Pictures of pomegranates

Chapter 82 Weird Alarm Chapter

Chapter 82 (Backup) Weird alarm call
Faced with Xie Rouxi's deceitful willfulness, Xie Kangnian's voice became cold at this time. He said in a very serious tone: "Xixi, don't make trouble, calm down, and stop fooling yourself and others! Grandpa's deadline is a fact, and no one can change it. facts, let’s not waste any more time discussing the truth or falsehood, okay?”


"Xixi, be good, calm down and listen to grandpa, okay? Let's"

"Change your life, grandpa! Didn't you say that you can trade your life if you have money? Even if the deadline is true, then if we have money we can trade our lives, grandpa, we can go find the best..." Xie Rouxi suddenly interrupted him nervously if.

Xie Kangnian smiled sadly and said: "Impossible. You know that grandpa has always done something and done nothing in his life. It is impossible for me to forcefully change my destiny! Moreover, I also believe in such an approach. , it will definitely not end well!"

"What should I do, grandpa? Why did the deadline come to me? What happened to you in Xiangdao? Why, why is your deadline coming in a week?" Xie Rouxi murmured to herself with tears in her eyes.

Her whole expression was completely panicked, and it was obvious that she couldn't listen to anything, and she was so lost.

Seeing Xie Rouxi at such a loss, Xie Kangnian felt very uncomfortable. He touched her head and said: "Xixi, look at grandpa, look at me, yes, stop crying, listen to me first! Grandpa! Can I tell you a story?”

"I'm not in the mood to listen to stories, I, I just want to..." Xie Rouxi said weakly.

"Xixi, this story is related to the deadline. You must listen to it and remember it well, okay?"

"Well, grandpa, I'll listen and remember it carefully!"

"Xixi, do you still remember the legend of Xiang Dao Gongshan's barrier? That's the story that grandpa wants to tell!"

Xie Rouxi thought about it doubtfully and said: "There seems to be a legend in Gongshan on Xiangdao, saying that there is a place where people disappear inexplicably!"

"Well, the story that grandpa wants to tell starts from Gongshan in Xiangdao!"

Xie Kangnian said that the incident in Gongshan began on September 2005, 9. Around 11:13 that day, the police center in Xiangdao suddenly received a call for help.The caller was a Hong Kong anti-gangster police officer named Wang Liwen. He was hiking on Gongshan when he suddenly lost his way.

The call lasted about 7 minutes. Although the operator tried hard to communicate with the caller during the call, Wang Liwen only vaguely reported "Gongshan 5999086x" and "Gongshan 499087040x". "489907020", "58788912", "778991024" and "[-]" are several groups of numbers that are suspected to be gauge posts, but they can never clearly explain their true specific location.

And at the end of the call, the sound of Wang Liwen's rapid breathing came from the phone, as if he was being chased by someone. There were even several frightened "help" sounds later.The call was hung up without warning in such a strange atmosphere.The next moment, Xiangdao's alarm center immediately became nervous. They were worried about Wang Liwen's safety and felt that there was a big problem here.As a result, the Hong Kong police repeatedly listened and compared the phone recordings, and barely verified the number 489907020 and another number 58788912.This seemed to be two sets of distance poles on Gongshan. The police immediately called in professionals and information for detailed verification.

But the result surprised everyone. According to the data on the distance posts placed in the Gongshan area, those two sets of numbers did not belong to Gongshan.In other words, there are no such number of gauge posts on Gongshan in Hong Kong.

The so-called Hong Kong Island Marking Post is that the Hong Kong Island Government, in accordance with the management regulations of the "Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department", erects a marker every 500m apart to facilitate mountain climbing in places that mainly involve long-distance hiking trails, picnic trails, etc. It is a pillar for travelers or walkers to know their location during the journey and to prevent people from getting lost.

On each such pillar, in addition to being engraved with the name of the hiking or picnic trail, it also contains some English letters and numerical coordinates.Moreover, these different English letters and numerical coordinates have their own special meanings.Whenever climbers or walkers encounter an emergency, people can use the nearest distance pole to indicate their location, making it easier for the police to launch search and rescue operations.

At first, what worried the Hong Kong police the most was that Wang Liwen was a police officer of the Hong Kong Anti-Gangster Group, and he was equipped with a gun specially designed for the police station.If the gun he carries is lost, it will cause huge hidden dangers and uneasiness to social security and the stable life of residents. This is definitely not a trivial matter.

Therefore, the Hong Kong Police took this call very seriously and immediately launched a comprehensive investigation.Fortunately, after an inspection by the police, they found that Wang Liwen had handed over his gun to the police gun room for safekeeping before the weekend break. This gave the police a slight sigh of relief.

However, the climber's unexplained disappearance and strange phone calls are tugging at the heartstrings of many people.In order to find the person who called the police faster, the police called Wang Liwen's family and quickly launched relevant investigations.

The police learned from his family that Wang Liwen was a senior mountaineering enthusiast. He had climbed 16 mountains alone in the past few years and had been to Gongshan three times.The family also provided some photos of his mountaineering. From these photos, the police found that Wang Liwen had rich mountaineering experience and complete mountaineering equipment.

Therefore, he must have been familiar with the road when he climbed Gongshan this time. He should not have gotten lost or couldn't find the distance post, nor should he have been unclear about his location when calling the police.Moreover, when the police first launched an investigation into his family, their first reaction was that they did not believe that he went to Gongshan to climb alone and disappeared, thus making a panic and helpless call for help.

His family said that although Wang Liwen sometimes went mountain climbing with the team, he went alone on most mountain climbing activities.Moreover, every time he climbs a mountain, he always abides by the principle of retracing his steps. He will never put himself in danger, and he will always go home to drink his mother's soup before five o'clock every night.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to disappear and not be able to tell where he is.However, after his family listened to the recording of his distress call, they determined that the caller was Wang Liwen.

As the investigation deepened, the police learned that Wang Liwen had just turned 45 when he called the police. He was in good health and got along well with his colleagues and friends.He is not married yet, has a good income, is in good financial condition, has no bad habits, and has no need to commit suicide or avoid debt.

At the same time, based on the background of these investigations, the Hong Kong police also conducted a professional and in-depth research and analysis on the mountaineering photos that Wang Liwen had taken.

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(End of this chapter)

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