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Chapter 114 Brother-in-law Feng Yuan

Chapter 114 Brother-in-law Feng Yuan
Fortunately, her brother-in-law loved her very much and was currently trying to make her happy, so it was not convenient for her to answer Wang Wan's call.My sister also said on WeChat that her brother-in-law, who was busy with work, took half a month of annual leave to make amends, and that the two of them would travel to Fiji tomorrow, which reassured Wang Wan.

After reading this WeChat message, Wang Wan gave her sister a few words and did not take the matter to heart.

Because during the period after answering her sister's call, Meimei was falling out of love and was emotionally unstable, so Wang Wan devoted all his attention to her.Therefore, her contact with her sister was just a simple WeChat message every day to report that she was safe, and she never received any more calls.

Until two days ago, something happened to Meimei and she was completely dead, and Wang Wan became despairing.

She wanted to see her sister one last time before leaving this world, so she called her sister.The strange thing is that no one answers her sister's phone calls. Even if she sends a WeChat message saying it's urgent, her sister still doesn't reply to her.Later, her sister replied to WeChat saying it was inconvenient. Wang Wan subconsciously felt something was wrong and started a WeChat video call. Then the other party unexpectedly hung up on her.

Wang Wan immediately realized that something had happened to her sister. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was fishy, ​​so she immediately went to the police station to report it.

After calling the police, the police quickly determined that sister Wang Wan was missing. The person who used the phone and WeChat was not Xie Rouxi herself, but the specific time of her disappearance was uncertain.Moreover, according to this person who uses a mobile phone and WeChat, a woman gave him money to send those WeChat messages to Wang Wan to report that she was safe.

The police asked the user, who insisted that the woman who gave the money was called Xie Rouxi.It's just that the woman was in a very bad condition at the time. Her face was pale, her eyes were red and swollen, and there were many bruises and small wounds on her face and body, as if she had been severely beaten.

After getting this clue, the police immediately contacted Wang Wan and asked about her brother-in-law.It was at this time that Wang Wan discovered that she knew very little about her sister.Whether it was her sister's growth trajectory, friends, marriage status, or her sister's current occupation and specific address over the years, Wang Wan actually didn't know anything about it.

She only knew that her sister settled in Suzhou City and was married to a very wealthy business executive whose company was well-known in the construction industry.But the problem is that Suzhou has been a prosperous commercial center since ancient times, with no less than 300 well-known construction companies.

In 300 companies, finding a well-paid male corporate executive is still a lot of work.In particular, Wang Wan didn't know her brother-in-law's name, age, or appearance, and she didn't even have a photo of them together. As for the chat history or photos sent by her biological sister, she didn't save them.

In this case, if Wang Wan, who was very professional, had not helped the forensic doctor of the police station before, and people in the police station were familiar with her, then everyone would have begun to doubt her relationship with her sister.To put it mildly, if Wang Wan hadn't known her well, the police might have questioned the client's mental state when faced with such a call to the police, and would have to eliminate her suspicion first.

Fortunately, Wang Wan was a person whom everyone could trust. Based on her poorly burned clues, the police began to join forces with the Su City police to investigate the whereabouts of her sister Xie Rouxi.This time, I quickly found the community where my sister lived, a high-end community called Bibo Garden.

However, the property management and management personnel of the community said that Xie Rouxi lived alone in rooms 12-14 for a long time. She felt that the man who often came to her home was like a boss who supported her, rather than a normal couple or husband and wife relationship. .Because one time the real estate agent came to her to repair the lights and found that the living room of her room was filled with single photos of Xie Rouxi.While chatting, I heard that she has never had a job, and her daily life consists of arranging flowers in the house, watching TV dramas, and doing yoga.She likes the stray cats in the community very much, and also likes to play with the kittens raised in the property. Xie Rouxi once said that she really wanted to keep one, but she didn't dare to keep one by her side because her husband didn't like it.

As for her husband, the real estate agent has almost never seen his face. He wears big sunglasses every time he comes here.When people on the property met him and greeted him, they turned a blind eye and hurried away, as if they were afraid that others would see him.

The real estate agent also said that Xie Rouxi has a very gentle and quiet personality. She doesn't seem to like chatting with other people and has never seen anyone come to her.Only once, on the night of her birthday, the man took her out to eat happily.

At that time, there was a problem with the access control in the basement of the community, and her husband's black Audi was blocked from the exit.The real estate agent went to solve the problem. Afterwards, Xie Rouxi got out of the car and gave them a pack of Chinese soft cigarettes, saying that it was her husband who thanked everyone for their hard work.The property manager could vaguely see the man's face. Under his big sunglasses, there seemed to be a dark brown scar covering his left cheek.

There was a dark brown scar on the left cheek. This information was very useful for the investigation. Soon the police found Feng Yuan, a divorced middle-aged man in his 50s.Feng Yuan quickly admitted his relationship with Wang Wan's sister. The two were boyfriend and girlfriend. They had not yet obtained a marriage certificate because they were afraid that Feng Yuan's children would disapprove.

When Feng Yuan met Wang Wan's sister Xie Rouxi, she had just come to Suzhou to work from out of town and was a newly recruited clerk in their subsidiary company.Feng Yuan liked her the first time he saw her, and immediately pursued her, and the two soon became a couple.

After getting together with Feng Yuan, she quit her original job and moved into the house in Bibo Garden under Feng Yuan's name.The relationship between the two has always been very good, and there has been no conflict before. The only obstacle is Feng Yuan's son and daughter.They felt that this woman was just a prostitute, and they did not agree to the marriage between the two of them. They also asked Feng Yuan to break up with her as soon as possible.

Through investigation, the police found out that Xie Rouxi had another quarrel with Feng Yuan about their marriage the night before she disappeared.Afterwards, both of them felt frustrated and realized that they could not solve the problem, so they decided to break up.In the middle of the night, my sister packed up her things and left home. She also said that she had bought a plane ticket to go to the West Market to see Wang Wan.

But later, the brother-in-law didn’t know where his sister had gone.Moreover, brother-in-law Feng Yuan provided surveillance video of his house and a breakup letter from his sister before she left. He also asked the community property management to retrieve the surveillance video to prove that he had a problem with his sister's disappearance.

Feng Yuan also said that the reason why he avoided his sister every time he came to see her was because he was older and ugly, and he was afraid that others would say he was not worthy of his young and beautiful sister.Especially a few years ago, he had a car accident when he went to Hong Kong, which resulted in a scar on his cheek. He felt particularly sensitive and inferior.

(End of this chapter)

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