My different world is game mode.

Chapter 568 Hunter's Mission

Chapter 568 Hunter's Mission

After confirming the business territory, Lindsay rarely left the banyan forest.

This time, he went out again.

Lindsay followed the hunters into the wild and conducted a carpet search wherever wild boars were found.

After a week, the nearby valley was thoroughly plowed.

When Lindsay returned with the hunters, they caught five wild boars in the wilderness.

Five wild boars, looks like a good number.

But considering the population base of the entire camp, it can be easily eaten up.

But with Lindsay's skills, this is enough to be the beginning of everything.

The construction of the Livestock Stall only requires stone and wood.

After returning with the wild boar, Lindsay directly cleared a space in the banyan tree forest and built three [livestock pens].

Under the influence of the rules of the [Strategy Game] module.

The ferocity of these wild boars was greatly reduced and they were quickly domesticated within a week. Their growth and reproduction rates were also more favorable than those of ordinary domestic pigs.

"Master Lindsay, all the breeders have received experience and training, and have furthered their abilities at the university. Everything is ready."

"According to your requirements - within three months, the meat in the territory will have a stable output and the total amount will continue to grow..."

It's another early morning.

Hammer often came to report to Lindsay.

Lindsay listened calmly, then asked:
"Hammer, how are the messengers I asked you to communicate with the insect tribe doing last time?"

Speaking of this, Hammer's expression was mixed:

"The people have already been selected, and they are all good at speaking."

"But I took them to college for classes - because there was no skill training, so Miss Hildreth was left to her own devices."

"These past two days...the situation is not optimistic."

Lindsay thought about it and realized that was indeed the case.

This guy, Hilde, has absolutely no problem with cultural knowledge, and he is also very knowledgeable when it comes to the secrets of the awakened.

But let this guy teach people how to communicate.


Even if she really trained the person, Lindsay probably wouldn't dare to use him.

As for solving it from a skills perspective...

Lindsay opened the attribute panel.

Building a [Trade Center] or researching [Cultural Exchange] technology at a university are both projects that can solve the problem.

"We drained the savings of Hildesh to get the funds to research the mint."

"At times like this, people can only rely on themselves."

Hearing Lindsay's sentiments, Hammer gained confidence:
"Lord Lindsay, if people's diplomatic skills have not been enhanced, then please trust us!"

"Communication is a talent that humans are born with, and the people I have chosen are the smartest and most alert. You can definitely complete the tasks you have ordered with your own abilities!"


Lindsay was stunned.

During his adventures, he developed a very flexible way of dealing with things.

But when managing the camp, he still instinctively focused his thoughts on the skills of the [gamers].

When Hammer spoke at this moment, he was a little speechless.

When the people of Banyan Forest usually interact with him, out of respect, they don't show any special characteristics.

But in essence, it is an individual with distinct characteristics and different abilities.

In any case, we should never underestimate these living people.

Lindsay smiled and replied:

"In that case, I'll leave this matter to you."

Hammer replied very solemnly:
"do not worry!"

"Such a precious home is worth everyone's efforts!"

After completing the report, Hammer turned and left.

Lindsay took out his own blueprint. Based on the application from the people some time ago, he has now begun to plan the construction of a three-dimensional town.

"As for safety, first of all, we need to replace the ladder with a suspended ladder and build it on the branches of the banyan tree. But when building a bridge in the air, we also need to consider guardrails and stability. Moreover, safety is not everything in construction..."

Lindsay leaned out and looked toward the woods outside the house.

The banyan tree grows to an extremely large size, and the sunlight that shines through its branches and leaves onto the ground can also provide suitable lighting for the territory.

But if you build other buildings higher up, the situation will be completely different.

"Banyan trees will grow, and their shade will block out the sunlight. Once more buildings are built, the ground will soon be completely dark, so we need to consider daylighting during construction."

"Three floors. No, we only need to build two floors at most now."

"Once this three-dimensional structure is completed, it can be combined with the town's defense. If an enemy invades in the future, we can use the height difference to gain a strategic advantage."

“In this case, isn’t it time to train technicians to prune tree crowns?”

Lindsay thought as he put pen to paper.

A thought suddenly came into his mind - fire.

Improves soil and water, provides timber, and creates a beautiful environment.

Banyan Forest is good in every way.

But the only natural weakness of plants is that they cannot overcome fire.

If there is a conflict with other forces in the future, the other party will send people to attack with fire. It would be harder than climbing to the sky to save the town from this world full of trees!

"Fire prevention... How should we deal with fire prevention?"

"Set up a professional fire brigade? Or reserve some infinite water pools in the banyan tree forest in case of emergency?"


In the afternoon, the hunting team just returned from outside.

They brought back some prey and greeted many acquaintances in the town. The atmosphere was extremely cheerful.

A few months passed.

Both the awakened and ordinary people fell in love with this safe life, and people spontaneously united.

Even as hunters process their prey.

Children would gather around and watch the prey being slaughtered with curiosity, and the hunters would laugh and tease the children.

A peaceful scene.

As the leader of the hunter team, Dune came to Lindsay alone.

This third-stage hunter looked solemn:

"Master Lindsay, I'm sorry to disappoint you again!"

"We still haven't found any ore on this outing, and there have been no other discoveries of value."

Lindsay comforted her:

"It doesn't matter. This is meant to be a long-term job."

"Just take your time, don't be too anxious about this kind of thing."

Dune lowered his head in shame.

Lindsay's tolerance actually put more pressure on him at this time.

But that's what it is.

The banyan forest is thriving, but the wasteland outside remains desolate.

Several months passed, and the hunters had explored all the nearby lands and had been adventuring outside during this time, but unfortunately they still could not find any new resource collection points.

Just as Sha Dun was blaming himself, Lindsay's voice rang out:

"Sha Dune, I have a very important mission that needs someone to perform."

"He needs to have excellent awakened skills, strong reconnaissance capabilities, and must adapt to the environment in the wasteland."

Dune heard the meaning behind Lindsay's words.

He immediately raised his head, the confidence of an awakened person returned to him, and his eyes became bright:

"Just give me your orders!"

Lindsay replied:
"I wish you could go south."

"Our goal this time is to get as close to the Green Swamp as possible. We want to find out about the disease and the whereabouts of the people who were captured from Camp Yalu."

(End of this chapter)

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