Chapter 78
At this moment, he put down all his self-esteem and face, and begged Xie Rouxi.Li Nan didn't understand what was wrong with him. He just loved Xie Rouxi so much that he had never felt this way before.When he thought that after the breakup, she would become someone else's woman, Li Nan's heart was overwhelmed by the pain of having trouble sleeping, eating and sleeping.

In fact, Xie Rouxi never thought of treating him like this at first. She thought that not loving him would be like her and Fan Guang's lifelessness at best.However, after becoming Li Nan's girlfriend, all kinds of gossip that refreshed her views always drifted into her ears intentionally or unintentionally.No matter how strong she is inside and no longer possessive of this man, she is still a person who cares about face and self-esteem.

Xie Rouxi knew that Li Nan was a well-known diamond king among local women and children, and there were many girls who wanted to please him and pounced on him regardless of their own safety.What's more, he is tall and handsome in everyone's eyes, and he spends money generously without being stingy at all.This advantage is the favorite of many ordinary women. At least whenever he takes Li Nan out, he can always win the envy of others.

For many ordinary women, what they may never get by themselves can be easily achieved by a man.Therefore, even if they are short-selected by this man, there are still women, especially beautiful women, who are willing to pounce on him.

With this premise, Li Nan is always surrounded by various types of beautiful women, which has become a common thing.Therefore, before he became Xie Rouxi's boyfriend, everyone knew about his love affairs, not to mention his many ambiguous good friends of the opposite sex.

After approaching Li Nan, many beautiful girls are confident that they can become his long-term partner. Unfortunately, they all break up within three months.Beautiful women are like this, let alone unattractive women. Li Nan comes from a wealthy family and Li Yongyi is smart and capable. He does not need to rely on a capable but unattractive woman to revitalize his family business.

After finally meeting Xie Rouxi, who is equally matched and has a beautiful appearance and a good personality, Li Nan will naturally not let go.However, he forgot about a confidante beside him, that is, the girl named Meimei. The emotional entanglement between her and Li Nan lasted for seven or eight years.

From the time Meimei first became Li Nan's girlfriend, to her breakup without any suspense three months later, to her willingness to stay with Li Nan as a good friend, this woman had already had a very deep feeling for him.In the past seven or eight years, Li Nan's girlfriends have changed one after another, but only Meimei has never left. Even Li Nan's pet dog has been taken care of by her.

Meimei was once the woman Xie Rouping hated the most, but even though she was as scheming and vicious as she was, Meimei still stayed by Li Nan's side without any change.

Therefore, when Xie Rouxi first got together with Li Nan, her sister Xie Roupin mentioned Meimei in a weird way at home.According to Xie Rouxi's overt and covert hints, Meimei was Li Nan's real sweetheart, but the Li family looked down upon her origin and background, so Li Nan had no choice but to choose Xie Rouxi.

Any self-respecting woman would feel very uncomfortable hearing such an insulting suggestion, and Xie Rouxi was the same way.But unlike other women, she needs Li Nan to prove herself or change her destiny.Therefore, her attitude towards Meimei is very indifferent. Just like some other rumors, her mentality of breaking up in the worst case makes her very relaxed.

Unexpectedly, this time, the person who was extremely nervous to explain turned out to be Li Nan.

The strange thing is that the day after Xie Roupin mentioned Meimei, Li Nan took the initiative to explain the reason to Xie Rouxi.Li Nan said that Meimei and he are just good friends now, and her family's financial conditions have always been very poor.When the two of them broke up, Meimei was starting a business in Xicheng and opened a pet hospital.

To this end, she spent all her savings and borrowed a large amount of money.Due to poor management at the beginning, Meimei's pet hospital was heavily in debt. In desperation, she found her ex-boyfriend Li Nan.She cried and begged Li Nan for help, asking her to take care of Li Nan's pet dog at home, which was also an advertisement for her pet hospital.Li Nan's idea at the time was very simple. After all, the two had been in love before and her current situation was so difficult, so she agreed without much thought.Later, the dog was well taken care of by Meimei, and her pet hospital business gradually expanded, and Li Nan and she became very good friends.

Moreover, Li Nan kept swearing that he didn't like Meimei much, otherwise he wouldn't continue to be good friends after breaking up.Meimei has a very gentle personality and is obedient and sensible without annoying him, so he occasionally eats, chats and goes shopping with her as a friend.

However, Li Nan didn't expect that such an ordinary little thing would be hyped up by some thoughtful people in the West City and become a reflection of the fact that Meimei is the main palace.Xie Rouxi believed what he said, because as the only son of the Li family, Li Nan had been well protected since he was a child, and he was still very kind and simple at heart.

It is precisely because of this that people who are good at utilizing and studying human nature will make a fuss about this characteristic of him.If Meimei is really gentle, obedient, and doesn't cause trouble, then how can outsiders detect her taking care of Li Nan's pet dog, occasionally eating and shopping with him, chatting in private, etc. so accurately?

Li Nan's personality is publicity, but he is not stupid, and he is not a person who actively sells his privacy to the media.Xie Rouxi guessed that Meimei was by no means a very simple woman, at least not as simple as Li Nan thought, so not interacting with such people was the best solution.

However, she underestimated Li Nan's feelings for her, and also ignored Meimei's ability to make trouble.

In the afternoon after the two people finished talking, although Xie Rouxi chose to believe Li Nan, Li Nan felt uneasy.Perhaps, people will be extra concerned and careful when faced with a truly heartfelt relationship. Li Nan, who has always been carefree and does not care about his girlfriend's feelings, actually raised his pet dog that he had kept in a beautiful place for seven or eight years that afternoon, without any hesitation. He was dragged away in a sloppy manner.

Moreover, for the first time, Li Nan made a childish official announcement in the circle of friends, and specifically stated: Apart from his relationship with Xie Rouxi, he has no other intimate relationship and only loves Xie Rouxi in this life.

Not surprisingly, Li Nan's childish and enthusiastic approach this time received strong support from the Li family, especially Li Yongyi, who had long been interested in Xie Rouxi as his daughter-in-law.Xie Kangnian's means and worth, as well as Xie Yuan's vast financial resources and connections, are far more important than the unreliable personal relationship between his children.

In the eyes of the two adults, the binding of interests of the two families is a principle that cannot be shaken by anything.

(End of this chapter)

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