I turned out to be top-notch!

Chapter 320: Falling to the limit

There was a bang.

A water glass was thrown to the ground, but because the carpet on the ground was very thick, it did not break into pieces. However, it bounced a few times and finally hit the corner of the wall.

In the entire Tianmang conference room, no one dared to take a breath.

Huang Guoren's chest kept rising and falling. He, who had always been indifferent to emotions and anger, was a little bit off guard today. The water glass he just held was a stress reaction after hearing the securities analyst explain everything based on the available information.

"Director Huang, although I understand your current mood, the current situation is indeed such a cruel one."

An analyst from a securities company said seriously and solemnly: "The impact has already occurred. Today's limit drop is not the end, but just the beginning."

"Okay, stop talking." Huang Guoren waved his hand and told the analyst to shut up with a tired look, and then looked at the other senior board members he had summoned in the conference room: "This is what happened, and this is the situation. , tell me how to solve it.”

All the senior executives had been holding back their words for a long time, and now they were like a surging river, telling the chairman their thoughts continuously.

"Director Huang, I think the current stage is to adjust the strategy, actively win over Zhou Dingran, and at the same time once again use cash to repurchase the company's shares. I personally think the company's current market value is far undervalued by the market."

"Yes, Mr. Huang, we should actively repurchase stocks and increase the market value. At the same time, we should also release a lot of good news so that investors will think that the development of our Tianmang Media is going positive."

"The company just announced its second quarter financial report not long ago. Although profits and other factors have declined slightly, they are all within an acceptable range. The most important thing is that the company's large-scale entertainment strategy must be launched immediately. The domestic animation market has huge room for development. In recent years, The company has accumulated enough novel script copyrights, and it’s time to announce the company’s next development blueprint.”

"Director Huang, the most important thing for us at this stage is to sue Zhao Han. We absolutely cannot admit the authenticity of that recording. No matter whether we win or not, we will sue first. If we survive this period, all the efforts will be worth it." of."

"I think the relevant responsibility for this matter should be borne by Mr. Xiong alone. He must take the blame and resign. As for the reason, it is very simple. If Mr. Xiong hadn't gone to thoroughly investigate the identity of the copywriter, if Mr. Xiong hadn't gone to meet Zhao Han in private , What happened today should not have happened. Everything was wrong with Mr. Xiong’s plan, one wrong step, one wrong step..."

"Yes, Mr. Xiong should be responsible for it alone..."

Seeing that everyone was putting the blame on Xiong Zhenghua alone, Huang Guoren's face looked even more tired. He waved his hand and said, "Okay..."

The conference room suddenly became quiet.

Xiong Zhenghua sat there silently from beginning to end. He had expected today's situation a long time ago, but he didn't expect that the scene would be more unbearable than he imagined. Everyone's discussions ended with everyone talking about it. All the faults and dirty water were thrown at myself.

"You are here today to discuss solutions, not to shirk your responsibilities."

Huang Guoren said in a hoarse voice: "The company is now at a critical stage. You have heard the analysis just now. Today's limit drop will not be the first time, nor will it be the last time..."

The conference room was quiet, no one dared to speak first.

It was clear that no one wanted to take responsibility.

Xiong Zhenghua suddenly said: "Then put the responsibility on me. In short, I have to give an explanation to the investors."

Someone heard this and sneered: "No one wants to put the responsibility on you. It's just that this matter started because of you. When Zhou Dingran was developing well in the company, why did you hide him? If it hadn't been for the company. Heart, Zhou Dingran will not leave..."

"Yes, Mr. Xiong, you also made a mistake of not knowing people. Why didn't you discover Zhou Dingran's talent in time back then? He could write and sing, but not only did he not get the C position in the Miracle Boys, he was also beaten by you Kicked out, if it were me, I would definitely not let it go."

"Zhou Dingran's energy is very high now. It's very rare that he hasn't retaliated against Tianmang. I don't think Zhou Dingran is a person who is bound to retaliate, so at this stage, we still need to send someone to express goodwill to Zhou Dingran as soon as possible. This It can’t be anyone else, Mr. Xiong, I think you should go there yourself.”

"Yes, Mr. Xiong should go there in person and say sorry to Zhou Dingran on behalf of the board of directors."

"The company has mistreated him. If possible, I think we can let Zhou Dingran return to Tianmang at any cost. Only Zhou Dingran's return to Tianmang is the final solution!"

Each and every member of the board of directors actively made suggestions and suggestions. Huang Guoren did not express his position, but Xiong Zhenghua already laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, so you all think this way, OK, I can go, but what are the conditions? Why did Zhou Dingran agree to return? Tianmang? Are you willing to dilute all your shares? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

It's okay to eat your flesh, but it's absolutely not okay to cut mine.

This is what everyone is thinking right now.

Xiong Zhenghua snorted coldly: "You are not willing to give up anything, and you still want others to return? Everyone, are you still dreaming?"

Huang Guoren raised his head and asked, "Zhenghua, what solution do you have?"

"The solution I mentioned has been mentioned before. Give up the company's shares to Zhou Dingran."

Xiong Zhenghua said seriously: "There is no hatred without reason, and there is no love without reason. If you want Zhou Dingran to put aside his past grudges, the only way at this stage is to cut the flesh and bleed it. If 11% doesn't work, then double it. 20% will always be possible." of!"

"What if 20% is not enough?" Huang Guoren asked thoughtfully.

"Then 30%!" Xiong Zhenghua said firmly.

Huang Guoren was speechless again.

The other directors also looked at each other.

Xiong Zhenghua sneered and said: "Do you still want to continue to hesitate? Mr. Yu has just analyzed that today's limit will not be a one-time drop. Even if the stock is repurchased, this downward trend cannot be stopped. Is it going to keep falling?"

"It won't be delisted, right?" someone underestimated.

"Delisting won't happen, but if your worth shrinks by two-thirds, it shouldn't be a problem." Xiong Zhenghua said.

Many people had expressions of disbelief on their faces. Although some people felt that this result was not impossible, it was indeed a bit difficult for them to let them bleed now.

After all, based on the current Tianmang stock price, 20% is 68 billion, and 30% is 102 billion.

Tens of billions of assets were given away?

Even the richest man in the country would not do this!

"Now if you spend 10 billion, the company's market value can still be guaranteed not to fall below 30 billion. If you spend nothing now, it is unknown whether the company's final market value will reach 10 billion."

Xiong Zhenghua said calmly: "Let's see and discuss."

After speaking, Xiong Zhenghua nodded to Huang Guoren and then left the conference room first.

Just after walking out of the conference room and returning to his office, Xiong Zhenghua looked at the night outside the floor-to-ceiling window with a slightly painful and nostalgic expression. He soon made a decision. Dang even took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number. : "I will sell all the company stocks I hold tomorrow."

"It doesn't matter if the price is low. No matter how low it is, you have to sell it. The sooner you sell it, the better!" "I'm not forcing you. You try your best. If you can't sell it tomorrow, just sell it the day after tomorrow..."

"Don't leave me any money, cash it all to me."

After making the call, Xiong Zhenghua took a deep breath, then sat on the office chair, opened the document, and started typing the resignation letter word by word.

From the moment he walked out of the board of directors, Xiong Zhenghua already understood that the people on the board of directors were not trustworthy at all. They were a group of people who were unwilling to give up until the Yellow River. It was harder to let them cut their flesh and blood than to kill them.

On the other side, in the board of directors, after discussions to no avail, Huang Guoren asked everyone to leave. He sat on the office chair of the board of directors. At this moment, like Xiong Zhenghua, he looked at the night sky outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

This is the country he built with his own hands, but just because of this wrong step, he made mistakes every step of the way.

After being in a daze for an hour, Huang Guoren picked up his mobile phone and called an analyst at the securities company: "Lesui, help me cash out one billion yuan tomorrow morning."

"Even if there is not one billion, five hundred million will do. In short, the more, the better."

"Haha, after working hard all my life, I finally have to save some money for my retirement."

After hanging up the phone, Huang Guoren breathed a sigh of relief.

He knows that tomorrow's cash-out journey will definitely be extremely bumpy, and will cause more and more turmoil in the stock market, but as he just said, he wants to save some pension money for himself, although he has cashed out two of them one after another over the years. One billion, but all of this cash was turned into luxury goods and real estate.

He didn't have much cash left at all.

The reason why we disapprove of stock buybacks is because Tianmang Company doesn't have much money in its account. It just spent one billion, and now it can't come up with more cash to rescue the market.

"Tianmang is going to be finished."

This is a very strong idea that Huang Guoren just had.

This made him very uneasy and even a little numb. He had never felt such a strong danger before.

After calling the analyst, Huang Guoren made another call and arranged an itinerary for Zi.

Or go to Hengdian.

But this time he has to show the greatest sincerity. If he still can't impress Zhou Dingran, Tianmang may fall from the first-tier company to the second-tier company in a short time.

"The building will collapse."

At this moment, there are many people who have the same uneasy thoughts as Huang Guoren. All users holding Tianmang stocks are panicking today.

This indicates that tomorrow's battlefield will be even more tragic than mine.

Obviously, there are many people who think the same as Huang Guoren and Xiong Zhenghua. Not only the large stockholders, but also the retail investors in the market are taking advantage of the news. Everyone who did not choose to sell today regrets it. Some of them sold in the last round of lower limit. Successful investors are smiling from ear to ear.

Even related topics were on the hot search that night, and related information such as "Tianmang Media dropped to the limit" were discussed wildly by countless investors. Some people even gathered together to keep warm, and they all madly complained about Tianmang Media in their respective private message groups.

"I'm really screwed. I wanted to sell Tianmang last week, but I still didn't give up. I wanted to keep this stock again, but I ended up raising myself to death."

"This is another stuck stock. Damn it, I was able to make a small profit this year, but now I have lost all of it in Tianmang."

"Retail investors are destined to be unable to grab the big investors. Believe me, I have seen this kind of scene many times. Tomorrow morning, within ten minutes at most, the market will drop to the limit at the opening!"

"It won't even take ten minutes. Today's hot searches are full of news about Tianmang's plunge. The speed at which retail investors get news is always the last wave!"

"Aww, I'm such a poor leek, I'm going to fuck Tianmang's grandma!"

Stock investors are wailing, while netizens are all rejoicing. Whether they are in the entertainment industry or other industries, they are all gloating about the plummeting Tianmang stock.

After all, compared to Tianmang’s fans, Zhou Dingran’s fans are definitely hundreds or thousands of times more.

Zhou Dingran's early experiences in Tianmang have long attracted the sympathy of countless netizens.

The most important thing is that Zhou Dingran's experiences in the past two years are simply like a male pornographic novel. From the beginning, he was suppressed and hidden, and now he has backhandedly reduced the market value of the original company by tens of billions, and this market value It will continue to evaporate.

As long as Zhou Dingran is popular for a day, the sky will definitely be like a ray on his back and a bullet in his throat.

And just as many people expected, Tianmang will never hit the limit just once. In the next week or even half a month, if Tianmang does not make positive changes and remedies, the market will teach Tianmang how to behave.

The next day, both Leek investors and netizens who were watching the show were frantically discussing Tianmang's market value at 9:30 when the A-share market opened.

However, this discussion was over as soon as it started.

Just one minute and 40 seconds later, Tianmang fell to the limit at the opening.

The opening market value was 342 billion, and 10% evaporated in an instant. Three billion was like a meat bun beating a dog, and it was gone forever.

The market capitalization curve once again showed a 90-degree decline, which simply cannot be stopped.

It is also the first time in three years that Tianmang’s total market value will fall below 30 billion.

Before "National Idol" was launched, Tianmang's market value had just exceeded 30 billion, but now it has been all in vain for more than three years overnight.

Even Hong Shaorong, who was filming in Hengdian, heard the news.

Because on this day, friends on Weibo, Douyin, and WeChat all sent him condolences and care.

Several large companies, including Majin Film and Television, even extended an olive branch to Hong Shaorong.

But none of this bothered Hong Shaorong, because early this morning, she met a middle-aged man who looked very similar to Zhou Dingran.

After being reminded by deputy director Lu Tao, Hong Shaorong learned that the other party was the producer of "Celebrating More Than Years" and Zhou Dingran's father, Zhou Jixian.

The arrival of Zhou Jixian also shocked Hong Shaorong.

"Xiaohong, right? Are you interested in changing jobs?" (End of Chapter)

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