I turned out to be top-notch!

Chapter 76 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 76 The Truth Comes Out
At this moment, the whole world seemed to be apologizing to Zhou Dingran.

Zhou Dingran didn't expect that he would become famous in this way.

In fact, Huang Yuting, who was scolded, never thought that she would become famous in this way.

Even more confused were Nortel officials, who did not expect it to become popular in such a way.

When everyone woke up, it felt like they were back to that day three months ago, when the Internet was filled with discussions about the "top-level sexual harassment" case.

But now, the situation has all reversed.

A topic, "A Nortel senior student falsely accused her junior classmate of molestation" has begun to hang firmly on the hot search lists of major social platforms, and it remains high.

The names of Zhou Dingran, Huang Yuting, Beidian and Tianmang were mentioned countless times.

People not only criticized Huang Yuting and Tianmang, but also criticized Nortel. They believed that Nortel was unable to protect its students and that it had not made a public statement on this matter for three months, which was a serious dereliction of duty.

This caused Nortel's official Weibo to be instantly criticized by netizens.

Usually it is rare for a Weibo post to have three to five hundred comments, but now when it comes to hot events, the number of comments directly exceeds [-].

"Come on, let's take a look at the public relations capabilities of top universities!"

"Haha, if you can't even protect your own students, can parents still trust you to leave their children to you?"

"It's terrible. I was exposed by the entire Internet for three months. If I were Zhou Dingran, I might collapse."

"I once saw someone writing a confession in the name of Zhou Dingran on the Nortel campus forum. The authenticity has not been verified, but when I saw it, he cried and begged the counselor because he was wronged. He bit the back of his hand and cried. At dawn, when I even wanted to leave a suicide note and die to prove my innocence, I was both angry and distressed..."

"Damn it, although there is no final conclusion yet, the whole incident is full of doubts. Why do people only catch Zhou Dingran and scold him?"

"Alas, Zhou Dingran has been ruined for a long time. During that time, he had a family and could not return. I heard that his relatives and friends were humiliated because of this incident. He was even unable to read books. His classmates and teachers despised him. Even his agency sued him for infringement. The company’s reputation is to be respected and a termination letter is issued to him..."

"At that time, if Zhou Dingran was not strong enough, a fresh life would come to an abrupt end, and all netizens would become murderers."

"Damn netizens should reflect on this and shut your mouth before the truth is announced!"

"Actually, I felt something was wrong in the middle of the process. A top-notch handsome guy doesn't have to be greedy to eat and molest others, right? With his conditions, what kind of girlfriend can't he find? But unfortunately, when I felt something was wrong, It's too late."

"You're the only one who knows how to deal with it in hindsight?"

"Once a cyberstorm starts, it can't end just by thinking about it. It's like a snowball. Once it starts rolling down, no one knows when it will end."

"What I'm most angry about are those who added insult to injury. To this day, they still persist in believing that Zhou Dingran is the molester. They are still barking in the comment areas of various related topics."

Netizens were outraged.

Most netizens can tell something fishy after carefully searching for relevant news reports and rationally analyzing the causes and consequences.

It was precisely because of this that they saw something fishy, ​​so they came in groups to destroy the official Weibo and Douyin of Tianmang, Nortel and Huang Yuting.

In addition to Tianmang spending money to remove hot searches and temporarily blocking words, Nortel and Huang Yuting were also scolded for being on hot searches.

Nortel's response was also timely. At noon the next day after Zhou Dingran and Tianmang reconciled and dropped the lawsuit, they officially posted the contents of the three-month investigation on their official Weibo.

At the same time, some pictures of the incident scene were also released.

The picture clearly shows Zhou Dingran, wearing a white shirt and jeans, holding a dinner plate and waiting for rice.

In front of him, Huang Yuting, who was wearing a short skirt, happened to be there, turning back to peek at Zhou Dingran from time to time.It is worth noting that although the two are in front and back positions, they are separated by a full step or two.

From queuing to finishing the meal, several photos clearly captured the passage before and after.

From beginning to end, there was no communication or contact between the two.

The disclosure of these pictures stopped all the voices that were still angrily criticizing Zhou Dingran as a wretched beast.

At the same time, the investigation statement posted by Nortel also explained the photos of the incident scene.

It turns out that although the scene of the incident was in a surveillance blind spot at the time, because Zhou Dingran is a public figure and very popular, he will attract attention wherever he goes, and his every move will also attract the attention of fans.

It happened that there was a female classmate in the school who was an avid fan of Zhou Dingran.

But she is also a photography agent.

Therefore, I would often follow Zhou Dingran’s whereabouts in school and sell relevant real-time pictures of Zhou Dingran to fans across the country at different prices.

Not only can you make money, but you can also satisfy your own desires, why not?

It is precisely because of the existence of female proxy photographers that even though the scene of the incident was a blind spot for surveillance, the investigation department formed by the school still discovered the woman who was being secretly photographed when reviewing the surveillance images frame by frame on the day of the incident. classmate.

The investigation team immediately interrogated the female classmate.

At first, the female classmate denied it, but after seeing the surveillance video, she finally admitted in frustration that she had secretly filmed it.

She admitted that it is illegal to take photos on behalf of celebrities, secretly take photos of them, and resell the results.

So although she saw clearly what happened, firstly, her actions were suspected of being illegal, and secondly, she was worried that Tianmang would retaliate against her. After all, she would also work in the film and television industry in the future, so even though she liked Zhou Dingran and knew what happened, she still Still afraid to stand up as a key witness.

She also considered posting the photos taken at the time online.

But because he was afraid of being tracked and investigated, he chose to be a silent one.

If the Nortel investigation team hadn't reviewed the video frame by frame and discovered her secretly filming actions, the truth about this matter would never have been revealed until her death.

In an official statement, the Nortel school characterized the outcome of the incident, issued warnings to the female students who secretly photographed or photographed on behalf of the students, and circulated criticism throughout the school.

Also criticized in the notice was Huang Yuting.

In addition, Huang Yuting was also ordered to publicly apologize to Zhou Dingran within 24 hours after the school's statement was released.

Due to the great impact of the incident, the school finally gave Huang Yuting the administrative sanction of probation after careful consideration.

The severity of probation is second only to expulsion from school, and it is a punishment that will be stored in files. The Nortel school was obviously angered by Huang Yuting's insult.

Of course, this may also be because Zhou Dingran was supported by Chen Daozhou.

Judging from Zhou Dingran's amazing acting skills, as long as the resources are sufficient, Zhou Dingran may be able to win several Best Actor trophies for Nortel within ten years. Can such a promising actor be properly protected?

After Nortel officially released the results of the investigation team, the public opinion of the entire society began to completely turn towards Zhou Dingran.

The word Huang Yuting was directly scolded and ranked first in the hot search headlines on Weibo and Douyin.

 Thanks to yinliu88 for the 100 tip, please give me a monthly vote

(End of this chapter)

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