Chapter 202, What, am I being sued again?
Richard is the president of Christie Company, and now Christie Company is under suspicion.

Every company in Europe pays attention to integrity, especially Christie Auction Company, the world's top company, which pays special attention to its own image. Richard nodded and said: "Then report the crime! He must pay the price."

Lin Yu had no idea what was happening in Europe.

Still lying on the sofa.

Enjoy the wonderful daylight.

Several police cars arrived outside the villa, and several international police officers entered the villa.

ta ta ta ta tao

Lin Yu watched several yellow-haired middle-aged men enter the villa.

A look of doubt.

What's the matter?

What are these people doing here?
The international police looked at Lin Yu and asked, "Are you Lin Yu, Mr. Lin?"

"It's me, are you?"

"Hello, I am international police officer Muggsy Averie. You are suspected of a fake painting fraud case. The international police have issued an arrest warrant for you. This is an arrest warrant. Please follow me back to Europe to investigate."

Lin Yu was dumbfounded.

Are the international police here?
Lin Yu was uneasy: "You...did you make a mistake?"

Muggsy Ivery: "Please come with us. Christie's Auction Company has called the police. Now we will take you back to Europe and file a criminal complaint against you."

Regardless of martial ethics, when did I become a fraudster?


Muggsy Ivery continued: "Mr. Lin, are you going to follow us voluntarily, or are you going to follow us in handcuffs?"

"I want to see your papers."


Muggsy Ivery immediately took out his ID.

Lin Yu couldn't understand it even though he was holding the ID card!Immediately say: "I need to call the police, I doubt your identity."

Muggsy Averie nodded: "We notified the Hailan Police before we came and applied for Hailan Police to cooperate with our international police. The two police officers behind me are Hailan Police officers."

Muggsy Ivery turned back and said: "You two, please show your IDs and let Mr. Lin Yu know your identities."

At this time, two young men came out from behind Muggsy Ivery.

The ID was immediately produced.

One of them said: "Lin Yu, they are indeed the international police. We have been notified that you are suspected of forging authentic Picasso paintings. The international police have issued an arrest warrant for you."

Lin Yu nodded helplessly.


It seems their identities are real.

Lin Yu said: "Can I hire a lawyer?"

Muggsy Ivery nodded: "Of course, this is your right. Even if you don't hire a lawyer, we will arrange one for you."

"when are we leaving?"


Lin Yu nodded: "I need to collect some evidence."

Muggsy Ivery nodded and followed Lin Yu. Lin Yu returned to the room to clean up briefly and then left with Muggsy Ivery.

I'm not really worried.

After all, when Jiang gave the [-] paintings to Christie's auction house, he had clearly stated that they were painted by himself.

Is it illegal to imitate Picasso's style?

have to say
Muggsy Ivery acted quickly and took Lin Yu directly to Europe by plane.

Half a day later...
Just got off the plane.

A large number of reporters appeared at the airport. Countless reporters held cameras to shoot Lin Yu, and countless reporters even asked questions.

"Mr. Lin, do you admit that you forged the original Picasso?"

"Mr. Lin, were those hundred paintings really created by you?"

"Mr. Lin, how do you feel now?"

"Mr. Lin, do you know that it is illegal to forge authentic Picasso paintings?" "Mr. Lin,..."

Muggsy Averie whispered: "You can remain silent and ignore them. Since you are from the Dragon Kingdom, we will not take detention measures against you. We will send you to the hotel and protect your safety personally."

"You are free and the police will protect you."

"Next, we will arrange a legal consultant for you. Of course, you can also hire a lawyer yourself to face the lawsuit from Christie's Auction House."

I heard that foreign lawyers are very expensive.

just forget it!
Just complain on your own.

Moreover, Lin Yu was unfamiliar with the place, what if he was cheated?
It is best to find a lawyer from Longguo.

Lin Yu thought of someone and immediately took out his cell phone and called him.

"Brother Luo."

"Lin Yu, are you looking for me for something?"

"I was taken away by the international police in Europe. Now I am in Europe. Is there a lawyer in Europe? It is best to be a lawyer from the Dragon Kingdom."

"What? You were taken away by the international police. Are you selling arms or killing someone?"

"Hey...they sued me for fraud?"

"how much is it?"

"3.8 billion dollars!"

Luo Yang was so surprised that he was speechless, 8000 million?

This amount of crime may put you in jail for 20 years!
Luo Yang: "I understand. I have a friend who specializes in litigation. I asked her to contact you. When you are abroad, just tell her everything and she will help you."

"Thank you, Brother Luo."

"How come you defrauded US$3.8 million and went to Europe to do pyramid schemes?"

"It's not the result of painting a picture."

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone. I'm not abroad either. Hu Liting will contact you."

Lin Yu hung up the phone...
Inside the hotel

beep beep...

Lin Yu looked at the unfamiliar phone call.

"Hello, are you Mr. Lin Yu?"

"Yes you are?"

"I am Hu Liting, and Luo Yang asked me to be your defense lawyer. Are you Lin Yu who has been on the recent hot search list, Mr. Lin who creates Picasso style?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

"Europe is now in shock. Many people know where you are. I will come right away."

"I'm at the Hilton Hotel."

"Wait for my message, don't talk to anyone, just wait for me to come over."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu lay on the sofa.

after an hour·····
Hu Liting arrived at the hotel and went to the third floor based on Lin Yu's information. Seeing the police guards around her, she immediately knew that Lin Yu was locked up inside. Hu Liting showed her ID.

"I am Mr. Lin Yulin's lawyer. My name is Hu Liting. This is my ID. I will chat with Mr. Lin Yu next."

The police officer immediately let him go, and Hu Liting knocked on the door.

Boom boom boom...

Lin Yu opened the door and saw a young woman standing at the door. Hu Liting smiled and said, "Lin Yu, it is you."

"Lawyer Hu."

"Let's talk later inside!"

After closing the door, the two sat on the sofa. Lin Yu poured a cup of tea for Hu Liting. Hu Liting looked at Lin Yu's actions and smiled: "Mr. Lin, you don't seem to be afraid?"

"I haven't broken any laws, so why should I be afraid?"

Hu Liting smiled and said: "That's what I said, but the laws of foreign countries are different from those of the Dragon Kingdom. Mr. Lin, please tell me what happened first."

"Um... let me ask first, how much is the lawyer's fee?"

(End of this chapter)

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