Pictures of pomegranates

Chapter 140 Brother-in-law Lao Hei

According to Bai Yan's driver, the incident began when Bai Yan went to a beauty salon to pick up her new mistress.

That beauty salon is Sister Fang's Jiangjing store in Su City. Because the equipment in that store is new and good, the beauticians are very skilled, and the prices of the beauty packages are very reasonable, it has attracted a large number of people in Su City. Beautiful ladies go.In other words, you can see many different types of beauties in that store, including Xie Rouxi, the store's big VIP customer at that time.

Bai Yan is a playboy who never spends his time on the right path. Ever since he took control of the Bai family's economic power, he has completely let himself go.The women around him keep changing like a revolving door. Sometimes even he himself can't remember who has been his mistress. He just wants to see more beauties in the beauty salon to change his taste. .

Maybe Xie Rouxi was unlucky. She had just had her face done that day and ran into Bai Yan's car when she went out.At that time, under the sun, Xie Rouxi's white skin was so good that it could be broken by a blow, and her small face with extremely beautiful facial features looked charming, especially when paired with a fitted light blue V-neck dress, she looked even more beautiful. Poor and lovable.

Bai Yan, a big pervert, was dumbfounded in the car. When he saw the beautiful lady Xie Rouxi leaving, he immediately rushed to the person and asked for WeChat.Although he was not good-looking and tall, he had enough money to back him up, and Bai Yan almost never failed in chasing women.It's a pity that Xie Rouxi is not a woman who loves vanity and worships money. She really doesn't like this sinister man.Therefore, she unceremoniously rejected Bai Yan, and then took a taxi to leave Sister Fang's beauty salon.

Xie Rouxi's rejection was like a shot in the arm for Bai Yan. Like a shark that smelled blood, he became even more crazy about this woman he had only met once.The personal driver knew his hobby, so he volunteered to investigate for him and try to get Xie Rouxi to Bai Yan as soon as possible.

You wouldn't know if you didn't investigate, but after investigating, you find out that it was such a coincidence that the boyfriend who hid Xie Rouxi's beauty in the golden house turned out to be Lao Hei from the Finance Department of the Construction Branch of the Bai Group.The real name of this man named Lao Hei is Feng Yuan. He once saved the life of Bai Yan's father in a car accident, which is why the scar on his face came from it.

In order to repay his benefactor, Bai Yan's father arranged for him to work in the Bai Group, still doing core financial work.Lao Hei is a very honest person, his work ability is not outstanding, but he is very loyal to his father.So Bai Yan kept teasing him for being like a black dog, so everyone laughed and called him Lao Hei.

Lao Hei's character is a bit dull, he doesn't like to laugh, and he looks a bit gloomy. Bai Yan has never liked him.

However, because he saved his father's life, he has always tolerated him as a group financial executive.After his father passed away, Bai Yan began to find trouble when he was in power. From time to time, he would make things difficult for Lao Hei, thinking that he could get him to leave the Bai Group voluntarily, so as to avoid being accused of being unfilial and unjust.

But this old black man is also stubborn. The more critical Bai Yan is to him, the harder he works, always trying to make Bai Yan recognize him.She didn't expect that such a man could raise such a beautiful woman outside. Bai Yan suddenly had a bad idea.

He asked the driver to pretend to be friends with Lao Hei and help him with small favors from time to time. Then he would find various excuses to take Lao Hei to an underground casino.At first, Lao Hei, who was upright by nature, shunned such places and always opposed going to gambling establishments.But as time went by, Lao Hei couldn't stand the driver's stalking, coercion and inducement, so he could only accompany him reluctantly.

After a back and forth, the driver and the owner of the underground casino planned to let Lao Hei, who never touched the sieve, win big on the first play.Then, as a matter of course, the driver fell into the water, and he gradually became obsessed with the excitement and stimulation brought by this kind of gambling.In particular, the feeling of being able to earn a lot of money instantly made Lao Hei gradually lose interest in his daily hard work.

There is an old Chinese saying that says, "Don't get involved in pornography, gambling or drugs, because these three things can really make people lose their humanity."As a result, in less than a month, Lao Hei was completely bankrupt. Not only did he lose all the savings he had worked for for many years, but he also mortgaged all the properties in his name, including the apartment where Xie Rouxi lived.At this time, Lao Hei was still a little sober. He understood that he was being plotted, so he decided to fight the driver and others to the death.So before taking action, he gave Xie Rouxi the last remaining money from the mortgage, asked her to leave Su City and live somewhere else, and also made her completely forget about herself.

In order not to cause trouble for Xie Rouxi, Lao Hei hid his gambling debts from her. He only said that he no longer liked her, and the money in the card was the breakup fee in the past few years.Therefore, Xie Rouxi, who had no idea about it, was very sad and wanted to call Wang Wan to tell the whole story. She didn't expect Wang Wan to be in that situation at the time.

After sister Wang Wan, who had no idea, was kicked out by Lao Hei, she sadly went to a nearby hotel to spend the night, trying to contact Wang Wan the next day to find a solution.At this time, Bai Yan, who had been planning for a long time, asked the driver to call Xie Rouxi and lied that it was Lao Hei who had an accident.

Because of the previous foreshadowing, Xie Rouxi had seen Lao Hei and the driver together once, so in the face of Lao Hei's abnormal reaction, Xie Rouxi, who was helpless, believed it without hesitation.She immediately took a taxi and rushed to the place the driver mentioned, which was Bai Yan's villa on the outskirts of the city on the seaside. The location was very remote.

Everyone knows what happened next. Xie Rouxi was ruthlessly forced and humiliated by Bai Yan.Afterwards, the heartbroken Xie Rouxi cried and said that she would definitely call the police and let the police catch Bai Yan, the bad guy.It was these words that made Bai Yan, who was drunk, murderous. He took out a knife and threatened her.

Bai Yan always felt that as long as she frightened women, they would surrender, just like Chu Jinyu, the daughter of the Chu family.So, he kept threatening Xie Rouxi with the fruit knife on the grounds that he would disfigure her if she dared to call the police.But this time, Bai Yan was wrong. Xie Rouxi, who had completely lost control of her emotions, didn't care about her threat at all.

She grabbed the knife from him like crazy, and between pushing and pulling, the knife scratched Xie Rouxi's face, causing blood to flow out.Seeing this, Bai Yan was filled with murderous intentions. He picked up the knife and slashed her face crazily. Xie Rouxi, who couldn't hit him at all, was completely disfigured by him in the end.

Before dying, Xie Rouxi was struggling in pain, staring at the enemy in front of her with her face covered in blood.With trembling hands, she pointed at Bai Yan and the driver and shouted: "I curse you! I turn into a ghost, and I will come back to take revenge on you when I turn into an evil ghost! None of you can escape, and I will not let you go even if I am a ghost. !”

Then, she vomited a large mouthful of blood onto the two of them, and died in that villa in a very hideous manner.Seeing that he had killed someone, Bai Yan sobered up immediately and asked the panicked personal driver to help.The two of them cut Xie Rouxi's body into pieces together, and then threw part of the body into the nearby seaside to feed the fish, while the other small part was thrown into the smelly ditch next to an unfinished building of the Bai Group in Su City.

Poor sister Wang Wan disappeared from the world, and Su Shi no longer had any clues about her. No wonder Xie Rouxi couldn't find her.And the place where the corpses were destroyed turned out to be a symbol of Wang Wan's nightmare. It was indeed a long stinking ditch, and the unfinished building next to it happened to be the fourteenth floor.

In order to prevent others from discovering that Wang Wan's sister was killed, Bai Yan found Lao Hei and promised to pay him back.But he put forward a condition, that is, he would be sent to the branch in Nanyang immediately, and he would not be allowed to contact anyone in the country to prevent any negative news from being spread to the Bai Group.

Lao Hei knew that he was in the wrong because he had misappropriated public funds. He originally wanted to fight the driver and the others, but he didn't expect that Bai Yan would come out to clean up the mess for him.At this moment, his desire to die was gone, and he no longer cared about his personal relationship with Xie Rouxi's children, so he agreed to Bai Yan's request without much thought. (End of chapter)

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