Shadow Apostle.

Chapter 91 Twilight Zone

Chapter 91 Twilight Zone

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, a gas pipeline exploded in Iris District, a building collapsed, two people died, and seven people are missing. Experts praised the government departments for caring about the safety of the people and responding quickly."

"Cigar, cigars shipped by air from Newland Continent, 10 luka per box."

"Take a look, the best lion's mane deer incense in the Shuslena Dominion in Newland Continent. You can't even find it in the store for 1 grams or [-] grams. Here it only sells for [-] luka a piece. If you come late, it will be gone. .”

"Healthy water, secretly prepared by Newland's secret medicine master, two Lucca in one bottle, it can cure all diseases."

"Sir, madam, the Rangers Guild is at your service."

The Twilight Avenue of Starry Square in the Twilight Zone is as noisy as ever.


But the gas street lamps on Dusk Avenue were still brightly lit.

There are gorgeous and exquisite masonry buildings on both sides. Every building along the street has bright and transparent display windows as the exterior walls. The gas lamps inside are brighter than the sun. All kinds of strange goods, especially various animals and plants. Portions, large and small filled the counter.

There are a large number of taxis parked on the side of the road. They are not as dusty as those in the Gray Steel District of the Princess District. These vehicles are wiped spotlessly one by one, and each one is as good as new.

From time to time, a group of gorgeously dressed passengers rushed out from Star Square, and they boarded the long-awaited taxi on the street as a matter of course.

"Dang, dang, dang," the lengthened bus was squeezed by several taxis and stopped directly in the middle of the road, eliciting a burst of curses from the driver behind it. The door opened, and Horst squeezed in among several workers in rough work clothes. After getting off the bus and carriage, he was wearing the cheapest formal suit, which made him not stand out at all among the workers.

Lowering his hat so that the brim of the hat covered his face, Horst looked around, quickly walked through the taxis on the roadside, and squeezed into the crowd of people on the street walk.

After receiving the message from Blackhand Kant, Horst hesitated for a while.

It is difficult to say whether Kant is an enemy or a friend, and this message is unclear, not even saying what he is here for.

According to Miss Burnt's advice, I definitely won't come.

This person is not even among the 43 awakened people disclosed in Mingyue City.

Even the identity is concealed, it is too dangerous to come to the appointment rashly.

But Horst finally decided to come to the appointment, and Miss Berndt took Minnie back to check first.

On the one hand, he has been getting along with him for more than a year, and he is willing to give a certain degree of trust to Swin White and Marvin's connections.

On the other hand, at least now the two sides still have a cooperative relationship, so it doesn't hurt to wait and see.

After temporarily confirming that there were no suspicious people around, Horst hurriedly walked across the street with his hat in hand. Just after taking two steps, it suddenly became dark.

From west to east.

The sky turned dark very quickly.

But there were only a few short screams in the street.

Whether it was merchants or pedestrians, there was almost no reaction.

At most, like Horst, he raised his head and looked at the suddenly darkened sky.

The sky was obscured.

A huge black shadow quickly enlarged as it approached, pressing down like a mountain.

It was a ship-shaped balloon that was larger than the large cruise ship in my hometown.

The balloon floats in the air, with a ship-shaped cockpit hanging below.

At the rear of the cabin, the steam engine roared with billowing smoke, and the huge propeller rotated rapidly, pushing the balloon slowly toward the Star Square.

The twilight zone where the airport is located is named for this reason. The airships that cover the sky are constantly coming and going, making the daytime feel like twilight.

Under the light of the street lights, Horst followed the crowd and turned left and right.

Soon he passed through a dark alley and turned into a long and narrow street.

According to the city map, follow this ancient street called Spencer's Choice all the way to the end where you will find the Wine Street in the message.

Horst has been to the Twilight Zone a few times, and Spencer's Choice is his first time.

This place is not at all as bustling and lively as the area around the airport.

It's extremely quiet in comparison.

Half-full trash cans were piled on the street, and sewage with a pungent sour smell flowed into the well mouth nearby.

A few gas street lamps flickered on and off, just like those in the Princess District.

In the dim light, several fat rats emerged from the trash can and quickly got back into the sewer.

There were not many people on the whole street. They were sitting or standing in small groups on the street, making the street deserted.

Facing the draft, Horst wrapped himself in his windbreaker and hurried forward along Spencer Street. He had just walked two-thirds of the way through the long street. As he took a step forward, his steps suddenly stopped.Although his steps immediately returned to normal, his expression and movements were also normal.

But his heart darkened.

Just now, when he passed a few people on the roadside, blood suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Then it returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

It was like walking into a special area, a bit like walking into the Berndt family's villa for the first time.

But there are still some differences. It seems to be an area with special mystery.

It was a strange feeling. Horst was sure that this was his first contact.

But it is certain that it must be related to mystery.

A naturally occurring mysterious phenomenon?

Because he found that after he walked past, several lines of sight came from behind.

It was the few people chatting on the roadside behind me.

It was them who were peeping at him from behind, and their strange sight made Horst feel a strong sense of hostility.

Is there an ambush?
No, it's not like it's directed at me.

It was as if I had stepped into an ambush.

Horst's heart moved and he wanted to turn around and exit.

However, before taking action, he saw from the corner of his eye that several people behind him had already reached into their arms.

Several people were wearing casual clothes and formal clothes, and one was wearing rags of homeless people.

But they are all strong and powerful men.

Not in good faith.

And it can’t be solved by leaving now.

Horst took a deep breath and moved forward instead of retreating. As if he knew nothing, he kept moving forward at the original speed.

Sure enough, the people behind him surrounded him from both sides and blocked the street.

The passers-by who were doing their own thing in front also turned to Horst and put their hands into his arms.

Horst's face also darkened, and he felt angry.

Who dares to be so arrogant in the streets of the city in broad daylight?

Horst simply stopped pretending and stopped, just in the shadow of the street lamp.

His hand also touched Serena in her pocket.

However, at this moment, a black figure suddenly jumped out of a window on the street.

He rushed towards Horst like lightning.

He kicked Horst on the calf, then grabbed his clothes and dragged him into the shadow of the roadside.

"Hey, damn it, Monica, why are you? And you are crazy, kicking so hard."

"You're the one who's crazy." Monica grabbed him by the collar and leaned in front of him, shouting face to face, "What are you doing breaking into our control location?"

"Huh? How do I know you are here? They are not wearing uniforms."

"We have laid out the runes that will change your mind. Didn't you notice the mysterious area when you came in?"

As she was speaking, she suddenly covered her mouth with a look of astonishment on her face:
"By the way, you just woke up and you don't know yet... Damn it, remember in the future. If you encounter the same feeling just now, if you don't make up your mind to start a war with the people inside, don't run inside. What are you doing here?"

Being taken advantage of?Does the other party want him to restrain the police on this street?What do they want to do?
Horst turned his eyes and stopped on the sewer next to the trash can.

Pulling Monica's hand, she rushed towards the sewer.

Monica's eyes lit up, and she followed him without thinking, and also directed other strong men to surround him from all sides of the sewer.

As soon as the encirclement was formed, the sewer manhole cover suddenly rose into the sky.

A cloud of steam gushes out, and at the same time several figures emerge from the steam.

"Stop." Before the white mist dispersed, Monica's sword was already pointed at the figure in the steam. "The watchers are handling the case and conducting surveillance to arrest the cultists who have sneaked into the Church of Justice. All outsiders are not allowed to move without permission."

(End of this chapter)

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