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Chapter 131 Man on crutches

Chapter 131 Man on crutches
However, this situation did not surprise Chu Jinyi. After being silent for a while, he asked his men to conduct a more detailed investigation on Yi Qian's friend.It didn't take long for the Chu family to discover that the man had been to another logistics company in Baiyun District, Sioux City a week ago. Because the man was still on crutches that day, everyone who saw him was deeply impressed.

However, this logistics company does not have a good reputation in the industry. Many people say that its boss has a complicated background.

After hearing the news, Chu Jinyi's people rushed to the logistics company on Sha Road, Baiyun District. They found the boss of the company and asked to see the surveillance video on the day of delivery.

No one is unclear about the status of the Chu family in Su City. When Chu Jinyi's people approached the person in charge of the logistics company to explain their intention, the person in charge of the company showed unprecedented embarrassment.Because their company's surveillance videos are all private settings, and because the content involves the company's sensitive business, they never release these things to the public.

Now that the Chu family wants to check, the boss naturally dares not to check, but he is also afraid of affecting the interests of his company.Therefore, the proprietress of the logistics company chose to delay, trying to make things turn around.It's a pity that he underestimated Chu Jinyi's intelligence.

Faced with the other party's excuse, which was very polite but did not push forward, Chu Jinyi immediately guessed that there must be something fishy in it, so he directly asked his subordinates to ask the logistics boss for the truth.Sure enough, the other party's final answer made them break out in a cold sweat. It turned out that the logistics company's surveillance video was automatically recorded.

In other words, after the surveillance video content exceeds a certain period of time, the new video captured will automatically overwrite the original video.If Chu Jinyi hadn't cleverly guessed what was going on, the surveillance video that recorded the night of delivery would have been automatically deleted two hours later.

It was Chu Jinyi's people who rushed to the logistics company and tried their best to obtain this precious surveillance video, which brought significant progress to the breakthrough of the matter.

It turns out that the surveillance video secretly shot through delivery logistics showed that at about 6:30 that night, a man about 1.7 meters tall, of medium build, wearing a reddish-brown stand-up collared top, leaning on a cane, and wearing a pair of black sunglasses A middle-aged man entered the logistics company to handle cargo consignment.

His behavior was very strange, because he did not handle normal business like other people, but privately approached the salesperson of the logistics company.After the two people whispered secretly for a while, the company consigned a large cardboard box. The company's complicated background made everyone accustomed to this kind of operation.

Therefore, this unconventional large cardboard box quickly completed the business, and then the man left the logistics company on crutches.Therefore, the salesperson and delivery order in this video have become extremely important clues.

According to the salesman's explanation, the man on crutches was his former boss. This person knew that his current logistics company was irregular and often took on some illegal jobs.Therefore, he secretly came to him for help, mainly because he wanted to take revenge on a friend for hurting his leg.

Moreover, his former boss also swore to the salesman that this package was to intimidate the other party. If it was not illegal, it was not a criminal case, and the police had no clues and would pursue the case.The salesman remembered that his boss had been kind to him, so he agreed to help him handle the package illegally and sent a paper box using Yi Qian's identity.

But the problem was that the delivery address for the large carton sent by the salesperson was not Chu's, but another logistics company.Thinking of the repeated marks on the delivery receipt, the police officers of the task force took the delivery receipt with the final consignee being "Mrs. Chu" and visited the next logistics company in Suzhou City that received the goods.After constant visits by the staff, we finally found the person who received the package at the next logistics company, but the person was not very impressed by the shipper of this consignment business.After constant reminders, the staff member vaguely remembered the situation at that time. He said that a part-time guy received the package.

Then, instead of opening the big cardboard box, the little brother called around very anxiously.

Later, a gray van came, and the boy took out two large cardboard boxes from the van.Then the part-time boy asked other people that this big carton was full of medicines and needed to be sent directly to the sea market.But at that time, the logistics company had a serious backlog of orders, and it would take several days for goods such as large cartons to be shipped to Haishi.

Seeing this, the little brother immediately called again and asked if it could be sent to Qingshi immediately.After getting a positive answer this time, the little brother quickly checked in, and the large carton containing "medicines" was sent to Qingshi.Moreover, the boy also bought 20 yuan of insurance for the goods according to the request on the phone, and the insured amount was 2 yuan.

After getting this clue, the police immediately searched for the part-time brother. The final evidence they found was that the brother agreed to the logistics boss's request to help send express delivery in order to raise money for his mother's medical treatment as soon as possible.At the same time, in order to atone for his crime, the little brother took the initiative to confess that the logistics boss actually hired two people to send another large cardboard box and a package.

Based on this clue, the police found the delivery location of the large cardboard box, which was the fish market on the seaside.The delivery location of that package was the Chu family in Chu City, and the consignee was Mrs. Chu.With these clues, the police immediately hunted down the logistics boss who was on crutches and found that he had disappeared without a trace.

The strangest thing is that the police took out the photo of the crutched boss to identify him, and found that the crutched boss mentioned by the logistics company salesman who was working undercover was not the same person as the crutched man known to the part-timer.This makes the already complicated case even more confusing. Who is the other man?
To this end, the police intercepted two large cardboard boxes overnight. After unpacking and investigating, it was confirmed that these two large cardboard boxes contained the remaining parts of the severed fingers found by the old lady of the Chu family, which were other parts of a corpse.So a new question comes again, who is this body?What does it have to do with Mrs. Chu?

Although the police have obtained the body of the deceased, the dismemberment of the body was so severe that Mrs. Chu did not know anything about it. She looked like a victim. Therefore, the body did not have any identifying information, making it extremely difficult to identify the deceased.

Especially in Sioux City, where the murder is presumed to have occurred, this is a city with a huge migrant population and extremely high mobility of people.There are a huge number of floating people here. Many people who come to work do not go home for many years, and they do not even contact their families. They are almost an insulator.

Therefore, no one cares whether they are missing or not, just like Wang Wan's sister Xie Rouxi.Therefore, the feasibility of confirming the true identity of the corpse by comparing the local information of the missing person is almost zero.

(End of this chapter)

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