Pictures of pomegranates

Chapter 86 Horrible Pool

Chapter 86 Horrible Pool

I was a little panicked at that time. I didn't understand why I fainted suddenly. My whole body was also shrouded in an indescribable fear, so I was very panicked to find the way to get up.But after walking around for a while, I still couldn't find the mountain road I came from, and my body once again felt extremely exhausted.

As the sun gradually set, my eyelids began to fight. In order to prevent myself from getting injured after fainting again for no apparent reason, I climbed up the nearest big tree.I decided to stay in the tree for one night and wait until daybreak to recover my strength before trying to find a way down the mountain.

That night, I almost fell into an unspeakable lethargy again, completely unaware of what was happening around me.The next day, June 2016, 6, I suddenly woke up.

At this time, I realized that it was just dawn and there was terrible silence all around.

I thought of the incredible experience last night, and my body and mind were once again dominated by fear. I quickly got up as soon as it was dawn and started running desperately to find a way.However, the surrounding scenery was exactly the same. They were all lush and unknown trees. The lush leaves blocked the light. The whole person was in a gloomy atmosphere, which made him feel dizzy after a while. stand up.

My feet became heavier and heavier, and just when I was about to collapse, I suddenly discovered a lively pool not far away.The reason why it is said to be lively is because this pool is very strange. The various stones in the pool seem to be making various sounds, which sounds very noisy.

A person has been running wildly in the terrible silence for a long time. Suddenly he hears this lively sound, and his heart suddenly feels at ease.So I didn't think too much at the time. Instead, I rushed to the waterhole desperately and sat down on the bank beside the pool.

It was at this time that I discovered that the sounds in the pool were very strange. These sounds included not only the sound of the TV, shouting sounds, but also the sounds of some strange animals and unknown language sounds.These strange sounds came together, as if they formed an alternative downtown. The only strange thing was that I was in the downtown but couldn't see any scenes in the downtown.

I didn't know whether it was because I was scared or if I felt at ease. Anyway, I just sat by the Tan and listened to those very noisy sounds.After a while, I felt as if my soul was out of body. All my consciousness and senses were in a trance, and I became extremely confused.

I don’t know how long it took for me to remain in this state before I consciously raised my head and looked away. At this time, I suddenly saw a familiar figure appearing under a big tree not far away.And that familiar figure is a mountaineering friend of mine. We have known each other for more than ten years and often climb mountains together.

At that time, my first reaction was that he had also come to Gongshan to climb the mountain, so I was overjoyed and shouted his name and hurried after him.At this moment, an incredible scene happened. Who knew that as soon as I ran away, the figure of my friend also started running away.

Even though I yelled very loudly behind the figure, the figure of my friend kept running in front of me as if it couldn't hear my shouting.We ran one behind the other for a long time. Every time I was about to catch up with my friend, he started to speed up and widened the distance again.

Gradually, the distance became wider and wider as I ran out of energy. Just when I desperately wanted to give up, the figure suddenly appeared under the big tree not far away.At that time, a ray of sunshine happened to shine on the big tree, so I could see very clearly, and hope rose in my heart again.

This hope prompted me to rush towards my friend again, but at that moment, my eyes unconsciously glanced at that friend one more time.It was this glance that made me suddenly wake up. The voice and shadow of my friend had no shadow in the sunlight.Yes, that thing has no shadow, but everything should have a shadow in the sun, unless it is not anything real.Fear, extreme fear and panic filled my heart. In an instant, I felt that my legs were weak and I almost fell to my knees.

What I saw in front of me made me shudder. It was my strong desire to survive that saved me. My body once again burst out with incredible power. This power prompted me to immediately change the direction of my running.I ran frantically towards the other side of my friend's voice and shadow. There was only one thought left in my mind at that time, and that was to escape for my life.

Just like that, I didn't know how long I ran, and I didn't know where I ran. It wasn't until I collapsed on the ground from exhaustion that I found myself back at the pool again.And that scary friend had disappeared out of thin air. After running around all day in vain, I collapsed on the spot and fell asleep with the disappointment of being exhausted both physically and mentally.

Fortunately, I was safe and sound that night, and when I woke up again, it was daylight again.

This time, I still didn’t want to stay where I was, passively waiting for rescue, because I was afraid of seeing that scary friend again.So, I decided to leave the pool and find a way down the mountain while it was dawn.Unexpectedly, after leaving the pond that day, I found a new road smoothly.

At first, I was very happy, thinking that I had finally left that horrible place.Unexpectedly, the new road was not much better than the strange pool. The new road felt more and more desolate as we walked, and even the trees on both sides of the road became more and more sparse and yellow.

Later, the trees on both sides of the new road disappeared completely, and a large patch of grass appeared that looked half dead.At the end of the grass was a hill that was not too high. I thought that there might be villages or people there if I climbed over the hill, so I continued to climb over the hill.

Unexpectedly, the other side of the mountain was so terrifying. There was an endless cemetery on the other side.

At this time, the silence around me was terrifying. I suddenly remembered that this original ecological scenic spot on the Saigon Peninsula has not been developed for nearly 200 years. How could there be such a large cemetery?In an instant, I felt that all the hairs on my body stood up, my back felt cold and my limbs became stiff.

I swallowed and tried to calm myself down, but then I realized that there was no living thing around.Yes, there are no birds, insects or any living creatures, only gloomy tombstones one after another.Looking at the names and photos of the deceased on the tombstones, cold air penetrated my whole body, and I almost rolled out of there.

Maybe I encountered the legendary ghost hitting the wall. After wandering around like a headless fly, I returned to the waterhole again.As the sky got darker and darker, I had no choice but to stay by the pool again, climbed up a big tree again and spent the night shivering.

(End of this chapter)

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