Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 338 Senior Brother Xiang, you are safe and well!

"Gengjing, Luofengmu, Soul Condensing Stone, Ten Thousand Wheels Flower..."

Putting down the imitation Lingbao Tianji Sword in his hand, Lu Tiandu checked Old Demon Kun's storage bag again, but when he saw other materials and elixirs of astonishing value, he suddenly sighed.

"This man is worthy of being the third-ranked elder of the ten demonic sects. His net worth is truly astonishing!"

Not counting the Tianji Sword, the treasure of the Xue Qi Sect's sect, but all other items added up, it was worth more than five million spirit stones. He was actually the richest person among the late Nascent Soul monks killed by Lu Tiandu.

After roughly classifying these things, Lu Tiandu checked other personal storage bags, but although they all had a lot of money, there were no surprises.

"With such a rough calculation, the combined net worth of the five great monks and ten Nascent Soul monks is close to 30 million spiritual stones. This does not include the four major sects' various materials worth more than 30 million spiritual stones and two imitations. Lingbao..."

Lu Tiandu was also surprised when he saw the mountain-like harvest.

This kind of harvest would probably shock the eyes of many monks if placed outside.

But having said that, no one dares to offend people from several ten major sects so blatantly to death, and of course no one dares to use the old demon in the late stage of divine transformation to kill these Nascent Soul monks.

Only Lu Tiandu, a brave and talented person, dared to commit such atrocities that had not been seen in the Jin Dynasty for thousands of years.

The 'Old Demon Lu' that is widely circulated among the outside world is certainly not called for nothing.

Now counting the trophies he gained from King Xuan Ye, Master Xiong and others after coming to Jin Dynasty, the total value has exceeded the staggering hundreds of millions of spirit stones, which is really shocking.

However, the piles of bones of the five late-stage Nascent Soul monks and the dozen or so early-stage Nascent Soul monks below are also frightening.

"Forget it, send it to Yaochi Tower and let them sort it!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the pile of trophies, shook his head slightly, rolled up his sleeves, and all the items and himself in front of him disappeared instantly.

At this moment, it was less than ten days since Lu Tiandu took Nangong Wan's girls into Yaochi Tower. Seeing Lu Tiandu suddenly bring in so many storage bags, the girls were suddenly surprised.

Lu Tiandu naturally had nothing to hide from them and simply explained.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Hong Fu and the other girls suddenly looked at Lu Tiandu and became silent.

"What are you doing?" Lu Tiandu asked in confusion.

"Husband, if there is a strong enemy next time, we sisters can also go out and join hands with our husband to fight against the enemy!"

Qi Zhenzhen suddenly spoke.

As soon as Qi Zhenzhen finished speaking, all the girls nodded and looked at Lu Tiandu with burning eyes.

"Okay, I will definitely ask you to help me next time something happens!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and gently comforted the girls.

He naturally understands the thoughts of the girls. Although most of them are not yet in the late stage of Nascent Soul, two girls like Qi Zhenzhen and Sun Qingfeng are fully capable of helping Lu Tiandu. In such a group fight, Lu Tian does not need to Fighting alone with the clone.

What's more, the magical powers of women like Hong Fu and Nangong Wan are not weaker than those of the great monks, and they can also fight.

Lu Tiandu naturally understands these principles.

However, although he understood that the women were not weak in strength, it was still difficult for Qi Zhenzhen and Sun Qingfeng, who were also in the late Nascent Soul stage, to be able to kill monks of the same level as quickly as he could.

Therefore, unless he was really too busy, he would naturally not want the girls to come out and join hands.

It's really not necessary.

Of course, this is because the girls only know that Lu Tiandu's strongest clone is only in the early stages of becoming a god.

If he really encounters an enemy that Lu Tiandu cannot fight against, he can either huddle in the Yaochi Tower or directly summon his true spirit You Luo.

The pond in the human world is still too shallow. Lu Tiandu can now push it across the pond, and in the spirit world, they will naturally have the opportunity to show their talents.

After staying with the girls for more than ten days, Lu Tiandu entered the Palace of Eternal Life again.

"There are still more than two months before the Tianfu Sect change. There is enough time. I can refine another Sky Corpse Pearl first!"

Lu Tiandu took out a golden bead and thought deeply.

Not to mention the Tianfu Book that he got from the people in front of Tianfu Sect, the other half of the Golden Palace and Jade Book that he later obtained in the Land of Yinming is also closely related to Tianfu Sect. Now that he is in Jin Dynasty, Lu Tiandu naturally I don’t mind taking care of Tianfu Sect.

And I'm afraid that senior brother Xiang is also at Tianfu Sect now, so he just needs to meet him.


And just after Lu Tiandu went into seclusion, these confidantes of Lu Tiandu also got together to discuss.

"Hmph, my husband agreed to let us go out to help just to deal with us. The sisters must have roughly guessed it!"

Nangong Wan looked around at all the beauties and hummed softly.

"Hehe, I'm afraid the bad guy can't guess that if we want to sense whether he's telling lies, we can sense it, right?"

Nishang smiled charmingly.

After hearing Nishang's words, several of the girls blushed and their eyes twinkled.

Speaking of which, when Lu Tiandu faced the silence of the girls to comfort them, they secretly used their minds to contact the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness, and silently sensed it, and sure enough they found that Lu Tian was dealing with them.

Although I felt angry, I didn't show anything at the time.

Although Lu Tiandu also knew this method of induction through the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness, he had not used it much. After all, there were many women, and it would not hinder the overall situation. It would be fine if he was a little cautious.

As a result, after the girls unknowingly discovered this strange thing, they all got along with each other more harmoniously. Of course, occasionally feeling the words of their men can be regarded as a spice in their lives.

"Who said that our husband is a romantic seed, but he still cares about her?"

Cen Jingjun smiled and shook her head, "Just like what we secretly sensed before, I'm afraid the Bai sisters will also join us soon!"

After saying that, he glanced at Yanli with a half-smile, which made Yanli also get angry.

After all, she is the only one among the girls who is both plump and petite.

Sure enough, when there were more women, they quickly deviated from the topic. After half an hour, Nangong Wan returned to the topic:

"Since my husband is worried about our lack of strength and being afraid of being injured when we go into battle, and now that we have enough materials, how about we divide the work and refine a few late-stage Nascent Soul puppets first?"

"Okay, what my sister said is right. With the puppet of the late Nascent Soul, I think it will be able to help my husband a lot!"

Xin Ruyin was the first to nod in response.

"Yes, next time I will just take out the finished product and it will be a surprise for my husband."

Chen Qiaoqian also said with a smile on her face.

Seeing that all the girls agreed, Nangong Wan also chuckled and assigned tasks.

The refining of late-stage Nascent Soul puppets has long been in Lu Tiandu's plan, and now he has obtained a new ninth-level monster spirit. Counting the various monster spirits that have been collected before, the girls are proficient in puppetry and weapon refining techniques. There are people here, and everyone quickly takes action.    …

Huayun Prefecture is a large coastal prefecture located in the eastern part of the Jin Dynasty. Most of its port towns are built near the sea. There are also many overseas monks who often haunt the coastal cities of this prefecture and exchange various monster materials for some inland ones. Training resources.

At this moment, a very fast golden escaping light in the sky was heading towards a small town only more than 200 miles away from the East China Sea. This small town was called Kaijiang Town. In the town, there was an aura-like mountain called Baizhu Mountain, which was Tianfu. The gate is where the mountain gate is now.

It was Lu Tiandu who had disguised his cultivation and appearance in the escaping light.

He had only been in seclusion for two months, and finally came out of the Shizhu World. After a little inquiry, he found out that he was now called 'Old Demon Lu' by the monks of the Jin Dynasty, and when talking about Old Demon Lu, everyone changed their color.

Seeing this scene, Lu Tiandu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, he shook his head, stopped paying attention to the matter, and went straight to Tianfu Sect.

At this moment, his spiritual consciousness swept across a Qi-refining monk in green clothes below, and Lu Tiandu was stunned by this man's eyes.

After finding out that this place was the Tianfu Sect of Baizhu Mountain, Lu Tiandu allowed this frightened young man to take him into Baizhu Mountain in the name of an old friend.

Although he had not yet entered Baizhu Mountain, Lu Tiandu had a simple sweep of his consciousness and naturally found out the current situation of Tianfu Sect clearly.

Of course, in order not to arouse the lurking Xiang Laogui, Lu Tiandu only showed the consciousness of the early Nascent Soul at this moment.

"Okay, you don't need to be nervous. I have some connection with your Tianfu Sect. This time I brought you something that is closely related to your sect, so that the head of your sect can come to see me."

Before entering the main hall, Lu Tiandu spoke when he met other monks from Tianfu Sect.

After half a cup of tea, an old man in a yellow brocade robe hurried in with a group of people outside the hall.

This man glanced at the aura around Lu Tiandu, and he was suddenly startled. He hurriedly took a few steps forward, gave a deep salute, and said with unusual respect:

"Junior Yue Zhen, the head of Tianfu Sect, didn't know that senior was coming to our sect, so he couldn't welcome him from afar. I hope senior will forgive me!"

Although he was only in the Foundation Establishment stage and could not see the cultivation level displayed by Lu Tiandu, as the master of a sect, his knowledge was naturally far beyond that of his disciples. He had also met several monks in the Nascent Soul stage, so he After sensing the same powerful aura on Lu Tiandu's body, he couldn't help but feel panic in his heart.

I don't know if this person's visit this time is a blessing or a curse. With such a cultivation level, I'm afraid even the uncle Jindan who invited him out of retreat would be useless.

"You don't need to panic. On the one hand, I came here to be entrusted by others, and on the other hand, I have some connections with Tianfu Sect..."

Lu Tiandu couldn't help but chuckled when he saw the uneasy expressions of these monks.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the man to say anything more, he recounted the words of the old man surnamed Yun from Yin Ming Di in a few words. As for the origin, he was vague in a few words, roughly he owed a small favor to a Taoist friend from the Tianfu Sect.

Speaking of which, the old man surnamed Yun only lived for more than twenty years after leaving the land of darkness and died.

After all, the lifespan of a foundation-building monk is only two hundred years.

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Yue Zhen opened a square bone box sent by Lu Tiandu. When he saw the contents clearly, he exclaimed in surprise, "

"Spirit Falling Talisman! This is the method for refining the Soul Falling Talisman! The handwriting on it is Uncle Yun's!"

At this moment, the only early-stage Jindan cultivator from Tianfu Sect also rushed over. After seeing the gift, he was immediately surprised when he heard that it was written by Senior Brother Yun.

After listening to Lu Tiandu's general explanation of the horror of the ghost mist and the underworld, the two of them were also frightened. After all, they were near the sea, so they had naturally heard of this weird black mist.

After all, Senior Brother Yun has reached his longevity and has passed away in the Land of Netherworld.

"During this trip, I heard that your Tianfu Sect seems to be in trouble. I have some connections with your Tianfu Sect, so I can help you solve it!"

After chatting for a while, Lu Tiandu spoke directly when he heard the wooing in the words of Yue Zhen and the old man surnamed Wen.

"Ah! I'd like to thank you for your kindness, senior!"

The two of them bowed deeply with expressions of surprise on their faces.

The other foundation-building monks in the main hall also looked excited at this moment and stepped forward to salute again.

Only then did Yue Zhen talk in a few words about the fact that the imitation market controlled by three small sects, including his Tianfu Sect, had been robbed by the Lingfeng Sect.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Lingfeng Sect is backed by a medium-sized sect, the Shayang Sect, and the Shayang Sect has an old monster in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

"If the seniors can solve this catastrophic problem for the juniors, all the secret scriptures of talismans in our sect can be viewed by seniors at will. Although our Tianfu Sect is not very good at other aspects of Taoism, we still have merits in talismans... …”

After introducing the conflicts between several families, Head Yue quickly put forward conditions for fear that even Lu Tian would not be willing to provoke fellow monks for their small sect.

"Okay, I will settle this matter for you."

Lu Tiandu nodded. After asking about the location of Shayang Sect, he disappeared instantly.

"This senior is very decisive."

The two of them were surprised when they saw Lu Tiandu take action in a blink of an eye.

"Uncle Master, how can we get in touch with this Senior Xiao?"

Yue Zhen asked suddenly.

Although Lu Tiandu was able to help them solve their trouble this time, it was only this time and not a long-term solution.

As for a small sect like theirs, if they could have a Nascent Soul monk as their guest elder, the benefits would be self-evident.

"Yes, I was thinking about this problem just now, but our Tianfu Sect has fallen to this point now. Apart from these two secret talismans, there is nothing we can use!"

The old man named Wen sighed.

"No, there is still a treasure!"

At this time, Yue Zhen suddenly smiled, "However, we should not be anxious about this matter. We will observe the situation first while this senior is staying temporarily. We also need to contact the fellow Taoists in Jinxia Mountain and Mingyang Valley. Our three families We are like-minded, so we need to unite..."

In less than an hour, the two of them were pleasantly surprised when they heard that Lu Tiandu had returned and claimed to have solved the problem.

"Senior, please, I will take you to the Sutra Pavilion right now!"

Yue Zhen took the lead and led Lu Tiandu to an attic, while the old man surnamed Wen naturally went to Fangshi.

This is an inconspicuous attic, divided into three floors, and the whole body is covered by a layer of light blue prohibition.

When Lu Tiandu followed Yue Zhen into the first floor, there was an old man sitting cross-legged on a futon, holding a jade slip in his hand, as if he was checking the contents of the slip.

"Master Nephew Li, come here and meet Senior Xiao."

When Yue Zhen saw the old man, he immediately ordered him politely. At the same time, he turned around and respectfully explained to Lu Tiandu: "This nephew Li is specifically responsible for managing the Scripture Pavilion and knows all the various classics in the pavilion. "

"Well, please step back!"

Lu Tiandu nodded, and happened to look at the old man with a smooth face and small eyes who was awakened from looking at the jade slips by Yue Zhen's voice, and said with a faint smile:

"Senior Brother Xiang, you're fine!" (End of Chapter)

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