Shadow Apostle.

Chapter 44 The Man in Black

Chapter 44 The Man in Black

It was actually just a matchlock gun that was common 200 years ago.

It still belonged to an era when the steam revolution had not yet begun and the projectiles could only be propelled by the power of pure gunpowder.

Not to mention the awakened ones, even ordinary people may not be able to cause great harm.

It would be more appropriate to call it an antique.

The old woman held up the antique gun and said menacingly: "Horst Drom!"

The sound was a bit loud, and people in the kitchen and dining room were alarmed and saw the scene.

However, everyone seems to be used to it, and they are doing their own things.

"Three Luca 27 Mira, I'll take care of this month's rent, gas bill, and the water bill you stole for you." The old woman raised her gun, "How about you give it to me now? Hand over the money, or I'll blow your ass off. You've been dragging me for two days, now pay me right away."

"Pay it in, pay it now."

Horst immediately put on a smile, took out a handful of coins that he had prepared long ago from his other trouser pocket, and placed them respectfully in the old woman's hand.

"Mrs. Jennifer, you should trust me. I am a standard Nordic gentleman. How can I be in arrears with my rent?"

"You are the most cunning." The old woman raised her gun: "Stop talking nonsense, don't think I can't see it, this is 25 Mira, hand over the other two Mira, or I will treat you to a lead shot. "

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, fall, fall, fall."

Horst curled his lips regretfully, and then said with a smile: "Dear Mrs. Jennifer, look, I have paid the rent, can you put down the gun? This thing is worth more than me, I'm afraid it will hit me I can't afford to pay for it if it's damaged. Put down the gun first, I have something serious to do with you."

The old woman was also a little tired. She put the gun on the ground and Horst's eyes almost burst when she looked at him: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I haven't taken the newspaper in front of Mr. William's house next door for several days. Hasn't he come back these days?"

Mrs. Jennifer frowned and thought for a while: "I can't remember clearly, I don't think I saw him. But this is also common. What's wrong, you want to find him? If you have anything to do with him, I will tell you if I see him."

"I just want to ask him if he wants to change houses. I want to rent his larger suite so that it will be more convenient to use in the future."

"A bigger house...are you getting married?" The old lady looked at Horst suspiciously and waved, "Whatever, I saw him asking for you in the past two days. You should also do some serious work. Now, I don’t go to the factory every day, and I don’t go...what’s that called?”


"That's right, I don't want to go to the company, and I don't like it. Even if you go farming and fishing, it's fine. Huh? How did you know that I wanted to talk about the company."

"I've memorized it all. That's why I asked him to move to his room this time. Don't worry." Horst glanced at the door of room 102, feeling a little uneasy. "Mrs. Jennifer, can you help me?" I'll wait and see when he comes back. There have been wars in many countries outside recently, and I heard that many cultists are committing crimes in China, causing chaos everywhere. I hope nothing happens to him, he is a good person."

At least he doesn't mind me keeping the newspaper for him.

After warning the landlady, Horst walked out of No. 85 Vera Street with his cane and the newspaper.

Hurrying along several alleys, Horst bypassed several trash cans overturned by wild dogs, avoided the scalding steam that spewed out from time to time from a cracked steam pipe, and huddled in a roadside shack. After saying hello to the family of three, Horst quickly walked around to the busiest central square in the Princess District.

"Hi, Mrs. Serra."

Looking up at the big clock in the square, he saw that the 07:30 bus would still have to wait for a few minutes. Horst simply walked around to an old push cart stall in the corner of the square:
"The same old thing, two slices of bread, a glass of water with milk, no butter."

With that said, three Miras were lined up on the stall where Sera's bakery was hung.

"What are you talking about? We never add milk to our water. We get it directly from the Wendy River."

A head poked out of the stall. She was a chubby middle-aged woman wearing a white apron over her coarse clothes. She looked like a chef.

"It's Horst. The price has increased. It costs four Mila and five with butter."

"Huh? Why has the price increased again?" Horst's mouth twitched, "Didn't wheat say that it would not be affected by the war between the Zapat Federation and the Human Empire? It is said that the powerful Kingdom of Norland has achieved wheat production 15 years ago. of self-sufficiency.”

"It has nothing to do with the war. His Majesty the Great King asked the lords and nobles to concentrate the land at a low price and let the farmers go into factories to burn coal and forge iron. Of course the farmers were unwilling. It is said that the opposition was so fierce that even food was lost. He said that he dared to buy land at a low price, so he asked the gentlemen in the city to buy grain at a high price, or they would starve to death holding gold coins. So starting from the day before yesterday, the price was raised to four meters. In a few days, it will probably still be there. It’s going to go up.”

"Damn enclosure..." Horst shook his head and swallowed back the second half of his sentence, "Then we have to eat it too, just four, here." Mrs. Sera rolled it up with oil paper familiarly. He picked up a cone bucket, scooped out a full glass of milk, cut two thick slices of white bread, and stuffed it into the bag for him.

"Thank you, give my regards to Marianne and say that I will wait for her for ten more years."

"Go away, I'll get you water from the well next time."

Putting the laughter and curses behind him, Horst carried the bag and milk and jogged along the square. After running for a short time, he stopped behind a row of people on the roadside.

Just as he stood still, there was a sound of bells behind him.

When I turned around, I saw a large carriage with four cars parked on the street.

The Mingyue City bus has arrived.

The cabin is at least twice as long, with two rows of seats facing each other, which looks quite spacious.

"Gray Steel District, Goat Street in Gray Steel District."

Horst boarded the carriage with several people. There was no peculiar smell inside because the carriage was leaking air from all directions.

"It's only two stops away, two Mila." The coachman chewed a purple sand fruit, a fruit similar to betel nut. "Everyone else, please stay back. Don't block the door."

Before the scolding stopped, the carriage had already rushed forward. The giant carriage did not feel too violent bumps, but there were 30 people sitting in it, which filled the carriage to the brim.

Finally caught up.

This is the most common means of transportation in Mingyue City during the day, buses and carriages, the first choice for ordinary people to travel.Buses and carriages have fixed times and fixed routes. If you miss this one, you may have to wait for more than an hour.

Horst let out a long breath, leaned on his seat with the milk in hand, and opened today's copy of the Mingyue City Investigator.

There was no cafe incident.

At that time, several people died in another dimension, but Horst looked through the entire newspaper and did not mention a word about the cafe tragedy.

On the contrary, it was the case of the Berndt family that made the headlines. Apart from the bravery and wisdom of the police and the innocence and loss of the Berndt family, the rest of the original content was the hatred of those crazy cultists, which made Horst happy. Believed it to be true.

The media is the same everywhere.

Sighing in his heart, he turned the newspaper to the last page. Just when he saw the tongue of fire on Goat Street, Horst happened to see a piece of news on the last page.

"Tramps die suddenly on the street one after another, and it turns out to be the real culprit"

Mingyue City has a population of 60, and there are also many homeless people. It is so normal for a few to die on a daily basis, and it is not worth mentioning in the newspapers.

There must be something special about it.

However, before he could take a closer look, the carriage shook and stopped.

The Tongues of Fire have arrived.

Horst shook his head, picked up the newspaper and jumped out of the public carriage.

As soon as he got out of the car, Horst frowned.

It's not yet eight o'clock in the morning, and there are still ten minutes left before Flame Tongue's eight o'clock proofing time. There should be no customers at this time.

However, at this time, there were five or six strong men in black, wrapped in black cloaks and holding their hats extremely low, standing on both sides of the bar door.

As soon as Horst approached, the sinister gazes of a group of people turned to him at the same time.

 After hesitating for a long time, I posted this chapter.I feel that a few chapters like this are needed to increase the sense of immersion, so that everyone can understand more and more about this world and become more and more integrated into this world.But this does slow down the pace a bit.Let us know what you think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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