Rebirth: My 80s

Chapter 795 The robber appears

Chapter 795 The robber appears
People who frequent Wanbao Street discovered that the Xile Flower Shop, which had taken away almost all the top-quality clivias on the market, had been emptied out overnight, and all those good orchids that made people drop their heads due to greed had disappeared.

This made people realize that the young owner of Xile Flower Shop was really not bragging, and that he indeed had a faceless high-roller on his hands.

Li Jiankun, who had just arrived at the store from Yongchun Hotel, yawned, took a black handbag from Zhang Gui, and came to the back room.

"Invisible Man" Chen Yajun and Jin Biao were lying at the five-drawer table, eating the breakfast brought by Zhang Fu - sticky bean buns, fried dough sticks and porridge. The former two were wrapped in cow dung paper, and the latter was served in two national aluminum lunch boxes, with pickles floating on the surface of the porridge.

Poor Zhang Fu had to empty the dung bucket for them.

Li Jiankun lifted the handbag on the table. Chen Yajun and Jin Biao stopped and looked at each other. They knew what was inside, but they didn't know how much.

"There is one million US dollars in it. You guys should divide it and leave a share for Ah Hai's blind old lady." Li Jiankun said.

Chen Yajun and Jin Biao were surprised.

"Sold for one million... dollars?"

"That's a lot of money."

In the orange morning light, about 20 minutes' walk from Wanbao Street, people gathered around the roadside post office where Li Jiankun had inquired about the news.

After Jin Biao and Chen Yajun finished breakfast, they opened their handbags together, looked at the stacks of neatly stacked Franklins inside, and both took a deep breath.

"Looking back now, it is indeed a bit crazy."

One million U.S. dollars can be exchanged for four million yuan on the black market. If you get it in the special zone and find the import business bosses, you can exchange five or six million yuan.

"Jiankun, brothers are brothers, there is no reason why we need you to cover our losses." Jin Biao shook his head, and neither of them reached out to touch the bag.

The boss invested as much as they could, more than three million yuan. Isn’t that a huge profit?

The brothers call him big brother, which for him carries a responsibility.

They had been busy for so long and thought they were making a lot of money, but they only made 500,000 yuan, which is equivalent to about 100,000 US dollars based on the black market price.

"Brother Kun, there is a cost for you." Chen Yajun said.

Almost everyone has a fresh copy of the provincial cultural newspaper.

"This matter is not over yet." Li Jiankun took out a local Yingchun cigarette and lit it. Looking at the morning light coming in from the door, he slowly exhaled a mouthful of white mist. "My cost is with the robbers, and the recovery is mine." , it’s not recovered, it’s also mine.”

Besides, their combined capital is only over one million yuan.

Soon, it spread to major Clivia trading markets.

Jin Biao and Chen Yajun wanted to say something more, but he raised his hand to stop them and walked out. Li Jiankun thought to himself that Lao Xue's article should be published in the newspaper today.

Everyone smelled the coming storm and felt uneasy...


"Looking at it this way, our Clivia economy is exactly the same as the Dutch tulip economy."

Don't mention them. In China in 1984, few people had seen one million US dollars.

The same scene was played out almost simultaneously at various newspaper sales outlets in the city.

They found another bag and divided out 500,000 yuan first, which was for A Hai's blind old woman. I believe neither Achang nor Xiaolong Xiaohu will have any objections.
“Gee, is the Clivia economy a bubble?”

"What they wrote is well-founded. Real historical events have been suffered by foreign countries."

Meili Township, Taoshan Town, is about fifteen kilometers away from Spring City.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a rapid knock on the old door of a house in the east end of the town.

There was a creaking sound, and the old door panel opened a gap on both sides, revealing a head that had been wearing a dog-skin hat during this season.

"Third brother, what's wrong?"

"Go in quickly. Brother Yong will be here soon. There is some bad news."

Dogskin Hat quickly got out of the way and let the visitor in. Just as the latter said, another person came to the door not long after, it was "Brother Yong" in their mouth.

In this old house with a small courtyard, it seems that only Goskin Hat lives. In a room facing east, where the sunlight shines through the glass window, there are pots of high-quality clivias.

However, the sunshine area is not large, and some of them cannot be placed and cannot be taken outside the house. I can only put them aside first and replace them later to let them soak in the sun.

"It's not bad." Brother Yong walked up to take a look and said.

"I have never served my biological father so carefully." Goubi Hat took off the hat on his head, and there was a circle of gauze wrapped around his head.

"Are you going to take action, Brother Yong?" San'er asked.

Dogskin Hat was surprised: "Didn't you say you'd wait until the Spring Festival?"

"Something happened." San'er took out a folded newspaper from his blue cloth coat and handed it over.

Dog Skin Hat suddenly realized this after reading a piece of news in the supplement. "That's what we're going to do. Provincial newspaper. The article is so scary. The price of Clivia is probably going to drop."

"And it has to be fast." San'er added, "The price of this thing itself changes every day. We have risked our lives to get something, and we can't just watch it fall to worthless."

When money was mentioned, Dogskin Hat looked to the side and asked, "Brother Yong, is the money okay?"

Each of them only shared one thousand of the money they got, and the rest was hidden by Brother Yong. Brother Yong said that we have to wait until at least the new year before we can divide it. After the division, we have to make three chapters and we can't use it randomly. This matter is also very worrying. Although you have money, you can't spend it lavishly...

"Don't worry, I'm still fine." Brother Yong glanced at him, held his cheek and muttered: "Well, San'er, you go and take a pot of good flowers with you to the city. Find a buyer, negotiate a rough price, and we’ll make arrangements when you get back.”

"Okay!" San'er couldn't sit still for a long time. There were about 20 pots of flowers worth tens of thousands of yuan per pot, and it was okay to fall.

San'er picked out a pot of the best clivia - in fact, they didn't know much about it. They just relied on their feelings and benefited from a while of tonic, and bought a few flower appreciation books written by experts. Put it in a corrugated box, hold it in your arms, and run out of the door.

Two hours later, San'er got off the minibus and arrived at Guangfu Road.

This is a relatively large Clivia trading market in the city.

Although Hongqi Street was more senior, he would not be stupid enough to run there again. Even if he had his face covered that night, no one would recognize him. Caution is the boat.

"Brother, let me ask you, which shop has a better flower collection?" San'er found a man who was also holding a Clivia in his hand and asked.

"Fortunately, what a shame. As soon as that bullshit article in the provincial newspaper came out, it made people panic. The flower sellers sat on the ground and reduced prices. Look at the pot in my hand. Yesterday, it could sell for eight hundred, but today The highest bid was five hundred, Madhu, and he lost three hundred in one day."

"You won't sell it?" San'er asked.

"Sell it, you have to sell it now. Who knows what the price will be tomorrow? I'll go to other markets. I heard that there is one of the best flower sellers in the city on Wanbao Street, his grandma's, but he only sells high-end products. The kind that starts with 10,000 characters, and I dare to collect up to 200,000 yuan per pot! I have no chance in this pot. Brother, look at yours."

San'er moved the corrugated box over without looking at it. He thought to himself, isn't this pot of mine a high-end product?

"Bang!" Seeing how stingy he was, the friend who was being questioned didn't want to waste any more time with him, so he walked away.

San'er asked a few more people to ask questions and got similar information, so he stopped shopping on Guangfu Road and was reluctant to take a taxi. He stopped a rickshaw and went straight to Wanbao Street.
The front of Xile Flower Shop was crowded.

Today, all the flower dealers in the city, regardless of whether they are optimistic about the future of Clivia, are taking the opportunity to lower the purchase price. Only this store is still collecting flowers according to the original price.

I originally thought that all the best-quality clivias in the city had been taken away by them at high prices. It turned out that some very tolerant flower growers even hid some of them.

But now, these people really don't dare to stay anymore.

I also heard that Xile Flower Shop had not lowered its prices today, but there was news that it would adapt to the market in the future, so a swarm of swarms rushed over, creating an unprecedented spectacle: more than a dozen sellers appeared at the same time holding high-quality clivias.

People who eat melons are talking a lot, saying that these are the last batch of top-quality clivia.

In the shop, the wealthy brothers maintained order and had to line up.

Li Jiankun ran back and forth in the back room of the front shop, asking Chen Yajun and Jin Biao to identify the pots of clivia. It was most likely not the case - they couldn't be 100% sure, unless the few pots they bought at super high prices showed up.

The better the orchid is, the better it can be identified.

For example, that pot of phoenix crown, as long as it is played with flowers, no fool will admit it. And the pot that Li Jiankun collected for 200,000 yuan is, of course, now in the hands of Meiduzi's father.

"Don't be discouraged, keep your eyes open. Theoretically, the market has a downward trend, and the flowers you were robbed have a high probability of appearing." Li Jiankun said to General Hengha, who was rubbing his sore eyes.

They both nodded and continued even if they couldn't open their eyes. I have never suffered such a big loss in my life, and I also want to take revenge for Ah Hai. They have not left home for half a month, including now that their eyes are sore and they are crying. All motivation comes from this.

Li Jiankun returned to the front shop and found another seller waiting in line, holding a corrugated box in his hand.

San'er was very happy, looking at the potted flowers in front of him, the transaction was completed, and the seller took away the large bundle of banknotes, which really made him catch up. By tomorrow, I'm afraid there won't even be one flower shop that doesn't cut prices like this.

After waiting for a while, it was finally his turn.

"Don't waste time, take it out and take a look." Li Jiankun said tiredly.

Saner accompanied Smiley, placed the corrugated box on the square table, and took out a pot of Clivia from inside. Li Jiankun glanced over and his eyes immediately froze.


"This basin is great!"

"Is there such a top quality product on the market?"

"This pot won't cost less than 50,000 yuan."

The melon-eating crowd at the door started to cheer.

This is indeed a top-quality clivia, better than the one just harvested. Li Jiankun looked at it, his eyes falling on the low-quality red clay flowerpot. The flowerpot was newly replaced. Of course, this doesn't mean anything. Maybe the flower pots in the past were very good, and people sold flowers, not flower pots.

San'er already understood the rules and didn't say anything, just let him carry her into the back room.

A moment later, just a moment later, Jin Biao and Chen Yajun stood up in the back room. Looking at their excited faces, an indescribable emotion rose from Li Jiankun's heart. He asked with a trembling voice: "Yes?"

"hundred percent!"

"There's no way I can admit my mistake. This is the best-looking pot we've ever collected. It cost us 42,000 yuan!"

Chen Yajun and Jin Biao lowered their voices.

Li Jiankun waved his fist vigorously, took a deep breath and said: "You two go out through the back door and find Captain Yang's people." He thought about it and then added: "First stay by the back door and don't come in. Follow my orders. Now you just have to When one person appears, you have to find a way to lure the other two out, otherwise if one of them dies, he may not be able to tell the truth.

"There are two other possibilities. One, he was just entrusted by others, not a robber. Two, he bought the flowers. Anyway, don't alert the snake yet."

You know, the turmoil in 1983 is still fermenting now.


"He didn't have a guy with him, and if he had a handgun, it's unlikely he would have used a long gun that night."

After Heng Haer left from the back door, Li Jiankun took a deep breath, faded the redness on his face, adjusted himself, and returned to the front bunk with Clivia in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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