Pictures of pomegranates

Chapter 64 Tomb Keeper

Chapter 64 Tomb Keeper

His subordinates secretly reported that something big had happened on Wenshan of the Li family, and the biggest suspect at present was Xie Yuan's eldest son, Xie Size.Li Nan, the only son of the Li family, is furious about this incident. It is expected that he will appear in the living room of the Xie family in about half an hour and want to prosecute Xie Yuan, the head of the family.

When Xie Yuan saw this secret report, he felt a little unconvinced. First of all, the place where the accident occurred was Wenshan, which was strictly guarded by the Li family. Secondly, the biggest suspect was his eldest son who had been missing for many years.These two reasons were enough for him to doubt the credibility of the secret report, but the moment Li Nan appeared, Xie Yuan had to believe it.

That mysterious Wenshan Mountain will have an accident one day. This can be regarded as a big news in the West City.

Wenshan was originally just a beautiful mountain on the outskirts of Xishi City. I don’t know when the first generation of ancestors of the Li family were buried there. Since then, Wenshan has become the ancestral mountain where ancestors of the Li family are buried.It is said that the cause of this incident was that many years ago, the Li family, which had always been in a prominent position, was instructed by an expert to use the tombs of the Li family's ancestors to occupy an excellent Feng Shui treasure cave on the top of Wenshan Mountain.

After that, the descendants of the Li family followed the instructions of their masters and buried every deceased ancestor of the Li family in a specific position around this acupoint.Moreover, according to the master's request, the Li family enshrined an ancient Pomegranate Flower King at the northwest direction of the acupuncture point.

The pomegranate flower is deeply red, symbolizing good luck, wealth and joy, and it will be even more powerful when it falls in the self-aspect.According to expert calculations, the feng shui auspicious points and the pomegranate flower king echo each other, which is the unparalleled feng shui in the legend, that is, the yin and yang, sun and moon falling on the wall formation.

The yin and yang, sun and moon set on the wall, that is, the two stars of the sun and yin are facing each other in the front, and the nearest red and white yin and yang combine to complement each other on the left and right sides of the acupoint.Once this feng shui formation is performed, the descendants of the Li family will be blessed with boundless wealth and long life.In order to prevent others from destroying their family's Feng Shui formation, generations of descendants of the Li family guarded the ancestral tomb mountain, and each generation put a lot of effort into it.

Now, the Li family has paid a large sum of money to permanently contract the entire Wenshan.

So on weekdays, in addition to being responsible for planting trees and building roads in Wenshan, the Li family also sent many people to guard the surrounding areas of Wenshan.At the same time, the Li family strictly followed the ancestral precepts and built a dormitory for the tombkeepers on the hillside of Wenshan Mountain, so that the tombkeepers could go up to the mountain at any time to light incense and take care of the pomegranate flowers, so as to keep the Li family rich and prosperous.

Such days have passed for a long time, and nothing has happened to the Li family's ancestral tomb mountain. However, just as Li Yongyi handed over the affairs related to Wenshan to his only son Li Nan, something happened to Wenshan.

The incident happened a few days ago, when Li Yongyi, the head of the Li family, left Xishi in a hurry to attend a very important meeting out of town.Unexpectedly, as soon as his plane left Xishi, the weather suddenly changed.

Suddenly there was lightning and thunder throughout the city, and the heavy rain was like a mad beast raging everywhere, including the steep Wenshan Mountain.During this downpour, all the people stationed on Wenshan Mountain were busy taking shelter from the rain, and no one noticed anything strange around them.

It wasn't until early the next morning, when the crazy heavy rain gradually subsided, that the people stationed on Wenshan Mountain discovered that the two tombkeepers were missing.The door of their dormitory was locked, and there was no one in the room. Even the bedding had not been opened. It was obvious that the two tombkeepers had not returned all night.

The people guarding the mountain chased them to the top of the mountain, and then they discovered something even more terrifying. The Pomegranate Flower King that had been worshiped for a long time not far from the ancestral grave had disappeared.During the heavy rain, only a huge and unexpected pit remained where the flowers had grown, which seemed to indicate that someone had shoveled the Pomegranate Flower King away from the roots.This bolt from the blue scared everyone who was guarding the mountain. They immediately reported it to the Li family and began to look around the entire Wenshan Mountain.Li Nan was also shocked. He called in many professional search and rescue teams, monitored the surveillance on Tiaowen Mountain, and sent out many search and rescue dogs to find people.

However, the heavy rainstorm was so strong that it not only damaged many cameras on Wenshan Mountain, but also made it impossible to compare and view the captured content.Moreover, the heavy rain washed away the land and mountains, and the search and rescue dogs could not find any trace of the two gravekeepers.

Faced with this search result, everyone's emotions were almost on the verge of collapse. Just when the mountain guards were about to give up, things took a turn for the better.A mountain man living nearby went hunting in the mountains. When his dog was chasing a pheasant, he discovered a man who had fallen and was seriously injured in a deep valley next to the foot of Wenshan Mountain.

Although the man was seriously injured, he was still conscious and able to speak. The injured man claimed to be the gravekeeper of the Li family's ancestral grave in Wenshan Mountain.He asked the mountain people to contact the Li family immediately, saying that he had something very important and needed to report to the Li family immediately.

After Li Nan received the news, he found the injured tombkeeper without stopping and asked him sternly what happened on the top of Wenshan Mountain.

According to the tombkeeper's recollection in the hospital, he said that before the heavy rain that night, he and another tombkeeper were protecting the ancestral tomb on the top of the mountain.At this time, he saw a man who claimed to be Xie Size, the eldest son of the Xie family. He didn't know how this man got up the mountain.

At that time, Xie Si showed up with a very solemn expression. He was looking for another tombkeeper, and the two people's reactions seemed to be very familiar.After meeting, they avoided the injured tombkeeper, stood on the corner not far from the ancestral grave, and talked quietly for a long time.

Later, lightning struck in the sky, and the two people suddenly quarreled loudly.The injured tombkeeper vaguely heard words like "Die, liar! You are a liar! Kill your whole family!" Anyway, the two men ended up unhappy.

When Xie Si left, he was furious, stamping his feet and losing his temper. He said viciously to the tombkeeper: "I will definitely kill you, and I will not let you die easily. You and your whole family will die." , even the pomegranate flower king that was offered to me will die!"

When the injured tombkeeper heard this, he naturally didn't believe it, because Wenshan was the territory of the Li family and no one had ever dared to mess around.Therefore, neither of them took Mr. Xie's threat seriously. They just wanted to go down the mountain and return to the dormitory before it rained.

Unexpectedly, the wind on Wenshan Mountain was extremely strong that night, and the protection they had just put in was blown to the ground in a short while.The two people spent a lot of effort and a long time in the heavy rain to protect the ancestral tomb.Afterwards, the two people ran in panic from the top of the mountain to the dormitory, but the rain was too heavy and it was difficult to walk.

At this moment, a big stone rolled down the mountain road, immediately blocking the way of the two people.

(End of this chapter)

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