Live broadcast carving, the police started to pay attention to it

Chapter 121, What, you are a master of Chinese medicine, why don’t you take your pulse?

Chapter 121, What, you are a master of Chinese medicine, why don’t you take your pulse?
"Are they master's students at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine?"

"A master's degree is a very high level of education."

"Traditional Chinese medicine is not being passed on now. I think their medical skills are quite good."

The uncles and aunties around are talking about it.

Zhang Zhenzhi said: "Come up!"

At this time, an aunt came over with a medical case, sat on a stool, and without saying anything, took out the medical records and test sheets and placed them on the table.

This aunt's name is Yan Yuying. She originally went to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital to see a doctor and get medicine. I heard that there is a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor here, so she came here specially to get medicine with test sheets and cases.

At this time, Lin Yu frowned.

Bi Qinghui's disciples directly picked up the case and started reading it.

Is this Chinese medicine?

What the hell is this Chinese medicine?

Wouldn't you ask about the patient's condition first?

Looking at lab tests and medical records?

What is this operation?
Zhang Zhenzhi's face was solemn. As a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, what kind of cases and test sheets should you look at? Is this what you should do?

Taniguchi Hanpei's disciple smiled and asked the aunt about her condition: "What's wrong with you?"

"I've got a cold..."

"Put your tongue out?"


"Is there any phlegm?"


"Is the phlegm thick or clear?"


"I'll take your pulse."

After a long time...
Bi Qinghui's disciples did not feel the pulse, but asked about some physical conditions. At this time, the two of them each prescribed medicine.

Lin Yu:? ? ? ?

Don’t you need to check your pulse after reading the medical records?

Just prescribing medicine?

The people in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

[What is the situation? This is a master's degree graduate?You can't take a pulse. You can't even take a pulse. How can you be a Chinese medicine doctor? 】

[Damn it, I thought graduates with a master's degree knew medical skills, but instead of checking the pulse, I asked about the situation and directly prescribed medicine?What kind of magical operation is this!

[I don’t understand. A graduate with a master’s degree is actually looking at cases. Is this traditional Chinese medicine? 】

[Who can tell me, is that Chinese medicine?Why don't you take your pulse? 】

[Check the pulse?If you go to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital to see a doctor, they will first ask you to do a blood test, either a blood test or a CT scan. The Chinese medicine doctors in the hospital have long been westernized and are not Chinese medicine at all. 】

[Nowadays, most traditional Chinese medicine hospitals only read laboratory test sheets and cases, and then prescribe medicines in one go. They don’t know how to check the pulse at all. 】

Lin Yu asked: "Are you a master's degree graduate?"

Zheng Wen looked back at Lin Yu: "Yes."

"Don't you need to check your pulse?"

"If there are cases, just have the test results."

Lin Yu heard this.


If there is a case, just have a test sheet?

Are you a Chinese medicine doctor?

Are you a Western medicine doctor? You use Western medicine to treat patients and then prescribe treatment. Isn’t this nonsense?

Zhang Zhenzhi had a gloomy face, originally thinking of letting the master's degree graduates give full play to their specialties and gain exposure to medical skills.

That's it?

He looked directly at the test form.

You might as well just write a prescription.

Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine are two systems.

totally different.

Western medicine directly prescribes the right medicine to determine where the problem is, but Chinese medicine does not. Based on the symptoms of the patient's body, it finds out where the problem is and where the root cause is, and treats based on syndrome differentiation.

Dialectics is the most critical.

Zhang Zhenzhi said coldly: "Professor, these are the students you taught. They just look at the test results and don't even need to take a pulse?"

The professor explained: “Through the laboratory test sheet, the disease can be explained more accurately.”

Zhang Zhenzhi had nothing to say, he had no words.

This is a professor.

Is it still a Chinese medicine if a Chinese medicine practitioner doesn’t take the pulse?

Is Chinese medicine still a good medicine without syndrome differentiation?
Can the condition be cured by directly taking Chinese herbal medicine by looking at the test results?
It would be faster than just taking western medicine!Lin Yu mocked: "I thought master's students were talents, but they turned out to be idiots. It doesn't matter that master's degree graduates are idiots. I didn't expect even professors to be idiots."

Bi Qinghui said with a sullen face: "You... what did you say?"

"Why are you scolding people?"

"Are you a Chinese medicine doctor?"

"What school did you graduate from? How qualified are you to scold us?"

The classmates next to me were also angry.

Lin Yu sneered: "What did I say?"

"I specifically called you idiots, didn't you hear clearly?"

"You have forgotten the most important point of traditional Chinese medicine, which is syndrome differentiation and treatment. Take the simplest cold as an example."

"Traditional Chinese medicine classifies colds based on dialectics: wind-cold, wind-heat, dampness, Qi deficiency colds, etc. Each cold is different."

"The medication is also different. Your student treats patients based on laboratory test sheets?"

"This patient has a cold due to wind-heat, which is invaded by heat evil and is dominated by heat. Look at the eight medicinal materials prescribed by your student. They are all medicinal materials for treating wind-cold and cold."

"Can this cure the disease? If the patient takes it back, he won't get better at all and his condition will get worse. Why do you want to learn Chinese medicine? Why don't you just learn Western medicine? Wouldn't it be better to prescribe [-] cold medicine?"

The live broadcast laughed like crazy.

[Haha... My father-in-law is angry. 】

[My father-in-law scolded me well. He was so right. Traditional Chinese medicine does not take the pulse but reads laboratory test results. This is not traditional Chinese medicine at all, but Western medicine. 】

[Nowadays, hospitals don’t check your pulse. They just look at the test results and prescribe herbs to treat your illness. 】

[I just want to ask you, is a Chinese medicine still a Chinese medicine if you don’t take the pulse? 】

[Father-in-law, how much does [-] Cold Ling give you, I will give you double, please advertise for me...]

[My father-in-law is awesome. He scolds people directly. He scolds very well. 】

Bi Qinghui explained: "Laboratory tests are very scientific. You have to believe in science. Through laboratory tests, you can better judge the patient's condition."

"The times are advancing and science is developing."

"Traditional Chinese medicine must also follow suit."

Lin Yu just wanted to curse.

Make more progress than your mother...

Lin Yu said sarcastically: "I called you a fool. It seems I was right. A patient with lung cancer came yesterday. Do you know what caused it?"

"Lung cancer is caused by excessive yin energy and imbalance in the body. You only need to bask in the sun, and the lung cancer will recover naturally after half a month."

"If I prescribe medicine according to your method, you should not prescribe a lot of Chinese herbal medicine, and the condition will not be cured at all."

"Syndrome differentiation and treatment are the key, rather than testing patients with instruments."

"If a person has lung cancer, it may not be caused by the lungs. It may be caused by changes in other organs, such as the liver and stomach."

"Instrumental examination can only provide indicators but not the root cause. So what is the difference between you and Western medicine?"

Bi Qinghui argued: "Of course there is a difference, the Chinese herbal medicine we use."

Lin Yu sneered: "You want to say that the medicines used are different. Is the patient hot or cold? Can it be detected? If it is caused by other organs, can it be detected?"

Zhang Zhenzhi watched the two people arguing.

He immediately said: "Let's go. You can't even say that you are a Chinese medicine doctor even if you check your pulse. I finally understand that the current Chinese medicine medicine will end its inheritance sooner or later."

"This cannot cure the patient at all. Traditional Chinese medicine treats based on syndrome differentiation. It involves looking, smelling, asking, and examining... to determine where the problem lies before prescribing a prescription."

"No one can read the test report."

Bi Qinghui argued: "Traditional Chinese medicine needs reform, and times are progressing."

Zhang Zhenzhi shook his head and said: "You are not reforming, you are cutting off the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. It is hard to imagine what it will be like for students in the future to come out to see a doctor."

"One by one, they took the test sheets and prescribed medicinal herbs to the patients, but they couldn't cure the disease at all."

Zhang Zhenzhi was so disappointed.

This is modern Chinese medicine, which comes with Western medicine test sheets and laboratory test sheets to get medicine.

He even calls it a beautiful name, I am a Chinese medicine doctor.

Is this still Chinese medicine?

Zhang Zhenzhi waved his hand and quickly asked Bi Qinghui and others to leave. Staying here would simply lose the face of Chinese medicine.

Zhang Zhenzhi looked at the prescription prescribed by Taniguchi Hanpei's disciple, nodded and said: "You are good at prescribing, and you are indeed good at Chinese medicine."

Taniguchi Banpei smiled and said: "Old doctor, what I said is right. Traditional Chinese medicine has declined here. If you wait another ten years, no one will take your pulse after you leave."

"They all take the test sheet and prescribe medicine for diagnosis."

"This is Westernized Chinese medicine, and in Tokyo we still retain the tradition of Chinese medicine. We firmly believe that we will carry forward Chinese medicine."

Zhang Zhenzhi was silent.

Nowadays, students who study Chinese medicine don’t even know their pulse?

It’s all about system standardization.

Completely in the wrong direction.

(End of this chapter)

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