Hunter Queen: Killer Queen.

Chapter 375 Monster creates cyclic tree roots

Chapter 375 Monster Creation × Cycle × Roots

With Liszt's assistance, the two of them moved forward much faster than when Joey was walking alone.

There were still various monsters rushing out of the poplar tree, but when he approached the place marked by Lister as a place with life, Joey's circle did not find the person he was looking for.

Instead, under Yuan's shroud, he sensed a monster with an extremely powerful aura.

At this moment, Liszt's voice came from the robot: "It's Du En."

Joey was surprised. He really couldn't imagine that this huge dinosaur-like monster with a height of more than ten meters would be connected with Duen!
"Monster creation, Du En's ability." Liszt seemed to have noticed Joey's surprise, and while explaining aloud, he rushed towards Du En's direction.

Killer Queen kept moving, but Joey stood on the robot's shoulders and didn't move much.

Monster making?
This word made him think of the various special creatures that can be turned into cards on Greed Island, such as Cyclops, giant lizards, horses that can release different bubbles and other strange things.

Are these things all made by Duen?

No wonder many of these things have traces of Nian.

So should this be considered a manifestation ability?Just how did Du En do it?
This should also be an ability with oaths and restrictions, right? Also, where is Du En now?
Joey's eyes swept across the giant beast that was fighting against the monster, and soon found Duen's figure. At this time, he was at the back of the monster's neck.

It's just that he looked a little embarrassed at this time.

It's not the embarrassment caused by being attacked by a monster, but the traces of burns!
There were large burn marks on Du En's body, even half of his hair was missing, and there were even smokey spots on his exposed skin, just like the remnants on the ground that were still smoking toward the sky.

Is it the effect caused by burning poplar catkins?
Joey was a little surprised. When Yang Xu burned, he was directly excluded from his body. He had no idea that the burning of this thing could also cause harm.

What he had been worried about was the smoke that was still coming out.

Du En in the distance noticed Joey and Liszt as soon as they appeared. After all, their appearance in the woods was too conspicuous.

He climbed onto the giant beast's swinging head and moved towards the two of them vigorously, with a look of joy on his injured face.

Joey and Liszt were not slow in their movements, and soon they teamed up with Duen to clear away all the nearby monsters and poplar trees.

However, during this process, Liszt also detected another breath of life.

At the same time, what surprised everyone was that when they picked up Du En, poplar catkins began to fly in the poplar forest again.

The breeze blows in the woods, bringing with it a large amount of poplar catkins. At this speed, it may not take long for the entire forest to once again become the same scene as before, wrapped in poplar catkins.

In addition, after the poplar catkins began to fly, the number of monsters rushing out of the nearby poplar trees also began to decrease.

"Did you set off the previous flames?" Joey asked, looking at the dwindling number of monsters, and at the same time he had a suspicion in his mind.

After the number of these monsters decreased, it reminded him of the scene when he first came to this forest.

At that time, there were only poplar catkins floating in the forest, not completely blocked by poplar catkins. At that time, the triggering of these monsters only started after he got close to a certain range of the poplar trees.

Now it seems that this forest may develop towards the original situation!

"No." They both shook their heads at the same time.

"Not me either," Joey said.

"Loop?" Liszt's mind turned quickly. He instantly understood what Joey meant and made a guess.

"Yes, cycle." Joey nodded: "The poplars floated, grew, and filled the entire forest. Flames appeared and burned all the poplars. The poplar trees were triggered and attacked all life in the forest. The poplars Fly away again, triggering contraction to return to the previous condition."

"What about the smoke?" Du En had already jumped off the giant beast and pointed at the smoke that was still rising on the ground.

But just when he pointed, the smoke began to gradually disappear, and the trees in the forest no longer had monsters rushing out, returning to their previous calm state.

In this state, various critters that Joey encountered when he first came here begin to form in the air and fall to the ground.

It is the smoke that was lifted into the sky that formed these little animals.

The smoke twists and deforms in the air and becomes such small animals. When they run in the forest, they occasionally bump into or touch the poplar trees, and these small animals will be sucked into the trees!

The face of the monster on the tree also changed rapidly, but it was not replaced by the appearance of a small animal, but became even weirder, as if it had merged some of the characteristics of these small animals into its body.

Everything happened very quickly and very strangely.

The three people walking forward were like spectators in the forest. The monsters on the trees became more and more ferocious, but the forest became more alive with the sounds and figures of the running animals.

Everything seemed so harmonious, only Yang Xu was still flying around, which made people feel a little upset.

"Don't get touched by Yang Xu. You can't get rid of these things if you touch them. The appearance of flames will ignite them instantly. Even if you use your mind to resist, they will be gradually burned through."

Du En explained while accepting Joey's treatment.

As for the giant beast he created before, Du En himself solved it. When he jumped off the giant beast's head, he cut off the giant beast's neck.

According to his explanation, the giant beast will escape his control after it is created, so if he does not want this thing to be integrated into the poplar tree and become an enemy, the best way is to get rid of it as soon as it is used up.

A giant beast that cannot be controlled, Joey secretly remembered this, thinking that this was part of the restriction on Du En's ability.

Regarding the Yang Xu problem Du En mentioned, Joey directly controlled the weather forecast to exclude it from the circle.

In his opinion, Du En's injury was nothing, and he could treat it easily.

When they arrived at the location sensed by Liszt, Duen's treatment was almost completed, and this time they met Jin!
Jin's appearance was no different from when they separated. It seems that the strange situation in the forest did not pose a threat to him at all. After the two parties met and exchanged information, they continued to walk deeper into the forest. For no other reason than to get as early as possible Find everyone.

The crisis here is nothing to most people in the team. At least according to Jin's idea, as long as they are not too unlucky, they should all survive.

But Jin was very curious about what Joey said about the underground situation.

Joey didn't say much. When Liszt took Duen forward to find someone, he stopped with Jin and used the ability of the first bomb to start digging on the ground.

There was no need to go down too far. When they were about 15 meters away, something like an energy barrier blocked their view.

Looking down through the energy barrier, what you can see is the forest below where heavy rain is pouring, as well as the ruins that gradually begin to appear in the forest.

"Ancient city?" Joey asked in surprise.

Although he had made some guesses before, he never thought that this guess would be confirmed so quickly.Jin was also a little surprised: "It should be."

Looking ahead at the ruins, the dark clouds began to disappear, and the sun began to shine on the plants and ruins. Humanoid beings holding gold and silver spheres appeared in the ruins.

Even in the forest trees below, you can still see some figures walking towards the location of the ruins from time to time.

The size of the ruins can't be seen at a glance, and they seem to spread far away, but it can be seen that there are many tall buildings in it.

It's just that these buildings are also wrapped in a large number of vines at this time, making it difficult to distinguish their specific appearance. From time to time, some black shadows flash across the tops of the vines.

There should be a lot of unknown dangers hidden there.

Joey's eyes were mainly focused on the figure walking through the forest. After using his ability and a telescope to see more clearly, Joey determined the identity of the other party: "It's Cajin's team."

"That should be no problem." When Jin answered Joey, his eyes were not on the people or the ruins: "Where we are now may be a huge tree root."

He suddenly spoke, causing Joey, who was still observing, to be slightly stunned.

This was a direction he had never thought of before. He always thought that there should be a cave below, and their location was outside the cave.

"Look carefully." Jin raised his hand and pointed to some nearby trees that led directly to the "sky".

Joey looked along, but didn't see anything unusual.

"What if these, together with the trees above, are all roots?" Jin said, but a lot of thoughts were concentrated on his hands, and at the same time he raised his head and scanned the pit.

The thought concentrated in the golden eyes seemed to allow him to see everything on the wall of the pit clearly in the darkness. He jumped up suddenly and punched suddenly when he reached a certain height.

There was no explosion, Jin's arm simply penetrated into the soil.

But when he pulled out his arm and dropped it, what came out of his hand was not dirt, but a piece of wood.

"It's a tree root. There are a lot of roots attached to the soil. It may be a stunted World Tree root, and this root has been specially developed." There was a wry smile on Jin's face, but his eyes were filled with tears. It's more exciting.

The roots of the world tree?

Joey swallowed. If this was really the case, then they should be able to walk out of the forest from above.

He looked into the distance, where he could see the sun. Maybe it was the edge of the forest, and it was not that far away from them, maybe only ten or twenty kilometers away.

As for what kind of secrets there are in this tree root, Joey doesn't care too much.

And even if he wanted to really find out, he didn't know the direction of exploration at all.

Not staying in the pit for too long, Joey and Jin returned to the top with more doubts and caught up with Lister and Du En.

In the following time, the four of them began to search extensively in the forest.

As time went by, the situation in the forest was completely understood by everyone. Just as Joey had guessed before, the forest was going through a cycle.

When poplar catkins cover the entire forest, flames will appear.

The appearance of flames will cause the flying dragons in the sky to make rain.

As the poplar trees are replenished with water, they will enter a brief burst period, and a large number of monsters will appear on the trees to attack any life that approaches in the forest.

But this crazy state would not last long, probably only half an hour.

After half an hour, the poplars will float again, and the forest will fall into a new cycle again.

Everyone spent the day in the forest, and the edge of the forest was also found. From above, one could easily see the ruins of a huge ancient city below.

Cajun people don't seem to have gotten over the rain-shrouded area, which is the root zone.

If they leave the top of the tree roots now, they may be the first to reach the labyrinth city.

Just looking down from here, the city didn't feel like a maze to Joey, but it was really big.

It's a pity that they haven't found them all yet, so according to Jin's idea after discussing with them, they should continue to stay here for one to two days to search.

Joey had no problem with that.

He was not one who was anxious to enter the city, and he even wanted the Cajun people to enter the city first and become a pathfinder.

He didn't believe that things like gold and silver ingots would really want to cooperate with humans.

He already understood from his contact with the weapon that the goal of that thing was invasion, occupation, and protection after destruction.

But none of them coexist peacefully with humans.

Therefore, in his opinion, cooperating with gold and silver ingots is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger, and in the end, he may not know what will happen.

In addition, he didn't believe that Ka Jin's shrewd Nasby Gray King had no back-ups, so letting Ka Jin take the lead was the most beneficial situation for him no matter how he looked at it.

Even if the time comes, Kajin will be able to master gold and silver ingots based on Biyande's information.

That just changed the goal from solving the gold and silver ingot to solving the gold and silver ingot and its owner.

In Joey's opinion, there is not much difference between these two points.

However, how to get down from the top of the tree root is something worth thinking about.

The flying dragon hidden in the clouds in the sky is hostile to anything that leaves the range of the tree roots. As long as it takes a step outside the range of the tree roots, the flying dragon's attack will follow.

In addition, the floating poplar catkins do not only exist on the tree roots, they are also floating toward the ruins of the city outside the tree roots.

It's just that it doesn't look like the kind of terrifying that can cover the forest, but scattered like dandelions that have been blown away. It has a strange beauty in the sun.

If you look at it from below, it might feel like snowflakes are falling on your forehead!
While thinking about the way to go down, I was looking for my companions. When the sun rose the next day, they had almost found them.

Although many people have injuries to one degree or another, as long as they can be found alive, Joey can completely heal them.

(End of this chapter)

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