I turned out to be top-notch!

Chapter 90 Article 3 Short Video Release

Chapter 90 The third short video is released
Yu Xiaoye immediately contacted Fanghua Entertainment and contacted Liang Xiaobo directly. Then Liang Xiaobo directly pushed Yu Xiaoye's Haijiao ID to the Haijiao APP.

Yu Xiaoye was stunned and asked on the phone: "Do you and Wenzhao directly communicate with each other through the Haijiao APP?"

Liang Xiaobo smiled bitterly and said: "Maybe it is because of some reasons that are inconvenient to reveal, so it is not convenient for Wenzhao Gong to reveal his true identity."

Yu Xiaoye was speechless, it was like listening to you for a moment.

After adding Wenzhaogong's Haijiao account, Yu Xiaoye introduced himself, and then directly asked Wenzhaogong about his original intention of changing the "Chaoyang Card" to "M-Zone".

"It's just to match the song "My Zone"." Mr. Wen Chao answered truthfully.

Although he was mentally prepared, Yu Xiaoye was still a little surprised when he heard the other party's answer. After all, their mobile company is a Fortune [-] company. Faced with such a behemoth, many people in the entertainment industry are cautious and cautious in cooperation. Try to focus on mobile companies.

But now Wenzhao Gong said that he wants the mobile company to cooperate with his new song...

While Yu Ono was surprised, he was also more impressed.

It is precisely because he knows something about the Chinese music scene that he knows how valuable five-star songwriters are. Even Ono believes that if he had not persisted, once the mobile company gave up this cooperation, when the news spread, I am afraid that You will be picked up by your competitors immediately.

By then, mobile companies may be slapped in the face by this song.

And since it was decided to use the name "Dynamic Zone" and the song "My Land", Yu Ono entered the topic after a few chats: "Do you have any recommended singers?"

Wenzhao Gong: "I personally think this song is suitable for young singers, because the singing method requires the use of lip, teeth and tongue skills. It may be difficult for older singers to adapt to this singing method. It is also in line with the song "My Territory" The theme of the song is to highlight the individuality of young people."

Yu Xiaoye: "Uh, lip, teeth and tongue skills?"

Wen Chao Gong: "It's just tongue flicking."

Yu Xiaoye: "I understand, do you have any recommended singers?"

Wen Chao Gong: "Zhou Dingran."

10 minute later.

Yu Xiaoye: "Hello, I just searched for Zhou Dingran's related singing videos. Are you sure this is the one you recommend? A former member of the Miracle Boys? He has a good image, but his singing voice seems a bit loud!"

After saying that, he sent a photo of Zhou Dingran.

In the photo, Zhou Dingran looks very handsome with red lips and white teeth, as gentle as jade.

Wenzhao Gong: "...that's him. I've gotten to know this young man, and his singing skills have improved rapidly. At least the song "My Territory" is very suitable for this young man."

Yu Xiaoye seemed to have gone through a struggle, and after a long time he replied: "Actually, many singers in the Miracle Boys are very good. Huang Boran, who is very popular recently, is also good at singing and dancing. He has more than [-] followers on Weibo and Douyin." Ten million, in terms of data, it seems to be better than that Zhou Dingran."

Wenzhao Gong: "I am just recommending, and you are the one who makes the final decision. But since you have decided to use Huang Boran, why do you want me to recommend you?"

From this passage, Yu Xiaoye could see that Duke Wen Chao seemed a little angry, and said hurriedly: "We naturally attach great importance to your recommendation. Since you recommended it, we will naturally consider it."

After waiting for a while, seeing that Duke Wen did not reply, Yu Xiaoye was sensible and did not bother him any more.

After exiting the Haijiao APP, Yu Xiaoye took a deep breath, "Five-star songwriters do have a bit of a weird temper, but Zhou Dingran... why him?"

He carefully browsed through Zhou Dingran's recently updated information and updates, and suddenly discovered that this idol singer had become a hot figure in the entertainment industry recently.

In addition, Yu Xiaoye also browsed Zhou Dingran's Douyin and found that although the other party only updated two short videos, he actually had more than 500 million fans.

Each video has more than 200 million likes.

"It has gained more than 400 million followers in half a month, so there is something!"

Yu Xiaoye was shocked. Such data was simply a template for a super Internet celebrity. He carefully watched Zhou Dingran's two videos. He couldn't appreciate the happy dance of King Zhou, but the one about teaching moonwalking on the campus playground Yu Xiaoye watched the video over and over again, and finally couldn't help but learn to moonwalk along with the video.

Just as he was studying it carefully, Douyin suddenly sent a reminder: "There is a new update in your watch list!" In addition, there was an avatar of Zhou Dingran's account in front of the reminder symbol.

"Updated again?"

Yu Xiaoye was surprised because he had just manually followed Zhou Dingran's Douyin account, and Douyin prompted him to release a new work.

It's a coincidence that his mother opened the door to coincidence, and coincidence has come home!
Yu Xiaoye immediately clicked on Zhou Dingran's Douyin short video with great interest.

It is still a familiar campus playground, exactly the same as the location where the first Douyin short video was shot.

But this time, Zhou Dingran put on a white top hat, black and white casual clothes, and a pair of sports sneakers, like a strange gentleman.

"Moonwalk again?"

Yu Xiaoye cheered up.

The total length of the video is almost 1 minute.

After Yu Xiaoye watched the video, his whole soul was trembling, and he even felt the hairs on his arms stand up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

He couldn't help but marvel, that silky moonwalk, that terrifying 720-degree rotation in the air, and then freezing on his toes, all of which made Yu Xiaoye marvel again and again. It felt like it completely violated the laws of physics!

What surprised Yu Xiaoye even more was the comment area of ​​the short video.

When he clicked on the video for the first time, he only saw a few hundred likes and dozens of comments.

But it only took 1 minute to watch the video.

When he opened the comment area again, the number of comments exceeded tens of thousands, and the number of likes reached 14.

And the video release time: 3 minutes ago!

"You have such data in 3 minutes? This is definitely the best among the best!"

Yu Xiaoye exclaimed, and he suddenly understood why Wen Chao Gong insisted on recommending Zhou Dingran.

Because this data is really terrifying.

Even for some popular singers, the level of fan engagement after posting a short video is not half as high as that of Zhou Dingran.

He didn't know that Douyin had given Zhou Dingran's account a huge amount of traffic, but even if he knew, he didn't care. High-quality short videos are indeed worthy of such huge traffic.

As far as Zhou Dingran’s moonwalk video alone is concerned, its quality has surpassed 99.9% of Douyin’s works.

“I didn’t expect Zhou Dingran to be so popular on Douyin!!”

"Market feedback takes some time to react. Zhou Dingran has such a huge traffic on Douyin. Not to mention his white voice, even if he is tone-deaf, he can definitely attract the attention of all kinds of capital."

"I haven't heard of it, just because I don't pay much attention to what's going on in the entertainment industry."

"But not all capital responses are so slow. At least the two brands Loren and Hanwang have noticed."

Yu Xiaoye looked at the watches and sneakers worn by Zhou Dingran in the video, especially when the two brands Hanwang and Loren were listed in the description of the work. His heart skipped a beat when he realized that this video was sponsored by these two brands.

"How effective is the advertising?"

While Yu Xiaoye asked people to ask for Zhou Dingran's contact information, he opened the search engine and began to search the real-time search data of the two brands Loren and Hanwang.

(End of this chapter)

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