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Chapter 121 Chapter 44 Humanoid Test Subject

Chapter 121 No. 40 Four Humanoid Test Subjects

Some people speculate that the lizard people are the guardians of the earth, protecting a certain secret on the earth and carefully maintaining the balance of the earth.Others believe that lizardmen are representatives of an evil force who secretly manipulate the direction of the world and make a living by feeding on humans.

Therefore, for many years, people have paid attention to and investigated lizard people, just like the legendary UFOs and aliens. There are various different opinions, explanations and speculations in society.Among them, some people who are crazy about the lizard people's claims have even spontaneously established some private research and investigation groups, just like those UFO global folk associations.

The Global Lizard Folk Research Association was the predecessor of D Laboratory, and its ability to become a powerful D Laboratory was related to Tesla, the later famous godfather of modern physics.

"He? Tesla, the godfather of modern physics? Are you talking about the Montauk X Project, the secret project research base of the United States before 1941?" Xie Rouxi heard this and immediately asked.

Acheng nodded as he drove the car and said, "Do you know the "Hero Camp" Air Force Base in New York, Montauk, a beautiful country?"

"Of course, there is a lot of noise on the Internet about that matter. It is said that the United States of America was at the "Camp Heroes" Air Force Base in Montauk, New York, from August 1971, 8 to August 15, 1983. It has conducted some confidential experimental projects, including the Montauk Project, which was overseen by Tesla, the godfather of modern physics. This secret project was established before 8. Its main research includes: time travel and time tunnels. , consciousness control experiments, poisoning beliefs, detoxification belief experiments, teleportation, contact with aliens (through time tunnels), "AIDS virus" (destroying a certain continent), men in black, UFO device research, etc." Xie Rouxi said to Fu Bei Ru Liu.

She has always been full of curiosity about everything unknown, and she has paid close attention to weird gossip like this from beginning to end.

Acheng nodded and said, "Yes, it's the project you mentioned. There is also a book, do you know?"

"I know, of course I know. It is said that a gentleman who once worked at the secret base of New York and Montauk in the beautiful country wrote a book on this topic called, What's Blue Blood?" Xie Rouxi was a little confused. said excitedly.

Acheng said: "That book is "Blue Blood, True Blood" by Stork Swallow. It is translated as "Blue Blood, True Blood", which is the blue blood you are talking about! It is said that Meng Tao This project started around the 40s and ended in the early 80s. Most of the staff were brainwashed. In the end, only a handful of people successfully escaped and disclosed their professional experiences. Doko Swallow is one of the survivors."

"Yes, it's this book. Yes, it's him. I still remember a lot of posts about that book. Many people felt ridiculous about the content in the book. The author described in the book something like a second time in another time and space. War between Heaven and Earth, and also claimed that while working in "Montauk", he had "telepathic communication" with the "Lizard Man" of Draco through high-tech means." Xie Rouxi said.

Then she took out her mobile phone, Baidu showed the general content of the book, and clicked the play button.Just listen to the artificial intelligence voice on the phone reading emotionlessly:

The author claims that "lizard people" are a species that came to the earth before humans, and probably came to the earth in a very long time ago.Before that, they lived in the Draco Galaxy, but the Lizardmen didn't know where their ancestors really came from.

Moreover, this creature is a species that was re-created by the lizard people from the distant future who traveled back to the ancient times through the time tunnel for the purpose of fighting and testing humans.

The author also said that the future lizard people chose to cooperate with the Sirians who possess extremely high technology. They extracted part of the DNA from the Lyran people and mixed it with their own group consciousness energy to create seven different types of lizard people.

Compared with other species on earth, these lizardmen have the strong ability to conquer or destroy all obstacles (other species), because the unique DNA structure in their bodies will never change with any changes in the environment.Therefore, the Lizardmen purchased technology from the Sirians to maintain the human physical characteristics of more mutants, allowing their bodies to deform at will and having the ambition to conquer time and space.After the explanation, Xie Rouxi put away her phone and said, "This book sounds very profound. Are there really lizard people in the world? The content in the book feels weird!"

"Well, your feeling is correct. Some people indeed say that the book Blue Blood deliberately confuses a lot of information in order to make people think that lizard people control everything on the earth." Acheng explained.

"Why? Why did the author do this?"

"Some people say that the earth where the author is trying to express the development of human so-called "civilization" is actually an arena for genetic experiments on various alien planets. The "intentions" of human beings are not the intentions of humans themselves, but the "intentions" of aliens. Aliens lend us these created expressions of the "Two-dimensional" reality."

Xie Rouxi asked: "So? So the village in the D laboratory just wants to prove this point?"

"Yes, but they didn't find real aliens. Instead, they developed their own weird creatures!" Acheng said,

"Weird creature???"

"Yes, it's similar to medicines that turn people into lizard-men, causing their bodies to change and have characteristics similar to those of reptiles and lizards!" When Acheng said this, there was a trace of sadness in his words.

It turned out that one of Acheng's former friends was unfortunately injected with this drug and later died tragically.

According to Acheng, humans who have been injected with lizard-like drugs will live in underground caves specially built in the laboratory.There, they have to be exposed to a special kind of light wave from the center of the earth for half a year or a year.

This special light wave will produce a special kind of material particles in the astral layer. The person in charge of the laboratory found that the particles are very fine and vibrate at a very fast frequency.The effect of the lizard man's medicine will become extremely significant after being exposed to this kind of light wave for a long time.

That is to say, as the experimenter's body, his thinking speed will be faster than ordinary people, his physical skills will be stronger than ordinary people, and his reactions in all aspects will become more sensitive, until the experimenter completely transforms into a humanoid lizard man.

But one drawback of this drug is that the experimenter needs to constantly absorb energy from humans, and it must be negative energy unique to humans, such as anger, fear, anxiety, fear, etc.

Because these negative emotions, desires, and thoughts of human beings are essentially vibration waves with a relatively low vibration frequency. This frequency is the favorite energy source of humanoid lizard people.

(End of this chapter)

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