Pictures of pomegranates

Chapter 1 Pomegranate Picture

Chapter 1 Pomegranate Picture

Heidegger said that the charm of a flower is that it has withered...

"This sentence in the book really fits your situation. It's a pity that you can only be thrown away now!" Zhang Zhaodi said with emotion while flipping through an old book "The Biography of Heidegger" that was about to be thrown away.

Under this book, there is a thick pile of old books that take up a lot of space. They are now garbage in the hospital library and are being disposed of.Perhaps due to a similar situation, Zhang Zhaodi, who loves books, was unable to move after seeing them.

"Oh, Teacher Zhang, take them all back if you like them. Even if these old books are disposed of, they can only be given to rag collectors. Who will read them now? Take them back, no one will know!" The library administrator Lao Xie reminded me kindly.

When Zhang Zhaodi heard this, she forced a smile on her face. These old books were almost all her favorites when she was in school. It turned out that in the eyes of others, they were just as bad as herself.Thinking of this, she whispered: "No, the leader only asked me to clean the house. The old books should be disposed of according to school regulations. Thank you."

"Teacher Zhang, you just have a good temper. People named Fu are so virtuous. Don't take it to heart. By the way, I found a picture album, which looks very good. It's an old book that needs to be disposed of. I'll give it to you!"

"No, there's really no need. Thank you, Teacher, I'll just take a look!"

"No, you're welcome, wait for me here, I'll get it for you right away!" As he spoke, Lao Xie ignored Zhang Zhaodi's refusal and hurried to the other end of the library.

At first, Lao Xie, the soon-to-retire administrator, didn’t understand that the School of Environment would send female teachers to assist with the dirty work of organizing the library.According to convention, for this kind of work of climbing up and down, moving books and shelves, each college office would send a strong male student to help. In any case, a female teacher should not be assigned to do administrative work.Later, Zhang Zhaodi was sent to help more times, and Lao Xie found out that she was a non-staff teacher dispatched by labor force.

But even for a temporary teacher, the leadership of the School of Environment’s work arrangement is still a bit too bullying.What's more, Lao Xie, who has had a lot of contact with Zhang Zhaodi and is very experienced, thinks that she is very suitable for him. He really doesn't understand how such a lovable little girl can offend the leader.

Lao Xie has no children in her life, and she will retire in one month.No one knew that she had a special picture album hidden in her hand. Lao Xie didn't intend to tell anyone this secret.But now, she likes this little girl Zhang Zhaodi who was bullied very much. She always feels that she has been keeping the picture album all her life just to wait for her.

Thinking of this, Lao Xie quickly opened his desk, carefully took out the cloth bag, turned and walked towards the corner where Zhang Zhaodi was.She recalled that at that time, she did whatever it took to get the picture album because she heard that it could change one's destiny and turn an ordinary life into something dazzling.But after so many years, the picture album is just a picture album, it has not changed in my hands.

Lao Xie took one last look at the cloth bag, handed it to Zhang Zhaodi, and said meaningfully: "Teacher Zhang, this picture album is for you, maybe it is waiting for you, the destined person!"

Zhang Zhaodi said politely with some confusion: "Teacher Xie, you're so welcome, I'll just take a look!"

"Take it, we just got along and left it to you. The previous administrator said it was a copy and out of print, and I couldn't understand it. I'm going to retire next month, and if I leave it here, it will be treated like garbage. Please take care of it." Keep it, consider it my parting gift to you!" Lao Xie insisted.

Having said this, Zhang Zhaodi couldn't resist anymore, so she stretched out her hands and carefully took the bag.Inside is a thin old butterfly-bound album with a light white cover. There are only three solemn Song-style titles of "Liu Shi Tu". The name of the editor and selector is printed on the right side, and the name of the printer or hall or hall is printed on the left side. .The second page is still a few columns of one, two, three and four without text, which can be regarded as an index of a minimalist table of contents.The next text, a dozen pages, is full of carefully described flowers.Zhang Zhaodi held the brochure, looked at it for a while and said, "Teacher Xie, are these all pomegranate flowers? This poem by Han Yu of the Tang Dynasty is so beautifully written."

"Han Yu? Where are Han Yu's poems in the album?" Lao Xie asked in confusion.

Zhang Zhaodi said: "You see there are poems on the lace, and they are all the same. Isn't this: In May, the pomegranate flowers illuminate the eyes, and when the branches are blooming, I can see the young children. It's a pity that there are no carriages and horses here, and the green moss is upside down. Ying. It is exactly "Liu Hua" written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty."

"Is there a poem? Is there a poem on the lace?? There really is!" the administrator said in disbelief with his eyes widened.

She had clearly read this picture album tens of thousands of times, and there was clearly not a single word in the text, but at this moment, a Tang poem appeared in Zhang Zhaodi's hands.From this point of view, the legend is somewhat credible. Perhaps the destined person waiting is Zhang Zhaodi.

But how can a picture album make people change their lives against the odds?Lao Xie doesn't know. She is old and has no time to know.

"Thank you, the picture album is so beautiful. Thanks to Teacher, I will accept it!" Zhang Zhaodi said with a smile and put the picture album away.

Lao Xie looked at her leaving figure with mixed feelings in his heart. She was silent for a long time, and then said faintly to the southwest of the college: "How fast, it's July again, and something should happen to Xin'an University again!"

Xin'an University is located in Xin'an City. Elderly people say that the origin of the place name of Xin'an City comes from Su Shi's sentence, "I wonder if Lingnan should be good, but he said: This place of peace is my hometown." Do people who live in Xin'an City really care about it? I feel like this is my hometown. No one has investigated this matter, but Xin'an University is a famous school that can truly give parents across the country peace of mind.

During the college entrance examination, if a child of a certain family can successfully enter Xin'an University, that family will immediately become the most envied object in the eyes of others. The effect is like the outer walls of the ten courtyards of one's own family are covered with big "Demolish" "Character.Therefore, Xin'an University has become the most desirable ivory tower for ordinary people. Allowing their children to study or work there has become a lifelong obsession for many parents, including Zhang Zhaodi's mother.

It's a pity that many things in the world are originally like a besieged city. There are external sufferings on the outside and internal difficulties on the inside. Those on the outside want to get in and those on the inside want to get out.Just like this ivory tower peace of mind university that everyone yearns for, most people only know one thing about it and not the other.

To the northwest of Xin'an University, there are two expensive and splendid buildings. Externally, they are called the Weili Building of the School of Economics and Management. Internally, they are Xin'an's tombstones and graves. They are the most feared places among the Xin'an population.Because of the shape and height of the two buildings, no matter which direction you look at them, they look like a proper tombstone and grave bag.

(This story is purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental)
 Hello everyone, long time no see. A new book is being updated. Please support me!

(End of this chapter)

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