Shadow Apostle.

Chapter 84 Showdown

Chapter 84 Showdown

The just bishop in black robes looked at the ceiling above his head.

Until then, Horst also heard a rustling sound above his head.

There was definitely something scratching at the ceiling above.

I thought of those priests who were chasing cats on the way in. Was it really the bishop's cat that ran in?

A dull cat meow sounded from the ceiling.

The yellow-robed Sun Bishop on the side moved his arm, but the Justice Bishop raised his hand and stopped his plan.

With a "pop" sound, the wooden ceiling was finally scratched open.

A green eye lit up from the darkness behind.

Then there was a shrill meow, and a huge black shadow swooped down from the roof like lightning, heading straight in the direction of the three bishops.

Horst's heart tightened.

The speed of the black shadow is so fast that even his level 1 dynamic vision cannot keep up.

But it can be seen that the thing is at least three times larger than the cat.

Not quite cat-like.

But he was in no hurry.

There are only more than 40 awakened people on the bright side of Mingyue City.

There are now six gathered in this room.

Moreover, it is said that K and the three bishops are all in rank 2, which is a qualitative leap compared to rank 1.

Even the weakest one, Monica, could push herself to the ground and hit her with one hand.

In addition, there are still a few low-level awakened people in the church outside.

Then there is nothing to worry about.

But he knew right away that he was wrong.

The black shadow threw himself directly to the ground.

It was really a cat, a big fat orange cat.

The fat cat hit the ground hard, then jumped lightly onto the table nearby, lazily glanced around the eight people in the room, raised its hind legs as if nothing had happened, and started licking.

A false alarm?
However, there was no sense of relief in the conference room.

Especially the awakened ones.

The eyes of all the awakened ones were still staring cautiously upward.

Because there is an invisible pressure faintly revealed in the seven or eight-meter-high roof, and it is becoming more and more obvious.

"Praise the sun."

The golden-robed Sun Bishop shook his sleeves and pointed his skinny fingers to the location on the roof where the pressure was coming from.

"In the name of light, in the name of holiness."

Following his movement, a rising sun suddenly lit up.

Not a flame, no temperature.

Just pure light, dispelling the gloom and illuminating everything.

Suddenly exploded in the ceiling.

The light carries a huge majesty, and every ray of light seems to contain energy that can destroy everything.

Under the universal light, all evil has no escape.

So, when the light came on, a huge mass of darkness was forced out of the ceiling and fell from the sky in front of everyone.

A huge black shadow, like a puddle of extremely thick slime, slid down from the ceiling.

It was a sticky darkness like asphalt, like a lump of rotten meat that could not be fixed in form, constantly flowing, squirming, and constantly changing its shape.Its surface shimmered faintly, and tens of thousands of glowing green eyes continuously cycled the process of decomposition and formation on its surface. Countless fleshy tentacles stretched out from its surface, squirming and waving in the air. Every time it moved, the tentacles made a creepy cold sound.


As soon as the thing in the dark appeared, the three ordinary people present, Princess Sophia, Marquis Venn, and Mayor Carl Scott, immediately showed expressions of extreme shock. Mayor Carl even stood up suddenly and took a few steps back. The chairs were overturned.

But that was all. The three quickly regained their composure, at least they did not panic and try to escape in front of the monster.

"Shoggoth? How could such a thing appear in my temple?"

The moment they saw the monster, everyone's expressions turned gloomy.

This thing has been wandering in the depths of the fantasy world, and it is very troublesome to deal with. Even ordinary low-level awakened people will find it difficult to survive.

But Horst was the only one with a very strange expression on his face. He looked at the mysterious alien up and down, quietly took a few steps back, and slipped into the shadows silently.

Bang, the mysterious alien that suddenly appeared hit the ground, and the tentacles on its body violently swung around.

Several decorative stone pillars in the room were broken by the slightest touch of the tentacles. For a moment, gravel flew into the conference room like flying bullets.

The other tentacles were completely unimpeded and swept across the entire room easily. The long tentacles carried huge power and enveloped everyone in the room.

"Characteristics, protection."

Bishop Justice had a thick book in his hand at some point. He was holding the book towards the princess and the three ordinary people, and gently opened a page.

Several tentacles swept fiercely in the direction of the three ordinary people. However, just as they approached the area around the three people, the tentacles seemed to disappear out of thin air, and then reappeared from the other end, unable to even get close to the three people.

"I don't like this kind of alien that regenerates repeatedly." Protecting ordinary people, the just bishop frowned and said, "Come on, solve it quickly. I want to find out what's going on and why this thing appears in the church. Come."

Bishop Sun nodded. He didn't make any big move, he just tapped the floor with the wooden stick in his hand. "Characteristic, fiery."

A blazing beam of light shot out from the dazzling ball of light in the ceiling.

It shines directly on the mysterious alien body.

However, the moment it was shrouded in a scorching beam of light, the huge monster suddenly disappeared without warning.

At the same time, a pungent burnt smell came from the light beam.

The three bishops were stunned, looked at each other, and shook their wooden staffs to disperse the dazzling beam of light.

Only then did I see that there was another huge monster somewhere.

There was only one fat mouse, its whole body had been roasted like charcoal, and it gave off bursts of burnt smell.

"Illusion control?" Bishop Justice glanced at Mrs. K subconsciously, but his expression immediately changed, "No, this is Cat's Confusion, damn, it's Bastet's cult."

The moment they reacted, the gazes of several bishops had turned to the fat cat that jumped on the table in the first place.

At this time, the fat cat had rolled onto the table in front of the three ordinary people when no one was paying attention.

A weird human-like smile was showing at the corner of her mouth, and then she opened her mouth wide, revealing two pointed teeth, and rushed towards Princess Sophia.

The just bishop quickly raised his hand, but it was too late.

As soon as he raised his hand halfway, Fat Cat had already pounced on Princess Sophia.

Just bite it on the arm.

But at the moment when she was about to bite, a stick suddenly grazed Sophia's arm and was swung towards her.

A stick came right in front of him, hitting Fat Cat hard on the face.

With a miserable meow, the fat cat's entire head was smashed out of shape, and his body was thrown away like a cannonball. He hit the wall hard and slid down slowly, leaving a trail of blood on the wall.

Next to Princess Sofia, Horst was standing there in a golf swing posture, and the murder weapon in his hand was his heavy cane.

In fact Horst realized something was wrong from the beginning.

Because what everyone sees is a strange and mysterious alien.

But what he saw in his eyes was a fat dead rat.

There are also several teeth marks on the neck, obviously from cat bites.

Looking at the performance of the others, he immediately understood that they must have seen something like an illusion. Without any time to say anything, he immediately hid in the shadows and quietly lurked next to Sophia.

Among the people present, Her Royal Highness the Princess was the most attractive.

Sure enough, the fat cat pounced and turned into a flying golf ball.

But Horst glanced at Her Royal Highness in surprise.

He found that Her Royal Highness the Princess had no reaction during the whole process.

Like a dummy.

what happened?Isn't this right?
The next moment, the princess in front of her suddenly shattered like a smashed mirror, and then turned into a group of crystal light spots in the air.

Not only Sofia, but also Marquis Wien and Mayor Karl also turned into spots of light all over the sky.

Also disappearing at the same time was Monica's figure.

Then a secret door on the wall flipped over, and Monica walked out of it with three people behind her.

Horst was in a daze for a while, but he quickly remembered that when he first met Mrs. K at the Watcher's headquarters a few days ago, it was in the small room that was supposed to lead to the underground secret passage.

What he saw at that time was a garden and a pond. K was not in a wheelchair, but was sitting casually on the edge of the pond.

He always thought what he saw was strange, but now he finally understood.

K's characteristic is probably the illusion control mentioned by the just bishop just now. Presumably when they saw the dead mouse just now, Mrs. K had already used the cover of illusion to send the three ordinary people to a safe place, and at the same time The illusion of the three men remained to confuse the enemy.

Illusion versus illusion, no one seems to have taken advantage in the end.

The problem is that he didn't call me. This old fox's heart is indeed dark.

"Mr. Horst Drom, you don't have to look at me like that. You hid faster than I could react. I couldn't find you at all."

Well, that seems to be correct.

Horst smiled dryly and looked away.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Zhuomu. I have remembered your thoughts." Her Royal Highness the Princess nodded to Horst, then looked at the three bishops, "What is that?"

"Cat's temptation is different from K's illusion control. The effect is directly targeted at the consciousness rather than acting on the environment. It has very distinctive characteristics. With this technique, one must be a believer of Bast, the dominating cat god. Strange, could it be that Bast Are the followers of Te mixed with the fanatic believers of Tsathogya? Ordinarily cats and mice are mortal enemies."

The just bishop murmured in a low voice for a while before explaining:

"Its followers can infiltrate their consciousness into the cat's body and control the cat's body movements. It seems that Ivo is possessed by its followers in this way. By sneaking in this way, they may already know that there have been changes on our side and want to Peep at our actions. Although Mr. Zhuomu killed his body, it should have no impact on his body."

"Well." The voice under the hood was not too surprised and said calmly, "It seems that the news has been overheard by them, so before they take any targeted actions... Mr. Zhuom, please try to move as quickly as possible. , even if the whole truth cannot be found out at the moment, at least the purpose of the frequent sacrifices made by Tsathogya’s followers must be found out as soon as possible.”

"I'm worried about the changes in the actions of those Wormis after eavesdropping. If you need any assistance, you can always ask K. I hope you can make progress as soon as possible before the B-235 is reorganized. Don't worry, as long as There is indeed progress, and I believe that the municipal department of Mingyue City will not be stingy with wealth, right, Sir Scott?"

Mayor Carl Scott smiled awkwardly and nodded vigorously.

"Horst." Monica walked up to Horst with an unhappy expression and whispered, "After seeing your actions in the past two days, I have made a decision."


"You need a period of rigorous physical training, time permitting." A dangerous smile appeared on Monica's lips, "I will give you special training myself."

"Wait, I use a gun. I think this matter must be discussed carefully. I really use a gun. Just wait."

(End of this chapter)

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