Chapter 37
Xie Kangnian touched her head and said: "Just because people don't listen to outside voices doesn't mean that you don't want to listen to any suggestions or accusations. What I mean is that you have to learn to distinguish first. When something happens, You must first distinguish and self-examine. If you feel that you are not wrong and others are just vicious attacks or slanders, then don’t take it to heart. In other words, if all external voices can affect your thoughts or behaviors , that’s all because you don’t have your own opinion in your heart. Human growth means learning to coexist with different voices. It’s not easy to live your own life. Therefore, Xixi, you have to know that you are not sick, you just need enough time. and patience to grow!”

"Grandpa, am I really not sick? Can I really ignore those voices?" Xie Rouxi's voice trembled.

Many years later, Xie Rouxi always thought of what her grandfather said when he helped her untie her heart that day, and she understood her grandfather Xie Kangnian's profound intentions.For many years to come, her grandfather's words have always supported her to live well, and even had a huge impact on her life's destiny.However, she didn't understand it at that time, and was only moved by her grandfather's love for her.

At that moment, Xie Kangnian's words made Xie Rouxi enlightened. She was like a person who had been struggling in a bottomless pond for many years and finally saw a life-saving straw with hope.

The expectant look in Xie Rouxi's eyes was heartbreaking. Xie Kangnian looked at her and nodded firmly and said: "Xixi, you can be different from others. The voices from the outside are all reference. If you are unhappy, don't take any reference! At this time, grandpa will not allow you or others to deny you. You must believe that you are particularly good, worthy of being loved, and worthy of living in this world!"

Hearing these words, Xie Rouxi's tears flowed down. She cried and she was very moved.

Her voice trembled as she said: "But Grandpa, I have accomplished nothing, and I have nothing that I can take advantage of! You don't know, everyone around me is surrounded by a halo, and ordinary people like me have no need to live!" "

The grandfather of this world was the first to say such warm and inspiring words to her over the years.A feeling she had never experienced before made Xie Rouxi feel safe and relaxed. For the first time, she was no longer full of hostility and confrontation with the preaching of her elders.

However, Xie Kangnian did not answer her question directly. Instead, he continued to ask Xie Rouxi: "Xixi, grandpa wants to ask you a question. What do you think is confidence?"

"Confidence, well, I think it means that others believe in me, they will think that I am very good, and they will see me. Even when I show up, everyone will say that I am great and will applaud me. Just like many people around me , it has its own aura, it feels awesome just thinking about it!" Xie Rouxi thought for a while and said.

"Xixi, believing in yourself is called self-confidence. Because others believe in me, I believe in myself. That is Thaksin. Real self-confidence is when others think I am not good, others think I am not good, and others are denying and laughing at me. But I know myself, I know how much I weigh. Even if others put me down very low, I know that my weight has not changed. I still have many shining places and many advantages. In this way That’s called confidence!”

Xie Rouxi said: "Grandpa, what you said makes sense, but I don't quite understand, if a person is good enough, why others don't like it or can't see it? In the final analysis, it's because I'm not good enough."

"Xixi, whether others like you in society often does not depend on whether you are good enough. Whether others like you or whether they can see you often depends on whether you can bring benefits to others. , This has nothing to do with self-confidence. Only when a person truly likes himself can this person exude a kind of self-confidence from the inside out, which is the most attractive thing!" Xie Kangnian continued to enlighten her.

"Grandpa, I kind of understand, confidence is not Thaksin!"

Xie Kangnian knew that if he could not untie Xie Rouxi's knot, returning to Xiang Island would be meaningless. It was rare that Xie Rouxi took the initiative to speak, so he must find ways to untie her knot.So, Xie Kangnian continued: "Xi Xi, in other words, when you are not satisfied with yourself, if you give up on yourself, then you will completely lose the chance to turn your life around! Think about it, if a person is not dissatisfied by others, If you have laughed at me, how can you have the opportunity to look good to others? When my grandfather was doing business, there were countless ridicules, snubs, attacks, and being looked down upon by others, but did they affect me? I am still Xie Kangnian!"

At this point, the tears on Xie Rouxi's face made Xie Kangnian realize for the first time that his willful, arrogant and domineering granddaughter was actually so lacking in love and so fragile in her heart.He finally understood that Xie Rouxi was so vulnerable inside that he only blamed himself for letting her live in a warm soup without being soaked in boiling water, so her life was tasteless.

At this time, Xie Rouxi was also moved by her grandfather's heartfelt words. She wiped her tears and said, "Grandpa, I, I was wrong!"

"My child, you are right, growth is like this. When there are no more difficulties in life, there will be no more opportunities. You can slowly learn those things about tolerance for people, tolerance for things, vision, and mind. Xi Xi, Grandpa believes in you, so you must also believe in yourself and make yourself truly confident! Do you want to be like those people in your father’s backyard in the future?”

When Xie Yuan's backyard was mentioned, Xie Rouxi suddenly became a little nervous. She was not familiar with those people at all, and she didn't want Xie Kangnian to find out.After a moment of panic, Xie Rouxi said with firm eyes: "No, grandpa, I don't want to be like those people, I want to be like you, I want to be someone like you!"

"Hahaha, okay, Xixi, you will definitely be exactly like grandpa in the future. You must have confidence in yourself and give yourself more time and patience. Do you know why there are so few rich people in the world?"

"Because the world is unfair!"

"The so-called unfairness is a kind of fairness. There will always be a minority of rich people in this world. That's because most people cannot accept getting rich slowly and most people want to get rich quickly. So in the future, if you want to win, you have to Be a strong long-termist.”

"Well, Grandpa, I, I will try my best to do it!"

"Xixi, remember one sentence. The American thinker Emerson said that a person's greatest contribution to the world is to make himself happy. The more you are happy, the less disasters in the world will be."


With Xie Rouxi's sweet voice and the sparkling light in her eyes, the elderly Xie Kangnian understood that the child had finally truly come back to life. This was the happiest day since the grandfather and grandson returned to the West Island.

(End of this chapter)

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