Pictures of pomegranates

Chapter 21 Chapter 21 Male Student

Chapter 21 No.20 A Male Student

It's just a pity that Hongmei and Han Bing didn't see such great joy.

Evil people are afraid of God, but good people are not afraid of God. As for Director Fu Zhipeng, who is sweet-talking and brave, the gears of fate will not let him go.At that time, no one knew that the person who encountered the most bizarre experience on July [-]th of that year at Xin'an University was Zhang Zhaodi who went to teach.At the same time, at the moment when her bizarre encounter happened, another weird and major event would happen in Xin'an University, which will also be recorded in the history of Xin'an University forever...

Zhang Zhaodi temporarily participated in the volunteer teaching activity at Xin'an University, which lasted for one month. According to the school's plan, a total of six teams were sent, each team was equipped with two teachers and six students.For the sake of students' safety and daily work, the school requires each group to be assigned two teachers, one male and one female. The male teacher is responsible for everyone's life and safety matters such as going out, and the female teacher is responsible for daily work such as teaching and communication.

However, until Zhang Zhaodi arrived at the train station, she did not see another male teacher in her group.She contacted the relevant person in charge of the school to inquire, and the answer she received was that the male teacher had a sudden physical abnormality and the school could not find a suitable replacement for the time being.In order to successfully complete the important teaching tasks of the school and not delay this teaching support activity, the school asked Zhang Zhaodi to take the students out first and meet with the local reception staff as soon as possible.Subsequently, the school will find other replacement teachers as soon as possible and ask him to rush to the local area immediately to cooperate with her in this work.

Moreover, a senior student named Zhu Rui developed a severe chili allergy after eating a very spicy spicy hotpot the night before departure.Therefore, the school officials could only temporarily transfer the student Zhu Rui to an area where Zhang Zhaodi was not a fan of chili peppers. .

In the eyes of Zhang Zhaodi, who lacked social experience, this sudden situation was not a big deal.Her idea is very simple. Volunteer teaching is nothing more than taking students to live in local schools, giving classes to local children, and engaging in colorful cultural and sports activities.This kind of life outside is definitely better than the intrigues in the office. Even if there is one less male teacher, with the support of local schools and teachers, the teaching activities will definitely go smoothly.

Therefore, when faced with the student Zhu Rui who was suddenly transferred to the group, she accepted it without even thinking.She never thought that this decision would bring her a huge challenge, because she forgot that she was still a non-staff member of a labor dispatch, and thus underestimated the difficulties she would encounter in volunteer teaching activities.

The students at Xin'an University, to put it nicely, are all high-spirited and proud students. Everyone is full of confidence from the bottom of their hearts and has an arrogance that cannot be concealed.To put it mildly, every student feels that he is the best in the world and that others are inferior to him.Some of the students are so conceited that they don't even look down on their teachers, let alone low-status non-staff teachers, and they won't listen to these teachers.

It just so happened that Zhu Rui, the proud student who was temporarily transferred to Zhang Zhaodi's group, turned out to be a fighter among the conceited students.Because he has a very powerful father who can help him deal with the aftermath at any time, he has never taken the school and teachers seriously, and often contradicts and provokes his teachers when he feels at ease.Therefore, after Zhu Rui participated in the teaching activities, he did not regard the teacher Zhang Zhaodi as a human being.

In just three days, Zhu Rui not only turned a deaf ear to all the regulations and requirements mentioned by Zhang Zhaodi, but also blatantly confronted her in various classes and activities.Moreover, when it was time to rest at night, he would not go back to bed, sleep, or turn off the lights on the pretext of writing a teaching manual and preparing handouts, repeatedly violating the teaching discipline of Xin'an University.In this regard, the young teacher Zhang Zhaodi will only have a terrible headache, but there is no substantial way to restrict it. She can only secretly pray that it will not affect the results of the teaching support.

That night, after a busy day at work, Zhang Zhaodi received calls from her boyfriend Fan Guang and the person in charge of teaching at Xin'an University. The news from both sides was not very good to her.Her boyfriend Fan Guang urged her to get married as soon as possible after returning, so that the elderly could feel at ease and he could work on his career with peace of mind.The person in charge of supporting teaching at the school said that the male teacher who was supposed to come could not find a suitable person for the time being, and Zhang Zhaodi still needed to lead the team alone and persist for a while.These news made her feel physically and mentally exhausted, and there was an uncontrollable disgust and despair in her heart.

Zhang Zhaodi feels that her life is just a mess that can never be cleaned up, and she cannot see any surprises she wants.If she hadn't been afraid of betraying Teacher Tang's trust and hurting those innocent and kind-hearted students, she would have wanted to end her life immediately at this moment.

The loneliness that seeped into her bones, the endless disappointment in life, and the feeling of being an alien that could never be recognized left her breathless.She felt that she had been abandoned by her family, the surrounding environment, and the world. Even the harsh voice in her mind, which seemed like an enemy but also a friend, had no longer sounded since her mother burned the "Pictures of Durian Fruits". appeared.

How can an exhausted ordinary person endure a life that is extremely boring?But now, she couldn't collapse, let alone escape.

Zhang Zhaodi pushed herself up, took a deep breath, and silently took out the life-saving earphones.Bach's "Unaccompanied Cello Suite" sounded in her ears, and she walked to the school playground late at night. She sat on the ground and looked up at the stars in the sky, like a blue whale roaring alone in the sea, letting all kinds of emotions swallow her up. Own.

"Words can heal a lot of pain in people's hearts, and they can also comfort the lonely self deep in the soul!" Looking at a meteor that suddenly flashed across the night sky, Zhang Zhaodi suddenly remembered a sentence, which was her favorite Chinese language. The teacher said it.

It is precisely because of this sentence that the little girl who was depressed all day long because her parents quarreled fell in love with literature, painting, and writing.While others were crazy about chasing stars, falling in love, researching, or shopping, she just quietly hid in her own world, indulging in the happiness of her own world, quietly typing words that would not be made public.

This obsession with self-protection made her very happy inside, and also made her increasingly resistant to the outside world.Until her father's sudden death tore her castle apart, pushing her to the social stage of lonely performance before she could learn to adapt to reality and accept everything.No one around her could understand the pain of this kind of suffering, let alone share it for her.

"Teacher, it's so late, why are you sitting here alone?" At this moment, a voice sounded from behind Zhang Zhaodi.

(End of this chapter)

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