I turned out to be top-notch!

Chapter 45: Expert guidance

Chapter 45: Expert guidance (first update)
Tianmang Media.


After hanging up the phone, Huo Jingquan looked gloomy and looked up at his assistant Zhang Kun: "How many calls is this? They are all from Zhou Dingran for cooperation, and some are for buying dance copyrights? What is going on?"

"In the past two days, Zhou Dingran has released two Douyin works in succession. The quality of Douyin is extremely high, so it has been welcomed by many netizens."

Zhang Kun was also a little shocked and quickly reported the news he had found out: "In just the past two days, with these two Douyin works, Zhou Dingran's fans on Douyin have increased by nearly 100 million. The first one The number of likes for the work is about to exceed 200 million, and less than five hours after the second piece was released, the number of likes has exceeded 80."

Although Huo Jingquan had guessed some reasons on the phone, when it was confirmed now, he felt his temples twitching. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and whispered: "Zhou Dingran..."

He suppressed his irritability, picked up his phone, opened Douyin, searched for Zhou Dingran's account, and soon saw the relevant data, which was indeed very different from what Zhang Kun said.

Then click to enter the account and watch the works.

space walk……

King Zhou's happy dance...

A minute later, Huo Jingquan's eyes were full of surprise. After a few seconds of being stunned, he suddenly stood up and started walking back and forth in the office.

After a while, he picked up the phone on his desk and pressed the shortcut key: "Hello, I'm Huo Jingquan, is Mr. Xiong here? Okay, please convey it to me. I'm going to Mr. Xiong's office right away."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Jingquan packed his things and quickly left the office.

Before leaving, he turned back and asked: "Zhang Kun, contact Zhou Dingran again. If you really can't get in touch, go directly to Nortel and tell him that this time, the company has great sincerity and everything can be discussed. Don't give him any shame." shameless!"

After saying this, Huo Jingquan left in a hurry, leaving Zhang Kun alone in a daze.

Although he knew that Brother Quan didn't seem to be scolding him, he still felt aggrieved.

It was you, the senior officials, who collectively discussed kicking Zhou Dingran out. Now that he has not been knocked down, he has stood up. You see that there are benefits to be gained, so you want to win over him again?
Zhang Kun thinks there is little hope.

First, the gap between the two parties is too deep and the lawsuit is still ongoing. If Zhou Dingran was not stupid, he would definitely deduce the cause and effect of the "top-level sexual harassment" incident, not to mention that behind Zhou Dingran was Chen Daozhou.

Second, Zhou Dingran suddenly became very talented. He had watched the videos of moonwalking and King Zhou's happy dance. He believed that even if he did not rely on Tianmang Media and could just be a self-media blogger, Zhou Dingran could still live a happy life.

Combining these two points, it can be seen that Zhou Dingran has no pressure to survive at all.

Now that the victory is in hand, it is impossible to shake hands with Tianmang and make peace.

Of course, there is a third point, which Zhang Kun thinks is the most important.

Perhaps it was due to the successive setbacks that Zhou Dingran's temperament changed drastically recently.

At least judging from Zhou Dingran, whom Zhang Kun met a few days ago, this guy is not an easy talker at all.

And he feels like a ruthless person who will definitely retaliate.

I don’t do it to you now because I can’t do it to you.

Once he finds an opportunity, Zhou Dingran will definitely pounce on him and take a bite.

"How come a child who used to be like a little sheep has now become like a Tibetan mastiff and so aggressive?"

Every time Zhang Kun thought about that scene at the door of Nortel, where Zhou Dingran clamored for Xiong Zhenghua to come over and talk, he would feel confused.

But even if it was a Tibetan mastiff, Zhang Kun had to bite the bullet and contact Zhou Dingran.

After three consecutive calls with busy signals, Zhang Kun knew that his phone number had been blocked by Zhou Dingran. He immediately looked at the landline phone in Brother Quan's office and went up to call him from the landline phone.The call was quickly connected, but before Zhang Kun even opened his mouth to introduce himself, the person on the other end of the line just hung up the phone after hearing only "I am...".

"Zhou Dingran is really bullying others!"

Zhang Kun was so angry that his head hurt, but the situation was better than others. He cursed, packed his handbag, and got up to go to Nortel.


On the other side, Huo Jingquan arrived at the general manager's office and knocked on the door.

In the office, Xiong Zhenghua, general manager of Tianmang, was smoking a cigarette with squinted eyes and looking at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

Xiong Zhenghua is a professional manager who is in his early 50s and has served as the top leader of many large domestic TV stations and entertainment companies.

Originally, I had gained wealth five years ago and wanted to retire early. Later, I was hired by Tianmang's board of directors to take the helm of Tianmang. In the past five years, Tianmang's stock price has increased by more than 30% due to Xiong Zhenghua, making it one of the top ten companies in the country. Major media companies are all ranked in the middle and upper reaches.

Xiong Zhenghua deserves the most credit for Tianmang's current achievements.

"Boss Bear."

After Huo Jingquan came in, he didn't take a seat, but stood firmly behind Xiong Zhenghua.

He is a die-hard supporter of Xiong Zhenghua. Ever since Xiong Zhenghua took over Tianmang, Huo Jingquan has followed Xiong Zhenghua and can be called Xiong Zhenghua's right-hand man.

When Tianmang took the lead in organizing "National Idol", a popular talent show variety show across the Internet, Huo Jingquan was fully responsible for the selection and operation of artists. This shows that Xiong Zhenghua attaches great importance to Huo Jingquan.

"I haven't seen you so impatient for a long time. What happened?"

Xiong Zhenghua smoked a cigarette and glanced at the time on his watch: "I'm on a flight in two hours. I'll give you 10 minutes to pick out the key points."

Huo Jingquan immediately told Xiong Zhenghua the news he had just learned, and opened Zhou Dingran's Douyin account in person.

Looking at the skyrocketing number of fans and the works that have exceeded one million likes, Xiong Zhenghua smiled slightly, returned to his desk and sat down. He blew out the smoke ring and put out the cigarette in the ashtray, "Just for this. thing?"

Huo Jingquan saw Xiong Zhenghua's calm demeanor. In comparison, he felt that he was indeed too impatient. He felt a little ashamed and said, "It is indeed because of this matter, Mr. Xiong..."

Xiong Zhenghua waved his hand to stop Huo Jingquan from continuing and directly stated his suggestion.

"You don't have to be impatient."

"It is already destined that Zhou Dingran is an abandoned son. It is also destined to replace him and let Huang Boran take over. These are facts that have already happened and will not change again. So even if Zhou Dingran really becomes a superstar, you don't have to feel bad about it. Annoyance and regret, not to mention, with these two short videos, Zhou Dingran will not become a superstar this week."

"I have been in this circle for such a long time. What amazing and talented people have I not seen? But there is only one person in ten thousand who can be active until now."

"So, what is past is past, and we should look forward."

Xiong Zhenghua said: "As for Zhou Dingran's two works, they are indeed eye-catching. I think there is probably an expert's guidance behind them."

When Huo Jingquan heard this, a name popped into his mind and he blurted out: "Chen Daozhou?"

Xiong Zhenghua glanced at him, shook his head and said, "It may not be him, but it must have something to do with him."

"Not long ago, Chen Daozhou came to me personally to endorse this kid. I felt that this matter was a bit strange. After all, it has been three months since Zhou Dingran's incident, and it is too late now."

"Later, I thought about it carefully. It was probably because Zhou Dingran's sudden burst of powerful acting skills was recognized by Chen Daozhou, which made Chen Daozhou cherish his talents, and then he decided to endorse Zhou Dingran himself..."

 Thanks to Fallen Light for the 100 reward, and thanks to the brothers for the paragraph reward. If there are less than ten people, I will add an update. This is the first update. I will write two more updates next.
(End of this chapter)

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