li was going to say, Lu Tian shook his head and said:
"You should take a look first. The things in this jade box are also extraordinary. They might be useful to you."

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Han Li became curious, what kind of spiritual wood could compare with the Xuantian Immortal Vine?
Those who have some experience in the world of immortality will naturally understand that the Xuantian Immortal Vine is extremely precious.Although he took out most of the fairy vines to repay Lu Tiandu's kindness in taking him away from the land of the underworld, both of them understood that the value of the Xuantian fairy vines far exceeded this kindness.

By doing this, Han Li naturally hoped to use this fairy vine to make Lu Tiandu owe most of his favor, so that he would still be able to use it in Lu Tiandu in the future.Lu Tian obviously wanted to use the contents of these two jade boxes to offset the remaining value of the Xuantian Immortal Vine.

However, when Han Li saw the spiritual wood in the jade box clearly, he also exclaimed:
"Are these the Golden Thunder Bamboo and the Spiritual Eye Tree among the three major spiritual trees in the world of immortality?"

"Exactly. I am afraid that there is only one thousand-year-old Golden Thunder Bamboo left in the entire human world. My nephew practices the Qingyuan Sword Art with the wood attribute. If this kind of spiritual bamboo is used to add it to the natal magic weapon, it will be able to be used in the future. It drives the legendary Zhimu Divine Thunder to ward off evil spirits. I don’t need to say more about the usefulness of this thing to my nephew!"

"As for the rhizome of the Spiritual Eye Tree, my nephew should know that there is a Spiritual Eye Tree in the Yunmeng Mountains in the entire southern sky. If this small section of the Spiritual Eye Tree's rhizome is planted in the cave, it will also be of great benefit to cultivation. , after slowly cultivating it for hundreds of years, this piece of spiritual eye tree will be of great use in the future. What do you think, my nephew?"

Lu Tiandu looked at Han Li staring at the two pieces of spiritual wood in the jade box with a look of surprise on his face, and said with a smile.

"So, thank you, Uncle!"

Han Li agreed instantly.

These two sections of the three major spiritual trees in the human world are naturally not as good as the Xuantian Immortal Vine in terms of potential, but in terms of practical value, they are naturally far superior to the Xuantian Immortal Vine that cannot be cultivated at present.

Han Li felt that his natal magic weapon needed to be strengthened before. When he saw this piece of golden thunder bamboo, he instantly knew what to choose.

Moreover, he still has a steady stream of small green liquid in his hand. As long as he spends time cultivating this spiritual eye tree, it will naturally be of great benefit to his cultivation.

The two of them put away the jade boxes on the table, and Han Li continued:

"I still owed my uncle 30 spirit stones before. My nephew has also had many opportunities in recent years. In addition to repaying the previous debt, this time I also want to exchange some other things with my uncle..."

"Oh, let's hear it?"

p.s. Thank you everyone for your monthly votes!
 Thanks to the book friend "Chenwang Zibin" for the reward of 150 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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