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Chapter 111 The Logic of Neuropathy

Chapter 111 The Logic of Neuropathy
In that circle, beauty and innocence are very attractive, and it didn't take long for her to meet Li Nan, the richest and most handsome local playboy.Meimei, who has been short of love since she was a child, is beautiful and in urgent need of companionship, is like a little lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of the love expert Li Nan.

It took almost no effort for Li Nan to get Meimei to agree to be his girlfriend, and the two of them got together like this.From then on, she loved this man Li Nan to death and treated him with care and kindness to the extreme of tenderness every day.However, even though Meimei loves him with all her heart, Li Nan still can't get rid of the bad habit of attracting bees and butterflies.

In less than two months, Li Nan broke up with Meimei. Meimei was so devastated that she refused to agree to the breakup.Later, even though Li Nan was entangled with her again, the relationship between the two stagnated in endless tug and entanglement, and never completely improved.

At this point in Wang Wan's words, Xie Rouxi interrupted impatiently. She blurted out and asked: "So? Does Meimei have extenuating feelings for Li Nan? Is she committing suicide for love?"

For Xie Rouxi, she doesn't agree with this kind of story in her heart, especially this kind of self-moving affection.Xie Rouxi believes that all adults should be responsible for their actions. Even if they are forced by life and circumstances, people should do something and not do something.

She firmly believes that even if she falls to the bottom and is in darkness, there will always be someone who chooses to hold up a lamp and step forward to be the light. This should be the meaning of life.But in Wang Wan's telling, the adult Xie Meimei is completely an innocent, infatuated and pitiful girl, and everything is not her fault. This makes Xie Rouxi very uncomfortable.

"Yes, Meimei is so pitiful. She is such a kind and simple girl! Meimei did nothing wrong. It is all Li Nan's fault. It was him who harmed her!!" Wang Wan replied through gritted teeth.

In Wang Wan's mind, Meimei is an angel who doesn't eat fireworks from the world, a beauty who can never do anything wrong.

Xie Rouxi understood Wang Wan's thoughts and wanted to remind Wang Wan directly that the idea of ​​​​confirming that she was not wrong in the face of life was itself full of extremes and clues, and could not withstand a little in-depth reflection.Meimei can choose her own life. No one forces her to love Li Nan. It's her own stubbornness.

But Xie Rouxi then thought about it, if others could understand Wang Wan or Meimei, why would things have developed to the point where they are today.Since she was doing useless work, she might as well just shut up and listen to Wang Wan continue to tell her story.

Thinking of this, Xie Rouxi sighed and said: "Forget it, everyone has their own ambitions. I shouldn't ask this. You can continue talking. I'm listening."

"No matter how wrong Meimei is, she still doesn't deserve to die. She was forced to death by Li Nan!" Wang Wan became excited again.

"Hmm, don't get excited and speak slowly, I'm listening!" Xie Rouxi comforted her helplessly.Seeing Wang Wan looking a little crazy, Xie Rouxi understood more and more that you can't wake up a person who is pretending to sleep.

Wang Wan glanced at Xie Rouxi with complicated eyes. This was the first woman she had faced who didn't like Li Nan. Wang Wan wanted to help Xie Rouxi from the bottom of her heart.Xie Kangnian was right, helping Xie Rouxi was the last thing he could do for Meimei.

Thinking of this, Wang Wan picked up the mineral water in front of her, opened it and took a big sip before continuing to talk.Wang Wan said that ever since Meimei learned about Li Nan's obsession with you, her emotions began to gradually get out of control, and she was paranoid and hysterical all day long.She originally thought that Li Nan would be like other girls to Xie Rouxi, unable to escape the three-month novelty spell.I never expected that this time, Li Nan would be determined to treat you. Not only did he announce it in the circle of friends for the first time, but he also chose to break off all relations with her and all other ambiguous people of the opposite sex on the grounds that he wanted to marry you.

This unprecedented change made Meimei feel extremely scared and frightened. She knew that Li Nan was serious.At this time, Meimei heard many people outside saying that Li Nan is destined to be eaten by you.

Because those people said that even though you are the daughter of the Xie family, you are actually a high-level queen who has met countless people and played with people's hearts.As early as when he was in Xiangdao, he often went to various wealthy parties, and the number of opposite sex around him was bigger than Li Nan's fish pond.

Therefore, you can firmly grasp Li Nan by pushing and pulling without caring.What's more, not only are you beautiful, but you also have the Xie family's family background and Xie Kangnian's strong support.Therefore, any other girl is not your opponent at all, including those who have a romantic relationship with Meimei, who will naturally be eaten up by Li Nan and left far away.

These words were like knives piercing her chest, making Meimei feel on pins and needles, and her whole mood became even more painful.She was so much like her mother that she started drinking like crazy and kept contacting Li Nan like crazy.As you can imagine, Li Nan blocked and deleted her on WeChat and added her phone number to the blacklist.

Yes, Meimei was completely abandoned by Li Nan, completely abandoned this time.Meimei cried and asked me, why doesn't Li Nan love her?She is also Xie Yuan's daughter, why isn't she the one getting married?It was obvious that she had a good relationship with Li Nan first, but you didn't have to do anything to win everything?Why?Why?
So, I felt sorry for her and thought she was the most pitiful child in the world, so I ran to your house to find you.

"You didn't go to my house to look for me, but you brought a knife and wanted to kill me! You sneakily hid on the balcony of my room. Ordinary people don't look for people like this. These are two different concepts!" Hearing this, Xie Rouxi still couldn't help it and mocked.

She mentally scolded this pair of lunatics more than once. If her grandfather hadn't forced her to listen to each other's words, she wouldn't have been in the mood to deal with such lunatics.From the story just now, Xie Rouxi also heard that someone was actually slandering her when she was drunk in Xiang Island. Nothing in this crazy world is normal.

Perhaps Wang Wan saw Xie Rouxi's displeasure, so she smiled bitterly and said, "I really didn't know the truth at the time, and I just wanted to scare you. Forget it, let's continue telling the story!"

"Speak!" Xie Rouxi said angrily.

Wang Wan continued, "The conversation and encounter that night made me finally understand that Xie Rouxi, the legendary so-called Queen of the Sea, didn't like Li Nan at all.Moreover, the relationship between you and Li Nan is in jeopardy. The two of you are breaking up, and this time it is you who initiated the breakup.

Therefore, after leaving Xie's house, I immediately told Meimei the good news.Meimei jumped up happily. She thought that she and Li Nan would get back together again, and Li Nan would definitely come to her for comfort.Meimei waited foolishly, but strangely, Li Nan didn't come back this time, and he didn't come to her for comfort.

(End of this chapter)

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