I turned out to be top-notch!

Chapter 15 Chapter Review

Chapter 15 Returning to School (Brothers, keep reading)
Hearing Gong Xiangjun's analysis, Jiang Nan felt that her heart was in her throat.

The strength of a four-star songwriter, or even a five-star songwriter!
My best friend is so strong!
"This is an excellent song. When the lyrics and music are combined, it makes you look like an innocent and lively girl. She unknowingly stepped into the scam called marriage, but when she finally found out, she couldn't help herself, and even her misery could only be borrowed. He said in a joyful tone."

"To be specific, it means wearing wedding clothes for funerals and wearing mourning clothes for wedding banquets... That's probably what it feels like!"

"This is my opinion after reading the entire lyrics and music."

Jiang Nan suppressed her excitement and thanked her repeatedly: "Brother Jun, thank you so much for letting me clear the clouds and see the sun. My movie needs a song like this. I don't want to leave a name in history, I just want it to become popular quickly. Hurry up and sell it at the box office!”

This is what she is saying, after all, now she has almost nothing except this movie.

All the assets that I have worked hard for for many years after graduation have been invested in it. If the movie fails at the box office, the chances of the next movie starting filming will be infinitely slim, not to mention making it to the rooftop.

"Haha, you are quite real. In fact, after reading the lyrics and music of "Three Worships of the Red Dust", I suddenly became interested in your movie. I believe you will succeed. When the time comes, I will go to Tianya.com to register as a VIP to support you! "

"Thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Nan was very excited. She was in her early 30s and suddenly felt like she was back, and she was full of energy in an instant.

Then he immediately called Wang Qi and asked Wang Qi to sign a contract with Wenzhaogong through Haijiao.com.


On the other side, after receiving the contract signing website message from Haijiao.com, Zhou Dingran signed the contract directly.

From the time he became friends with the crew of "Pursue", Zhou Dingran signed the contract for the song "Three Worships in the Red Dust" that he had accumulated in just two hours.

"This is so damn efficient!"

"I'm not picky about food. Otherwise, if this movie is about a pig not biting a dog, how would it have the chance to get a song by a future five-star songwriter!"

Zhou Dingran's mentality changed a bit after being blown away by Wang Qi's series of rainbow farts.

I really can't stand this stupid "sugar-coated bullet".

But even Zhou Dingran himself was worried about whether "Three Bows to the Red Dust" would become a big hit. After all, he seemed to have never heard of this song in his previous life.

But it matched the theme of the movie "Purdah" very well, so Zhou Dingran did not hesitate and immediately sold the song to the crew of "Purdage".

He did not receive [-] in royalties, but chose to share the movie's box office.

"Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle. What if the movie becomes a hit?"

Although Zhou Dingran feels that the plot of the movie "Pursue" is simply cliche, the success of a movie depends not only on the plot. No matter how cliche the plot is, as long as the director shoots it well, the soundtrack can keep up, and there is appropriate marketing, There is a certain chance of a big explosion.

After the signing was completed, Zhou Dingran also finished the takeout, which was a delicious and delicious pickled fish with rice, which is standard for college students.

After eating, I packed my luggage quickly and prepared to go to Nortel to take classes according to my father's instructions.

He is a grade 22 sophomore at the Nortel Performing Arts Academy.

I learned from my memory that my predecessor had just paid and registered two days ago. As a result, Zhou Dingran was recognized as soon as he entered the school due to a "top-level sexual harassment" incident. I couldn't help but leave the school directly after paying the registration fees.

Unable to face his old father and afraid to go home, he wandered the streets for two days until Zhou Dingran arrived.

After understanding this situation, Zhou Dingran understood his predecessor's behavior of absenting himself from class without reason, but he still felt that it was hypocritical.

"Tsk, tsk, young people are so thin-skinned that they can't stand such grievances and excitements?" "When I was a rookie, in order to stay on the crew and film, what grievances did I not suffer? It was commonplace to serve tea and pour water!"

"For a movie, I was scolded by the director, the hero and heroine, the lighting and photography, and even the set manager. In the end, didn't I finally win the Hundred Flowers Best Actor?"

"Now that we have such good conditions, we can concentrate on learning acting skills and have the resources of Nortel to support us. What kind of drama can we not have the opportunity to try?"

"As long as your acting skills are good enough, not to mention the counselor, the dean will treat you differently!"

At this moment, Zhou Dingran stood arrogantly at the door of Nortel Performing Arts Academy. Looking at the majestic gate, he pulled down the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and smiled disdainfully.

Apart from anything else, when it comes to acting alone, even though he was born as a wild boy in his previous life, it is no problem to defeat a group of acting students in this school.

In previous lives, acting was usually divided into experience school, method school and expression school.

And Zhou Dingran is one of the representatives of experiential actors.

In the words of a senior judge of the Hundred Flowers Awards at the time, "He is so good at deceiving others that he can even deceive himself. Do you think he is acting crazy? No, in fact, he is really fucking crazy."

If we say that experientialism is about experiencing the life of a character.

Then the method school relies solely on book learning. Usually these actors rehearse by themselves at home in front of the mirror, such as designing some movements and inner feelings, and then use them directly during the performance.

As for the expressionists, what the public calls academics, they are basically the students studying acting in the academy in front of Zhou Dingran.

Of course, there are also some actors who study privately with teachers from the academy, and they basically fall into the academic category.

The academic group is the majority in the entertainment industry, and their performance methods are fundamentally different from those of the experiential group.
To put it simply, when I cheated my dad out of money, it was like I was cheating a fool.

To put it more simply: I lied to you, but I knew I was lying to you.

Nowadays, Zhou Dingran can be said to have gone from being a top player in one sect to being a newcomer in another sect, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. Isn't this a condescending mentality?
Why did my predecessor fear this college and resist learning? That was the predecessor's business and had nothing to do with me?

"I not only want to go to school, but I also want to study hard and become the best actor in the 22nd grade of Nortel Performing Arts Academy."

"Not only must you study hard, but you must also seize the opportunity to pick up girls. My brother's big pendulum is already horny and thirsty!"

"Tsk, the junior sister can't handle it, can't she handle the freshman?"

When Zhou Dingran took off his sunglasses with a calm expression, he glanced at the female classmates in the school who were showing their fair arms and slender legs, and smiled kindly.

The air suddenly quieted down.

At this moment, the seniors and juniors who were walking around slowed down when they saw Zhou Dingran.

Almost everyone's eyes were filled with strangeness.

Some people couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Zhou, Zhou Dingran?"

"Ang, it's me!"

Zhou Dingran replied calmly, then brushed his face at the gate, put one hand in his pocket, and dragged the suitcase with the other, and entered the school casually, leaving only a group of people whispering.

(End of this chapter)

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