Hunter Queen: Killer Queen.

Chapter 362: Race against time to block the attack

Chapter 362: Block × Rush × Race against time

But when the flames rose into the sky, Joey and others thought: finally.

They have been waiting for another ambush that Ka Jin left in the lake. The fact that such an ambush has not appeared will put people under great pressure. At this time, the flames rise to the sky, even if they know that the flames will cause the eyeballs in the lake below to explode. Even though it turned into a crisis, everyone still felt a slight sense of relief.

But now is not the time to relax, after all, there is no suitable solution for what appears after the eyeball explodes.

But finding a solution requires some adventurous exploration.

Especially what appears after the eyeball explodes is basically a covering operation. Even if the ship can be hidden, it cannot escape the fate of being discovered.

In this case, the people on the boat can be said to have shown their talents.

The mercenary robot has stood up again, and at the same time, there are mercenaries with guns and a woman like a puppet appearing next to it.

The mercenary captain Muhair also joined the mercenary team. Their approach was very simple, which was to use firepower to cover everything close to them and melt them.

Neither King nor Pariston had any objections to this. As for Byande, he stood on the bow of the boat in high spirits, as if he wanted to jump into the lake and have a fight with the opponent.

This person is very reckless, this is the judgment given by Joey who is not ready to take any action.

Although he is much stronger than Yang De and has a very delicate mind, he is completely wild in battle, even wilder than Wo Jin.

People from the association are more ornamental than the mercenaries.

There were two people who took action. It can be said that the two of them had been interested in the eyeball since they discovered it. The changes that occurred after the eyeball exploded have aroused this curiosity to an extreme extent.

As for these two people, one is Crook and the other is Gailu.

The previous research on the shelled monster was done by the two of them. Now they are working together, and their styles are very different.

Crook sprinkled a large number of seeds toward the water surface. These seeds began to grow wildly the moment they came into contact with the lake water. However, this growth did not spread toward the water, but continued to extend toward the water.

Densely dense spikes grew on the spreading branches, and in addition to the spikes, bright red flowers slowly bloomed on the water plant.

The rushing crimson-threaded snake-like creature hit the bright red flower, but it was like hitting a soft cloth. It could only make the cloth dent, but it could not break through the shackles of the blooming flowers.

Then the sharp thorns on the branches shot towards the sunken petals as if they were stimulated by something.

Blood bloomed from the petals, causing more flowers to appear in the water!

However, there are always gaps in the plants, and some red thread snakes passed through these gaps and continued to approach the ship.

But before they swam too far, the bodies of these thread snakes began to change violently, swelling, twisting, and deforming, as if there was an unknown virus in the water that was constantly eroding these monsters.

In fact, although there is no virus in the water, there is real poison!

A small bottle of venom was poured into the lake by the poison hunter Gailu, and this small bottle of venom caused a huge change in the lake silently.

The other person following Gailu is also Joey’s friend, Sambika!

She did not choose to stay near the Dark Portal, but followed it into the Dark Continent.

However, she had no intention of taking action at this time. She just nodded to Joey from a distance and followed Gai Lu like her deputy.

When the association hunters took action, the mercenaries also started taking action.

It's just that their target is not the monsters chasing from behind, but the group of monsters that are also starting to spread rapidly on the lake directly in front.

These monsters are endless, and each eyeball burst can bring out a large number of these monsters.

Joey and others didn't know their purpose, but they knew they couldn't let this thing get close.

Because the life forms that Joey left in the lake had already been destroyed by the impact of these things.

These monsters seem to have some special absorption ability. The life force of the creature will continue to drain out the moment it is bitten by them.

Even some of the hidden mind beasts left by the hunters in the lake could not escape the fate of being absorbed and devoured.

If these things were to find Joey and the others, the consequences waiting for them could be imagined.

With this endless amount, it really doesn't take much time to devour their entire team.

In the joint action of the association and mercenaries, Joey and Chiduo brought a trio of vehicle manufacturers, who also began to think about the way out if the ship was attacked and could not be saved.

And in this lake, the only way out seems to be the sky.

Therefore, flying ability is the most important choice. The trio is equally good at building airships, but it takes a lot of time.

At this time, two of the three people had already started to create, right on the deck of the big ship.

The airship obviously won't be too big, and being able to carry everyone is the most important thing.

Joey's idea is simple. His weather forecasting ability can actually easily bring everyone to the sky. After all, there are only more than thirty people, which cannot exceed his limit of bringing people.

In other words, as long as it does not exceed the range that he can control the atmosphere, he will not exceed his limit of bringing people.

However, he is not planning to use his ability to take everyone with him now. This is not because he wants to hide his secrets, but because the effect of taking them flying is not as good as using a vehicle.

The vehicle created by the trio can block the breath, but Joey Daifei cannot achieve this effect.

But if the airship is not too big, he can provide a certain amount of assistance to the airship. Whether it makes the airship fly higher or makes the airship fly faster, he can do it.

With the plan in mind, Joey also carefully watched the actions of everyone on the boat.

Especially the firepower coverage of mercenaries!

The mercenary robot no longer fired a blue shock, but a fiery red shock.

When the shock wave hit the lake, flames instantly swept over the entire lake. It was not the special flame left by Kajin that could ignite the lake, but an ultra-high temperature flame.

The steam and the monsters that evaporated instantly created a fiery red scene in front of the ship.

But this fiery red scene disappeared very quickly. After the robot fired an almost transparent air cannon again, whether it was flames, monsters, or even the lake, a semicircular depression appeared in front of it.

The water in the lake quickly began to pour back into the depression, even affecting the ships that were accelerating forward, making the ships sail a few minutes faster.

But at this moment, there was an impact below the ship, and a huge force hit the ship.

The ship showed signs of being overturned, and the branches of the trees that had been tied to the ship collapsed directly during the impact.However, no one on the ship was too surprised by this. After all, they had seen the effect of eyeball explosion many times.

Now that this kind of explosion appears under their ship, it is nothing.

When the ship was about to tilt and overturn, Yinda threw the huge anchor from the direction of the tilted ship.

The ship that was about to capsize suddenly returned to the right direction, and even had a tendency to capsize in another direction. But at this moment, Yinda suddenly exerted force and once again pulled the thrown anchor out of the water and smashed it on the deck.

With a thud, a big hole appeared on the deck where it was hit, and the ship bumped a few times on the water.

However, after the turbulence, the ship regained its stability and continued to rush forward.

Joey looked towards the lake and found that in this short period of time, the entire lake had been dyed red, and the water columns rising into the sky began to gradually decrease. It seemed that the effect of the flames had reached its limit.

But you can see that further away, there are still calm spots on the lake.

The power of the flames was not enough to make all the eyeballs in the lake burst into red thread snake monsters.

The fire coverage of the mercenaries was not able to kill a large number of thread snake monsters scattered in the lake, and the ships inevitably collided with these monsters during the forward rush.

Looking down from the side of the ship, one could see blood gushing from where the ship was sailing. It was unknown how many monsters were smashed by the ship.

For a time, the smell of blood began to cover the smell of previous burning on the lake, and some black spots began to appear in the sky.

I don’t know what these black spots are, let alone whether they were attracted by the smell of blood or brought here by the previous flames.

But the appearance of these guys is undoubtedly troublesome.

Because this is a disguised form of temporarily blocking the possibility of Joey and others leaving from the air.

However, it seems that it is okay to continue sailing on the water like this, because the monsters in the water seem to be unable to get on the boat at all, and can only be crushed and crushed by the boat.

Even as real contact occurred, Joey and others discovered that this thing did not have any target.

They just spread blindly on the lake.

When the surface of the lake was covered, the flames in the distance had been extinguished by them, but then they stopped making any movement and began to sink towards the lake, as if they wanted to return to the position where the eyeballs were before.

How could a monster flying in the sky let a snake-like monster leave?
When the flames completely disappeared, the things flying in the sky were completely exposed.

They were the multi-tongued monsters that Joey had seen in the sky over the plains before. At this time, their eyes were blood red, they were screaming as they flew, and they plunged into the lake the moment they approached the lake.

Its huge mouth had already protruded countless "tentacles" before it plunged into the water!
The water column that had gradually subsided a while ago exploded on the lake again, even louder than before.

Biyande looked at the falling multi-tongued monster, and without hesitation chose to take action and knock the approaching monsters directly into the air.

But with this series of actions, especially the impact on the monster during the voyage, the various patterns carved on the ship's body had already shown signs of being damaged.

The atmosphere on the ship is leaking to the outside, and it has become a matter of time before it is exposed.

During this process, Joey looked forward and could already see the other side.

It was a rocky area, and behind the rocks there was still lush forest, but as long as he could see the shore, Joey knew that this choice of crossing the lake should be successful.

But at this moment, Potter, who had been sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes: "Take cover, the black dragon is coming!"

His words were very solemn, and it was obvious that while the people on the boat were busy rushing out of the lake, Potter's mission failed.

The black dragon was not completely lured away!

"What state?" Qi Duo was the first to speak, and also asked the most critical question.

"The plan was not implemented. It's in good condition. It was attracted by other things and came here. As long as we do a good job of concealment, we should be able to escape." Potter White said quickly.

But here's the problem, the leakage of breath has become permanent, and it's not easy to remedy it now.

Joey thought this, but Jin and Pyorn walked up to him.

However, Joey could tell from the positions of the two of them that it was Jin who took the lead.

Jin didn't waste any more nonsense. He came to Joey and directly handed a piece of paper into Joey's hand.

"You are in charge of the stern, I am in charge of the outside, and Pyoern is in charge of the bow. Carve the divine words on it so that you can hide your presence for a short time. Hurry."

I don’t know how many people are good at divine writing on the ship, but Jin Zhizhi only has three of them.

So this task fell into Joey's hands.

Joey looked upwards and saw long sentences with divine words. The arrangement of the sentences was very similar to the patterns of divine patterns he had seen on various animals in the dark continent. .

Apparently Jin's research on the divine word was far beyond Joey's understanding.

But now was not the time to think about this. Joey appeared at the stern of the boat with his paper body in a flash.

In the surprised eyes of Gailu and Crook, who were still unaware of the situation, Joey pulled out the dagger from his waist, spread his thoughts towards the dagger, and then he slashed it on the deck.

There was no sound, and the dagger was like cutting into tofu, easily leaving marks of divine characters on the deck.

And every word of God is engraved with a thought from Joey.

When all the divine words were engraved, the shining thought energy soared into the sky and disappeared in a flash.

Even at the same time, Joey turned his head and saw a flash of thought appearing at the bow of the ship. It seemed that Pyoern had also completed his mission.

Joey casually put the paper into his arms, and quickly walked to the side of the ship and looked out. He saw that Jin was moving at an extremely fast speed with one hand holding the hull of the ship, and the other hand quickly leaving a trace on the hull. The next complex divine word.

At this time, a huge black shadow appeared in the sky behind.

It was the black dragon that should have been lured into the sea of ​​trees, or briefly left on the plain.

A deafening roar exploded in the sky, and a flash of light quickly flashed across Joey's eyes.

The next second, Joey found that the sound was getting farther and farther away from him, and everything in front of him gradually began to become misty, as if it was covered with a veil.

(End of this chapter)

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