Help!It's really terrible to fall in love with my senior sister

Chapter 185: Rumors about summer vacation time

Lin Lin saw that the atmosphere was starting to feel a little strange and immediately stood up and said, "Well, I'll take a shower first."

Xu Lin secretly raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Lin and said, "Together?"

Lin Lin paused, turned around and looked down at Xu Lin.


"Why don't you go take a shower first?"

"And calm down?"

Xu Lin coughed a few times and said, "Is there anything you can do to calm down?"

Lin Lin raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you sure you don't want to calm down?"

"No need." Xu Lin shrugged.

"Then I'll take a shower."

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he turned to the closet, quickly took out his clothes and walked into the bathroom.

"What?" Xu Lin looked at Lin Lin who walked into the bathroom decisively and was stunned.

He came to his senses only after the sound of water in the bathroom started to sound.

"I'm going to take a shower so decisively?" Xu Lin rolled her eyes and straightened her messy hair.

After finishing, Xu Lin sat up, picked up a piece of apple meat on the plate with a toothpick and ate it.

After Lin Lin came out of the shower, Xu Lin was sitting on the sofa, watching short videos and eating fruit.

Lin Lin wiped his face with a washcloth and threw it into the trash can, then raised his eyes to look at Xu Lin.

"I'm done. Do you want to take a shower?"

When Xu Lin heard this, she looked at Lin Lin and shrugged, "Me? I'm not in a hurry, it's still relatively early."

Lin Lin glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost 09:30 pm and then looked at Xu Lin.

"What time do you plan to take a shower?"


Lin Lin sat next to Xu Lin, picked up a toothpick and took a bite of the apple meat before saying, "Okay, then after you take a shower, remember to put your clothes in the washing machine."

"I'm going to wash the clothes?" Xu Lin pointed at herself and then looked at Lin Lin and said, "I'm going to wash the clothes, so what do you want to do?"

Lin Lin shrugged and said, "I want to sleep."

"It's only 09:30 and you're going to bed?!" Xu Lin said with a shocked look on her face.

Lin Lin spread his hands to indicate what the fuss was about.

"No, you can actually sleep at this point?" Xu Lin asked curiously.

Lin Lin shrugged and said, "Why can't you sleep at this point?"

"Okay, I really can't do anything to you, then you go to bed." Xu Lin said.

Lin Lin threw the used toothpick into the trash can and then stood up and said, "Then I'm going to bed."

"Okay." Xu Lin nodded.

The next morning.

Lin Lin, who went to bed early yesterday, got up early in the morning.

After getting up, Lin Lin was not idle. He first tidied up the somewhat messy living room.

"Sister Lin really makes such a mess every time." Lin Lin muttered, but did not stop packing things in his hands.

After tidying up the living room, Lin Lin took out the garbage bags filled with garbage in the trash can and put a new trash can in it.

"Finally tidied up." Lin Lin stretched and then walked into the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, Lin Lin walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"Let me see what I have to eat this morning."

After saying that, Lin Lin opened the refrigerator and looked at the food stored inside.

"Just some eggs and some minced meat." Lin Lin muttered a few words, then took out three eggs and added some minced meat.

"Whole eggs and fried minced meat."

Lin Lin took out a small bowl, broke the shells of three eggs and poured them in, then put some minced meat in, picked up the chopsticks and kept stirring.

When the mixing was almost done, Lin Lin poured some more soy sauce wine into it.


After preparing the things to be fried, Lin Lin washed the rice and put it in the rice cooker to start cooking porridge.

It takes about 15 minutes to cook porridge, which is enough time for him to cook the rice.

After spending another 5 minutes frying the eggs and minced meat, Lin Lin picked up the garbage left by the cooking.

After cleaning up, dinner was cooked around this time.

Seeing that breakfast was almost ready, Lin Lin left the kitchen and went to the second floor to wake up Xu Lin who was sleeping.

As soon as he arrived on the second floor, Lin Lin heard a faint snore coming from the bed not far away.

Lin Lin came to the bedside, pulled up a chair and sat down, holding his chin with his hands, staring at Xu Lin snoring on the bed with interest.

"Tsk tsk tsk, when did Sister Lin start snoring when she slept?"

Lin Lin couldn't help but reached out and poked Xu Lin's cheek.

Xu Lin didn't react at all, just hummed twice, then turned sideways and went to sleep.

"You haven't woken up yet?" Lin Lin took back his hand and scratched his head.

Listening to Xu Lin's increasingly louder snoring, Lin Lin wanted her to sleep for a while, but suddenly thought of the breakfast that had been cooked and "cruelly" woke Xu Lin up from the bed.

Xu Lin, who was woken up, looked at Lin Lin blankly.

Lin Lin raised his eyebrows and said, "What? Haven't you had enough sleep?"

"what time is it?"

Xu Lin looked at Lin Lin in a daze, as if she hadn't woken up.

"08:30." Lin Lin replied.


Hearing this, Xu Lin lay down on the bed again and said, "It's only 08:30, let me sleep for a while."

"can not sleep."

Lin Lin pulled Xu Lin up from the bed without mercy.

"Why don't you let me sleep?" Xu Lin pursed her lips, looking aggrieved.

"Because I'm here to call you for breakfast." Lin Lin said.

"Can I not eat? Let me sleep for a while and then we can eat lunch together." Xu Lin discussed.

Lin Lin kept wagging his fingers, "No, this is not a good habit. Get up and eat quickly."

"Okay." Xu Lin said helplessly as she got up.

After Xu Lin finished washing, she sat on the dining chair with a listless expression.

"Why are you so lethargic?"

Lin Lin helped Xu Lin fill a bowl of porridge.

Xu Lin yawned and said, "I went to bed late yesterday. I got up too early today. I must be out of energy."

Lin Lin raised his eyebrows, "Sleep last night? What time did you go to bed last night?"

Xu Lin took a sip of the porridge and said, "I didn't go to bed until two o'clock in the morning yesterday."

"Two o'clock?" Lin Lin frowned, "Why are you going to bed so late?"

Xu Lin shrugged and said, "I have to go to bed late because I have some things to deal with."

Lin Lin put some vegetables into Xu Lin's bowl and said, "Well, try not to go to bed too late next time."

Xu Lin nodded and said, "I know, there will be no next time."

"I'm not saying you're bad or anything like that. Going to bed too late will be bad for your health." Lin Lin explained.

Xu Lin smiled and said, "I know you are doing it for my own good."

"But it was indeed a special situation yesterday, so I went to bed late. Don't worry, this won't happen next time." The two of them chatted and ate, and they finished eating after a while.

Seeing Xu Lin's tired look, Lin Lin stood up and patted her shoulder and said, "Go and catch up on your sleep. I'll wash the dishes."

Xu Lin stood up slightly, hugged Lin Lin's neck, and kissed his cheek gently.

"Don't be too tired. I'm going to rest first. I'll cook for you at noon."

Lin Lin raised his eyebrows and teased, "Are you planning to make a cake for me?"

Xu Lin scratched Lin Lin's nose and said, "You have to eat this cake even if you don't want to eat it."

Lin Lin smiled and said dotingly, "Okay, I'll eat, I'll eat, you go catch up on your sleep."

Xu Lin nodded and got up and went back to the second floor to catch up on her sleep.

Lin Lin put away the dishes on the dining table and took them into the kitchen to wash them off.

After washing the dishes, Lin Lin put them in the disinfection cabinet for disinfection and then left the kitchen and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

Lin Lin took out his mobile phone and scrolled through short videos when he had nothing to do. On a whim, he wanted to check out the Moments that he hadn't seen for a long time and see if there were any interesting posts on the confession wall today.

After opening the circle of friends, Lin Lin's circle of friends was flooded with confession wall messages.

Lin Lin scrolled through his circle of friends and looked at the recent posts, and found that they were either complaining or trolling people, and he even asked for advice on which courses were easier to take.

"Why aren't there some more interesting posts?" Lin Lin curled his lips, closed the circle of friends, and then opened the golden spatula, preparing for a tense and exciting gambling transformation.

The first hex of the first game is gold, and the second hex is colored.

Based on the conclusion of the gold and silver this season, there is a high probability that the third Hex will be silver.

Lin Lin was eagerly waiting for the third Hex.

When Brother Lang was ready to come to Four Bars and One, Lin Lin already had seven two-star and four-cost monsters on the field. After playing Four Bars and One, he came to the third Hex. Silver flashed, and it happened to be Silver Hex. Sri Lanka.

The first one is money money money, the second one is eclectic, and the third one is experience.

Lin Lin looked at the three silver hexes and felt a little excited. After all, he had a high chance of winning the first time he bet on transformation.

Lin Lin pointed his finger, and after refreshing the eclectic style, it became the little giant.

Seeing that the transformation was not what he wanted, Lin Lin refreshed his experience again. After refreshing, he would not miss it again.

Lin Lin became a little nervous, because he only had one last chance left. After Lin Lin refreshed Tam's exclusive Hex, it turned out that it was not a transformation reorganizer but an outstanding one.

"Okay, okay, let's play like this."

Lin Lin's mentality collapsed. He immediately surrendered and shoveled the golden shovel out of the backstage.

time flies.

It’s noon in the blink of an eye.

The cake Xu Lin drew for Lin Lin in the morning, no, it should be a promise to make him a rich lunch.

Lin Lin was sitting on the sofa waiting for Xu Lin to make lunch for him.

Xu Lin spent about 10 minutes preparing lunch and then called Lin Lin in the kitchen to help serve the dishes.

When Lin Lin heard Xu Lin calling him, he got up from the sofa and came to the kitchen to help serve the dishes.

After the food was served, the two sat at the dining table.

Lin Lin looked at Xu Lin who was helping him serve the rice and raised his eyebrows and said, "I didn't expect you didn't draw the cake for me."

Xu Lin rolled her eyes at Lin Lin and said angrily, "Am I like the kind of girl who paints cakes for men to eat?"

Lin Lin stared at Xu Lin and touched his chin, "It's a bit similar, but not bad."

"That's pretty much it. I don't know that kind of person." Xu Lin curled her lips. Although she could hear the joking meaning in Lin Lin's words, as a girl, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

Lin Lin shrugged and said, "Would you like to go play tonight?"

"anything fun?"

Lin Lin thought for a while and said, "We can go to Zhongshan Road to eat delicious food. I haven't been there for a long time."

Hearing this, Xu Lin's bad mood was swept away, and her eyes lit up immediately and she turned to look at Lin Lin.

"real or fake?"

"Do you really want to go to Zhongshan Road to eat delicious food at night?"

Lin Lin smiled and said, "It must be true. Do I look like the kind of man who draws cakes for girls?"

Xu Lin just wanted to use the words Lin Lin had just said about himself, but then he thought about it, Lin Lin really didn't spend too much money on himself, and he almost did what he promised every time.

"Do not want to."

Although Xu Lin didn't want to admit it, she still answered truthfully.

Lin Lin gave Xu Lin a large dish with chopsticks and said, "Okay, don't be angry. I was wrong. I shouldn't have talked to you just now."

"I just wanted to tease you."

Xu Lin shrugged and said, "I know. Although I know you are teasing me, I still feel uncomfortable."

"Of course, for the sake of you taking me to Zhongshan Road to eat delicious food in the evening, I won't argue too much with you this time."

Xu Lin wanted to say something, but suddenly her phone vibrated several times.

Xu Lin thought about what she was about to say and swallowed it back. Then she looked down at her phone and found that it was a message from her class committee group.

"Summer break time."

Xu Lin read the message word by word.

Lin Lin, who was eating, stopped eating when he heard the news, put his chopsticks on the table, and raised his eyes to look at Xu Lin.

"Summer break time?"

"Ah? Were you notified so early? Isn't it only the third day?"

"Isn't it normal that notification would be given in the middle of the month or at the end of the month?" Lin Lin asked a little doubtfully.

"Let me take a look first and see what the situation is."

Xu Lin opened her phone and wanted to click on the class committee group to read the message, but found that the message had been withdrawn by the instructor.

Xu Lin silently put up a question mark, followed by other class committee members.

The instructor sent a message explaining that the message was sent to the wrong group and asked everyone to ignore it.

Xu Lin put away her phone and looked at Lin Lin and said, "Our instructor said the wrong message was sent."

Lin Lin nodded, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

The two of them continued to eat. The more Xu Lin ate, the more she felt something was wrong. She raised her head and looked at Lin Lin and said.

"I feel like, although our instructor said they sent the wrong message, I still don't believe it. I feel like they are already planning their summer vacation."

After finishing a bowl of rice, Lin Lin put the chopsticks and bowl on the dining table and leaned on the chair and said, "I don't care."

"Every summer vacation is at the end of June or the beginning of July, which is about the same time."

Xu Lin nodded and said, "Yes."

"It's just that I just had an opportunity to learn about it in advance, and I felt like a kitten was tickling me. I was very curious." Xu Lin laughed after finishing speaking.

Lin Lin couldn't help laughing and said, "What's so curious about this?"

"I just can't help but be curious." Xu Lin poked her cheek with her finger.

"Then ask your instructor?" Lin Lin raised his eyebrows.

Xu Lin immediately refused, "Forget it, I'll ask her? That's no different from seeking death."


"What else is Miss Lin afraid of?" Lin Lin said playfully.

Xu Lin rolled her eyes and said, "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"If I ask her about this kind of "state secret", will I get something good out of it?"

Lin Lin couldn't help laughing and said, "Hahaha, I think you are afraid of being scolded."

"Who isn't afraid of being scolded by their instructor?" Xu Lin shrugged, "After I asked her about it, she resented me. By then, it might be difficult for me to even ask for leave."

"Is it that exaggerated?" Lin Lin asked in surprise.

"Yes." Xu Lin nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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