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Chapter 108 Fatal Promise

Chapter 108 Fatal Promise
Facing her starry smile and the extremely serious look in her eyes, I was trembling with excitement and seriously agreed to this agreement without even thinking about it.However, the very next day, Meimei quietly left the small county town and finally returned to the big city she had been thinking about day and night.

From that day on, the agreement I made with Meimei became the only light in my dark life.

From then on, every day, I studied hard and kept improving my scores.That year, I fulfilled our agreement and was admitted to the best university in the provincial capital, the most famous Huishan Medical University in the country.

In the days that followed, I followed all the clues that Meimei had left and searched for Meimei like crazy in that provincial town.In fact, when Meimei first arrived in the provincial capital, she secretly wrote two letters to me.

The content of the first letter was about her new life in the provincial capital. She said that she was becoming increasingly unhappy.Because my mother drinks alcohol all the time, beats and scolds her, and my grandma and grandpa who live together also quarrel all the time, and the family is in a very bad mood.In fact, she and her grandma were crying every night, and they didn't know when this kind of life would end.

Moreover, she was also very lonely in school. Those people were not as warm and friendly to her as the children in the small county.Her classmates in the provincial capital felt that she didn't speak Mandarin well, and no one took the initiative to play with her.Her current deskmate is a very beautiful girl, but she dislikes Meimei's poor family and doesn't want to talk to her.

In short, in that eloquent and many-page letter, I could clearly feel the sadness and sorrow of the United States.That was the first time I was surprised. I was surprised that there are people in this world who hate Meimei. She is such a good and beautiful girl.

Therefore, I comforted her in every way a child could think of. I even went to a well-known temple in a small county town and asked for a good fortune amulet to send to her.I hope that everything will be fine for Meimei, but I am also very afraid that after she is fine, she will forget about my useless deskmate.

In such anxiety, I received the second letter from Meimei, which was also very long.

In this letter, Meimei told me that her grandfather had a fight with her mother and then suddenly died of a heart attack.Grandma was severely stimulated by this and was admitted to the intensive care unit of the largest hospital in the provincial capital. She spent a lot of money every day.After her mother encountered these situations, she sold her house and tried her best to save her grandma, but she still failed to keep her.

Now, her mother had a complete emotional breakdown and started drinking again all day long.Meimei's family has no money and cannot pay the rent. A distant uncle takes pity on them, and her mother takes her to the uncle's house to make a living.They will move next Monday. Meimei doesn't know what will happen in the future. She said that she will write to me again when her life stabilizes.

When I saw this letter, I was extremely panicked. I was very afraid that poor Meimei would be bullied by her mother and unknown relatives.So, for the first time, I stole my parents’ bankbook, which contained a large sum of money for them to buy a house in the county.Then, I ran to the long-distance bus station to buy a ticket and tried to rush to the provincial capital to rescue Meimei.

Unexpectedly, people at the long-distance bus station refused to buy me a ticket because they thought I was too young and that I was going out alone.There was an uncle at the station who knew my parents, so he immediately called my parents to find out what happened.After my parents learned about my decision, they strongly opposed my going to the provincial capital to find Meimei. My parents even dragged me back home from the long-distance bus station.

That day, my parents got angry at me for the first time, and my father, who had always loved me, beat me hard for the first time, and even locked me in the room to let me reflect.In the end, I did not go to Chengdu to look for Meimei. From that time on, I never received an email from Meimei again. We had completely lost contact.

When I was admitted to college, I took the two letters I received that year and went to those places one by one according to the addresses on the envelopes and the hospitals she mentioned.But too much time has passed, and no neighbor at their original address remembers Meimei and her family.The changes in the provincial capital have been particularly drastic. Many places were demolished long ago, including the large hospital that Meimei mentioned.I am an ordinary person, and there are so many patients in the hospital every day. It is impossible for me to find patient information from that year. Such a search is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack without any clues.

I remember that after searching for more than three months, there was still no news. I was very desperate and was thinking about giving up.But at that moment, maybe God was moved by me, and Meimei suddenly appeared in front of me without any suspense.

I remember very clearly that at that time, my alma mater participated in an event among famous universities across the country, which was called a competition for the top ten singers among college students in the country.The weather was particularly good that day, so I took advantage of the fact that there was no class in the afternoon to look for clues about Mei Mei, but I still came back with nothing.

On the way back to the dormitory, I happened to meet a classmate who I didn't usually have much contact with. He talked to me enthusiastically.At first I didn't want to talk to him, but he was too persistent and insisted on letting me see his phone. It turned out that he was canvassing votes for a female player from another school.

According to him, this female player was the goddess in the eyes of a good friend of his in that school.

Things in the world are such coincidences. At the first glance, I recognized this female player who was like a goddess in everyone's eyes. She was exactly the girl I was looking for in my elementary school classmate, Meimei.I was so happy that I quickly inquired about the name of the school, and then found his good friend to find out.

After my good friend found out that his goddess was my deskmate in elementary school, he took the initiative and enthusiastically told me a lot of things, including the school Meimei is currently studying in, her major, and her current situation.What happened next was cliche and boring. I successfully found Meimei when I grew up, but when we met, she was not as happy as I imagined.

Although Meimei was very enthusiastic about my appearance at that time, I could feel in my heart that that enthusiasm was full of politeness and alienation.Especially for the past, I found that she didn't seem to want to mention that small county, let alone remember the agreement between us.

To be honest, I was sad, disappointed and even a little angry when I found out that she forgot what she had promised.

But I soon calmed down. The beauty in front of me was still so beautiful, but I was so ordinary and ordinary.The beauty that once smiled at me, the beauty that gave me the only beam of light in my life, has now become extremely distant and unfamiliar.I don’t blame her and I can’t blame her for this change.

I can only blame myself. I blame myself for being too mediocre, too ordinary, and too incompetent to make her remember me.

(End of this chapter)

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