Chapter 169
"She's a bit older, but she still has a small baby in her belly, which is good. Let's play slowly."

The light screen in the hands of the two people can call up the information of each slave placed in this area, including birth origin, past experiences, etc.

"What, you're not going to dig it with your own hands again, are you? Then I have to stay away this time and don't get my clothes dirty."

"Hey, what's the point of seeing others take action? Forget it, let me kill one first to vent my anger!"

After saying that, the man put away the gun in his hand, then took out a third-level telekinesis weapon, stepped on it, accelerated instantly, and caught up with the fleeing woman.


In mid-air, Wang Yi, who was wearing light golden snow-gold willow armor, lowered his head and looked at the scene happening in the forest below expressionlessly.He could clearly see the panic and despair on the fleeing woman's face, but she had to run away frantically for the sake of the child in her belly.

You can also clearly see the cruel smiles of the two hunters as they discussed how to cook living humans and embryos.

"Is this the business of the White Star? Primitive hunting?"


Ashus nodded.

"According to the data, these people are carefully selected slaves. Most of them were once citizens of the universe country. They are specially used to act as prey, and the specially built resorts will provide the richest additional services. "

The two didn't go into details, but Wang Yi also knew that those extra services were unappetizing things.


The unarmed ninth-level planet-level woman had no ability to resist when faced with the star-level who possessed telepathy weapons. She was knocked to the ground in a short while, and her limbs were fixed by flying blades, causing her slightly bulging belly. Exposed to people.

The guest had a gentle smile on his face, reached out and picked off a blade from mid-air, held the sharp blade himself, and pointed it toward the woman's belly.

At this moment, an extremely tyrannical pressure suddenly came!

The coercion that radiated for thousands of kilometers made everyone within the range tremble, but the expressions of the two young men who were originally showing off their power became frightened.

Wang Yi and Asius slowly fell from the air and landed right in front of them.

Several bodyguards trembled and said loudly:

"I wonder what brings you to Yunyuge Pavilion? Our great Lord Abut lives in Pale White Star. If you have something important, I can report it to you."

And the man who was about to disembowel him just now knelt on the ground, followed behind with trembling body and said loudly:

"Sir, my grandfather is the leader of Qianwu Universe Kingdom!"

Wang Yi ignored the bodyguards, but looked down at the man kneeling on the ground and suddenly asked:

"Do you like poaching other people's children?"

"No, no! I don't like it, I don't like it. What just happened was all a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? It's okay, that's all I said."

Wang Yi smiled, his eyes suddenly turned purple, and "Phantom" was activated.

Immediately afterwards, the two young men, together with the bodyguards behind them, fell into an endless fantasy, and then suddenly started holding their stomachs and wailing crazily for mercy.

"Your Highness, what are you...?" "Don't they like to play like this? I let them experience all the services of Yunyu Pavilion hundreds of times, of course, as slaves."

"But they don't seem to be within the scope of the mission."

Yasius didn't care about that Realm Lord Xia Fin, he just reminded Wang Yi that they were not within the scope of the mission.

"I know."

Wang Yi glanced at Asius, then shrugged and said:

"But what does this have to do with me wanting to torture them? Let's go and find the person in charge stationed here. I hope the guests on the White Star can carry on with their beloved 'project' and don't have a nervous breakdown in advance. I I really want to see them begging for mercy."

After saying that, Wang Yi casually threw out some nutrient solution that could replenish energy and repair injuries and fell on the dying woman beside him, nourishing the child in her belly by the way.

"Thank you, God! Thank you, God!"

The woman knelt on the ground, covering her child with one hand, and kept kowtowing on the ground, thanking Wang Yi for saving her and her child's lives.

"Yunyu Pavilion will be destroyed by me, and you will be free from today on. Wait for the personnel from Virtual Universe Company to come."

After saying that, Wang Yi took off first, flying towards the luxurious and conspicuous palace.

Along the way, Wang Yi did not hide his mental power at all, and even released the most powerful telepathy of the Queen Mother's clone through his own body, pulling all the guests along the way, as well as the members of Yunyu Pavilion, into In the fantasy world, they can experience the pleasure projects they have experienced countless times.


Abut is the great elder of Yunyu Pavilion, and his own strength has reached the first level of Realm Lord. The reason why he is stationed here is not only the good environment, but also because the business here receives basically the most distinguished guests. , that’s why a powerful Realm Lord was stationed here.

Of course, this also resulted in the fact that the commercial slaves that Abut dealt with were of the highest quality. Almost all excellent slaves would pass through his hands after being screened. Therefore, for Abut, Baixing is him. Enjoy the back garden.

Today was the same as before. While Abt was enjoying the service of his slaves, the alarm sounded throughout the palace.

"What happened?!"

Abt immediately rose into the sky, but it was only then that he was shocked to find that, except for the non-stop sirens and the room he was in just now, no one in the entire palace could respond to him. The sound was gone.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Abt immediately said loudly:

"Who are you? You are so brave, you dare to trespass into the important place of my Yunyu Pavilion! Do you know which immortal god is behind my Yunyu Pavilion? Do you know who are the people behind the distinguished guests this planet receives?"

The piercing siren mixed with Abbot's roar echoed in the dead world.

But no one responded, and he couldn't sense any enemy aura, as if he was really the only living person on this planet.

At this moment, Abt felt that his eyes were dazzled. He suddenly appeared in a torture chamber that he was very familiar with. How could he not remember every time he personally tortured slaves to vent their emotions.

It's a pity that this time, he is no longer the aloof emperor, but a slave who is bound by chains and control devices and has lost his power.

In front of him was his most trusted subordinate, who was playing with the complex and various torture tools.

No matter how he called or cursed, he could only watch helplessly as the criminal tools he usually controlled were used on him one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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